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Tủq gủosīa bẻo mỉu báq dủahūi da.
Only a fool never changes their mind.
[One] rotten sapodilla ruins [all] the others.
Once it becomes dark, all cats are leopards.
Náo bǔ shỉa pỉe súq hóa bi, shỏi nảofā súq máq ba.
Whatever water you don't need to drink, [shout and] swim in it!
I'm not sure about the "shout" part. Did I correctly hear "shỏi" or did you say something else?
Báq lủ tủa nỉe hóa sa chóibēq báq tảnō pa, jủoq gủosīa lẻmīu shô hẻaq bĩe hó sa rúa pỏ báq rỏdōq da.
Those who bury thorns in the ground should never expect to hold rose blossoms.
The “bĩe” sounds off to me, almost like “bíe”.
Out of curiosity, is this meant to mean “If you bury everything that has thorns, you will also bury roses inadvertently”
or “Thorns are not rosebush seeds”?
Lú hủogāi jí hóa:
<< Báq pỏq lủ rẻaq hóa gúaq lỉa sa púq ku néi pa shỏ shỉaq rào tî hóa sa púq bìu shóichīa da. >>
Lú chỉ pủ kủq jí súq hóa:
<< Báq pỏq lủ rẻaq hóa gúaq lìa sa púq kủnē pa, shỏ shỉaq rào tî hóa sa púq bỉushōaicīa da. >>
Lú chỉ pủ kủqshāo jí súq hóa:
<< Báq pỏq lủ rẻaq hóa gúaq lìa sa púq kủnē pa, shỏ [chỉaq] rào tî [go hó] sa púq bỉushōaicīa da. >>
The text describes a person I met who was very similar to one of my friends, named Saq. They are both light-skinned, both have
curly hair, and both speak in a relatively flat voice. I asked the person if he had a brother named Saq. He didn't but it
turned out his name was Saq too! (An amazing coincidence)
Bìe hủogāi:
“Báq lủ bủ chảqtīnūa rào níchāq pa, kảqchīnūa rào sia jéa da.”
Bìe sa púigīq tủe mỏi:
“Báq lủ bủ kảqchīnūa rào níchāq pa, kảqchīnūa rào sia jéa da.”
Bìe jôai jí mûi ja dó tóa:
“Báq lủ bủ (?) rào níchāq pa, (?) rào sia jía da.”
Bìe sa túe mỏi ru hủogāi ru jỏai jǎq hủaq pủi:
What I hear:
bủ shỏi súq hèqmūo go púchaq sa lú pảq hóa níchāq na dǔi dảqjāq ba
After analysis:
bủ shỏe súq hêqmūo go púchaq sa lú pảq hóa níchāq na dǔi dảqjāq ba
“Don't let too much of today be filled with yesterday.”
What I hear:
Báq lủ chỉe báq pỏq kóa chả sa gí pa, mu mỏaqhīai hó go sia da.
After reasoning about semantics:
Báq lủ chỉe báq pỏq hóa chà sa gí pa, mu mỏaqhīai hó (???) da.