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Amy Holt ameseee

  • Turing School of Software & Design
  • Denver, CO
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ameseee /
Last active June 15, 2017 19:54
Holt Career Development Pre-Work


18 Say "I Don't Know"

When I started exploring coding and the idea of going to school for it, I was definitely intimidated with how much information was out there and the fact that I knew about none of it. But everything I read and everyone I talk to tells me that "knowing" this or that little fact at any given moment isn't what matters. What matters is that I am a resourceful problem solver and I'm willing to ask for help.

15 Don't count the number of hours

I've learned a lot about myself and my working style over the years, and much of what I've learned likely applies to most people. I know when I work best, and when I tap out. I have learned to spend the 'work best' time for the real thinking rather than waste that time on the 'shallow work' referenced in this article. I've also done my fair share of mentally and physically exhausting myself and know that it simply isn't productive.

17 Pair program with people with more experience

ameseee /
Last active June 23, 2017 23:06
Turing Prework

Turing Pre-Work

Day 1:


  1. HTML code holds all the content of a website. It provides structure. It's like the skeleton of the website!
  2. An HTML tag is just an opening or closing entity such as </p>. An HTML element includes the opening and closing tags as well as any content <p>such as this</p>.
  3. Attributes provide additional information about an element and are necessary to link pages to an HTML document.
  4. The head element holds information about the HTML document that the browser needs - language, meta data for search engines, etc. This also holds links to CSS sheets. The title, within the head element is what appears on the tab of the browser when a user on on that site. It is not seen anywhere else on the website. The body element holds all content that appears on the website.
  5. To view the source of a website, right click and select 'Inspect' to pull up the Chrome Developer Tools, or press command-option-I.
  6. <h1></h1> is used to create the biggest header that is available. `
ameseee /
Last active July 13, 2017 20:51
Amy Holt - Linked List with Erik Invgalson

DTR Memo


Linked List

Group Member Names:

Amy Holt, Erik Ingvalson

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

We both want to learn and use jQuery for this project!

ameseee /
Created July 26, 2017 17:09
Commitments to making my apps accessible

For 2DoBox-Pivot I would like to...

  • Make sure all the current divs/fake buttons are focusable, and in the process learn more about the tabindex attribute.

Over intermission, I will ...

  • re-build at least two projects from this mod, making sure they are accessible.

DTR Memo



Group Member Names:

Nick Teets, Amy Holt, & John Michael Bourdreuax

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

  • Strengthen our use of jQuery.

DTR Memo



Group Member Names:

Amy, Erik, Sam

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

  • Erik: more practice of JS functionality, GitHub workflow
Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?

Discipline has served me well. Adjusting to student life has been more difficult than i anticipated; having the discipline to build good habits was essential to my first few weeks at Turing has contributed to the successes I’ve had.

I have always identified as a lifelong learner and highly valued learning, so wasn’t surprised to see it on my Strengths Report. Since I have come to Turing, learning has brought me so much more joy and energy than I anticipated. I think my understanding of what it means to be a learner has changed because of my experience here.

Write a story about your Turing experience so far: When have you struggled? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?

I feel so fortunate to be a student at Turing

Mod1 Gear Up Takeaways

Growth Mindset

Discussing mindset and how we handle challenges is always important. This was a big part of my previous career but I think it was helpful to consider how I would handle challenges and maintain a growth mindset as a student. Sharing with our partners was helpful because they ended up being the people who supported and pushed us to be our best throughout the mod.

Learn to Pair

Collaboration is an essential skill, and I appreciate that the time is taken to support us in developing the skills to ensure we create strong working relationships. I love that DTR is a 'thing' - that structure and expectation has pushed me to speak up about my needs and has resulted in great partnerships.

Working with Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts

It was great to have the space to strengthen relationships with classmates by learning more about them. I have taken the Myers-Briggs several times, but always get a lot out of a discussion with a new group. How people operate and

Cold Outreach I Deliverable:

  • Mentor

    • Jasmin Hudacsek
  • Date of contact

    • August 20, 2017
  • Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?)

Feedback III Reflection

  • What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator?

    • Both myself and my partners identified that I am focused, logical and perseverant. I work really hard to be a good listener; making sure to not overstep, but also to contirbute when I know I have something to offer.
  • How do you use your strengths as a team member?

    • My top 2 StrengthsFinder strengths are Learner and Discipline, and I think these help a lot. I can usually take lead on driving the direction of our workflow, making sure we set goals and timebox, and don't go down rabbit holes that are unproductive.
  • How would you like to continue to develop your strengths? - What would you like to improve on as a teammate?

  • Two of my StrengthsFinder strengths are Developer and Individualization and I feel like with the time crunch to complete projects, I have sometimes not taken the time to be as aware of how people around me are doing. This not only affects me as a teammate, but can be draining for me as