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Last active July 19, 2024 12:13
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Selenium Web Driver Set Chrome Options
//import the selenium web driver
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var chromeCapabilities =;
//setting chrome options to start the browser fully maximized
var chromeOptions = {
'args': ['--test-type', '--start-maximized']
chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', chromeOptions);
var driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(chromeCapabilities).build();
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I was looking for this for 4+ hours. No further documentation, article, blog post about how to pass args to chromeOptions or even how to define chromeOptions manually. Thanks for this Gist.

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Thank you for this

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you saved me a few hours of my life. Thank you ever so mach!

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raghuAtWings commented Apr 26, 2017

below is my code, it still doesn't open chrome in maximized view. Please help. I am new to this and have been trying to find a solution for hours.

const assert = require('assert');
promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER = false;

var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var chromeCapabilities =;
//setting chrome options to start the browser fully maximized
var chromeOptions = {
  'args': ['--test-type', '--start-maximized']
chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', chromeOptions);

describe('test application flow', function() {
  let driver;

  beforeEach(async function() {
    driver = new webdriver.Builder()

  afterEach(async function() {
    await driver.wait(() => {})

  it('create application', async function() {
    await driver.get('https://localhost:8000/#/login');


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moelheni commented Aug 2, 2017

Same problem as @raghuAtWings, any help?

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who can tell me how to set chromeOptions with proxy(socks)?

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Thanks for this! Saved me hours, worked like a charm.

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if anyone is interested, here's how I changed the download directory...

many thanks to @anandsunderraman for the init options setup!!!

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benfr1 commented Aug 9, 2018

Hello !

I resolved the issue using this bit of code :

var selenium = require('selenium-webdriver');

var capabilities =;


'args': ['--headless', '--no-sandbox', 'window-size=1024,768' , '--disable-gpu']


this.driver = new selenium.Builder().forBrowser("chrome").withCapabilities(capabilities).build();


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lazysergey commented Aug 12, 2018

here's my setup works like a charm

additional info here:

const { Builder, By, Key, until, Capabilities } = require('selenium-webdriver');
var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');

var chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
const { Options } = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');

__dirname = "/Users/username/projects/1/Resources/HTML"
connect().use(serveStatic(__dirname)).listen(8888, runSeleniumDriver);

function runSeleniumDriver(server) {
    console.log("running selenium");

    let driver = new Builder()
        // .forBrowser('safari')
        .setChromeOptions(new Options().setMobileEmulation({ deviceName: 'iPhone 5' }))

    try {
        driver.findElement(By.css('li:nth-child(2) span')).click();
        driver.findElement(By.css('li:nth-child(9) span')).click();
        driver.findElement(By.css('li:nth-child(5) span')).click();
        driver.wait(until.titleIs('Test'), 30000);
    } catch (err) {

    } finally {

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ybratun commented Mar 10, 2019

Thank you!

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EzequielCaballero commented Jun 12, 2019

Thanks for the tip!

If it helps and for those to come with the same issue/break, now the value name: chromeOptions is goo:chromeOptions (Selenium-webdriver v4 & Chrome driver v.75)

Here an example changing the default language of the Chrome browser and disabling the notification: Chrome is being controlled by automated test software. Also includes an extra option to define the custom profile to be used (in the browser).

const { Builder, Capabilities } = require("selenium-webdriver");

let userProfilePath = "C:/path_to_your_test_profile";
let chromeCapabilities =;

//Setting chrome options
chromeCapabilities.set("goog:chromeOptions", {
  args: [

driver = await new Builder()

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@EzequielCaballero thank you!

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@EzequielCaballero you just damn awesome, bro

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codingyourlife commented Aug 13, 2019

Took me. while to figure this ChromeOptions in javascript nodejs out.


  • You cannot say import { Options } from "selenium-webdriver/chrome"; - no idea why to be honest
  • Testing it with start-maximized is a bad idea. Didn't work for me. setMobileEmulation or my blink-settings argument work
  • It is really confusing because there are Capabilities, Options, DesiredCapabilities ChromeOptions etc. and you can load Options from capabilities and such strange things

Here my working example where I disable all images through command line argument (pretty obvious if it works):

import webdriver from "selenium-webdriver";
import chrome from "selenium-webdriver/chrome";

export const getNewChromeWrapperDriver = () => {
  // var chromeCapabilities =;

  const chromeOptions = new chrome.Options();

  var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
    // .withCapabilities(chromeCapabilities)

  const seleniumWrapper = {
    webdriver: webdriver,
    driver: driver,
    quit: async () => {
      await driver.quit();

  return seleniumWrapper;

As you can see chromeCapabilities are not needed in contrast to some solutions above.


import { getNewChromeWrapperDriver } from "./helper/seleniumWrapper.mjs";

const { driver, webdriver } = getNewChromeWrapperDriver()

I kept finding this gist so I thought I add my snippet here...

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jbdoster commented Sep 4, 2019

Thank you!!!

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Addition to my comment. I've now upgraded to node 12 since it is now LTS and ran into this issue:
ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND selenium-webdriver/chrome

Since import of selenium-webdriver/chrome does no longer work
import chrome from "selenium-webdriver/chrome"; //broken

Here is my workaround:

import require from "requirejs";
const chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome"); //works

This again took me quite a while to find out so I hope this helps!

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Is it possible to disable w3c using this config?

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dose anyone knows how to do the same with firefox. (open firefox with a specific profile path)

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qquach commented Oct 14, 2020

some good source:

The new syntax for nodejs (NOTE: the key value)
chromeCapabilities.set("goog:chromeOptions", options);

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ramrami commented Oct 17, 2020

Thank you

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Thanks @qquach

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You rock!

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For newer versions of Node with ES modules enabled (14+)

import chrome from 'selenium-webdriver/chrome.js';

let opts = new chrome.Options();
opts.excludeSwitches('enable-automation'); // disable 'Chrome is being controlled by automation' banner

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Sample code for 2024

import {Builder, Capabilities} from 'selenium-webdriver';

const caps =;
caps.set('goog:chromeOptions', {
    'args': ['--headless']

const driver =  new Builder()

(async () => {
    await driver.get('');
    // ...
    await driver.quit();

It was hard to find this gist, thanks!

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