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peterhurford / install_xelatex_on_mac.txt
Last active June 17, 2024 15:02
How to install latex and xelatex on Mac so that Jupyter "Download as PDF" will work
brew install pandoc
brew tap homebrew/cask
brew install --cask basictex
eval "$(/usr/libexec/path_helper)"
# Update $PATH to include `/usr/local/texlive/2022basic/bin/universal-darwin`
sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr install texliveonfly
sudo tlmgr install xelatex
sudo tlmgr install adjustbox
sudo tlmgr install tcolorbox
FradSer /
Last active June 20, 2024 14:14
Switch iTerm2 color preset automatic base on macOS dark mode.

The latest beta (3.5) includes separate color settings for light & dark mode. Toggling dark mode automatically switches colors.

Vist iTerm2 homepage or use brew install iterm2-beta to download the beta. Thanks @stefanwascoding.

  1. Add to ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts/AutoLaunch with:
ameenkhan07 /
Last active July 19, 2024 14:13
Facebook Production Engineering Interview

What to Expect and Tips

• 45-minute systems interview, focus on responding to real world problems with an unhealthy service, such as a web server or database. The interview will start off at a high level troubleshooting a likely scenario, dig deeper to find the cause and some possible solutions for it. The goal is to probe your knowledge of systems at scale and under load, so keep in mind the challenges of the Facebook environment.
• Focus on things such as tooling, memory management and unix process lifecycle.


More specifically, linux troubleshooting and debugging. Understanding things like memory, io, cpu, shell, memory etc. would be pretty helpful. Knowing how to actually write a unix shell would also be a good idea. What tools might you use to debug something? On another note, this interview will likely push your boundaries of what you know (and how to implement it).


Interview is all about taking an ambiguous question of how you might build a system and letting

kumlali /
Last active March 16, 2024 04:06
Setting up Debian repositories with JFrog Artifactory

Setting up Debian repositories with JFrog Artifactory

While I was searching for how I use Artifactory as Debian repository, I came across official Artifactory documentation: How do I cache artifacts from a remote Debian repository?. But, it did not work because there is no apt-add-repository command as documentation mentioned. I had to figure out the correct way by myself and following steps worked for me.


enricofoltran / main.go
Last active June 26, 2024 12:16
A simple golang web server with basic logging, tracing, health check, graceful shutdown and zero dependencies
package main
import (
arun-gupta / readme.adoc
Last active January 15, 2020 03:54
Using Amazon CNI with kops-created Kubernetes cluster

AWS CNI plugin is now merged with kops: kubernetes/kops#3997. This gist explains how to build kops, create a Kubernetes cluster using correct --networking option, and then test it.

Build kops

export GOPATH=`pwd`
mkdir src/; cd src/
git clone
cd kops
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=<some bucket you own>
gravitylow /
Last active April 16, 2024 02:18 — forked from hlissner/
Codesign gdb on macOS

If you are getting this in gdb on macOS while trying to run a program:

Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 57573: (os/kern) failure (0x5).
 (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))
  1. Open Keychain Access
  2. In menu, open Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a certificate
  3. Give it a name (e.g. gdbc)

kops cluster config

  authorizationMode: RBAC
  authorizationRbacSuperUser: admin
  oidcCAFile: /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt
  oidcClientID: example
  oidcGroupsClaim: groups
  oidcUsernameClaim: email
ryanmaclean /
Last active July 6, 2024 14:22
Mount EFS on Ubuntu Linux

EFS Mounting on Ubuntu


aws configure set preview.efs true
aws efs describe-file-systems --profile TEST --region us-east-2