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Christian Heilmann codepo8

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function convertfilename($filename) {
$filename = str_replace([ "?", "[", "]", "/", "\\", "=", "<", ">",
":", ";", ",", "'", '"', "&", "$", "#",
"*", "(", ")", "|", "~" ], "", $filename);
$filename = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", "-", $filename);
$filename = trim($filename, ".-_");
return ucwords($filename);
codepo8 /
Created July 11, 2024 13:30
Quick code challenge - sorting on four

How do you sort a list of words on the 4th character of the word? What"s the shortest solution?

[ "strawberry", "helicopter", "wales", "acorn" ]

should be:

codepo8 / Star
Last active June 3, 2024 12:10
Chainlink CODE100 challlenge

Chainlink challenge

chainlink logo

Given a string s, where * represents a star…

Remove the star along with its closest non-star character to its left in a single operation.

The task is to perform this operation until all stars have been removed and to return the string that remains.

codepo8 /
Last active April 1, 2024 04:51
CODE100 "#BuntStattBraun" puzzle

CODE100 Challenge #BuntStattBraun

In this challenge you get an HTML document that renders a lot of colourful hearts.

pile of colourful hearts

And you get a JSON object with the information about all the brown colours that were used:

codepo8 / midjourney-ban-list.json
Created September 12, 2023 11:37
Midjourney banned words
"Gore": [
"Blood", "Bloodbath", "Crucifixion", "Bloody", "Flesh", "Bruises", "Car crash", "Corpse", "Crucified", "Cutting", "Decapitate", "Infested", "Gruesome", "Kill (as in Kill la Kill)", "Infected", "Sadist", "Slaughter", "Teratoma", "Tryphophobia", "Wound", "Cronenberg", "Khorne", "Cannibal", "Cannibalism", "Visceral", "Guts", "Bloodshot", "Gory", "Killing", "Surgery", "Vivisection", "Massacre", "Hemoglobin", "Suicide", "Female Body Parts"
"Drugs": [
"Drugs", "Cocaine", "Heroin", "Meth", "Crack"
"Clothing": [
"no clothes", "Speedo", "au naturale", "no shirt", "bare chest", "nude", "barely dressed", "bra", "risqué", "clear", "scantily", "clad", "cleavage", "stripped", "full frontal unclothed", "invisible clothes", "wearing nothing", "lingerie with no shirt", "naked", "without clothes on", "negligee", "zero clothes"
codepo8 / modernmarkupify.js
Created March 14, 2024 16:08
<label for="tech">Add a technology</label>
<input type="text" name="tech" id="tech">
codepo8 / CSVtoJSon.js
Last active February 29, 2024 09:07
OK, here is my function to turn CSV into JSON - what's yours?
const csvToJSON = (csv) => {
const getcsvdata = (csv) => {
const csvRegex = /,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/;
const trimQuotes = /^"|"$/g;
csv = csv.split(csvRegex).map(
h => h.trim().replace(trimQuotes, '')
return csv;
let lines = csv.split('\n');