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Daniel Braun danielbraun

  • Tel-Aviv, Israel
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adeel / push-notifications.clj
Created July 26, 2011 01:03
Example of sending Apple push notifications with Clojure.
; Depends on [com.notnoop.apns/apns "0.1.6"].
(:import ('com.notnoop.apns APNS))
(defn send-push-notification [device-token message]
(let [service (.build (.withSandboxDestination
(.withCert (APNS/newService) "resources/apns-dev-cert.p12" "password")))
payload (.build (.alertBody (APNS/newPayload) message))]
(.push service device-token payload)))
bzerangue / iCal.xsl
Created November 3, 2011 04:54
[XSLT] iCal utility
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
PRODID:-//Park Cities Presbyterian Church\(PCA\)//iCal 1.0//EN
X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:Park Cities Presbyterian Church Events Feed
bmcbride / LeafletToWKT.js
Last active June 7, 2022 02:17
Leaflet layer to WKT
function toWKT(layer) {
var lng, lat, coords = [];
if (layer instanceof L.Polygon || layer instanceof L.Polyline) {
var latlngs = layer.getLatLngs();
for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
coords.push(latlngs[i].lng + " " + latlngs[i].lat);
if (i === 0) {
lng = latlngs[i].lng;
lat = latlngs[i].lat;
* Retrieves all the rows in the active spreadsheet that contain data and logs the
* values for each row.
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function readRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
stuarthalloway / Nil Finder
Created January 15, 2015 20:51
Finding those nested nils
(ns user)
(def app
"Intenal Helper"
(fnil conj []))
(defprotocol PathSeq
(path-seq* [form path] "Helper for path-seq"))
(extend-protocol PathSeq
malyn / vim-fireplace-figwheel.diff
Created February 20, 2015 21:12
vim-fireplace patches/hack for compatibility with Figwheel
diff --git a/plugin/fireplace.vim b/plugin/fireplace.vim
index 6c32caa..a415bf8 100644
--- a/plugin/fireplace.vim
+++ b/plugin/fireplace.vim
@@ -232,7 +232,9 @@ function! s:repl.piggieback(arg, ...) abort
let arg = ' :repl-env ' . a:arg
- let response = connection.eval('(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl'.arg.')')
+ "let response = connection.eval('(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl'.arg.')')
scttnlsn / core.cljs
Last active July 2, 2016 07:36
Om/Secretary nested routing
(ns nested-routing.core
(:require-macros [om.core :as om]
[secretary.core :refer [defroute]])
(:require [om.dom :as dom]
[om.core :as om]
[secretary.core :as secretary]
[ :as events]
[goog.history.EventType :as EventType])
(:import goog.History))
tomysmile /
Last active April 20, 2022 16:14
How To Install Java 8 on Mac

Install HomeBrew first

brew update
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install brew-cask

If you get the error "already installed", follow the instructions to unlink it, then install again:

swannodette /
Last active August 7, 2023 16:13
Externs Inference

Externs Inference

Integrating third party JavaScript libraries not written with Google Closure Compiler in mind continues to both be a source of error for users when going to production, and significant vigilance and effort for the the broader community (CLJSJS libraries must provide up-to-date and accurate externs).

In truth writing externs is far simpler than most users imagine. You only need externs for the parts of the library you actually intend to use from ClojureScript. However this isn't so easy to determine from Closure's own documentation. Still in the process of writing your code it's easy to miss a case. In production you will see the much dreaded error that some mangled name does not exist. Fortunately it's possible to enable some compiler flags :pretty-print true :pseudo-names true to generate an advanced build with human readable names. However debugging missing externs means compiling your production build for each missed case. So much time wasted for such simple mistakes damages our sen

reborg /
Last active July 11, 2024 09:54
A curated collection of answers that Rich gave throughout the history of Clojure

Rich Already Answered That!

A list of commonly asked questions, design decisions, reasons why Clojure is the way it is as they were answered directly by Rich (even when from many years ago, those answers are pretty much valid today!). Feel free to point friends and colleagues here next time they ask (again). Answers are pasted verbatim (I've made small adjustments for readibility, but never changed a sentence) from mailing lists, articles, chats.

How to use:

  • The link in the table of content jumps at the copy of the answer on this page.
  • The link on the answer itself points back at the original post.

Table of Content