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Last active February 17, 2025 13:01
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Sending a notification message to Telegram using its HTTP API via cURL
  1. Create a bot
  2. Get the bot's API token from @BotFather
  3. Add your bot to the chat you'll be sending messages to
  4. Get the ID of the chat
    a. Fetch bot updates and look for the chat id:
    curl$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | -r '.result[]'
    b. OR, run bot.rb and @-mention your bot in the chat. The chat id will appear in bot.rb's output.
    The bot may need temporary message access: @BotFather > Bot Settings > Group Privacy > Turn off
  5. Send a message using the HTTP API:
    curl -X POST \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -d '{"chat_id": "123456789", "text": "This is a test from curl", "disable_notification": true}' \$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/sendMessage
# Use this script to test that your Telegram bot works.
# Install the dependency
# $ gem install telegram_bot
# Run the bot
# $ ruby bot.rb
# Send a message to the bot to get the current chat's ID in the console output.
# If it's a group chat, invite them to the chat first.
require 'logger'
require 'telegram_bot'
bot = TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, logger:
bot.get_updates(fail_silently: true) do |message|
puts "@#{message.from.username}: #{message.text}"
puts "Chat-ID: #{}"
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Yes see
add: -d disable_notification=true

Ohhh. thank you very much dear friend. Your answer was really useful for me. I have tried it and it works.

Would it be possible to deactivate the notification within a specific time via curl? This would be great for me, but I'm not sure if it would be possible. Thanks in advance. a cordial greeting

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I think at that moment you are either better of writing a shell script or writing it in another programming language

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dneprpi commented Sep 17, 2021

hi guys,
is it possible to get the bot's API token from @Botfather NOT through telegram but using some api?
I need to create bots automatically in my .net app

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This might be helpful if looking for cli examples

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xjustbmw commented May 4, 2022

is it possible to write "to" a telegram bot using http request ?
i managed to send the message to the chat_id it but appears in the chat as its written by the bot

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What a great, quick tutorial! Thank you!

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If you are getting an empty result list when doing getUpdates for your bot, kick the bot out of the group, invite again and fetch again.

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jogerj commented Oct 7, 2022

Very useful. Made a neat little script that you can import in bash. Adds a title/timestamp to it. Keeps me informed whenever my deployments need my attention.



send_telegram () {
    timestamp="$(date -R)"
    msg="$title\n$timestamp\n\n$(echo "$2" | sed -z -e 's|\\|\\\\|g' -e 's|\n|\\n|g' -e 's|\t|\\t|g' -e 's|\"|\\"|g')"
    data="{\"chat_id\":\"$CHAT_ID\",\"text\":\"$msg\",\"entities\":$entities,\"disable_notification\": true}"
    curl -s -o /dev/null -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "$data" -X POST$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/sendMessage

Import with source /path/to/ then can call the function each time you want to send a message like so send_telegram "title in bold" "this is the message body".
title in bold
Sat, 07 Oct 2022 00:24:57 +0100
this is the message body

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a0s commented Jan 30, 2023

The right curl:

curl -s$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq -r '.result[]'

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ArtemBay commented Mar 15, 2023

Can i send file with message instead? Like this, but with curl

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Can i send file with message instead? Like this, but with curl


curl -X POST -F chat_id='123456789' -F document=@'/path/to/file' -F caption='source:'

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Instead of:

curl$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq

I think it should be:

curl$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq 'result[]'

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Instead of:

curl$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq

I think it should be:

curl$7040428535:AAH-RtS-yODyP-CIbZrEr433Y2xrLuP13vk/getUpdates | jq 'result[]'

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tas33n commented Apr 17, 2024

hi guys, is it possible to get the bot's API token from @Botfather NOT through telegram but using some api? I need to create bots automatically in my .net app

its possible with account api, instead of bot api.

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MahouShoujoMivutilde commented Jul 29, 2024

Found myself in need to send an arbitrary text with unicode and quotes, the original example didn't work.

Here is updated one, forcing jq to do all of the string escaping:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# noti-bot - send notification in telegram
# Usage:
#   echo "your text" | noti-bot
# or
#   noti-bot "your text" | noti-bot


if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then

# to escape " and unicode, no, printf is not enough, neither is multiple -d for curl
data="$(echo '{"chat_id": "aaa", "text": "aaa", "disable_notification": false}' |
    jq --arg msg "$msg" --arg chat "$chat_id" '{"chat_id": $, "text": $ARGS.named.msg, "disable_notification": false}')"

# echo "$data"

ans="$(curl -s --tlsv1.2 -X POST \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d "$data" \$API/sendMessage)"

if [[ "$(echo "$ans" | jq -r '.ok')" != "true" ]]; then
    echo "$ans" | jq -r '"error \(.error_code) - \(.description)"'


echo -e 'Nope!";$(pwd)"\nyes - приветこんにちは' | ./noti-bot

I know, I know, "at this point just use python or something". I needed it with curl.

If succesful - prints nothing.
If not - prints "error_code - error_description".

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Is it possible to send a message to a telegram bot without the bot token? maybe by using username, since username is unique anyway.

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7OH commented Dec 19, 2024

Created a group, switching on themes\topics.
Got link for one topic (like this
How to send message to this topic?

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