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probonopd /
Last active September 19, 2024 18:58
Think twice about Wayland. It breaks everything!

Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!

Hence, if you are interested in existing applications to "just work" without the need for adjustments, then you may be better off avoiding Wayland.

Wayland solves no issues I have but breaks almost everything I need. Even the most basic, most simple things (like xkill) - in this case with no obvious replacement. And usually it stays broken, because the Wayland folks mostly seem to care about Automotive, Gnome, maybe KDE - and alienating everyone else (e.g., people using just an X11 window manager or something like GNUstep) in the process.

The Wayland project seems to operate like they were starting a greenfield project, whereas at the same time they try to position Wayland as "the X11 successor", which would clearly require a lot of thought about not breaking, or at least providing a smooth upgrade path for, existing software.

In fact, it is merely an incompatible alternative, and not e

#set persistence mode for all GPU
sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1
#Set gpu max power at 160w
sudo nvidia-smi -pl 160
#Set Power level of specific GPU (1080) in watts
# sudo nvidia-smi -i 2 -pl 200
JoeyBurzynski /
Last active September 18, 2024 14:12
58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere

58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere

When making this website, i wanted a simple, reasonable way to make it look good on most displays. Not counting any minimization techniques, the following 58 bytes worked well for me:

main {
  max-width: 38rem;
  padding: 2rem;
  margin: auto;
dermesser / libfcgi-example.c
Created July 3, 2014 11:14
In case anyone wants to see a multi-threaded FastCGI application written with the fcgiapp library.
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <fcgiapp.h>
const char* const sockpath = "/tmp/fcgicpp.sock";
dergachev /
Last active May 17, 2018 17:11
Figuring out how to talk to MS Access from PHP


Downloaded Windows XP / IE8 image from

curl -O ""
  • Virtualbox -> Import > "IE8.XP.For.MacVirtualBox.ova"
schlamar / gist:7024668
Created October 17, 2013 13:14
Handle Windows privileges from Python. Based on
from __future__ import print_function
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
GetCurrentProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
GetCurrentProcess.restype = wintypes.HANDLE
OpenProcessToken = ctypes.windll.advapi32.OpenProcessToken
OpenProcessToken.argtypes = (wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.HANDLE))
OpenProcessToken.restype = wintypes.BOOL
Xophmeister / long2ip.sql
Last active September 24, 2022 23:46
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL function to convert proper IPv4 address (i.e., 32-bit integer) into the standard, "dotted" format
-- We have a table (ip_log) of proper IPv4 addresses (ip)
select bitand(ip / 16777216, 255) || '.' || bitand(ip / 65536, 255) || '.' || bitand(ip / 256, 255) || '.' || bitand(ip, 255) ip
from ip_log;
-- ...or a function to do the same:
create or replace function long2ip(ip in number)
return varchar2 deterministic
return bitand(ip / 16777216, 255) || '.' ||
xcommerce-gists / CreateAccount
Last active December 25, 2015 12:21
How to Create a PayPal Account Using Adaptive Accounts.curl
HTTP Headers
-H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID: <Caller-UID>" # UserID from the Caller account
-H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD: <Caller-Pswd>" # Password from the Caller account
-H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE: <Caller-Sig>" # Signature from the Caller account
-H "X-PAYPAL-SANDBOX-EMAIL-ADDRESS: <Caller-Sandbox-edress>"
-H "X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID: APP-80W284485P519543T" # Standard Sandbox App ID