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Alex Burka durka

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coi lo jbopre
My name is Dustin and you might know me as ldlework or mokau or cadgu'a. I'm
writing to announce the current motion to nominate selpa'i as the current warden
for the language in a provisionally offical capacity contingent on the general
attitudes professed by the community's response to the motion. selpa'i would be
replacing Robin Lee Powell in this position.
Currently, the IRC and Facebook communities have been approached. The response so
far has been extremely positive with a current count of 20 to 1 in favor of the
------ yea's (25)
2014-05-13 16:06:40 durka42 I would second what ldlework said, though from sy's blog I thought it had already gotten close to happening and then fallen apart
2014-05-13 16:16:19 zahlman thirded.
2014-05-13 16:21:02 kantu well I also endorse the nomination, if it means anything
2014-05-13 16:21:34 danr 4th!
Dustin Lacewell
selpa'i AKA Lorenzo Von Matterhorn has just been nominated in the #lojban channel
as standing BDFL with a current approval of 8/8 votes thus far. If this is an
important matter to you, which I'm sure it is, please join us in the IRC channel
to convey your approval or disapproval with this motion. Thanks!
The current total is 21 to 1 in support for selpahi as new acting warden for the
I marked any mistakes I found and put markers at the beginning of each line containing corrections.
G = experimental grammar (marks things not in CLL, except dotside and kujoi)
E = error (i.e. should be fixed even in the Modern Lojban version)
W = warning (not error; style or something)
Things I didn't mark because of too many occurrences:
- replace "je cu" with "gi'e" everywhere
- replace "jau" with "jo'u" everywhere (except not inside lujvo)
durka /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from anonymous/
How to construct a closure as an Iron Handler while capturing a Sender
//! Shows how to construct a closure that captures a Sender while still implementing Sync
//! This is nontrivial because you can't directly share a Sender across threads, so a Mutex is required
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;
/// Something to send across threads
enum Message { A, B }
durka /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from anonymous/
Macro that creates fn impls on a tuple
// due to Enamex on #rust
macro_rules! overload {
( $trait_name:ident ($($args:ident : $typs:ty),+) => $( fn $fn_name:ident -> $ret:ty => $body:block );+ ) => {
overload!(INTERNAL:DUPLICATE $trait_name ( ($($args),+) ($($args),+) : ($($typs),+) ($($typs),+) ) => $( fn $fn_name -> $ret => $body );+ );
(INTERNAL:DUPLICATE $trait_name:ident ( $all_args:tt ($($args:ident),+) : $all_typs:tt ($($typs:ty),+) ) => $( fn $fn_name:ident -> $ret:ty => $body:block );+ ) =>
durka /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from anonymous/
Macro for making a struct with an automatic ::new()
macro_rules! as_item {
($i:item) => ($i);
macro_rules! struct_with_constructor {
struct $name:ident {
$($arg:ident : $typ:ty),*;
$(fn $fn_name:ident $args:tt $(-> $ret_ty:ty)* { $($fn_body:tt)* })*
durka /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from anonymous/
Hack to have something like associated consts in stable
trait Associated<T> {
fn associated(&self) -> T;
trait Thing : Associated<&'static str> {
fn whatever(&self);
macro_rules! associated {
($t:ident, $val:expr => $typ:ty) => {
durka /
Created June 25, 2015 20:42 — forked from anonymous/
Macro capturing generic parameters
macro_rules! as_item { ($i:item) => ($i) }
macro_rules! s {
($t:ident) => {
impl $t {
($t:ident<$($x:tt),+>) => {
durka /
Created July 8, 2015 04:26 — forked from anonymous/
Syntactic sugar for getters + setters
trait GetSet<G,S> {
fn get(&self) -> G;
fn set(&self) -> S;
macro_rules! field {
($s:ident . $f:ident) => ($s.get().$f(&$s));
($s:ident . $f:ident = $v:expr) => ($s.set().$f(&mut $s, $v));