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m-ou-se / replace-debian-with-arch.txt
Last active December 31, 2024 03:23
Instructions to replace a live Debian installation with Arch
# Download latest archlinux bootstrap package, see
wget '*-x86_64.tar.gz'
# Make sure you'll have enough entropy for pacman-key later.
apt-get install haveged
# Install the arch bootstrap image in a tmpfs.
mount -t tmpfs none /mnt
cd /mnt
tar xvf ~/archlinux-bootstrap-*-x86_64.tar.gz --strip-components=1
tanb /
Last active November 27, 2021 13:07
FreeBSD running on xhyve tutorial. (Appendix: Resize image with qemu. Create FreeBSD VM with qemu).


  • Create 5GB FreeBSD image.
  • Install FreeBSD on xhyve.
  • Mount host directory.


EugeneKay /
Last active May 17, 2022 17:32
Winode Instructions

NOTE: This Gist concerns the old Linode KVM Beta, NOT the current Manager. Please see linode/docs#501 (comment) for more up-to-date instructions.

You will need:

On the KVM source, run the following to create a VM:

kseo /
Last active October 1, 2024 17:28
A Hindley-Milner type inference implementation in OCaml
#! /usr/bin/env ocamlscript
Ocaml.ocamlflags := ["-thread"];
Ocaml.packs := [ "core" ]
open Core.Std
type term =
| Ident of string
| Lambda of string * term
| Apply of term * term
bobatkey / gadts.sml
Created January 5, 2014 18:34
Encoding of GADTs in SML/NJ
(* This is a demonstration of the use of the SML module system to
encode (Generalized Algebraic Datatypes) GADTs via Church
encodings. The basic idea is to use the Church encoding of GADTs in
System Fomega and translate the System Fomega type into the module
system. As I demonstrate below, this allows things like the
singleton type of booleans, and the equality type, to be
This was inspired by Jon Sterling's blog post about encoding proofs
in the SML module system:
matteobertozzi /
Created November 27, 2013 05:17
postgres "server" wire protocol example
# th30z@u1310:[Desktop]$ psql -h localhost -p 55432
# Password:
# psql (9.1.10, server 0.0.0)
# WARNING: psql version 9.1, server version 0.0.
# Some psql features might not work.
# Type "help" for help.
# th30z=> select foo;
# a | b
# ---+---
adharris / postgres_array.go
Created November 28, 2012 19:52
PostgreSQL demo of Array types using Golang
package main
import (
_ ""
daurnimator / app.lua
Created September 14, 2012 10:11
Sinatra like clone for lua
if not sinatra.incoming ( ngx.req.get_method() , ngx.var.uri ) then
return ngx.exit ( 404 )