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Last active May 7, 2023 13:52
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ES6 defaults / overrides pattern

ES6 Defaults / Overrides Pattern

Combine default parameters and destructuring for a compact version of the defaults / overrides pattern.

function foo ({
    bar = 'no',
    baz = 'works!'
  } = {}) {

  return (`${bar}, ${baz}`);

  bar: 'yay'
})); // logs 'yay, works!'

Equivalent to ES5:

This bit needs to be polyfilled, Or use $.extend(), _.extend(), lodash/object/assign aka _.assign() or equivalent.

var assign = Object.assign;

var defaults2 = {
    bar: 'no',
    baz: 'works!'

function foo2 (options) {
  var settings = assign({}, defaults2, options),
    bar =,
    baz = settings.baz;

  return (bar + ', ' +baz);

  bar: 'yay'
})); // logs 'yay, works!'

Gist written for How to Use ES6 for Isomorphic JavaScript Apps

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@ericelliot at this es6-workshop at fluent, I just saw Axel Rauschmayer and Aaron Frost run this jest test.

it('it can default all arguments, optionally', () => {

      //Modify the method signature of `myFunction` to allow for all args to be optional

      function myFunction({name='Freddie', age=49, favoriteBand='Queen'} = {}){

      myFunction({ name: 'Axel', age: 37, favoriteBand: 'Taylor Swift' });
      myFunction({ name: 'Axel', age: 37 });
      myFunction({ name: 'Axel' });


And have it pass, should I still be confused about how this works? Because I am.

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So that's assigning defaults on the left side of destructuring. Mind blown, very cool.

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_.merge is preferred, isn't it?

And does the pitfall pointed out there affect your solution? I'm not sure because my mind is still blown. ;)

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Whether or not to deep merge depends very much on the use-case. I'd say most of the time you don't want to merge. Once in a while, you do.

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koresar commented Jul 10, 2015

There's also _.defaults(options, defaults2)

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Difference between Lodash's _.assign / _.extend, _.merge and _.defaults can be subtle.
I made a plunk to experiment with Lodash, here is a test:

var od = document.querySelector('#original-data');
var res = document.querySelector('#result');

var dest = { name: 'Foo', age: 25, driver: true  };
var src1 = { name: 'Bar', driver: false, address: 'Here and there'  };
var src2 = { name: 'Moo', maried: true, age: undefined };
var d1 = _.clone(dest);
var d2 = _.clone(dest);
od.innerText = JSON.stringify(dest) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(src1) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(src2);

res.innerText = 
  // assign overwrites all properties with successive values, including properties set to undefined
  JSON.stringify(_.assign(dest, src1, src2)) + '\n' + 
  // merge overwrites all properties with successive values, except undefined properties
  JSON.stringify(_.merge(d1, src1, src2)) + '\n' +
  // defaults assign properties which are undefined: no overwriting of exising properties
  JSON.stringify(_.defaults(d2, src1, src2));


Original Data

{"name":"Bar","driver":false,"address":"Here and there"}


{"name":"Moo","driver":false,"address":"Here and there","maried":true}
{"name":"Moo","age":25,"driver":false,"address":"Here and there","maried":true}
{"name":"Foo","age":25,"driver":true,"address":"Here and there","maried":true}

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With deep copy:

var dest = { name: 'Foo', age: 25, driver: true, 
    id: { driverLicense: '88-65', ssn: '1-54-455', other: 'mango' }  };
var src1 = { name: 'Bar', driver: false, address: 'Here and there', 
    id: { driverLicense: undefined, ssn: '2-44-985', pwd: '123' }  };
var src2 = { name: 'Moo', maried: true, age: undefined, address: 'Somewhere', 
    id: { driverLicense: '11-75', ssn: undefined, warcry: 'Kowabunga' } };

var d1 = _.cloneDeep(dest);
var d2 = _.cloneDeep(dest);
var d3 = _.cloneDeep(dest);

od.innerText = JSON.stringify(dest) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(src1) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(src2);

res.innerText = 
  // assign overwrites all properties with successive values, including properties set to undefined
  JSON.stringify(_.assign(dest, src1, src2)) + '\n' + 
  // merge overwrites deeply all properties with successive values, except undefined properties
  JSON.stringify(_.merge(d1, src1, src2)) + '\n' +
  // defaults assigns properties which are undefined: no overwriting of exising properties
  JSON.stringify(_.defaults(d2, src1, src2)) + '\n' +
  // defaultsDeep assigns deeply properties which are undefined: no overwriting of exising properties
  JSON.stringify(_.defaultsDeep(d3, src1, src2));


Original Data

{"name":"Bar","driver":false,"address":"Here and there",


    "address":"Here and there","maried":true}
    "address":"Here and there","maried":true}

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Thanks for the comparison!
For me behavior of _.defaults is most preferable, because it allows to define conditional options with ternary operator that does not overwrite default values:

var src2 = { 
  age: someCondition ? age : undefined 
_.defaults(src2, {age: 25}); // {age: 25}

Also for one-level options I've made flat-options package that additionally performs validation of keys and has twice smaller size than _.defaults.

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mathieug commented Mar 5, 2018

Nice trick @ericelliott! How can we name the object parameter if we need an object with all the parameters (given and default)?

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