Well, it's Hurricane Season here in the Gulf South. But that's not the kind of seasons I'm talking about now.
Your job is to take a month (keyword) day (number) and a hemisphere (:north
or :south
) and determine which season it is (return a keyword), according to this handy table.
Start End North South
March 1 May 31 Spring Autumn
June 1 August 31 Summer Winter
September 1 November 30 Autumn Spring
December 1 February 29 Winter Summer
(which-season :north :march 5) ;=> :spring
(which-season :south :december 25) ;=> :summer
Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard level in JavaScript.
Please submit your solutions as comments to this gist. Discussion is welcome.
I aimed here to find a reasonable way to encode the table in the spec as a nested map.