- Install VSCode Flatpak from Flathub:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install com.visualstudio.code
<?php | |
# app/Http/Controllers/CaddyController.php | |
namespace App\Http\Controllers; | |
use App\Store; | |
use Illuminate\Http\Request; | |
class CaddyController extends Controller | |
{ |
# __DIR.'/docker' | |
FROM fedora:30 | |
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash -u 1337 vessel | |
WORKDIR /var/www/html | |
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone | |
RUN echo "fastestmirror=true" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf |
<?php | |
use PhpCsFixer\Config; | |
use PhpCsFixer\Finder; | |
$rules = [ | |
'array_indentation' => true, | |
'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'], | |
'binary_operator_spaces' => [ | |
'default' => 'single_space', |
FROM nginx:alpine AS builder | |
# nginx:alpine contains NGINX_VERSION environment variable, like so: | |
# ENV NGINX_VERSION 1.15.0 | |
# Our NCHAN version | |
# Download sources | |
RUN wget "http://nginx.org/download/nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz" -O nginx.tar.gz && \ |
@servers(['web' => $user.'@'.$host,'localhost' => '']) | |
@setup | |
// Sanity checks | |
if (empty($host)) { | |
exit('ERROR: $host var empty or not defined'); | |
} | |
if (empty($user)) { | |
exit('ERROR: $user var empty or not defined'); | |
} |
When setting these options consider the following:
sudo grep max_children /var/log/php?.?-fpm.log.1 /var/log/php?.?-fpm.log
### KERNEL TUNING ### | |
# Increase size of file handles and inode cache | |
fs.file-max = 2097152 | |
# Do less swapping | |
vm.swappiness = 10 | |
vm.dirty_ratio = 60 | |
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 2 |
Command Flags
Flag | Options | Description |
-codec:a |
libfaac, libfdk_aac, libvorbis | Audio Codec |
-quality |
best, good, realtime | Video Quality |
-b:a |
128k, 192k, 256k, 320k | Audio Bitrate |
-codec:v |
mpeg4, libx264, libvpx-vp9 | Video Codec |