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Undefined is not a function

Ivan Mrvelj imrvelj

Undefined is not a function
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imrvelj / TestComponent.test.js
Created January 31, 2020 13:25 — forked from PMK/TestComponent.test.js
Mocha-webpack with Vue
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import { assert } from 'chai'
import Component from '../../../../src/components/TestComponent.vue'
describe('TestComponent.vue', () => {
it('renders', () => {
const wrapper = mount(Component)
imrvelj /
Created June 29, 2019 01:21 — forked from NigelEarle/
Migration and seeding instructions using Knex.js!

Migrations & Seeding

What are migrations??

Migrations are a way to make database changes or updates, like creating or dropping tables, as well as updating a table with new columns with constraints via generated scripts. We can build these scripts via the command line using knex command line tool.

To learn more about migrations, check out this article on the different types of database migrations!

Creating/Dropping Tables

imrvelj /
Created October 20, 2017 11:40 — forked from zas/
Fix "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin for module i915_bpo" (Ubuntu 16.04, kernel 4.4)
wget && \
tar xvjf sklgucver61.tar.bz2 && cd skl_guc_ver6_1/ && sudo ./
wget && \
imrvelj / arch-linux-install
Created May 24, 2017 09:16 — forked from binaerbaum/arch-linux-install
Minimal instructions for installing arch linux on an UEFI NVMe system with full system encryption using dm-crypt and luks
# Install ARCH Linux with encrypted file-system and UEFI
# The official installation guide ( contains a more verbose description.
# Download the archiso image from
# Copy to a usb-drive
dd if=archlinux.img of=/dev/sdX bs=16M && sync # on linux
# Boot from the usb. If the usb fails to boot, make sure that secure boot is disabled in the BIOS configuration.
# Set swiss-french keymap


In Arch Linux mkinitcpio -p linux


Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
 Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
imrvelj / .babelrc
Created March 20, 2017 14:44 — forked from JamieMason/.babelrc
Tree-Shaking with Babel 6, Webpack 2, and React.
"presets": [
["es2015", {
"es2015": {
"loose": true,
"modules": false
}], "react"
imrvelj /
Created February 22, 2017 14:20 — forked from rikukissa/
Unit testing Angular.js app with node.js, mocha, angular-mocks and jsdom

Testing Angular.js app headlessly with node.js + mocha

Lean unit tests with minimal setup

Code examples


  • Fake DOM (Everything works without a real browser)
  • Uses ngMocks to inject and mock Angular.js dependencies
  • I'm assuming you are already using browserify (but everything works fine without it)
imrvelj /
Created January 19, 2017 10:20 — forked from tjamps/
Basic RESTful API with Symfony 2 + FOSRestBundle (JSON format only) + FOSUserBundle + FOSOauthServerBundle

Basic RESTful API with Symfony 2 + FOSRestBundle (JSON format only) + FOSUserBundle + FOSOauthServerBundle

The API we are creating in this gist will follow these rules :

  • The API only returns JSON responses
  • All API routes require authentication
  • Authentication is handled via OAuth2 with password Grant Type only (no need for Authorization pages and such).
  • API versioning is managed via a subdomain (e.g.

The API will be written in PHP with the Symfony 2 framework. The following SF2 bundles are used :

imrvelj /
Created July 5, 2016 08:04 — forked from tdd/
Angular: Just Say No

Angular: Just say no

A collection of articles by AngularJS veterans, sometimes even core committers, that explain in detail what's wrong with Angular 1.x, how Angular 2 isn't the future, and why you should avoid the entire thing at all costs unless you want to spend the next few years in hell.

Reason for this: I'm getting tired of having to explain to everyone, chief of which all the indiscriminate Google Kool-Aid™ drinkers, why I have never believed in Angular, why I think it'll publicly fail pretty soon now (a couple years), and why it's a dead end IMO. This gist serves as a quick target I can point people to in order not to have to parrot / compile the core of the articles below everytime. Their compounded reading pretty much captures 99% of my view on the topic.

This page is accessible through and, btw.