[This page is best viewed with https://github.com/ludios/expand-everything, which will load all the comnents below.]
Wherein I try to prioritize reading for the limited amount of time I have this year, and to remind myself to read more than just comments on the Internet. Because of problems of time and shifting interests, I will consider this a success if I read a third of the list. I'll reflect on the reading and deviations from the plan in Jan 2024.
{+} = added after initial planning
- Jamie Brandon - Reflections of a decade of coding
- {+} Aleksandr Hovhannisyan's blog
- the SvelteKit tutorial
- the SvelteKit documentation
- {+} svelte.dev/examples/
- {+} Intro to Storybook (via)
- {+} JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2022 edition)/ skim for anything I don't know
- the GraphQL documentation and maybe small parts of the specification
- {+} the urql documentation
- {+} skim https://vitejs.dev/guide/
- {+} Refactoring UI
- CSS for JavaScript Developers/ just the things I don't know and which would be used frequently
- {+} Gordon Brander - Subconscious (via @gordonbrander)
- {+} Vicki Boykis - What are embeddings?
- {+} Frank M. Shipman III and Catherine C. Marshall - Formality Considered Harmful/ printed
- {+} Beyond entities and relationships – towards an emergent approach to data modelling (via)
- {+} Towards a New Understanding of Data Modelling (via)
- {+} Coordinating distributed organizational knowledge
- William Kent - Data and Reality, 2nd Edition (via)/ printed
- William Kent's documents on bkent.net
- John Gall - Systemantics: How Systems Work and Especially How They Fail/ printed
- {+} Stephen Wolfram - Mitchell Feigenbaum (1944–2019), 4.66920160910299067185320382…
- Richard I. Cook - How Complex Systems Fail / PDF/ printed
- Ivan Sutherland - Technology and Courage/ printed
- {+} Peter Naur - Programming as Theory Building
- Olia Lialina - Turing Complete User: Resisting Alienation in Human Computer Interaction
- {+} Jakob Nielsen - The Anti-Mac Interface
- {+} Computer History Museum - Oral History of Ed Fredkin
- {+}
David Chapman - Better Without AI - {+} Douglas C. Engelbart - A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect/ printed
- Gregory Afinogenov - Andrei Ershov and the Soviet Information Age(via)/ printed
- Windell Oskay & Eric Schlaepfer - Open Circuits
- {+} Old CSS, new CSS
- {+} this partial and unauthorized translation of Alexandre Grothendieck's R´ecoltes et Semailles (via)
- {+} Ernest Newman, James Roy - Gödel's Proof, revised edition/ printed (via)
- {+} Howard DeLong - A Profile of Mathematical Logic
- {+} Derek Smith's chapter From the Outside In: Solving Generalizations of the Slothouber-Graatsma-Conway Puzzle (chapter 9) in The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Recreational Math/ after I solve blocks-in-a-box and Shipper's Dilemma / printed
- {+} T. H. O'Beirne - Puzzles and Paradoxes
- {+} Visualizing Algorithms
- all the relevant-looking posts on benkuhn.net/posts
- Venkatesh Rao - The Gervais Principle
- {+} Jamie Ryan - Depatterning/ and the deleted posts saved from feedly
- {+} Henrik Karlsson - Escaping Flatland/ including the posts I SingleFile'd
- {+} John Luttig - When Tailwinds Vanish (2020)
- the free and members-only articles on Commoncog
- Cedric Chin's summary of 7 Powers
- Commoncog Case Library Beta
- Nomad Investment Partnership Letters or redacted (via)
- Brian Hayes - Infrastructure: A Guide to the Industrial Landscape
- {+} Richard Rhodes - The Making of the Atomic Bomb: 25th Anniversary Edition/ audio (again via)
- {+} Holden Karnofsky - Cold Takes/ audio
- {+} How to Lose Money in Derivatives: Examples From Hedge Funds and Bank Trading Departments
- {+}
Frank Partnoy - The Match King/ audio - Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America (via commoncog)/ audio
- Bob Caspe - Entrepreneurial Action/ printed, skim for anything I don't know
- Accelerated Expertise (via)/ printed, "read Chapters 9-13 and skim everything else"
- Akio Morita, Edwin M. Reingold, Mitsuko Shimomura - Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony
- David J. Gerber - The Inventor's Dilemma (via Oxide and Friends)
- Benoît B. Mandelbrot, Richard L. Hudson - The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence/ audio
- Party at the Moontower - Why Investing Feels Like Astrology/ printed
- John P. Hussman - Alice’s Adventures in Equilibrium/ printed
- Warren E. Buffett - How Inflation Swindles the Equity Investor/ printed
- Saras D. Sarasvathy - Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise/ printed, skim for anything I don't know
- Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore - The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects
- Deanna Kuhn - What is Scientific Thinking and How Does it Develop?/ printed
- {+} P. W. Anderson - More Is Different (via)
- {+} Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Kaufmann translation)/ PDF on phone
- {+} Jamie Stantonian - Apocalyptic Cults and the Early-Modern Information Explosion
- {+} A short conceptual explainer of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
- Czesław Miłosz, Jane Zielonko (translator) - The Captive Mind/ printed / audio
- Peter Singer - Hegel: A Very Short Introduction/ audio
- François de La Rochefoucauld, translators - Collected Maxims and Other Reflections/ Oxford World’s Classics parallel French text, just the fifth edition maxims, pg. 3-139
- {+} Jim Leff's posts tagged spirituality
- {+} David Chapman - Approaching Aro/ saved locally
- {+}
Carolyn Elliott - Existential Kink/ audio(via) - {+} the posts that look interesting on Andrew Taggart's blog
- {+} Hokai Diego Sobol - Twitter 2014-2020
- {+}
Visakan Veerasamy - INTROSPECT - David Chapman - The Vetali's Gift
- all the relevant-looking posts by Valentine on LessWrong
Chögyam Trungpa - Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior/ audio; 5h4m unabridged - Shāntideva, The Padmakara Translation Group - The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyāvatāra
- Rob Burbea - Seeing That Frees
- Ngakpa Chögyam & Khandro Déchen - Shock Amazement/ printed
- Thomas Metzinger - Spirituality and Intellectual Honesty/ printed
- {+} Derek Parfit - Reasons and Persons/ Chapters 1 and 2
- {+} Robert B. Cialdini - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion/ audio, not the New and Expanded edition
- {+} Erving Goffman - On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure (original)/ printed
- {+} Kurt Danziger - Naming the Mind/ printed, Chapter 1 (via)
- {+} Richard Evans - Kant’s Cognitive Architecture (via)
- {+}
Lisa Feldman Barrett - Seven And A Half Lessons About The Brain/ audio (via) - {+} C. Thi Nguyen - Games: Agency as Art
- Robert Kegan - The Evolving Self/ printed
- Grabbing the Tiger by the Tail: Conversation with Robert Kegan/ printed
- Thomas Swan & Suzie Benack - Narcissism in the Epistemological Pit/ printed
- all the relevant-looking posts on Adam Mastroianni's Experimental History
- M.E. Thomas - Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight/ audio
The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained/ audio - William James - The Principles Of Psychology, Volume I, Chapter XI: Attention/ printed
- Manussos Marangudakis - The Social Sources and Environmental Consequences of Axial Thinking: Mesopotamia, China, and Greece in Comparative Perspective/ printed
- V.S. Ramachandran - Phantoms in the Brain/ audio
- Joseph Henrich - The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter/ audio, supplement PDF
- Albert Camus - The Fall/ audio
- {+}
John Kennedy Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces/ audio, go to 6m44s to skip past the introduction spoilers - {+}
pirate aba - The Wandering Inn/ audio - William Olaf Stapledon - Star Maker/ audio, go to 12m35s to skip past the introduction spoilers
- Tae Kim - A Guide to Japanese Grammar
- Noboru Akuzawa - Japanese Sentence Patterns Training Book for JLPT N5
- Noboru Akuzawa - Japanese Sentence Patterns Training Book for JLPT N4
- Jay Rubin - Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You/ the romaji is miserable; may have useful grammar insights
- struggle through Japanese Wikipedia for some topics I know about
- Daniele Minnone - A learning handbook for Joyo Kanji/ the first third, pg. 1 - 98
(my initial source for learning Japanese is https://cijapanese.com/ and not any of the reading.)
- {+}
Casey Connor - Music Theory Distilled - {+} Gil Strang - 18.06 Linear Algebra
- {+} Bing Wen Brunton - Introduction to Neuroscience
- {+} Yaser Abu-Mostafa - The Learning Problem - Introduction; supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning
- {+} Andrej Karpathy - Neural Networks: Zero to Hero
- {+} Yo-Yo Ma Teaches Music and Connection
maybe in 2024? not sure
- {+} Paul Bourke - Fractals, Chaos, Self-Similarity
- {+} Alex Komoroske - The Compendium / after I convert the Firebase export in
to a single HTML page - {+} James Betker - Non_Interactive
- {+} Denny Britz’s Blog
- {+} Robert Root-Bernstein - Discovering: Inventing and Solving Problems at the Frontiers of Scientific Knowledge
- {+} Steven H. Strogatz - Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe
- {+} Lexi Mattick & Hack Club - Putting the “You” in CPU
- Lou Keep - The Uruk Series
- Knut Schmidt-Nielsen - How Animals Work (via)
- Edward O. Wilson - The Diversity of Life
- James L. Gould, Carol Grant Gould - The Animal Mind (via)
- Symbols and mental programs: a hypothesis about human singularity/ printed
- Robert Yarham - How to Read the Landscape
- Richard Powers - The Overstory/ audio
- Rigdzin Shikpo - Openness Clarity Sensitivity/ printed
- Michael R. Canfield (editor) - Field Notes on Science & Nature (via)
Sabine Hossenfelder - Existential Physics - George Soros - The Alchemy of Finance/ printed
- Eric Gill - An Essay on Typography/ printed; I know he's bad
- {+} Richard Hamming - The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
unplanned cool things read
- David Bentley Hart - How to Write English Prose
- https://twitter.com/autodereify
- qntm's Lena
MMAcevedo (Mnemonic Map/Acevedo), also known as Miguel, is the earliest executable image of a human brain. It is a snapshot of the living brain of neurology graduate Miguel Acevedo Álvarez (2010–2073), taken by researchers at the Uplift Laboratory at the University of New Mexico on August 1, 2031.
- Abraham Thomas's substack 'Pivotal'
- scotty79's TypeScript explanation "Because 'extends' really means 'is assignable to'."
- Seen but not heard: children and epistemic injustice
- Roblox June 2022 documents leak with information about how much they were paying for enterprise software and services
- Kathryn Petras, Ross Petras - You're Saying It Wrong: A Pronunciation Guide to the 150 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words—and Their Tangled Histories of Misuse/ audio
- Peter Faulding - What Lies Beneath: My Life as a Forensic Search and Rescue Expert/ audio
- Frank Lantz - Unpluggers etc, Part 2: Deflategate
- Freddie deBoer - Review: The Best Minds, by Jonathan Rosen
- Joe Carlsmith - Seeing more whole
- Alex Murrell - The age of average
- Sasha Chapin - The value of surrender
- Alex Miller - Grid World
- Immanuel Kant, translated by Lewis White Beck - What is Enlightenment?
- Delicious Tacos - Autopilot
- Chelsea Troy's Money doesn’t buy class…privilege, On the Psychology of “Tech Money”, Reviewing Pull Requests
- David Roth - Burning Down The House
- Hannu Krosing - What's new in PostgreSQL 15
- Thomas Talhem - Smiling Loners Might Explain Why China Smiles Less than the U.S.
- Ava Kofman - Bruno Latour, the Post-Truth Philosopher, Mounts a Defense of Science
- Michael Ashcroft - Stop Being Who You Aren’t
- Wikipedia - Logistic map, via Chaos
- Tanner Greer - The World That Twitter Made
- Vivid Void - To Stand In the Self
- Wikipedia United States free speech exceptions
- Erik Hoel - Stop trying to make a "good" social media site
- James Gleick - Chaos: Making a New Science/ audio
- Erik Hoel - The White House agrees you have a small brain: Human extinction and AI denial
- Venkatesh Rao - Schleps, Puzzles, and Packages: Solving Complex Problems the Iron Man Way
- Michael Nielsen - Sporadica
- C. Thi Nguyen - Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
- Gordon Brander - Why did the web take over desktop and not mobile?
- Sasha Chapin - Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
- Bill - Reddit: Killing a Giant
- Ben Wajdi - Is internet addiction eradicating the habit of reading?
- Jamie Ryan - Mind Games: Narcissist Dark Magicians and the games you lose by playing
- Morgan Housel - The Psychology of Money/ audio
- Gideon Lewis-Kraus - When Dying Patients Want Unproven Drugs
- Jake Seliger - Personal epistemology, free speech, and tech companies
- Daniel Davies - Research unbundling in the age of content
- Vintage French Copper - A little science about copper and tin
- Rich Cohen - Behind the Mask of Corruption
- "Alex" - When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number/ again
- Venkatesh Rao - Are You Graph Garbage?/ again
- Simplifier - About
- David Pierce - Who killed Google Reader?
- Alex Kotliarskyi - JavaScript Gom Jabbar
- Data Colada - [109] Data Falsificada (Part 1): "Clusterfake"
- Data Colada - [110] Data Falsificada (Part 2): "My Class Year Is Harvard"
- Data Colada - [111] Data Falsificada (Part 3): "The Cheaters Are Out of Order"
- Data Colada - [112] Data Falsificada (Part 4): "Forgetting The Words"
- How the Great Firewall of China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic/ partially
- tef - how (not) to write a pipeline
- Hugo Lanau - The problem with federated web apps
- imbnwa - 'Mainstream American culture conceives of amorous relationships as fundamentally a fantasy of fortunate spontaneity'
- Wikipedia - Google Sidewiki (Hacker News)
- Todd A. Carpenter - iAnnotate — Whatever Happened to the Web as an Annotation System?
- Emily S. Damstra - Please, enough with the dead butterflies!
- Lucy Keer - CLIs vs GUIs
- Hillel Wayne - Software correctness is a lot like flossing
- Jim Leff - Afterlife
- Andrew Taggart - On Spiritual Temperaments
- alice maz - you can just do stuff
- Yamato71 - Life after detonation
- Scott Alexander - Solidarity
- Brian Reischl - Stupid Feed Tricks (via)
- Skunk Ledger - My Opening Speech At The Event I'm Going To Host Next Vibecamp
- Skunk Ledger - The Connoisseur
- Skunk Ledger - The Vibe Handbook, Part One: Defining Vibes Without Talking About TikTok At All
- Skunk Ledger - Escaping High School
- Jessica Livingston - The Sound of Silence
- Proptest README
- Venkatesh Rao - The Resourceful Life
- John Sunyer, Venkatesh Rao - Venkatesh Rao: the master of cultural trends
- Erik Hoel - The internet's "town square" is dead
- Eugene Wei - How to Blow Up a Timeline (also this discussion)
- Jesse Hyde - How a Prison Gang Inspired by Hollywood Heists Stole $23 Million
- Sasha Chapin - Getting married soon: some notes on world-building
- Adam Geitgey - A Petabyte of Health Insurance Prices Per Month
- Jake Archibald - The case against self-closing tags in HTML
- Raouf Chebri - 20x faster than pgvector: introducing pg_embedding for vector search in Postgres and LangChain
- https://oxide.computer/product/facilities
- Kenton Varda - Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime & limitations
- Carmen Hermosillo, A.K.A. humdog - pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace (archive) (via)
- Luc Rinaldi - They lost their kids to Fortnite
- tef - How do you cut a monolith in half?
- Sasha Chapin - After a Month-Long Twitter Break
- David Chapman - In praise of choicelessness
- Joseph Hincks - Do Stressed-Out Japanese Really Stage Elaborate Disappearances? On the Trail of the Johatsu or 'Evaporated People'
- Wesley Aptekar-Cassels - Servers and Desire
- Wesley Aptekar-Cassels - The Heritage of Tools
- Wesley Aptekar-Cassels - There is no such thing as a static website
- John Ganz - Everyone in America is Totally Insane
- Zoltan Kochan - pnpm docs
- Zoltan Kochan - Painless Monorepo Dependency Management with Bit
- Ron Buckton - TypeScript: Support
andawait using
declarations - Daniel Rosenwasser - Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta
- Sam Bowman - Britain is a developing country
- sections Meditation as Science and A Brief Critique of Meditation as a Science in David L. McMahan - The Making of Buddhist Modernism (via)
- Adam Mastroianni - An invitation to a secret society
- Neil Postman - Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology/ audio
- omnizoid - Underwater Torture Chambers: The Horror Of Fish Farming
- Henrik Karlsson, Johanna Wiberg - Cultivating a state of mind where new ideas are born
- Henrik Karlsson - Scraping training data for your mind
- Wikipedia - Absence seizure
- First Day of the Week in Different Countries
- https://propjockey.github.io/css-conways-game-of-life/game-of-life.css via https://propjockey.github.io/css-conways-game-of-life/ via https://github.com/propjockey/css-conways-game-of-life
- Emily Velasco - Some Alloys Don't Change Size When Heated. We Now Know Why.
- Aleksandr Hovhannisyan - Represent State with HTML Attributes, Not Class Names
- Keith Cirkel - CSS Classes considered harmful
- Werner Vogels - Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3
- David Volodzko - Ukraine’s Life-or-Death Therapy Sessions
- Wikipedia - Honma Munehisa
- matthieum's response on How would you design a logging system for a low latency application to not have much impact on the latency?
- Gyrovague - archive.today: On the trail of the mysterious guerrilla archivist of the Internet
- Liz Gorny - How to make a music video for KH (Four Tet) in ten days using extinct coding software
- Lana Hall - We Are All Animals at Night
- ChatGPT - Calculating Sunflower Oil Production
- Marcus Aurelius, C. Scot Hicks - The Emperor's Handbook: A New Translation of the Meditations/ audio
- Sasha Chapin, Cate Hall - Have an actually fun wedding
- John Qian - How a startup loses its spark
- Max G. Levy - Two Students Unravel a Widely Believed Math Conjecture
- Javier Gonzalez - I Fixed A Bug The Other Day
- Fig. 5 from: Ideological differences in the expanse of the moral circle
- John Elder Robison - An Experimental Autism Treatment Cost Me My Marriage
- Dan Goodin - Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc
- Thranx - Issues with Windows Time? A PSA Regarding Windows Secure Time Seeding
- Wikipedia - Satisfiability modulo theories
- David Owen - What Happens to All the Stuff We Return?
- Julia Evans - How to ask good questions
- Cathode Ray Dude - hahaha we live in hell
- Kim Zetter - Computer Virus Leads to $20 Million Scam Targeting Pianist Composer
- Holden Karnofsky - Learning by Writing
- Frederik Gieschen - Behind The Curtains of Buffett's Life with Alice Schroeder
- Wikipedia - Category:Confidence tricks
- Dinesh Raju - Uncle, You Don’t Make Sense
- John D. Cook - Least squares solutions to over- or underdetermined systems
- John D. Cook - Don’t invert that matrix
- Kieran McCarthy - Web Scraping for Me, But Not for Thee
- Natália Coelho Mendonça - Counter-theses on Sleep
- Philip Ball - Why Darwin Admired the Humble Earthworm
- Tim Pratt - Annabelle's Alphabet
- Wikipedia - Cyc
- Theia Vogel - A symbolic linguistics framework in Rust — Part 1: Why?, rewrite rules, and recursion
- HTML wrapper methods on String
- haru - why not matrix?
- Beth Mole - Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
- Thomas Doherty - When Moviegoers Started Watching Films From the Beginning
- Joe Wintergreen - So You've Decided To Move From Unity To Unreal Engine
- David Chapman - Yes
- David Chapman - Yana slip
- David Chapman - Yana shock
- David Chapman - Wrathful teaching/ this is a bit of an infohazard without further context
- David Chapman - Wrathful practice
- The Svelte Team - Introducing runes
- Dominik Mayer - iCloud Drive Silently Deletes Your Content
- Delicious Tacos - The Gift
- Sasha Chapin - Sasha dreams of a better sushi documentary
- Martin Myrseth - Programming is hard
- Peter Tasker - Japan’s Silent Movie Culture Is Still Going Strong
- Matt Levine - SBF Was Reckless From the Start
- Google Search - drowns trying to save
- Cory Doctorow - A Murder Story: Whatever Happened to Interoperability?
- Erik Hoel - Our new pastime of watching people die
- Stu Maschwitz - Log is the “Pro” in iPhone 15 Pro
- Michael Lewis - Going Infinite/ audio
- Chris Coyier - Being Picky about a CSS Reset for Fun & Pleasure
- withoutboats - Why async Rust? (via)
- First Round Capital - The Founder Dating Playbook – Here’s the Process I Used to Find My Co-Founder
- Alice Schroeder & Miguel Barbosa - Interview with Alice Schroeder: The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
- ValdikSS - Encrypted traffic interception on Hetzner and Linode targeting the largest Russian XMPP (Jabber) messaging service
- Matthew Garrett - We need better support for SSH host certificates via HN
- Jimmy Koppel - This one weird trick^H^H^H^H^H deep technique for writing an actually good resume
- Unofficial Signal Wiki - Delete for everyone
- Unofficial Signal Wiki - Message delivery
- Adam Mastroianni - If You Ever Speak in Public, Follow This Advice
- Henrik Karlsson - Being patient with problems
- parlêtre - Critique of Pragmatic Dharma #1
- Wikipedia - Lojong - Chekawa Yeshe Dorje's root text
- Jennifer Frazer - Prions, Nearly Indestructible and Universally Lethal, Seed the Eyes of Victims
- James Somers - The three-page paper that shook philosophy: Gettiers in software engineering
- Wikipedia - Nonlinear junction detector
- Eugene Wei - Compress to impress
- Mike Powell - Meditation in the Time of Disruption
- James Somers - Kenjitsu
- Robbie Dillon - I Was a Bank Robber Until I Read Kant
- Ben Binday - 'Not of faculty quality': How Penn mistreated Nobel Prize-winning researcher Katalin Karikó
- Steve Blank - Why Entrepreneurs Start Companies Rather Than Join Them
- Eliot Jacobson - Beyond Grief: There’s a Sadness Deep Inside of Me
- Eliot Jacobson - Choking on Hope*
- Yoshua Wuyts - Tree-Structured Concurrency
- Wikipedia - Brominated vegetable oil
- Yann Hamdaoui - Great configurations from little merges grow
- Jeff Johnson - Apple developer boycott of Feedback Assistant
- Nicholas Carlini - A GPT-4 Capability Forecasting Challenge
- Leif K-Brooks - Omegle 2009-2023
- Curtis Yarvin - Clearpill yourself on Gaza
- Terraform Industries - Permitting Reform Or Death
- Francesco Mazzoli - Lánczos interpolation explained
- Tavis Ormandy - Reptar
- Wikipedia - Gray code
- Wikipedia - Karnaugh map
- Cedric Chin - What The CEO Wants You To Know
- Rachel Crowell - Ninth Dedekind Number Found by Two Independent Groups
- Hans-Georg Moeller, Paul J. D'Ambrosio - You and Your Profile: Identity After Authenticity/ audio
- Eliezer Yudkowsky - The First World Takeover
- Wikipedia - Irreligion
- Chenxin Li - Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs
- Aurelian - No Way Out
- Richard Noll, Ivan Tyrrell - The mysterious Jung: his cult, the lies he told, and the occult
- Wikipedia - Richard Noll
- Rasmus Porsager - Postgres.js
- Wikipedia - Confidence trick
- Xuanwo - Rust std fs slower than Python!? No, it's hardware!
- Romeo Stevens - Buddhist Psychotechnology for Withstanding Apocalypse Stress
- Viola Zhou, Nilesh Christopher - Inside Foxconn’s struggle to make iPhones in India
- Evan Zimmerman - The Secret Behind Qualcomm's Margins? Patents
- Isabelle Qian - 7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp
- Dylan Ayrey - Google OAuth is broken (sort of)
- Andrew Gelman - Plagiarism means never having to say you’re clueless
- Sasha Chapin - Certain ways that “try harder” can be a bad strategy
- Boris Müller - Menus, Metaphors and Materials: Milestones of User Interface Design
- Anson Yu - sparkly people and how to find them
- Anna Salamon - Humans are not automatically strategic
- Andreas Karlsson - 4 billion if statements
- Arthur Schopenhauer - The Art of Literature/ audio (NA0251)
unplanned and abandoned
- Chuck Klosterman - The Nineties/ audio
- Rick Rubin - The Creative Act/ audio
- Mike Rinder - A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology/ audio
- Sarah Steel - Do As I Say: How Cults Control, Why We Join Them, and What They Teach Us About Bullying, Abuse and Coercion/ audio
- Benjamín Labatut - When We Cease to Understand the World/ audio
- Kathryn Petras, Ross Petras - Awkword Moments: A Lively Guide to the 100 Terms Smart People Should Know/ audio
- Adam Galinsky, Maurice Schweitzer - Friend & Foe: When to Cooperate, When to Compete, and How to Succeed at Both/ audio
- Han Kang - The White Book/ audio
- Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince/ audio
- Anthony Bourdain - Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly/ audio
- Kristie Macrakis - Espionage/ audio
- Christopher Winn - Legal Daisy Spacing (via)
- Justin E. H. Smith - The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is/ audio
- Alice Schroeder - The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life/ audio (~77% in)
- Morgan Housel - Same as Ever/ audio
- Amanda Montell - Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism/ audio