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Jake Chvatal jakeisnt

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import { useSyncExternalStore } from 'react'
* This will call the given callback function whenever the contents of the map
* change.
class ObservableMap extends Map {
constructor(entries) {
this.listeners = new Set()
// code updates are now there:
// Processing code by Etienne JACOB
// motion blur template by beesandbombs
// CC BY-SA 3.0 license because it's using code from Wikipedia
// View the rendered result at:
int[][] result;
float t, c;
fendor /
Created August 31, 2020 10:31
Final submission for Fendor's Google Summer of Code Project "Multiple Home Units For GHC"

GSoC Submission

The goal of my Google Summer of Code project was to introduce support of multiple home units for GHC. The main motivation for this proposal is to help IDEs provide a seamless developer experience. Currently, two of the bigger IDE projects in Haskell are ghcide and Haskell IDE Engine. Both of these projects aim to support a workflow where developers can work on multiple packages, such as a package's library and executable at the same time. The work-force behind it is GHC itself, which is responsible for actually compiling a user's source files. While we succeeded to create a fork that implements the proposal, nothing has been merged into upstream yet. This is to be expected, since it is a huge change that will impact a considerable number of the GHC API's consumers. Therefore this feature needs to be designed with care and code changes verified to have no unintended sid

jeffbyrnes / lastfm_nowplaying.js
Last active February 26, 2021 00:37 — forked from trisweb/lastfm_nowplaying.css Now Playing Widget. Add to a <script> and <style> tag on your site, or load from files.
/* ********************************************************************** */
const LFM_API = ''
// Get one at
const LFM_KEY = 'ce8a26c8204cd9994cb27278d682efe3'
const LFM_USER = 'jeffbyrnes'
async function getNowPlaying () {
const recentTracksUrl = `${LFM_API}?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=${LFM_USER}&api_key=${LFM_KEY}+&format=json&limit=1`
let httpRequest
trisweb / lastfm_nowplaying.css
Last active April 11, 2022 17:31 Now Playing Widget. Just add to a <script> and <style> tag on your site, or load from files, and call getNowPlaying() on page load.
.now-playing {
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: calc(50vh - (min(20vw, calc(100vh - 30px)) / 2, 400px));
z-index: 1001;
} {
opacity: 1;
border: 0;
nikitavoloboev / inoreader.xml
Last active December 18, 2022 16:17
Inoreader RSS subscriptions exported. Can be imported into RSS feed reader of your choice.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="1.0">
<title>Subscriptions of nikita.voloboev from Inoreader []</title>
<outline text="1." title="1.">
<outline text="" title="" type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Apple Machine Learning Journal" title="Apple Machine Learning Journal" type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="knolleary" title="knolleary" type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
cellularmitosis /
Last active April 26, 2024 20:19
Tech Links
#lang rosette/safe
(require rosette/lib/angelic ; provides `choose*`
rosette/lib/destruct) ; provides `destruct`
; Tell Rosette we really do want to use integers.
(current-bitwidth #f)
pjobson /
Last active May 16, 2024 22:27
Syncthing Ubuntu/Mint Headless

Syncthing Ubuntu/Mint Headless


Syncthing is a free, open-source peer-to-peer file synchronization application available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Solaris, Darwin, and BSD. It can sync files between devices on a local network, or between remote devices over the Internet. Data security and data safety are built into the design of the software.

This is written using Linux Mint 21.2 x86_64 using kernel 5.15.0-89-generic.

I couldn't find good directions for doing this, so here we go.

josephg /
Last active June 7, 2024 09:37
Getting Zig compiling to WASM

In case anyone else wants to play with Zig on webassembly, here's what you need to do to make it work on a mac today.

1. Get LLVM 7 compiled with webassembly support.

You'll need LLVM to output to the WASM target. This has just been added by default in trunk, so if LLVM >7 is available, you might be able to just brew install llvm.

If you have wasm support already you should see:

$ llc --version