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// Copyright 2016 Jeremie Miserez <jeremie@miserez.org> | |
// | |
// MIT License | |
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
// | |
// A little bit of Javascript to let you export your Google Music library, playlists, and album track lists :) | |
// | |
// I posted this as an answer here: http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/50311/print-playlist-from-google-play-music | |
// | |
// 1. Go to: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/all (or your playlist) | |
// | |
// 2. Open a developer console (F12 for Chrome). Paste | |
// code below into the console. | |
// | |
// 3. All scraped songs are stored in the `allsongs` object | |
// and a text version of the list is copied to the clipboard. I recommend running | |
// `songsToText("all",true)` afterwards to get the full CSV information. | |
// | |
// 4. If you would like the output in a text format, can call | |
// the songsToText() function. You can select a style, choose | |
// the format, and if only liked/thumbed up songs should be exported. | |
// The resulting list will then be pasted into the clipboard. | |
// Styles are ` all`, `artist`, `artistalbum`, `artistsong`, | |
// `artistalbumsong`. | |
// CSV will result in a CSV file and can be left out (defaults to false). | |
// Likedonly can be left out (defaults to | |
// false) or set to true, and will filter all songs with | |
// ratings greater or equal to 5. | |
// E.g: | |
// - `songsToText("all",true,false)` will export all songs in csv format. | |
// - `songsToText("all",true,true)` will export only liked songs in csv format. | |
// - `songsToText("artistsong",false,false)` will export all songs as text. | |
// | |
// 5. You can then paste the data anywhere you like, for | |
// example http://www.ivyishere.org/ if you want to add the | |
// songs or albums to your Spotify account. To make Ivy | |
// recognize full albums, use the "artistalbum" style. For | |
// songs, use the "artistsong" style. | |
// see my answer here for questions: http://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/73792/77056 | |
var allsongs = [] | |
var outText = ""; | |
var songsToText = function(style, csv, likedonly){ | |
if (style === undefined){ | |
console.log("style is undefined."); | |
return; | |
} | |
var csv = csv || false; // defaults to false | |
var likedonly = likedonly || false; // defaults to false | |
if (likedonly) { | |
console.log("Only selecting liked songs"); | |
} | |
if (style == "all" && !csv){ | |
console.log("Duration, ratings, and playcount will only be exported with the CSV flag"); | |
} | |
outText = ""; | |
if (csv) { | |
if (style == "all") { | |
//extra line | |
outText = "artist,album,title,duration,playcount,rating,rating_interpretation" + "\n"; | |
} else if (style == "artist") { | |
} else if (style == "artistsong") { | |
} else if (style == "artistalbum") { | |
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") { | |
} else { | |
console.log("style not defined"); | |
} | |
} | |
var numEntries = 0; | |
var seen = {}; | |
for (var i = 0; i < allsongs.length; i++) { | |
var curr = ""; | |
var properTitle = allsongs[i].title.replace(/[\n\r!]/g, '').trim(); | |
if (!likedonly || (likedonly && allsongs[i].rating >= 5)){ | |
if (csv) { | |
if (style == "all") { | |
//extra line | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].duration.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].playcount.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"'; | |
} else if (style == "artist") { | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"'; | |
} else if (style == "artistsong") { | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"'; | |
} else if (style == "artistalbum") { | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"'; | |
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") { | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ","; | |
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"'; | |
} else { | |
console.log("style not defined"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (style == "all"){ | |
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle + " [[playcount: " + allsongs[i].playcount + ", rating: " + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation + "]]" ; | |
} else if (style == "artist"){ | |
curr = allsongs[i].artist; | |
} else if (style == "artistalbum"){ | |
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album; | |
} else if (style == "artistsong"){ | |
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + properTitle; | |
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong"){ | |
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle; | |
} else { | |
console.log("style not defined"); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr)){ // hashset | |
outText = outText + curr + "\n"; | |
numEntries++; | |
seen[curr] = true; | |
} else { | |
//console.log("Skipping (duplicate) " + curr); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
console.log("============================================================="); | |
console.log(outText); | |
console.log("============================================================="); | |
try { | |
copy(outText); | |
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard succeeded."); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.log(e); | |
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard failed, please type copy(outText) on the console or copy the log output above."); | |
} | |
console.log("Done! " + numEntries + " lines in output. Used " + numEntries + " unique entries out of " + allsongs.length + "."); | |
}; | |
var scrapeSongs = function(){ | |
var intervalms = 1; //in ms | |
var timeoutms = 3000; //in ms | |
var retries = timeoutms / intervalms; | |
var total = []; | |
var seen = {}; | |
var topId = ""; | |
document.querySelector("#mainContainer").scrollTop = 0; //scroll to top | |
var interval = setInterval(function(){ | |
var songs = document.querySelectorAll("table.song-table tbody tr.song-row"); | |
if (songs.length > 0) { | |
// detect order | |
var colNames = { | |
index: -1, | |
title: -1, | |
duration: -1, | |
artist: -1, | |
album: -1, | |
playcount: -1, | |
rating: -1 | |
}; | |
for (var i = 0; i < songs[0].childNodes.length; i++) { | |
colNames.index = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "index" ? i : colNames.index; | |
colNames.title = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "title" ? i : colNames.title; | |
colNames.duration = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "duration" ? i : colNames.duration; | |
colNames.artist = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "artist" ? i : colNames.artist; | |
colNames.album = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "album" ? i : colNames.album; | |
colNames.playcount = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "play-count" ? i : colNames.playcount; | |
colNames.rating = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "rating" ? i : colNames.rating; | |
} | |
// check if page has updated/scrolled | |
var currId = songs[0].getAttribute("data-id"); | |
if (currId == topId){ // page has not yet changed | |
retries--; | |
scrollDiv = document.querySelector("#mainContainer"); | |
isAtBottom = scrollDiv.scrollTop == (scrollDiv.scrollHeight - scrollDiv.offsetHeight) | |
if (isAtBottom || retries <= 0) { | |
clearInterval(interval); //done | |
allsongs = total; | |
console.log("Got " + total.length + " songs and stored them in the allsongs variable."); | |
console.log("Calling songsToText with style all, csv flag true, likedonly false: songsToText(\"all\", false)."); | |
songsToText("artistalbumsong", false, false); | |
} | |
} else { | |
retries = timeoutms / intervalms; | |
topId = currId; | |
// read page | |
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) { | |
var curr = { | |
dataid: songs[i].getAttribute("data-id"), | |
index: (colNames.index != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.index].textContent : ""), | |
title: (colNames.title != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.title].textContent : ""), | |
duration: (colNames.duration != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.duration].textContent : ""), | |
artist: (colNames.artist != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.artist].textContent : ""), | |
album: (colNames.album != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.album].textContent : ""), | |
playcount: (colNames.playcount != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.playcount].textContent : ""), | |
rating: (colNames.rating != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.rating].getAttribute("data-rating") : ""), | |
rating_interpretation: "", | |
} | |
if(curr.rating == "undefined") { | |
curr.rating_interpretation = "never-rated" | |
} | |
if(curr.rating == "0") { | |
curr.rating_interpretation = "not-rated" | |
} | |
if(curr.rating == "1") { | |
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-down" | |
} | |
if(curr.rating == "5") { | |
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-up" | |
} | |
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr.dataid)){ // hashset | |
total.push(curr); | |
seen[curr.dataid] = true; | |
} | |
} | |
songs[songs.length-1].scrollIntoView(true); // go to next page | |
} | |
} | |
}, intervalms); | |
}; | |
scrapeSongs(); | |
// for the full CSV version you can now call songsToText("all", true); |
Wow. Just googled for a luck and here it is. Thanks!
I just made very simple csv exporter to Tidal if anyone is interested. Everything needed is mentioned in comments in file. https://gist.github.com/RZetko/71801a20188e842ef03bed3b6d7a297f
How can I skip saving the album name?
Thank you for this, lastfm is the past now for me!
NOTE: I removed 2 comments linking to commercial websites. This page is not the right place for ads/spam (both users had no GitHub contributions).
Alternatively, you can get the information from the db created by the google music.
Hit F12 and paste the code in the console.
var allData = [];
var allDataOrg = {};
var dbName = "music_09372034525924891548";
var request = indexedDB.open(dbName, 6);
request.onsuccess = function(){
var db = request.result;
var transaction = db.transaction(["tracks"]);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("tracks");
var req2 = objectStore.getAllKeys();
req2.onsuccess = function(){
var keys = req2.result;
for (var ii=0;ii<keys.length;ii++){
function getData(key,db){
var transaction = db.transaction(["tracks"]);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("tracks");
var request2 = objectStore.get(key);
request2.onsuccess = function() {
var keys = Object.keys(xml);
for (var ii=0;ii<keys.length;ii++){
var title = xml[keys[ii]][1];
var album = xml[keys[ii]][4];
var ano = xml[keys[ii]][18];
var artist1 = xml[keys[ii]][3];
var artist2 = xml[keys[ii]][5];
var length = xml[keys[ii]][13]/100;
var trackNumber = xml[keys[ii]][14];
//console.log(title + "\t" + album + "\t" + ano + "\t" + artist1 + "\t" + artist2 + "\t" + length + "\t" + trackNumber);
console.log(album + "\t" + ano + "\t" + trackNumber + "\t" + title);
window.allData.push({"artist": artist1 + "; " +artist2, "album": album, "ano": ano, "track": trackNumber + " " + title});
var pt1 = artist1 + "- " +artist2 + "- " + album;
var pt2 = trackNumber + ". " + title;
if (typeof(window.allDataOrg[pt1]) == "undefined"){
window.allDataOrg[pt1] = [];
Can anyone make this into a Chrome Extension?
Ok, I made it into an extension for Chrome/Opera
Unpacked Extension, compressed to zip file
Packed Extension to crx
After you have loaded the extension, you need to REFRESH the google music page (F5)
It does NOT work if you do not refresh the page...
Here's the easy copy paste version freshly tested :
var allsongs = []
var outText = "";
var songsToText = function(style, csv, likedonly){
if (style === undefined){
console.log("style is undefined.");
var csv = csv || false; // defaults to false
var likedonly = likedonly || false; // defaults to false
if (likedonly) {
console.log("Only selecting liked songs");
if (style == "all" && !csv){
console.log("Duration, ratings, and playcount will only be exported with the CSV flag");
outText = "";
if (csv) {
if (style == "all") {
//extra line
outText = "artist,album,title,duration,playcount,rating,rating_interpretation" + "\n";
} else if (style == "artist") {
} else if (style == "artistsong") {
} else if (style == "artistalbum") {
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") {
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
var numEntries = 0;
var seen = {};
for (var i = 0; i < allsongs.length; i++) {
var curr = "";
var properTitle = allsongs[i].title.replace(/[\n\r!]/g, '').trim();
if (!likedonly || (likedonly && allsongs[i].rating >= 5)){
if (csv) {
if (style == "all") {
//extra line
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].duration.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].playcount.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artist") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistsong") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistalbum") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong") {
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].artist.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + allsongs[i].album.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"' + ",";
curr += '"' + properTitle.replace(/"/g, '""').trim() + '"';
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
} else {
if (style == "all"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle + " [[playcount: " + allsongs[i].playcount + ", rating: " + allsongs[i].rating_interpretation + "]]" ;
} else if (style == "artist"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist;
} else if (style == "artistalbum"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album;
} else if (style == "artistsong"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + properTitle;
} else if (style == "artistalbumsong"){
curr = allsongs[i].artist + " - " + allsongs[i].album + " - " + properTitle;
} else {
console.log("style not defined");
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr)){ // hashset
outText = outText + curr + "\n";
seen[curr] = true;
} else {
//console.log("Skipping (duplicate) " + curr);
try {
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard succeeded.");
} catch (e) {
console.log("copy(outText) to clipboard failed, please type copy(outText) on the //console or copy the log output above.");
console.log("Done! " + numEntries + " lines in output. Used " + numEntries + " unique entries out of " + allsongs.length + ".");
saveText('Google-Playlist.csv', outText);
function saveText(filename, text) {
var tempElem = document.createElement('a');
tempElem.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
tempElem.setAttribute('download', filename);
var scrapeSongs = function(){
var intervalms = 1; //in ms
var timeoutms = 3000; //in ms
var retries = timeoutms / intervalms;
var total = [];
var seen = {};
var topId = "";
document.querySelector("#mainContainer").scrollTop = 0; //scroll to top
var interval = setInterval(function(){
var songs = document.querySelectorAll("table.song-table tbody tr.song-row");
if (songs.length > 0) {
// detect order
var colNames = {
index: -1,
title: -1,
duration: -1,
artist: -1,
album: -1,
playcount: -1,
rating: -1
for (var i = 0; i < songs[0].childNodes.length; i++) {
colNames.index = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "index" ? i : colNames.index;
colNames.title = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "title" ? i : colNames.title;
colNames.duration = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "duration" ? i : colNames.duration;
colNames.artist = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "artist" ? i : colNames.artist;
colNames.album = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "album" ? i : colNames.album;
colNames.playcount = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "play-count" ? i : colNames.playcount;
colNames.rating = songs[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("data-col") == "rating" ? i : colNames.rating;
// check if page has updated/scrolled
var currId = songs[0].getAttribute("data-id");
if (currId == topId){ // page has not yet changed
scrollDiv = document.querySelector("#mainContainer");
isAtBottom = scrollDiv.scrollTop == (scrollDiv.scrollHeight - scrollDiv.offsetHeight)
if (isAtBottom || retries <= 0) {
clearInterval(interval); //done
allsongs = total;
console.log("Got " + total.length + " songs and stored them in the allsongs variable.");
console.log("Calling songsToText with style all, csv flag true, likedonly false: songsToText(\"all\", false).");
//songsToText("artistalbumsong", false, false);
songsToText("all", true);
} else {
retries = timeoutms / intervalms;
topId = currId;
// read page
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var curr = {
dataid: songs[i].getAttribute("data-id"),
index: (colNames.index != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.index].textContent : ""),
title: (colNames.title != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.title].textContent : ""),
duration: (colNames.duration != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.duration].textContent : ""),
artist: (colNames.artist != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.artist].textContent : ""),
album: (colNames.album != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.album].textContent : ""),
playcount: (colNames.playcount != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.playcount].textContent : ""),
rating: (colNames.rating != -1 ? songs[i].childNodes[colNames.rating].getAttribute("data-rating") : ""),
rating_interpretation: "",
if(curr.rating == "undefined") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "never-rated"
if(curr.rating == "0") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "not-rated"
if(curr.rating == "1") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-down"
if(curr.rating == "5") {
curr.rating_interpretation = "thumbs-up"
if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(curr.dataid)){ // hashset
seen[curr.dataid] = true;
songs[songs.length-1].scrollIntoView(true); // go to next page
}, intervalms);
// for the full CSV version you can now call songsToText("all", true);
sendResponse({data: data, success: true});
Thanks @montamal - yours worked pasted in the chrome console when showing Songs tab on Google Play Music Library. I then had to do "copy(outText)" in the console and it worked.
This worked for me, thanks!
http://www.playlist-converter.net was then able to (mostly) successfully import the playlist's into Spotify.
I've just found your script and it's nice, work 98% of the time.
Im able to reproduce an issue on that playlist :
The song #55 Wagon Wheel doesnt get into the final CSV.
I added that song alone in a new playlist (empty) and I get it inside CSV.
Anyone else facing that kind of issue ?
Could someone make a similar code to be applied to the our whole google play music library?
I'd be more than happy if I could get all the artists names of my google play music library (I don't really know the song names now)
Works greatI Sure do appreciate it!
Hello! I used the code last month and it worked perfectly! However I tried to do it again and its not getting the last 8 songs in my Library? :/ Its seems like it scrolled down all the way. Do you have any advice?
Thank you for putting in the work for this!
Thx it works!
Just waned to say thanks! This has been tremendously helpfu!
Thanks a lot for this snippet! It worked marvellously for me!
This is fantastic, thank you so much! Is it possible to capture the Date Added column in a Last Added auto-playlist?
For getting a csv of all tracks and plays for use with the universal scrobbler thing I ran this after the main code and it worked well.
let plays = cur.playcount == '' ?0:parseInt(cur.playcount);
let current = [];
return [...acc, ...current];
Is there a similar way to do this with YouTube Music?
I have created a python script that takes the export from google takeout (i.e. from google play music) and your local files as well as the exported files, and finds matches between the songs in the playlists and the music files on your computer. You end up with two m3u playlist files per playlist: One using relative paths and one using absolute paths.
I do not know, but I can imagine that you could export from YouTube Music in the same way using takeout.google.com @acdcsteve ?
If not, have you seen this stackexchange answer by the creator of this gist's original source code?
Hey thanks lucidBrot, however when I did a Google Takeout, it only had all the playlists from YouTube Music, I couldn't find anything containing my entire library. I also believe there's a limit in the number of songs per playlist, so I wouldn't be able to get my 5,000 song collection into one playlist.
Also, that link will help with exporting playlists, however, I don't want to export playlists, I want to export my entire library, like how the code in the original post does.
@acdcsteve That's disappointing... my Google Takeout for Google Play Music contains a Tracks
folder contains 4285 music files in my case.
Do your exported playlists maybe contain the song's youtube links? Then you could easily write a script that downloads them all for you.
@acdcsteve That's disappointing... my Google Takeout for Google Play Music contains a
folder contains 4285 music files in my case.Do your exported playlists maybe contain the song's youtube links? Then you could easily write a script that downloads them all for you.
Indeed it will lucidBrot, but my question is concerning the YouTube Music section of Google Takeout, as I assume the Google Play Music section of Google Takeout will be removed in the near future.
Also, I'm not interested in exporting my YouTube Music playlists - I'm trying to find a way to get a list of my entire uploaded music library in YouTube Music (for the future - obviously I can get it through Google Play Music for now via the original post).
Thank you for this script. It still works great as of today.
Is there a way to modify this to automatically download all tracks? Seems I missed the window on downloading my library :-/ I see that can still download individual tracks from Google Play Music for now, would be nice to back this up, YouTube Music sucks.
@jessicah are you saying that https://takeout.google.com/ is no longer an option? Just to be sure, because it does still show Google Play Music for me
Oh, I didn't know it could include the actual music tracks, I'll give that a whirl, thank you :)
This is fantastic. Thank you!
I am running into one problem--it looks like album names that end in an exclamation mark, are signifying the end of the list. e.g. This playlist has 50 songs, but will only export the first 36 to .CSV, presumably because the 37th song is from an album called "Climbing!"