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Last active July 24, 2023 04:12
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hn job query search
// Usage:
// Copy and paste all of this into a debug console window of the "Who is Hiring?" comment thread
// then use as follows:
// query(term | [term, term, ...], term | [term, term, ...], ...)
// When arguments are in an array then that means an "or" and when they are seperate that means "and"
// Term is of the format:
// ((-)text/RegExp) ( '-' means negation )
// A first argument of '+' signifies an additional pass on the filtered data as opposed to
// resetting everything.
// Example: Let's look for jobs in california that involve rust or python and not crypto:
// > query('ca', '-crypto', ['rust', 'python']);
// {filtered: '98.57%', query: 'ca AND NOT crypto AND (rust OR python)'}
// Then you see, "oh right, I don't care about blockchain either":
// > query('+', '-blockchain');
// {filtered: '98.57%', query: 'ca AND NOT crypto AND (rust OR python) AND NOT blockchain'}
// Another example:
// > query(['ca', 'sf', 'san jose', 'mountan view'])
// {filtered: '90.61%', query: '(ca OR sf OR san jose OR mountan view)'}
// COVID killed Silicon Valley. Quod Erat Demonstrandum!
// Changelog for 2022-08-02
// * Negation via '-'
// * Multi-pass querying via first argument being '+'
// * Debugging query string added in the response
// * "or" and "and" works the opposite of how it did previously.
// This form seems to be more useful.
// * Whole word matching is default
// * Terms such as "c++" are properly escaped
// * Rewrote as an absurd implementation.
// I had a fun afternoon writing this.
function query(...queryList) {
// HN is done with very unsemantic classes.
let jobList = [...document.querySelectorAll('.c5a,.cae,.c00,.c9c,.cdd,.c73,.c88')],
// Traverses up the dom stack trying to find a match of a specific class
upto = (node, klass) => node.classList.contains(klass) ? node : upto(node.parentNode, klass),
display = (node, what) => upto(node, 'athing').style.display = what,
hide = node => { display(node, 'none'); = false},
show = node => { display(node, 'block'); = true},
// Use RegExp as is. Otherwise make it a case insensitive RegExp
destring = what => [
what[0] === '-',
what.test ? what : new RegExp([
.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'),
].join(''), 'i'), what
// This is our grand reset
if(queryList[0] !== '+') {
// Have fun with that.
query.hidden = +!( query.fn = [] );
} else {
// The AND is an artifact of the design. It's just iterative napped subsets
query.fn = query.fn.concat( => {
// Make it an array if it isn't one and pass it through our destring
let orList = Array.of(arg).flat().map(destring);
// If we're showing the job, then go through the list of terms
// If all of them do not match, hide it, then return the length.
query.hidden += jobList.filter(node =>
&& orList.every(([neg, r]) => neg ^ !( + 1))
// You're on your own here - this is just the construction of
// the debug string. There's far more reasonable ways to do this
// But what fun would that be?!
return (
' ('[+!!(orList.length - 1)] +[neg, ig, r]) => ['', 'NOT '][+neg] + r.slice(+neg)).join(' OR ') +
' )'[+!!(orList.length - 1)]
return {
filtered: (100 * query.hidden / jobList.length).toFixed(2) + '%',
query: query.fn.join(' AND ')
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nemanjam commented Sep 1, 2022

Thank you.

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Updated pagination code using fetch and async/await, and while instead of recursion. Forked from @Ivanca

It'd be nice to merge this into query().

(async function () {
    var more;
    while (more = document.querySelector('a.morelink')) {
        const r = await fetch(more.href);
        const div = document.createElement('div');
        div.innerHTML = await r.text();
        document.querySelector('.comment-tree > tbody').innerHTML += div.querySelector('.comment-tree > tbody').innerHTML;

Also, maybe a bookmarklet? You can drag/drop or copy/paste to your boomarks toolbar. eg:

/* /Say hello# */
(function () {
  alert('Hello, HN');


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