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Lee Goddard leegee

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icantrap /
Created October 26, 2010 20:25
How to Github and Gitorious over HTTP proxy

You could always use Smart HTTP.

For read-only (git:) urls, install corkscrew.

  1. Download Put it somewhere and make it executable.

  2. Run git config --global core.gitproxy '/usr/local/bin/'

To clone, push, pull over ssh, add the contents of ssh_config to your ~/.ssh/config file.

repeatingbeats / nodeunit_example.js
Created January 27, 2011 20:07
Example structure for nodeunit tests with nested groups and setUp/tearDown functions
* Example structure for nodeunit tests with nested groups and setup/teardown
* functions. Run | nodeunit nodeunit_example.js | to see a printout of
* function names in the order that they are called. There aren't any actual
* tests here.
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';
var testCase = require('nodeunit').testCase;
bonyiii / gist:822123
Created February 11, 2011 09:24
PostgreSQL BEFORE INSERT trigger with function
# Function returns user.login, current year, the primary_key which is the id, in 5 length (Example: 00045)
string format
# to_char(5,'00000') results the same number format
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."function_name" () RETURNS trigger AS
NEW.title = (SELECT login FROM users WHERE id = || to_char(NOW(),\'YYYY\') || lpad(, 5, \'0\');
springmeyer / create_index.js
Created August 10, 2011 23:41
create an sqlite rtree spatial index using node-sqlite3 and node-mapnik
ogr2ogr -f SQLite parks.sqlite ParkPly_900913.shp
dane$ ogr2ogr -f SQLite parks.sqlite ~/Documents/MapBox/cache/2976a0c1-10m-us-parks-area/2976a0c1-10m-us-parks-area.shp
neolitec / Color.js
Created November 7, 2011 10:19
Javascript Color Class
var Color = function() {
this.r = this.g = this.b = 0;
this.h = this.s = this.l = 0;
this.a = 1;
/** RGB */
Color.prototype.cssRGB = function() {
return "rgb("+Math.round(255*this.r)+","+Math.round(255*this.g)+","+Math.round(255*this.b)+")";
Color.prototype.cssRGBA = function() {
bmcbride / postgis_geojson.php
Created February 26, 2012 05:43
* PostGIS to GeoJSON
* Query a PostGIS table or view and return the results in GeoJSON format, suitable for use in OpenLayers, Leaflet, etc.
* @param string $geotable The PostGIS layer name *REQUIRED*
* @param string $geomfield The PostGIS geometry field *REQUIRED*
* @param string $srid The SRID of the returned GeoJSON *OPTIONAL (If omitted, EPSG: 4326 will be used)*
* @param string $fields Fields to be returned *OPTIONAL (If omitted, all fields will be returned)* NOTE- Uppercase field names should be wrapped in double quotes
* @param string $parameters SQL WHERE clause parameters *OPTIONAL*
drawcode / oracle_check_column_exists.sql
Last active March 23, 2023 08:18
Check if column exists on table in PGSQL
select table_name from user_tab_columns
where table_name = myTable and column_name = myColumn;
mjackson / color-conversion-algorithms.js
Last active July 24, 2024 13:28
RGB, HSV, and HSL color conversion algorithms in JavaScript
* Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula
* adapted from
* Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and
* returns h, s, and l in the set [0, 1].
* @param Number r The red color value
* @param Number g The green color value
* @param Number b The blue color value
* @return Array The HSL representation
matt-baker / select-centroid-polygon-as-latlong
Last active February 17, 2023 10:01
Select lat/long centroid from a polygon in PostGIS.
-- SELECT polygon centroid as latitude/longitude in PostGIS
st_x(st_transform(ST_Centroid(the_geom),4326)) as lat,
st_y(st_transform(ST_Centroid(the_geom),4326)) as long
FROM table;
gsainio / gist:6322375
Created August 23, 2013 18:20
Sample perl code to use service accounts and oauth2 with Google's Admin SDK API.
#!/usr/public/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use JSON;
use JSON::WebToken;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::Entities;
my $private_key_string = q[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----