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Linfeng Li llinfeng

  • The University of Michigan
  • Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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llinfeng / Vim_Dasung_Color.vim
Last active January 25, 2025 17:45
Tuning colorization of Vim for E-ink display
function! Dasung() " Specify a readable color scheme.
" Set color scheme, so that mostly things are readable
colorscheme delek
" Tune the airline color scheme (feel free to take it away).
AirlineTheme zenburn
" Keep the cursor as HD-FT has touch input
set guioptions+=r
" I got my copy of ProFontWindows, likely, from here:
" Resolution for the 13-inch Paperlike HD display is 1400 x 1050
set guifont=ProFontWindows:h20
llinfeng / spell_check.ahk
Created November 4, 2018 16:53
Use AutoHotKey + Google for spell-checking: in Normal text editors
; How it works? Well, when you type a single word with erranous spellings to Google, it way "Did you mean ...".
; This AHK script grab that piece of Google Suggestion and pass it back to the clipboard.
; Purpose: select the world to the left of the cursor, and correct using Google:
; Credits: AutoHotkey Community (Linfeng is not able to find the original source.)
; Please comment if you are able to find the source of those fantastic regex expressions
;; Usage: use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H, to select the word to the left of your active cursor,
;; and replace it with whatever Google corrects it to be.
;; Warning: only work best for very-close, but wrong, spellings.
llinfeng / spell_check_Vim.ahk
Created November 4, 2018 16:56
Use AutoHotKey + Google for spell-checking: in Gvim.exe (Vim on Windows)
; How it works? Well, when you type a single word with erranous spellings to Google, it way "Did you mean ...".
; This AHK script grab that piece of Google Suggestion and pass it back to the clipboard.
; Purpose: select the world to the left of the cursor, and correct using Google:
; Credits: AutoHotkey Community (Linfeng is not able to find the original source.)
; Please comment if you are able to find the source of those fantastic regex expressions
;; Usage: use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H, to select the word to the left of your
;; active cursor, and replace it with whatever Google corrects it to be.
;; Warning: only work best for very-close, but wrong, spellings.
llinfeng / restore_c_w_for_Firefox.ahk
Created November 6, 2018 16:45
Restore <c-w> to delete a word in Firefox, with solutation to Tridactyl
; Since Github refuse to render anything in the old Firefox 55, I need to switch to Tridactyl with the newer Firefox.
; Yet, the <c-w> is missing from Tridactyl, and it is impossible to implemnet an Insert mode there
; This maps <c-w> to delete the word, and <alt + q> to take out (close) a tab.
; Lastly, <Alt + Shift + Q> will close the entire window. It is impractical to kill all existing process as done on Mac.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe firefox.exe
;questionable piece, 2018-11-06: may not get used to it in the end.
!q:: send ^w
^w:: Send ^+{Left}{BS}
; End of questionable piece.
!+q:: send !{F4}
llinfeng / cVimrc
Created November 20, 2018 16:03
cVim on Chrome
let blacklists = ["*","*","*"]
llinfeng / win_and_wsl_registry.vim
Created January 28, 2019 04:10
For Xming-illustrated-Gvim-from-WSL on Windows 10, pressing `<c-c>` writes to registry `+` and `<c-v>` shall past from registry `+`. This is different from Win-Gvim's behavior, where `*`-registry is used.
" Snippet from my ~/.vimrc, where I use `Y` for fetching the absolute path, and use `<leader><leader>n` to fetch the name of the file.
" Other mappings were done a while ago. Kept for potential audience as they do demonstrate a wide variety of flags applicable for the expand() function.
if has('win32')
"Copy the full file path to windows clipboard.
nnoremap Y :let @* = expand("%:p")<CR>
"Copy the file name to windows clipboard.
nnoremap yyy :let @* = expand("%:p:t")<CR>
"Now using leaders:
" Full path
nnoremap <leader><leader>f :let @* = expand("%:p")<CR>
llinfeng / AHK_Markdown_to_go.ahk
Created December 7, 2019 14:37
An Autohotkey snippet that converts raw Markdown texts into "pastable" rich-text, for Gmail and even MS Word.
; Debugging tips
; 1. Check if pandoc is installed. If not, the best way is to install through choco.
; choco install page:
; 2. Check if `paste.exe` is available to PowerShell, same thing for `clip.exe` ==> these two are necessary Windows utilities/executable that were called with Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C
Run, PowerShell "paste.exe | pandoc -f markdown-smart --from=gfm -t HTML | Set-Clipboard -AsHtml ; echo 'Conversion done.' "
; Caveat: single quotes are pasted wrongly, as question marks.
llinfeng / cVimrc
Created January 6, 2020 14:36
cVim white list
let blacklists = ["*","http://localhost/*","*","*","*","*","*","*","*","*","*","*","*"]
" Settings
llinfeng / TP_middle_Scroll.ahk
Last active August 3, 2024 21:35
AHK - scroll with middle-mouse-key + trackpoint for Thinkpad keyboards
; Midbutton down for scrolling {{{
; Feature: with acceleration as intended.
; Source:
; Linking source:
; Working version {{{
Hotkey, $*MButton Up, MButtonup, off
KeyWait, MButton, T0.2
If ErrorLevel = 1
llinfeng / xchange_viewer_underline_change.ahk
Last active March 2, 2020 17:00
Use right-click and then `f` to change underline style for XChange Viewer
#IfWinActive ahk_exe PDFXCview.exe
; Note, this script is built on one major assumption:
; 1. that there is a labeled routine called CenterMouseOnActiveWindow, from:
; 2. that the Property window shall open at the **center** of the active window. For XChangeViewer, this is exactly the case.
Hotkey, f, f, On
KeyWait, f, D T3
Hotkey, f, f, Off
if(!ErrorLevel) {
; Send, {Esc}