I can confirm that the ETRX357USB-LRS+8M can be flashed with an appropriate EZSP firmware without the use of any programming hardware. So, without any guarantees (you might -but probably won’t- brick your device), here’s how:
- Download the firmware. I used some random blob someone put on github that at least seemed to have the right name. What could possibly go wrong, right? https://github.com/yqyunjie/Zigbee-Project/blob/master/firmware/EmberZNet/EM35x-EZSP/build/em35x-ezsp-images/EM357/em357-ncp-uart-xon-xoff-use-with-serial-uart-bl-500.ebl?raw=true
- (Install USB-to-serial drivers for the device. Linux will load the driver automatically when you plug in; not sure about other OSes.)
- Install a serial port communication app that supports X-MODEM. (debian/ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install minicom
, installslrzsz
, too) Run it and configure it (sudo minicom -s
) to use the fake serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0
) at19200
. Disable both hardware (RTS/CTS) and software (XON/XOFF) flow control.