- If you can, please purchase the genuine license through the official channel and support the software developer.
- All crack methods here are implemented by @leogx9r.
- All data is not guaranteed to be authoritative or correct, nor has it been tested across the platform, nor is it responsible for any errors, lost data, etc. in practice! Please assess yourself!!!
- I am only within the ability to update the information based on the existing crack methods until the existing rules fail.
The code implementation is very poor.
Sublime Text | Sublime Merge | |
Stable channel | win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 | win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 |
Dev channel | win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 | win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 |
Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.
https://gist.github.com/JerryLokjianming/71dac05f27f8c96ad1c8941b88030451?permalink_comment_id=3762200#gistcomment-3762200 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3802197#gistcomment-3802197 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3803204#gistcomment-3803204
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x000A8D78 | 55 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x000071D0 | E8 17 FE 20 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x000071E9 | E8 FE FD 20 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x000AAB3E | 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x000A8945 | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x00000400 | 41 | C3 |
for 4117, 4118: https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3927712#gistcomment-3927712
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_text.exe md5 | find /i "15BB398D5663B89A44372EF15F70A46F" || exit
echo 000A8D78: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000071D0: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000071E9: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000AAB3E: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000A8945: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 00000400: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows
The license can be any string.
Blocked by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen -> More Info -> Run Anyway

Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x00415013 | 55 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x00409037 | E8 C0 CC 12 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0040904F | E8 A8 CC 12 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x00416CA4 | 55 41 56 53 41 89 F6 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x00414C82 | 41 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x003FA310 | 55 | C3 |
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_text || exit
md5sum -c <<<"7038C3B1CC79504602DA70599D4CCCE9 sublime_text" || exit
echo 00415013: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00409037: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0040904F: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00416CA4: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00414C82: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 003FA310: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x0009F313 | 55 48 89 E5 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x00009CEF | E8 3C 2D 13 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x00009D07 | E8 24 2D 13 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x000A085D | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x0009EF0E | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x00002A87 | 55 | C3 |
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "B07FDB3A228A46DF1CC178FE60B64D3B" || exit
echo 0009F313: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00009CEF: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00009D07: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 000A085D: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009EF0E: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00002A87: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Text.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x01060C90 | FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA | E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x00FEAD18 | 40 BB 03 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x00FEAD2C | 3B BB 03 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x01061F28 | F6 57 BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x01060908 | FC 6F BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x00FE5780 | FC 6F BC A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "B07FDB3A228A46DF1CC178FE60B64D3B" || exit
echo 01060C90: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FEAD18: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FEAD2C: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01061F28: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01060908: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FE5780: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Text.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.
https://gist.github.com/JerryLokjianming/71dac05f27f8c96ad1c8941b88030451?permalink_comment_id=3762200#gistcomment-3762200 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3802197#gistcomment-3802197 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3803204#gistcomment-3803204
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x0009E47C | 55 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x0000647C | E8 23 7C 20 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x00006495 | E8 0A 7C 20 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x000A0222 | 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x0009E043 | 55 | C3 |
for 4117, 4118: https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3927712#gistcomment-3927712
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_text.exe md5 | find /i "ADF277D39672D83637AB708FC45413C8" || exit
echo 0009E47C: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 0000647C: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 00006495: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000A0222: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 0009E043: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows
The license can be any string.
Blocked by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen -> More Info -> Run Anyway

Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x00443F94 | 55 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x0042B210 | E8 37 44 14 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0042B228 | E8 1F 44 14 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x00445EB6 | 55 41 56 53 41 89 F6 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x00443BF8 | 41 | C3 |
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_text || exit
md5sum -c <<<"8836FE092DBB7BC8D3D2375D34510CA9 sublime_text" || exit
echo 00443F94: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0042B210: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0042B228: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00445EB6: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00443BF8: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x0009D527 | 55 48 89 E5 | 48 31 C0 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x000097F5 | E8 AE 12 13 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0000980D | E8 96 12 13 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x0009EA9D | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x0009D122 | 55 | C3 |
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "E1A3347BECDA7CC1EF583ECACECACBDC" || exit
echo 0009D527: 48 31 C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 000097F5: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0000980D: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009EA9D: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009D122: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Text.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x010758B8 | FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA | E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x01000360 | 33 A4 03 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x01000374 | 2E A4 03 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x01076B54 | F6 57 BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x01075534 | FC 6F BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "E1A3347BECDA7CC1EF583ECACECACBDC" || exit
echo 010758B8: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01000360: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01000374: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01076B54: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01075534: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Text.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.
https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3823090#gistcomment-3823090 https://gist.github.com/JerryLokjianming/71dac05f27f8c96ad1c8941b88030451?permalink_comment_id=3762883#gistcomment-3762883 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3802197#gistcomment-3802197
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x000251A8 | 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 | 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x000286A3 | E8 70 AA 26 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x000286BC | E8 57 AA 26 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x000269B8 | 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x00024DCD | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x00023F18 | 41 | C3 |
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Merge" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_merge.exe md5 | find /i "E33B76ADA6E7E7577CD4E81A7A4580C7" || exit
echo 000251A8: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000286A3: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000286BC: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000269B8: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024DCD: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00023F18: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows
thinks @urxi here
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_merge || exit
md5sum -c <<<"86F61A82E7EE8DD9BDC4CF16A7C8E825 sublime_merge" || exit
echo 0045A360: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045D21D: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045D23A: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045B990: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045A05A: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 00459ABA: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x0002C2DF | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 | 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x0002E96C | E8 1F B9 18 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0002E98B | E8 00 B9 18 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x0002D295 | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x0002BF6A | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x0002B7AB | 55 | C3 |
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "B1AADED4F196EEEEBF8D5A6F98B11288" || exit
echo 0002C2DF: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002E96C: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002E98B: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002D295: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002BF6A: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002B7AB: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
!!!! May have expired !!!!
Based on:
- https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3929427#gistcomment-3929427
- for ≥ 2075: https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=4311375#gistcomment-4311375
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x014D9060 | FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA | E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x014DAF68 | AB B6 04 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x014DAF7C | A6 B6 04 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x014D9DBC | F6 57 BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x014D8D9C | FC 6F BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x014D86E4 | FC 6F BC A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "B1AADED4F196EEEEBF8D5A6F98B11288" || exit
echo 014D9060: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014DAF68: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014DAF7C: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D9DBC: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D8D9C: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D86E4: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.
https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3823090#gistcomment-3823090 https://gist.github.com/JerryLokjianming/71dac05f27f8c96ad1c8941b88030451?permalink_comment_id=3762883#gistcomment-3762883 https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3802197#gistcomment-3802197
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x00025300 | 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 | 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x00028813 | E8 B8 7F 27 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0002882C | E8 9F 7F 27 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x00026B20 | 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x00024F25 | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x00024070 | 41 | C3 |
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Merge" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_merge.exe md5 | find /i "8B6590708E6AAE98AC3AE29135DB084F" || exit
echo 00025300: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00028813: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 0002882C: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00026B20: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024F25: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024070: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows
thinks @urxi here
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_merge || exit
md5sum -c <<<"958DA6B7EC687B25F55A16FF6A3D9BD0 sublime_merge" || exit
echo 0045F22C: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 004620F9: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 00462116: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0046086C: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045EF26: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045E986: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x0002C4CB | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 | 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x0002EB48 | E8 15 23 19 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x0002EB67 | E8 F6 22 19 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x0002D471 | 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 | 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x0002C156 | 55 | C3 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x0002B997 | 55 | C3 |
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "D67510219FB14938A47BE39260C87215" || exit
echo 0002C4CB: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002EB48: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002EB67: 90 90 90 90 90 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002D471: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002C156: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002B997: C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
!!!! May have expired !!!!
Based on:
- https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=3929427#gistcomment-3929427
- for ≥ 2075: https://gist.github.com/maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47?permalink_comment_id=4311375#gistcomment-4311375
Desciption | Offset | Original | Patched |
Initial License Check | 0x015027EC | FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA | E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 |
Persistent License Check 1 | 0x015046D4 | 78 C9 04 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Persistent License Check 2 | 0x015046E8 | 73 C9 04 94 | 1F 20 03 D5 |
Disable Server Validation Thread | 0x0150352C | F6 57 BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable License Notify Thread | 0x01502528 | FC 6F BD A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
Disable Crash Reporter | 0x01501E70 | FC 6F BC A9 | C0 03 5F D6 |
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app/Contents/MacOS/" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "D67510219FB14938A47BE39260C87215" || exit
echo 015027EC: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 015046D4: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 015046E8: 1F 20 03 D5 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0150352C: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 01502528: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 01501E70: C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime Merge.app"
Apple Command Line Tools
to be installed
@backermanbd If you want your name shown so badly in the registration window, you'll need to reverse-engineer it yourself and locate the relevant code segment. I'll outright tell you, the RSA function that you're looking for is inlined within the license validity function in the Linux binaries -- the same patch won't work since there's no separate function for it unlike Windows, you'll need different assembly to patch it after identifying which code is responsible for it. I won't put the work in to figure out the way around that since it's utterly pointless for anyone who just wants the thing registered so that'll be up to you to figure out.
Sublime Merge v2057 Crack
Literally the same patterns work as before. As usual, the same methods do as well. Here are the offsets from my auto-patcher:
If you looked carefully, you'd see I added two additional things, disabling the crash reporter (which sends telemetry back to the server, not something I personally like) and also disabled the "phoning home" method when a new license is entered. The phoning home method can potentially be used to detect you cracking the application (as it'll send invalid info, also containing your unique identifier) and you may get your IP blacklisted, hence I've decided to disable it entirely, I also recommend you guys do too, just in case. If you'd like the patterns for that: