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Last active February 5, 2025 09:16
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  • Save maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maboloshi/feaa63c35f4c2baab24c9aaf9b3f4e47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Crack Sublime Text and Sublime Merge


  1. If you can, please purchase the genuine license through the official channel and support the software developer.
  2. All crack methods here are implemented by @leogx9r.
  3. All data is not guaranteed to be authoritative or correct, nor has it been tested across the platform, nor is it responsible for any errors, lost data, etc. in practice! Please assess yourself!!!
  4. I am only within the ability to update the information based on the existing crack methods until the existing rules fail.

Sublime Patcher Script for personal use

The code implementation is very poor.


Sublime Text Sublime Merge
Stable channel win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 win / linux / mac / mac-arm64
Dev channel win / linux / mac / mac-arm64 win / linux / mac / mac-arm64

How to Crack Sublime Text, Stable Channel, Build 4152

Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x000A8D78 55 41 57 41 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x000071D0 E8 17 FE 20 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x000071E9 E8 FE FD 20 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x000AAB3E 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x000A8945 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x00000400 41 C3

for 4117, 4118:

Bat Script
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_text.exe md5 | find /i "15BB398D5663B89A44372EF15F70A46F" || exit
echo 000A8D78: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000071D0: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000071E9: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000AAB3E: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000A8945: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 00000400: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe

PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows

The license can be any string.

Blocked by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen -> More Info -> Run Anyway




Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x00415013 55 41 57 41 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x00409037 E8 C0 CC 12 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0040904F E8 A8 CC 12 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x00416CA4 55 41 56 53 41 89 F6 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x00414C82 41 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x003FA310 55 C3
Bash Script
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_text || exit
md5sum -c <<<"7038C3B1CC79504602DA70599D4CCCE9  sublime_text" || exit
echo 00415013: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00409037: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0040904F: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00416CA4: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00414C82: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 003FA310: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x0009F313 55 48 89 E5 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x00009CEF E8 3C 2D 13 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x00009D07 E8 24 2D 13 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x000A085D 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x0009EF0E 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x00002A87 55 C3
Bash Script
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "B07FDB3A228A46DF1CC178FE60B64D3B" || exit
echo 0009F313: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00009CEF: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00009D07: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 000A085D: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009EF0E: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00002A87: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

macOS (ARM64)

Based on:

Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x01060C90 FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6
Persistent License Check 1 0x00FEAD18 40 BB 03 94 1F 20 03 D5
Persistent License Check 2 0x00FEAD2C 3B BB 03 94 1F 20 03 D5
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x01061F28 F6 57 BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable License Notify Thread 0x01060908 FC 6F BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable Crash Reporter 0x00FE5780 FC 6F BC A9 C0 03 5F D6
Bash Script
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "B07FDB3A228A46DF1CC178FE60B64D3B" || exit
echo 01060C90: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FEAD18: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FEAD2C: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01061F28: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01060908: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00FE5780: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_text
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

How to Crack Sublime Text, Dev Channel, Build 4154

Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x0009E47C 55 41 57 41 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x0000647C E8 23 7C 20 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x00006495 E8 0A 7C 20 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x000A0222 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x0009E043 55 C3

for 4117, 4118:

Bat Script
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_text.exe md5 | find /i "ADF277D39672D83637AB708FC45413C8" || exit
echo 0009E47C: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 0000647C: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 00006495: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 000A0222: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe
echo 0009E043: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text.exe

PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows

The license can be any string.

Blocked by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen -> More Info -> Run Anyway




Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x00443F94 55 41 57 41 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x0042B210 E8 37 44 14 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0042B228 E8 1F 44 14 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x00445EB6 55 41 56 53 41 89 F6 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x00443BF8 41 C3
Bash Script
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_text || exit
md5sum -c <<<"8836FE092DBB7BC8D3D2375D34510CA9  sublime_text" || exit
echo 00443F94: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0042B210: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0042B228: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00445EB6: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 00443BF8: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x0009D527 55 48 89 E5 48 31 C0 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x000097F5 E8 AE 12 13 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0000980D E8 96 12 13 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x0009EA9D 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x0009D122 55 C3
Bash Script
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "E1A3347BECDA7CC1EF583ECACECACBDC" || exit
echo 0009D527: 48 31 C0 C3          | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 000097F5: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0000980D: 90 90 90 90 90       | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009EA9D: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 0009D122: C3                   | xxd -r - sublime_text
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

macOS (ARM64)

Based on:

Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x010758B8 FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6
Persistent License Check 1 0x01000360 33 A4 03 94 1F 20 03 D5
Persistent License Check 2 0x01000374 2E A4 03 94 1F 20 03 D5
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x01076B54 F6 57 BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable License Notify Thread 0x01075534 FC 6F BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Bash Script
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_text | grep -i "E1A3347BECDA7CC1EF583ECACECACBDC" || exit
echo 010758B8: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01000360: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01000374: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01076B54: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_text
echo 01075534: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_text
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

How to Crack Sublime Merge, Stable Channel, Build 2083

Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x000251A8 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x000286A3 E8 70 AA 26 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x000286BC E8 57 AA 26 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x000269B8 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x00024DCD 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x00023F18 41 C3
Bat Script
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Merge" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_merge.exe md5 | find /i "E33B76ADA6E7E7577CD4E81A7A4580C7" || exit
echo 000251A8: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000286A3: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000286BC: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 000269B8: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3    | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024DCD: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00023F18: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe

PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows


thinks @urxi here

Bash Script
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_merge || exit
md5sum -c <<<"86F61A82E7EE8DD9BDC4CF16A7C8E825  sublime_merge" || exit
echo 0045A360: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045D21D: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045D23A: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045B990: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045A05A: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 00459ABA: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x0002C2DF 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x0002E96C E8 1F B9 18 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0002E98B E8 00 B9 18 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x0002D295 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x0002BF6A 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x0002B7AB 55 C3
Bash Script
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "B1AADED4F196EEEEBF8D5A6F98B11288" || exit
echo 0002C2DF: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002E96C: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002E98B: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002D295: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3    | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002BF6A: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002B7AB: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

macOS (ARM64)

!!!! May have expired !!!!

Based on:

Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x014D9060 FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6
Persistent License Check 1 0x014DAF68 AB B6 04 94 1F 20 03 D5
Persistent License Check 2 0x014DAF7C A6 B6 04 94 1F 20 03 D5
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x014D9DBC F6 57 BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable License Notify Thread 0x014D8D9C FC 6F BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable Crash Reporter 0x014D86E4 FC 6F BC A9 C0 03 5F D6
Bash Script
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "B1AADED4F196EEEEBF8D5A6F98B11288" || exit
echo 014D9060: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014DAF68: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014DAF7C: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D9DBC: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D8D9C: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 014D86E4: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

How to Crack Sublime Merge, Dev Channel, Build 2085

Thanks to @leogx9r for providing cracking methods.


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x00025300 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x00028813 E8 B8 7F 27 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0002882C E8 9F 7F 27 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x00026B20 55 56 57 48 83 EC 30 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x00024F25 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x00024070 41 C3
Bat Script
:: for Win64
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Merge" || exit
certutil -hashfile sublime_merge.exe md5 | find /i "8B6590708E6AAE98AC3AE29135DB084F" || exit
echo 00025300: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00028813: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 0002882C: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00026B20: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3    | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024F25: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe
echo 00024070: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge.exe

PS:xxd.exe extracted from git for windows


thinks @urxi here

Bash Script
# for Linux
cd /opt/sublime_merge || exit
md5sum -c <<<"958DA6B7EC687B25F55A16FF6A3D9BD0  sublime_merge" || exit
echo 0045F22C: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 004620F9: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 00462116: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0046086C: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045EF26: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0045E986: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge


Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x0002C4CB 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3
Persistent License Check 1 0x0002EB48 E8 15 23 19 00 90 90 90 90 90
Persistent License Check 2 0x0002EB67 E8 F6 22 19 00 90 90 90 90 90
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x0002D471 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3
Disable License Notify Thread 0x0002C156 55 C3
Disable Crash Reporter 0x0002B997 55 C3
Bash Script
# for MacOS
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "D67510219FB14938A47BE39260C87215" || exit
echo 0002C4CB: 48 C7 C0 19 01 00 00 C3 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002EB48: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002EB67: 90 90 90 90 90          | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002D471: 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3    | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002C156: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0002B997: C3                      | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

macOS (ARM64)

!!!! May have expired !!!!

Based on:

Desciption Offset Original Patched
Initial License Check 0x015027EC FC 6F BA A9 E6 03 1E AA E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6
Persistent License Check 1 0x015046D4 78 C9 04 94 1F 20 03 D5
Persistent License Check 2 0x015046E8 73 C9 04 94 1F 20 03 D5
Disable Server Validation Thread 0x0150352C F6 57 BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable License Notify Thread 0x01502528 FC 6F BD A9 C0 03 5F D6
Disable Crash Reporter 0x01501E70 FC 6F BC A9 C0 03 5F D6
Bash Script
# for macOS (ARM64)
cd "/Applications/Sublime" || exit
md5 -q sublime_merge | grep -i "D67510219FB14938A47BE39260C87215" || exit
echo 015027EC: E0 03 1F AA C0 03 5F D6 | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 015046D4: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 015046E8: 1F 20 03 D5             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 0150352C: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 01502528: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
echo 01501E70: C0 03 5F D6             | xxd -r - sublime_merge
Re-Sign App
codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Sublime"

Requires Apple Command Line Tools to be installed

ST's new version of hexadecimal editing method


Search : 80 78 05 00 0f 94 c1 first result , replace: c6 40 05 01 48 85 c9

This patch is applicable to all x86-64 CPU platforms of ST.

ST's old version hexadecimal editing method


97 94 0D --> 00 00 00

License Key:

----- BEGIN LICENSE -----
200 User License
1D77F72E 390CDD93 4DCBA022 FAF60790
61AA12C0 A37081C5 D0316412 4584D136
94D7F7D4 95BC8C1C 527DA828 560BB037
D1EDDD8C AE7B379F 50C9D69D B35179EF
2FE898C4 8E4277A8 555CE714 E1FB0E43
D5D52613 C3D12E98 BC49967F 7652EED2
9D2D2E61 67610860 6D338B72 5CF95C69
E36B85CC 84991F19 7575D828 470A92AB
------ END LICENSE ------
Copy link

leogx9r commented Jul 4, 2021

@backermanbd If you want your name shown so badly in the registration window, you'll need to reverse-engineer it yourself and locate the relevant code segment. I'll outright tell you, the RSA function that you're looking for is inlined within the license validity function in the Linux binaries -- the same patch won't work since there's no separate function for it unlike Windows, you'll need different assembly to patch it after identifying which code is responsible for it. I won't put the work in to figure out the way around that since it's utterly pointless for anyone who just wants the thing registered so that'll be up to you to figure out.

Sublime Merge v2057 Crack

Literally the same patterns work as before. As usual, the same methods do as well. Here are the offsets from my auto-patcher:







If you looked carefully, you'd see I added two additional things, disabling the crash reporter (which sends telemetry back to the server, not something I personally like) and also disabled the "phoning home" method when a new license is entered. The phoning home method can potentially be used to detect you cracking the application (as it'll send invalid info, also containing your unique identifier) and you may get your IP blacklisted, hence I've decided to disable it entirely, I also recommend you guys do too, just in case. If you'd like the patterns for that:

# Sends the HWID, license Information the moment a license is entered to the server for logging.
# Most likely used to detect when a license key is shared across too many systems with differing HWIDs.
# Simply return 0 here to disable.
Sublime Text
    Windows x64 Pattern: `raw sig: 55 56 57 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 8D AC 24 ? ? ? ? 0F 29 B5 ? ? ? ? 48 C7 85 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 48 89 CF`
    Linux x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 41 56 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 89 FB BF ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 4C 8D B4 24 ? ? ? ?`
    MacOS x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 48 89 E5 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 89 FB 48 8B 05 ? ? ? ? 48 8B 00 48 89 45 F0 48 8D 3D ? ? ? ?`

Sublime Merge
    Windows x64 Pattern: `raw sig: 55 56 57 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 8D AC 24 ? ? ? ? 0F 29 B5 ? ? ? ?`
    Linux x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 41 56 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 89 FB BF ? ? ? ?`
    MacOS x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 48 89 E5 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 89 FB 48 8B 05 ? ? ? ? 48 8B 00 48 89 45 F0 48 8D 3D ? ? ? ?`



Copy link

@leogx9r Thank you! Can you complement the patterns for "Disabled crash reporter"?

Copy link

Bruskyer commented Jul 5, 2021

any news about ST4 build 4110?

Copy link

leogx9r commented Jul 5, 2021

@maboloshi Sure, here ya go:

Sublime Text
    Windows x64 Pattern: `raw sig: 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 56 57 55 53 B8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 48 29 C4 8A 84 24 ? ? ? ?`
    Linux x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 41 89 D4 48 89 FD`
    MacOS x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 41 89 CE 49 89 F7`

Sublime Merge
    Windows x64 Pattern: `raw sig: 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 56 57 55 53 B8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 48 29 C4 8A 84 24 ? ? ? ?`
    Linux x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 41 89 D4 48 89 FD`
    MacOS x64   Pattern: `raw sig: 55 48 89 E5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 41 89 CE 49 89 F7`

I just write a ret instruction to disable it.

@Bruskyer It was released < 12 hours ago, I doubt you'd get news that soon :P

Here's v4110 offsets (patterns are the same):








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Bruskyer commented Jul 6, 2021

Thank you

Copy link

Bruskyer commented Jul 6, 2021

After I have applied the same keys on explained offset only accepted the license key that needs upgrade

Die Socialisten GmbH
10 User License
51311422 E45F49ED 3F0ADE0C E5B8A508
2F4D9B65 64E1E244 EDA11F0E F9D06110
B7B2E826 E6FDAA72 2C653693 5D80582F
09DCFFB5 113A940C 5045C0CD 5F8332F8
34356CC6 D96F6FDB 4DEC20EA 0A24D83A
2C82C329 E3290B29 A16109A7 EC198EB9
F28EBB17 9C07403F D44BA75A C23C6874
EBF11238 5546C3DD 737DC616 445C2941

Copy link

@Bruskyer If the crack is successful, any string is allowed. What version and platform are you using?

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Bruskyer commented Jul 6, 2021

ST 4 Build4110 on win 10 x64
when insert any text/key to register input
there wasnt 0x00007143 offset I replaced the value on 0x00007140

Copy link

leogx9r commented Jul 6, 2021

@Bruskyer Then you did it wrong which is why it isn't working.

1.) You cannot just replace a completely different offset in the file and expect it to work.

2.) What do you mean the offset 0x7143 doesn't exist? It clearly does:


Use the batch script maboloshi made for Windows instead of attempting to patch it yourself and it will work just fine.

Copy link

Bruskyer commented Jul 7, 2021

Sorry for previous post, I realized a mistake during changing the values, Now everything works perfect
Thanks to @leogx9r and @maboloshi

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Bruskyer commented Jul 12, 2021

ST 4 Build 4111 released 🚀

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leogx9r commented Jul 12, 2021

Sublime Text v4111 Crack

Patterns are the same as before, as is the method for cracking. Offsets follow from my script:









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Bruskyer commented Jul 13, 2021

Sublime Text v4111 Crack


👌 Thanks

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leogx9r commented Jul 13, 2021

@Bruskyer please don't quote the entire message, makes this thread really long and difficult to read.

Sublime Text v4112 Crack

Minor update, nothing too special. Offsets follow:









In the future I may write a script to generate all these offsets for easily pasting on here afterwards.

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ghost commented Jul 13, 2021

how can we get sublime patcher ?

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rahitashpaul commented Jul 14, 2021

Sublime Text v4111 Crack


sir, what is this software for cracking....

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@Bruskyer please don't quote the entire message, makes this thread really long and difficult to read.
@leogx9r 🆗

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Bruskyer commented Jul 14, 2021

finally 4113 released on commercial(stable) channel 🚀

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leogx9r commented Jul 14, 2021

@udwick, @rahitashpaul I'm keeping it to myself. I've already provided all the information required to build your own patcher from this and this comment, with additional resources provided here. That's basically all you need to do it, it really isn't hard to figure out and I don't like spoonfeeding people the direct answers.

Sublime Text v4113 Crack

Windows patterns have changed again for the Invalidation/Validation methods. First pattern was only changed by a single byte (48 -> 49). Second one contains the raw address without displacement by 6 unlike before. Aka, NOP the first E8 XX XX XX XX after finding the second pattern. Here are the new patterns:

    Windows x64 Pattern 1: `direct reference sig: (+0x6) 41 B8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 49 8B 96 ? ? ? ?`
                Pattern 2: `raw sig: E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 4C 89 F1 E8 ? ? ? ?`

Aside from that, everything else is the same.









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Ingarsy commented Jul 21, 2021

@leogx9r sublime merge 2058 just released and the patterns seem to have changed, any help?

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leogx9r commented Jul 21, 2021

Sublime Merge v2058 Crack

Seems the patterns for isValidLicense have changed in v2058 in addition to the method required for patching the function. Thanks @Ingarsy for informing me. The new patterns for that are as follows:

    Windows x64 Pattern: `direct reference sig: E8 ? ? ? ? 49 8B 8E ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01`
    Linux   x64 Pattern: `direct reference sig: E8 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 75 12`
    MacOS   x64 Pattern: `direct reference sig: E8 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 75 14`

The above patterns reference the instruction call isValidLicense with no displacement, jump to isValidLicense and patch it. Before, you needed to patch the isValidLicense function to return 281 however now, you need to return 1. You can do this easily by doing something like xor rax, rax; inc rax; ret which translates to the sequence 48 31 C0 48 FF C0 C3 which is how I did it in my patcher. All other patterns (validation/invalidation, server thread, crash reporter and license logging thread) remain the same, for the record as do the previous methods for patching those.

Offsets for the updated version follow:









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@leogx9r thanks for merge 2058

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Ingarsy commented Jul 23, 2021

@leogx9r Well this is awkward 😄 2059 just released and the init license check pattern is still the same with a different offset i think, but as for everything else we got bamboozled

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@Ingarsy merge crack 2059 has been updated

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leogx9r commented Jul 23, 2021

They gotta be trolling now. As maboloshi already found out, the patterns have reverted as well as the method to patch it. For whatever reason they decided to change 1 as the valid value back to 281 as it was before. I'm curious whether subsequent dev builds will use the "new" method or they'll keep to the old method.

Regardless, the offsets maboloshi updated match mine as well so it'll work for all OSs.

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x-one commented Jul 26, 2021

@leogx9r can you point me how to read RVA offset using python without IDA?

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maboloshi commented Jul 26, 2021

@leogx9r can you point me how to read RVA offset using python without IDA?

For example:SM 2059 for mac

About "License Validity Checking":

Use "E8 ? ? ? ? 3D ? ? ? ? 75 14" pattern, Position to offset:
0x290EC-->Read The next 4 bytes: CA D0 FF FF -->Byte Flip: FF FF D0 CA -->Complementary offset: 0xFFFFD0CA
hex(0x290EC + 0x5 + 0xFFFFD0CA - 0x100000000) --> Target offset: 0x261BB

Other patterns are basically a direct binary search. Individual patterns may need to be shifted by a few bytes

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x-one commented Jul 26, 2021

Ah!... So easy.. thank you @maboloshi :)

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leogx9r commented Jul 26, 2021

Here's a C&P Python method that I'm using for ya:

# Converts 4 byte chunk of a bytearray() into a 32-bit Little-Endian encoded integer.
def LE32(value):
    return value[3] << 24 | value[2] << 16 | value[1] <<  8 | value[0]

# Calculates an absolute offset from a relative virtual address using a base offset and instruction length.
def RVA2ABS(base, rva, instruction_len):
    return ((base + instruction_len) + rva) & 0xFFFFFFFF

How I've used it:

       offset = pattern.locate(self.binary)

       # Check validity of pattern

       # Add any displacement required by the pattern
       offset += pattern.displacement()

        # Calculate the absolute offset from an RVA instruction if required.
        if self.rva:
            # The RVA value is stored after the first byte relative to the found offset as a 4-byte LE integer.
            rva = LE32(self.binary[offset + 1: offset + 5]) # Reverse byte order due to CPU encoding
            offset_abs = RVA2ABS(offset, rva, 5)            # Get true offset from referenced pointer
            print("[*] Found RVA pattern for \"{:s}\" at 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X} ..." \
                .format(, offset, rva, offset_abs)) if log else None
            return offset_abs

        # Not an RVA so no additional calculations required
        return offset

The instruction length is always 5 bytes here because the patterns that I use reference a CALL instruction which are 5 bytes long.

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x-one commented Jul 28, 2021

@leogx9r thank You very much for examples.
Seems to be working.. I need bring together boxes and I'll have it. 😎

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