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Matthew Raymer maraymer

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gaearon /
Last active May 3, 2024 12:56
A Gentle Introduction to Prepack, Part 1


When this guide is more complete, the plan is to move it into Prepack documentation.
For now I put it out as a gist to gather initial feedback.

A Gentle Introduction to Prepack (Part 1)

If you're building JavaScript apps, you might already be familiar with some tools that compile JavaScript code to equivalent JavaScript code:

  • Babel lets you use newer JavaScript language features, and outputs equivalent code that targets older JavaScript engines.
yuezhu / gist:47b15b4b8e944221861ccf7d7f5868f5
Created February 7, 2018 18:10
Generate self-signed certificate for HAProxy
# Generate a unique private key (KEY)
sudo openssl genrsa -out mydomain.key 2048
# Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
sudo openssl req -new -key mydomain.key -out mydomain.csr
# Creating a Self-Signed Certificate (CRT)
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in mydomain.csr -signkey mydomain.key -out mydomain.crt
# Append KEY and CRT to mydomain.pem
daqo /
Last active October 6, 2021 20:27
Blockchain Essentials for Developers

Blockchain Course

These are the notes that I have taken on “IBM blockchain Essentials for Developers” course on Coursera IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers | Coursera.


Ledger: the system of record for a business

Transaction: an asset transfer onto or off the ledger

mapsi / docker-compose.yml
Created July 29, 2017 03:44 — forked from wojas/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose for nginx with php5-fpm using small alpine images
version: '2'
image: php:5.6-fpm-alpine
- data:/_data
- ./site:/var/www/html:ro
- backend
command: sh -c 'chown www-data /_data && exec php-fpm'
justmoon /
Last active November 24, 2018 12:25
ILP Compatibility for Bitcoin


Bitcoin is a popular digital asset hosted by a public proof-of-work blockchain. As such, it would be nice to allow Bitcoin users to (securely) participate in Interledger Protocol (ILP) transactions.

There are three modes of operation described in this document, each with different security and performance trade-offs:

  1. Escrow Hashed Timelocked Contract (HTLC)

    This is the most secure, but also slowest way to integrate with Bitcoin. Each ILP transaction requires two consecutive Bitcoin transactions, so a delay over more than an hour is to be expected. This mode would be suitable for larger payments.

  2. Payment Channel
ziadoz /
Last active April 20, 2024 10:18
Install Chrome, ChromeDriver and Selenium on Ubuntu 16.04
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Versions
abacaphiliac /
Last active January 21, 2024 12:10
Run Kafka Container

Start Kafka service

The following commands will start a container with Kafka and Zookeeper running on mapped ports 2181 (Zookeeper) and 9092 (Kafka).

docker pull spotify/kafka
docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --env ADVERTISED_HOST=kafka --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 --name kafka spotify/kafka

Why Spotify?

ADVERTISTED_HOST was set to kafka, which will allow other containers to be able to run Producers and Consumers.

saulshanabrook /
Created October 19, 2016 14:20
Saving Web Crypto Keys using indexedDB

This is a working example on how to store CryptoKeys locally in your browser. We are able to save the objects, without serializing them. This means we can keep them not exportable (which might be more secure?? not sure what attack vectors this prevents).

To try out this example, first make sure you are in a browser that has support for async...await and indexedDB (latest chrome canary with chrome://flags "Enable Experimental Javascript" works). Load some page and copy and paste this code into the console. Then call encryptDataSaveKey(). This will create a private/public key pair and encrypted some random data with the private key. Then save both of them. Now reload the page, copy in the code, and run loadKeyDecryptData(). It will load the keys and encrypted data and decrypt it. You should see the same data logged both times.

import threading
import SocketServer
from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import httplib2
class QuietSimpleHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
"""Quiet http request handler
Subclasses SimpleHTTPRequestHandler in order to overwrite the log_message
method, letting us reduce output generated by the handler. Only standard
messages are overwritten, so errors will still be displayed.
ydeshayes / Setting scroll position with ReactJS
Last active November 16, 2021 15:42
Setting scroll position with ReactJS
// Edit from
componentDidMount() {
const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
node.scrollTop = node.scrollHeight;
componentWillUpdate: function() {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
this.shouldScrollBottom = node.scrollTop + node.offsetHeight === node.scrollHeight;