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On the cost of being lazy

On the cost of being lazy

Full source code can be found here


  1. 2017-01-04
  2. New performance test - Paul Westcott (@manofstick) provided his implementation of Lazy semantics (called Lazzzy) which I included in the graphs. This implementation is intended to be equivalent to Lazy<'T> in .NET with regards to functionality.
  3. 2017-01-17
  4. New performance test - is working on a PR for .NET Core. I wanted to include performance numbers for the updated Lazy<'T> class.

Previously I have looked at performance of different persistent hash maps and data pipelines in .NET. Now I wonder:

What is the cost of being lazy?

In F# we can define a lazy value like this:

let x = lazy expensiveCalculation ()  // Delay the expensive computation
let y = x.Value                       // Forces the computation and returns the cached result
let z = x.Value                       // Returns the cached result

What is the CPU cost of this delayed computation and how does lazy compare with alternatives?

To test it I have created a simple algorithm that allows me to control the ratio of how often the lazy value will be be recreated so that we can see how the relative cost of being lazy depends on the ratio. The delayed computation is very cheap (returns an integer) as we like to measure the cost of being lazy.

let inline delay i              = lazy i
let inline value (l : Lazy<_>)  = l.Value

let createTestCases count ratio =
  let rec simpleLoop l r s i =
    if i < count then
      let r = r + ratio
      if r >= 1. then
        let r = r - 1.
        let l = delay i // Reset the lazy value to force recomputation
        simpleLoop l r (s + value l) (i + 1)
        simpleLoop l r (s + value l) (i + 1) // Use the cached value

  let simple () =
    simpleLoop (delay 0) 0. 0 0


I vary the ratio from 0% (only uses the cached value) to 100% (performs computation every time) in step of 20%.

These are the alternatives I selected:

  1. no lazy - The control, the computation is done every time. As the computation is extremely cheap we expect this to be the fastest and we will just the control to compare the cost of being lazy.
  2. lazy - Uses F# lazy
  3. Lazy (Execution & Publication) - F# internally uses .NET Lazy<'T> with Execution & Publication protection so we expect the performance to be identical.
  4. Lazy (Publication) - Same as above but here we only uses publication protection. That means that the computation might be carried out by several threads but only one of the results are cached. There subtleties that I haven't dug into yet on whether all threads will see the same instance or not?
  5. Lazy (None) - No thread safety, if multiple threads are dereferencing the lazy value the behavior is undefined.
  6. Lazzzy (Execution & Publication) - Paul Westcott (@manofstick) provided his implementation of Lazy semantics (called Lazzzy).
  7. Lazzzy (Publication) - -"-
  8. Lazzzy (None) - -"-
  9. NewLazy (Execution & Publication) - Paul Westcott (@manofstick) is working on a PR for .NET Core. I wanted to include performance numbers for the updated Lazy<'T> class.
  10. NewLazy (Publication) - -"-
  11. NewLazy (None) - -"-
  12. Flag (Trivial) - A lazy implementation using a simple unprotected flag to decide whether a value is computed or not. Doesn't cache exceptions.
  13. Flag (Compact) - A lazy implementation letting the value act both value and flag. Doesn't cache exceptions.
  14. Flag (Exception aware) - A lazy implementation using a simple unprotected flag to decide whether a value is computed or not. Does cache exceptions.
  15. Flag (Protected) - A lazy implementation that uses a simple publication protection scheme. Unfortunately so simple that different threads might see different instances. Doesn't cache exceptions.
  16. Flag (Full protection) - A lazy implementation that uses Monitor to achieve Execution & Publication protection. Doesn't cache exceptions.
  17. Flag (Full protection w. DC) - A lazy implementation that uses Monitor to achieve Execution & Publication protection and Double Check pattern to reduce cost of reading a cached value. Doesn't cache exceptions.

Performance in Milliseconds - F# 4, .NET 4.6.2, x64

Performance in Milliseconds - F# 4, .NET 4.6.2, x64

As expected no lazy is the fastest overall (because the computation is very cheap).

At 0% all lazy implementations except Flag (Compact) and Flag (Full protection) has similar performance. Flag (Compact) does a type check each time it is dereferenced, this is the cost we see. Flag (Full protection) does a Monitor.Enter/Monitor.Leave when it's dereferenced which is costly compared to the other alternatives.

For all lazy implementations except Flag (Full protection) the overhead seems to be roughly linear to the ratio.

At 100% we see that lazy incurs a 50x performance overhead. It is also somewhat surprising that lazy does worse than Lazy (Execution & Publication) as F# uses the same implementation but it turns out that FSharp.Core allocates an extra function object when we use lazy.

Because of the forgiving memory model of i86 it turns out that the cost of Flag (Trivial) and Flag (Protected) is almost identical. This might not be true on ARM or PowerPC.

Paul Westcott (@manofstick) Lazzzy implementation does significantly better than the Lazy<'T> and according to Paul Lazzzy should replicate the full functionality of Lazy<'T> which my simpler flag based schemes don't.

In all these cases we have no contention of the locks so the performance will look different in a concurrent environment with heavy contention. What is the cost of locks under contention? That is a topic for another blog post.

Collection Count in Milliseconds - F# 4, .NET 4.6.2, x64

Collection Count in Milliseconds - F# 4, .NET 4.6.2, x64

Collection count gives an indication on the number of objects allocated by the lazy implementations. Lower is better.

For all lazy implementations the overhead seems to be roughly linear to the ratio.

All flag implementations except Flag Compact incurs the same overhead where Flag Compact ironically has a higher overhead. This is because Flag Compact needs to box the integer value.


Is it a problem that for lazy at 100% the overhead is large? Isn't it so that in most realistic cases the ratio will be closer to 0% than 100%. In at least one case the opposite is true, consider Seq.upto. It turns out Seq.upto uses Lazy<_> to cache the current value (or exception). Normally the current value is accessed just once and then the next value is computed. That means in this case the ratio is closer to 100% and then incurs a large overhead if the computation is cheap. During my comparison of data pipelines in .NET this turned out to be the source of most of the overhead of Seq over other pipelines.

Personally, I am sceptical of mutually exclusive regions of code (like Monitor.Enter/Monitor.Exit). One of my reasons for this is the dreaded priority inversion. Now on Windows and non real-time Linux this isn't much of a problem in general but when working with real-time system priority version is real problem. In addition, the real-time distributions of Linux I had the pleasure of working with had severe problems in the futex implementation which meant that a futex could lock-out a different process (!) if we are unlucky. So by avoiding mutually exclusive regions we avoid these problems.

On the other hand, implementing thread-safe code without mutually exclusive regions is really hard as it requires whole different understanding of how the compiler, jitter CPU, cache and memory system rewrites your code in order to speed it up. Basically, reads are scheduled earlier and writes are delayed. Reads & writes that are deemed unnecessary may be eliminated. These rewrites works brilliantly in a non-concurrent environment. In a concurrent the rewrites makes it impossible for you to look at the code and deduce what happens (because this is not the program that is being executed). Because of this the simple double-check locking is actually quite hard to implement. Mutually exclusive regions restores sanity but as mentioned above has their own problem.

Finally, know that being lazy has costs. If the computation is cheap it might be better to do the computation repeatedly instead of caching the result.

Hope this was interesting to you,


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manofstick commented Jan 5, 2017

Here is the c# implementation; I have changed it slightly to move the factory Func into the initializer objects. This way, when they are replaced by the value (or exception) the are available for garbage collection, which is probably (!) important.

internal interface ILazyItem<T>
    T Value { get; }
    bool IsValueCreated { get; }

public class Lazy<T>
    : ILazyItem<T>
    private volatile ILazyItem<T> _implementation;

    private T _value; // not used in PublicationOnly mode

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // public surface
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public T Value             { get { return _implementation.Value; } }
    public bool IsValueCreated { get { return _implementation.IsValueCreated; } }

    public Lazy(Func<T> valueFactory, LazyThreadSafetyMode mode)
        _implementation = CreateInitializerFromMode(mode, this, valueFactory);

    public Lazy()                                        : this(CreateInstance.Factory, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication) {}
    public Lazy(bool isThreadSafe)                       : this(CreateInstance.Factory, GetMode(isThreadSafe))  {}
    public Lazy(Func<T> valueFactory)                    : this(valueFactory,           LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication) {}
    public Lazy(Func<T> valueFactory, bool isThreadSafe) : this(valueFactory,           GetMode(isThreadSafe)) {}
    public Lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode)               : this(CreateInstance.Factory, mode) {}

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // constructor helpers
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static class CreateInstance
        private static T construct()
                return (T)(Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)));
            catch (MissingMethodException)
                throw new MissingMemberException("Lazy_CreateValue_NoParameterlessCtorForT");

        public readonly static Func<T> Factory = construct;

    private static LazyThreadSafetyMode GetMode(bool isThreadSafe)
        return isThreadSafe ? LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication : LazyThreadSafetyMode.None;

    private static ILazyItem<T> CreateInitializerFromMode(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode, Lazy<T> owner, Func<T> valueFactory)
        switch (mode)
            case LazyThreadSafetyMode.None:                    return new None(owner, valueFactory);
            case LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly:         return new PublicationOnly(owner, valueFactory);
            case LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication: return new ExecutionAndPublication(owner, valueFactory);

                throw new Exception("unknown System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode");

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // constructor helpers
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool ILazyItem<T>.IsValueCreated => true;
    T ILazyItem<T>.Value { get { return _value; } }

    private T CreateValue(Func<T> factory, bool forceMemoryBarrier)
            _value = factory();

            if (forceMemoryBarrier)

            _implementation = this;

            return _value;
        catch (Exception exception) when (!ReferenceEquals(CreateInstance.Factory, factory))
            _implementation = new LazyException(exception);

    private T CreateValuePublicationOnly(Func<T> factory, PublicationOnly comparand)
        var value = factory();
        var lazyValue = new LazyValue(value);

        // atomic interlocked assignment, to volatile field ensures that _implementation is always valid
        // and that only first assignment is used
        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _implementation, lazyValue, comparand);

        // we use the _implementation.Value because we need to return the first value created
        return _implementation.Value;

    private T CreateValueExecutionAndPublication(Func<T> factory, ExecutionAndPublication sync)
        lock (sync) // we're safe to lock on "this" as object is an private object used by Lazy
            // it's possible for multiple calls to have piled up behind the lock, so we need to check
            // to see if the ExecutionAndPublication object is still the current implementation.
            return ReferenceEquals(_implementation, sync) ? CreateValue(factory, true) : Value;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ILazyItem<T> implementations
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private sealed class LazyValue : ILazyItem<T>
        private readonly T _value;

        internal LazyValue(T value)
            _value = value;

        public bool IsValueCreated => true;

        public T Value => _value;

    private sealed class LazyException : ILazyItem<T>
        private readonly Exception _exception;

        internal LazyException(Exception exception)
            _exception = exception;

        public bool IsValueCreated => false;

        public T Value
            get { throw _exception; }

    abstract private class LazyInitializer : ILazyItem<T>
        protected Lazy<T> Owner { get; }
        protected Func<T> Factory { get; }

        internal LazyInitializer(Lazy<T> owner, Func<T> factory)
            Owner = owner;
            Factory = factory;

        public bool IsValueCreated => false;
        abstract public T Value { get; }

    private sealed class None : LazyInitializer
        internal None(Lazy<T> owner, Func<T> factory) : base(owner, factory) { }

        public override T Value
            get { return Owner.CreateValue(Factory, false); }

    private sealed class ExecutionAndPublication : LazyInitializer
        internal ExecutionAndPublication(Lazy<T> owner, Func<T> factory) : base(owner, factory) { }

        public override T Value
            get { return Owner.CreateValueExecutionAndPublication(Factory, this); }

    private sealed class PublicationOnly : LazyInitializer
        internal PublicationOnly(Lazy<T> owner, Func<T> factory) : base(owner, factory) { }

        public override T Value
            get { return Owner.CreateValuePublicationOnly(Factory, this); }


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And dotnet/coreclr#8963 has been merged, hooray! ;-)

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molinch commented Jan 16, 2018

Let's say we have a class which is very frequently used, which holds many properties that are small computations or aggregations, so cheap things but they are called MANY times, and you don't know upfront what may or may not be used.
Furthermore there are MANY instances of that class, they are cached though, so it's not like we recreate them forever.

Would you go for such an implementation:

ctor() {
  aggregatedStuff = new Lazy<string>(() => /* some concatenation logic, or even more but still rather cheap */, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);

private readonly Lazy<string> aggregatedStuff;
public string AggregatedStuff => aggregatedStuff.Value;

We use LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly, since our computation is cheap, and side effect free.
Or would you go with a simple boolean flag?
Or even no lazy at all? but then we perform MANY cheap computations, since we create MANY instances of that class.

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