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Last active August 24, 2020 17:55
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blender cheat cheet

blender cheat sheet


  • move cam - press mouse middle + move mouse


  • open menu - propotional editing fallof => SHIFT+o

all ?? modes

  • switch view: SHIFT+z => switch views wirefarme & solid
  • SHIT+S opens snap menu (e.g. "select to..." or "cursor to...")

switch modes

  • TAB => switch between object & edit mode
  • using the mode menu
  • SHIFT+r => same as TAB ???

object mode

  • set origin of object - SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+C
  • DELETE => select object (left click) + press x => a popup appears
  • ADD (object/mesh) => SHIT+A

edit mode

  • ??? group selected - CTRL+G
  • ??? select similiar - SHIFT+G
  • SHIFT+W => ??? deforms the object ???
  • duplicate => SHIFT+d
  • ??? delselect ??? => SHIFT+l
  • ??? zoom in / zoom to object ??? => SHIFT+c
  • ??? deform 2nd ??? => SHIFT+v
  • ??? zoom in selection ??? => SHIFT+b

export stl

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  • big area => 3d viewport
  • (object mode) toolbar left => move tool
  • (object mode) toolbar left => rotate tool
  • (object mode) toolbar left => scale tool
  • (object mode) shortcut/hotkeys => g => (grap) move tool / attached to cursor / right click cancel movement / left click confirms position / while moving pressing x OR y OR z snaps to axis / middle mouse hold also allows axis snap (all 3)
  • (object mode) shortcut/hotkeys => r rotate tool
  • (object mode) shortcut/hotkeys => s rotate tool
  • (object mode) - navigate view - orbiting/rotating the view - hold middle mouse + move
  • (object mode) - navigate view - drag to new area - shift + hold middle mouse + move
    • alternative top right gizmo (shiny x/Y/Z thing blue/red/green)
    • or enable "emulate 3 button mouse" (enables alt + left click for navigarion)
  • (object mode) - scoll wheel zoom
  • (object mode) - shift d - duplicate object
  • (object mode) - numpad . => focus to object
    • other hotkex tilde brings up pie menu (view menu) => choose "view selected"
  • (object mode) - delete OR x => delete object
  • (object mode) - shift+a => add smth, e.g objects / mesh'es
  • (object mode) - general search - F3 (fn+F3) => e.g. search for quick smoke
  • (object mode) - play - spacebar OR click on the play button on the bottom

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pandorasNox commented Aug 9, 2020

  • add new object - shift+a - mesh > Torus

  • before perform another action, on the bottom left a menu appears (only appears when one just created a new object)

    • here you can change things like: (minor/major) radius, location and other ...
    • donuts are about 10cm (I would say 8cm)
    • minor radius 26mm
    • major radius 50mm
    • major/minor segments: 28/12
  • imperfection is the virtual perfection

  • switch to edit mode TAB

  • when in edit mode, the only thing you can click on is the object itself

  • (edit mode) - g - to grep

  • (edit mode) - proportinal editing - o

  • (edit mode) - proportinal editing + grap - o then g +scroll mouse wheel to make the selection tool smaller

  • (in object mode) - right click mesh - choose "Shade Smooth"

    • "Shade Flat" is used for buildings / "Shade Smooth" for more organic
    • only afect the llok but not the true shape
  • (in object mode) - on the right menu (object menu) / properties - click on the wrench - modifier panel - add "Subdiviosion Surface"

    • non destructive
    • adds another grid to faces (in between, doubles resolution, average it out )
    • render/Viewport/Quality: 2/1/3

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pandorasNox commented Aug 10, 2020

  • switch to edit mode (TAB)
  • how to look side on: NUM1 (there is more NUM3 / NUM7) OR top right the x,y,z menu OR option+q OR option+middle-mouse
  • toggle x-ray: option+z
  • select upper top part
  • duplicate it shift+D => now it's following cursor => cancel movement either ESC or right click
  • (edit mode) make it it's own object press P select "selection" => on the right the object should appear (called the outliner)
  • give objects name e.g. donut & icing (shortcut: fn+F2)
  • if you lost selection: select vertex and press CRTL+L => select connected vertices
  • (object mode) open side property sidebar menu n
    • change clipping amount => in the n menu go to view & change "clipping start"

  • give the icing thickness
    • on the sidemenu gp to the modifier (wrench)
    • add modifier "solidify"
      • set offset to positive one
      • set thickness 0.0025
    • remove "hard edge" => move the modifier one up above the "subdivision surface" mod


  • z for "Shading" pie menu

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pandorasNox commented Aug 11, 2020

  • disable "solidify" modifier render in edit mode for a nicer working (you will still see it in object mode & etc...)
    • go to modifiers (wrench menu an the right)
    • on the top of the modifier options there are 4 square icon, the third one is "Edit Mode. Display modifier in Edit mode."
    • disable this option

  • get more details in
    • select all: option+a
    • right click on the mesh
    • top option is "subdivide"
    • bottom menu again allows for more options
      • e.g. more subdivides
      • turn up smoothness to 1

  • hide upper part, also for nicer editing
    • enable proportional editing
    • option+left-click select edge loop
    • invert selection: crtl+i
    • hide temporarily the selection: h
      • to bring it back alt+h/option+h

  • make the edge of the icing more natural/unpredictable
    • enable proportional editing
    • enable "snap" option
      • change what it snaps to "snap to face"
        • enable "project individual elements"
    • there are different options for "proportional editing"
      • e.g. sharp
    • go around the edge and move single vertexes up and down => make a more natural/unpredictable look

  • add dribbling down parts
    • select two or three vertices
    • hit E for extrusion
    • pull it down
    • go around and add unpredictable more
    • also nice to use S to scale again

  • make the icing edge more sticking to the donut
    • go to the "solidify" modifier
    • find the "Crease" options
    • increase "Inner" to 1
    • should look like icing is hugging the donut

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pandorasNox commented Aug 13, 2020

plan: copy (archive) donut without applied modifier; sculpting -
source: Part 5, Level 1: Sculpting - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • archive donute (without applied modifiers)
    • select donut + icing
    • copy/duplicate SHIFT+D
    • select dublicates
    • hit M => move it to it's own selection
    • hide collection

  • sculpting - donut
    • apply subdivision modifier (viewport: 3) (or apply it multiple times)
    • around the donut put the middle part in, looks more donut like
    • (sculp mode) - SHIFT+F - brush strength
    • (sculp mode) - F - brush size
    • hold CRTL to invert the brush effekt (e.g. instead of pulling out => putting in)

  • sculpting - icing
    • apply solidify modifier
    • apply subdivision modifier (viewport: 3) (or apply it multiple times)
    • using "inflate" brush (for pulling out the droplets tips)
    • using smooth brush on top of the icing
    • using drawbrush on top of the icing (small strength 0.2 or so, adding random displacements on top of the icing)
    • using grap brush for the inner icing edge

  • fix droplets stick to dount
    • edit mode
    • using proportinal editing (smooth)
    • pull in + R for rotate

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pandorasNox commented Aug 13, 2020

plan: rendered view mode (Eevee vs Cycles), add plane, parenting donut + icing, change light, change camera
source: Part 6, Level 1: Modelling - Blender Beginner Tutorial (Donut)

  • switch to render menu: in the viewport top right OR Z open view pie menu

  • ensure 3d courser (viewport)

    • SHIFT+rightclick moves 3d courser
    • SHIFT+C clears it, puts it into center
  • add plane SHIFT+A => mesh => plane

  • linking donut + icing => parenting

    • in object mode
    • select child fist
    • SHIFT+click-on-object to select parent (last selected)
    • CRTL+P => choose "Object (Keep Transform)"
  • light allows option "contact shadow" (not really good though)

  • Eevee vs Cycles

    • Eevee => game like render engine (fast + live render)
    • Cycles => cpu/gpu intensive but much more realistic (often used for movies) => unbiased (Raytrace) rendering-engine => calc's physically (close) accurate
  • Camera

    • select camera
    • hit NUMPAD_0 to view through the camera
    • 3 ways of moving
      • G + MIDDLEMOUSE to move
      • oprion "lock camera to view" (N menu)
      • move your view to where you want the cam to look + CRTL+ALT+NUMPAD_0
  • Render

    • top menu hit "render" OR F12
    • SHIFT+S or hit "image" => save... => we can save the image
  • Light

    • even lightning you have to move light further away => reduces fall of
      • you have to increase the light intensity ("Power" e.g. 500w) for brightness
  • Material (super basic)

    • select plane
    • right object menu
    • first sub-menu
      • add new "New" (giv it new material)
      • change setting "Base Color" to e.g blue

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  • plan: add material to donut & icing + color it + give it the right reflection flavour?!

  • select icing

    • add new material

    • make it e.g. pink "Base Color"

    • snd prop "Roughness" (how reflective the material looks OR or sharp the reflection looks)

      • 0 => mirro | 1 => alost no reflection
      • vs "Specular" prop (maybe don't touch this yet bec every object has reflection, but in different strength)
    • "subsurface scattering" prop => light tends to go a little entering into (most) material

      • "Subsurface" prop it is called
        • set to 0.3
        • "Subsurface Color" e.g. set to pink
        • "Subsurface Radius" => how much the light bounces into around
          • setting it to e.g 0.3/0.1/0.1
  • donut

    • add new material
    • "Base Color" orange'ish
    • subsurface 0.1
      • "subsurface radius" 0.1/0.1/0.1
  • camera

    • place camera
  • splitting the view

    • right click on a border and choose "vertical split" or "horizontally split"
    • moving light
  • light

    • e.g. Point / 330W / Size 0.45 m
    • light from left
  • render settings (light trick)

    • "Color Management" => "View TRansform" => set to => "False Color"
      • tells you if smth is overly bright
  • change plane color to rosa

  • remove noise (using denoiser)

    • go to "view layer" panel turning on => "Passes" => "Data" => "Denoising Data"
    • do another render
    • go to "Compositor" tab (top tabs)
      • SHIFT+A => add "Denoiser" node (search)
      • connect
        • "Noisy Image" (Render Layers) => "Image" (Denoiser)
        • "Denoising Normal" (Render Layers) => "Normal" (Denoiser)
        • "Denoising Albedo" (Render Layers) => "Albedo" (Denoiser)
        • "Image" (Denoiser) => "Image" (Composite)
      • go to "Image Editor" => set to => Render Result
      • reconnect - "Image" (Denoiser) => "Image" (Composite)

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pandorasNox commented Aug 18, 2020

plan: add single sprinkle, new particle & use sprinkle as reference
source: Part 1, Level 2: Particles - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • add new sprinkle
    • add uv sphere
      • size 1mm
      • segment/rings: 12/6
    • make it look elongated
      • select upper half
      • E for extrude
    • make the ends more flap
      • select the ends
      • S scale more insight

  • add new particle instance
    • select icing
    • go to "particle properties"
    • click on the "+"
    • change some options for this particle
      • choose "Hair" (instead of Emitter)
      • in "render" section for the "render as" option choose "object"
      • for "instance objects" use the "idrop" to select the sprinkle object as reference (object section)
      • set scale to e.g. ".15" (under render section)
      • set scale randomness to .1
    • change rotation
      • check "advanced"
      • check "rotation"
        • choose "orientation axis" "normal"
        • set "randomize" to ".25"
        • set "randomize phae" to "2"

  • weight paint icing (for better sprinkle distribution/spread)
    • on top left swith from "object mode" to "Weight Paint"
    • paint the top of the icing (weight 1)

  • use weight paint group
    • go to "particles" > "Vertex Groups"
    • select "Density" the "Group" (name of the vertex group - can be found under vertex groups props)

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pandorasNox commented Aug 19, 2020

plan: randomize sprinkle colors, increase sprinkle variety, add (candy) spheres
source: Part 2, Level 2: Random Materials - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • shading sprinkles
    • on the top bar click tab "shading"
    • "shading mode" just like screen layers ???
    • lower part is the "node viewer"
    • make sure you have the one sprinkle selected
      • add a material to see a node in the shader window
    • "base color" in node
    • add new node via SHIFT+A & choose "input > object info"
    • connect "object info - random" to "base color" (main node???)
    • add new node via SHIFT+A & choose "converter > ColorRamp"
      • drop it into the connection from "object info - color" => "base color"
      • (colorRamp) add more colors by clicking "+"
      • (colorRamp) make colors binary by changing gradient type from "Linear" to "Constant"
    • set roughness high

  • add variety of sprinkles
    • create sprinkle group
    • copy original sprinkle like some times
      • creating long, middel, small, and all that also rounded, so about 3 to 6 sprinkles
    • select icing and switch "Render > Render As" to "collections"
    • select "Collections > Instance Collections" the "sprinkles" collection
    • change origin points of the sprinkles to "Origin to Geometry"
    • you can change the seed "particles > emission > seed"

  • add spheres
    • add a uv sphere SHIFT+A
      • 16/8
      • 4mm
    • shad smooth
    • single color (new material) low roughness (shiny)
    • weight sprinkles/sphres
      • select icing
      • enable "collection > instance collection > use count"
      • 30/30/60/30/60/1 (where 60 is medium stuff and 1 or 2 the sphere)

  • optinal varaible stuff
    • maybe scale .2
    • number 1500

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pandorasNox commented Aug 22, 2020

plan: Texture Painting the donut
source: Part 3, Level 2: Texture Painting - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • Texture Painting first step
    • switch top tab to "Texture Paint"
    • we skipp UV unwrapping (bec. when we added the torus blender already uv unwrapped it) (top tab "UV Editor" => shows the UV's map)

  • setup - Texture Painting - UV unwrap - change size UV map squares
    • switch top tab to "Texture Paint"
    • left window click "New" (on the top)
      • creates a new image
      • set it to 2048*1024
      • give image a name, e.g. "donut_texture_paint"
    • link donut and texture
      • go to top tab "Shading"
      • add image node (SHIFT+A => "Texture" => "Image Texture")
        • connect "color" => "base color"
        • on the node select image texture (image symbol dropdown)
    • save image accordingly (maybe re-setup directory structure, put blend file and assets in sub dir)
      • click on left window on "Image" > save (as)
      • ALT+S should be quick save

  • add base color (7:00)
    • we can set two brush colors
      • we can switch these with pressing X (left window)
    • there is an opttion "stroke" > "smooth stroke" (meaybe disable it)
    • paint the hole map in one colore
      • there should also be a "fill" tool, try out

  • paint donut middle part white
    • set second paint color to white
    • set low strength (.2/.3 or so) / radius try 140px
    • we can paint on the model and the map

  • paint donut middle part white - add texture mask to brush
    • left window go to "texture mask" (the N window)
      • click "New"
    • on the right properties menu (material, particel, etc...) go to "texture properties"
      • dropdown "Brush" => select "Brush Mask (Texture)"
        • change "type" =>to "clouds" (dropdown)
        • you can change size of the cloud (e.g. 0.65) (Clouds > Size)
    • on the left window N menu => "texture mask" => "Mask Mapping" => change to "Random" (new rotation on the brush every time)
    • paint the middle (outer and inner ring) (opaque) white

  • paint donut dark parts
    • set white brush to black
    • set brush "Blend" => to "overlay"
    • paint on the top and bottom of donut, give it lighter and darker higlights

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pandorasNox commented Aug 23, 2020

plan: giving the donut a more realistic rougher surface (using procedural displacements)
source: Part 4, Level 2: Procedural Displacement - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • ...
    • select donut
    • go to tab "shading"
    • ensure "look dev"(look development) view mode (where you choose e.g. solid, rendered ...)
      • note: uses eevee renderer to preview material; with an HDRi (???)
        • note: as I understand HDRi: images of environments which capture light source related stuff (as well as color stuff etc) but its basically for light shading ?!

  • add procedural texture (same mode as before)
    • add new nodeSHIFT+A => "Texture" => "Noise Texture"
    • to check look of noise texture we can use an add-on
      • enable add-on => "open Menu "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Add-ons" > search for "node" OR "Node Wrangler"
      • enable "Node Wrangler"
    • now we can CRTL+SHIFT+left-click on the new node ("Noise Texture")
      • this will connect the node directly via a preview to the "Material Output" node
        • multiple CRTL+SHIFT+left-click to change channels (Fac / Color)
      • `command+Z to reverse the effect
      • OR CRTL+SHIFT+left-click on main "Principled BSDF" shader node to reverse the effect
    • we want to use the "Fac" (factor) input channel
      • to drive bumpiness and color
      • common way to add free detail
    • add "Texture Coordinate" node
      • connect: (Texture Cooridnate - Object>) => ("Noise Texture" - >Vector)
      • seems "most" appropriated for like procedural textures
    • set ("Noise Texture" - o:scale) to 1500 (or play around with it)
    • info: real bump and fake bump
    • add new nodeSHIFT+A => "Vector" => "Vector Displacement"
    • connect: (Noise Texture - 'Fac>') => ("Vector Displacement" - '>Height')
    • connect: ("Vector Displacement" - 'Displacement') => ("Material Output" - '>Displacement')
    • CRTL+SHIFT+left-click on main "Principled BSDF" shader node
    • we can check in render view mode ?!

  • note: until this point it is "fake bump"
    • it's not changing the edged of the object
    • you could also put the displacement into the '>normal' input of the main "Principled BSDF" shader node
    • also this displacement we are currently working on expects cycles render engine, you won't see certain options in eevee

  • enable/use displacement in material properties
    • go to "Material" properties
    • g to settings
    • change dropdown "Displacements" from "Bump only" to "Displacement and Bump" (only visible when cycles is used)
    • fixup scale in displacement node
      • set ("Vector Displacement" - o:scale) to 0.003
    • note: the look will depend on the number of vertecies the mesh is having => more => more detail (you can add more with subserv mod)

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pandorasNox commented Aug 24, 2020

plan: finishing donut, add larger details, add larger bumps
source: Part 5, Level 2: Final Donut - Blender Beginner Tutorial

  • add larger bumps
    • duplicate (Noise Texture) node
    • set (snd)(Noise Texture" - o:scale) to 200
    • merge/mix both (Noise Texture) nodes
      • add "MixRGB" node SHIFT+A => "Color" > "MixRGB"
      • ensure "Fac>" input to connect to "MixRGB" node
      • we can check again with CRTL+SHIFT+left-click on "MixRGB" to preview the effect only
      • note: ("MixRGB" - o:Fac) set to 0 uses 100% of color1; if set to 1 it uses 100% of bottom color
      • change ("MixRGB") blend type (dropdown) from "Mix" to "Add"
        • note: now it's gonna use the "bright" value from one texture and applies it over the values of the other texture (fac to 1 shold be what we want but still liiks fake, mashed together)
          • the top color is always 100% and the bottom color is affected now by the "scale" option

  • we want clear big bumps
    • add ColorRamp between (snd)(Noise Texture) & ("MixRGB")
    • if we only want to have the white values, we can change the black slider & increase the black color amount, we only get the top values
    • make it 50/50 black/white
    • we can e.g. change by (Displacment - o:scale) to .002 to minimze small values ?!
    • switching the (fst)(Noise Texture) to the snd color of ("MixRGB") & (snd)(Noise Texture) to first allows us now via MixRGB sclae to control the small details (how much we want (to pass throug))

  • fixups
    • small detail noise texture to 2000 (scale)

  • making bump influence color/shadow (6:00)
    • add new (snd)("MixRGB") color node
    • connect ("donut_texture_paint" - 'Color>') => (snd)("MixRGB" - '>Color1')
    • connect (fst)("MixRGB" - 'Color>') => (snd)("MixRGB" - '>Fac')
    • (snd)("MixRGB" - '>Fac')
      • changing '>Color2' manually to a e.g. red or brown
      • change dropdown tyhe from "Mix" to "overlay"
      • will effect the bump influence color/shadow of the donut making it look like its burned

  • some tweaks we could do (10:00)
    • sprinkles
      • amount
      • weight map more random
    • icing
      • color
      • subsurface scattering
    • texture painting
      • with another ("MixRGB") node between texture_paint and the new MixRGB node we can add another overlay/Mix to thin out the white amount

  • silly/fun
    • make icing radio active
    • go to "Material" properties and go to emission and play around

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