Fergal Byrne, Clortex: Machine Intelligence based on Jeff Hawkins’ HTM Theory
HTM = Hierarchical Temporal Memory
big data is like teenage sex
noone knows how to do it
everyone thinks everyone else is doing it
so everyone claims to be doing
(Dan Ariely)
machine learning is important
people don’t trust other people
they have their own agendas
so they place too much trust in machines
we gain knowledge faster than we gain wisdom
applies to human knowledge
applies to data: gathering data is easy, drawing conclusions is
a problem in neuroscience
rate of papers published is growing exponentially
2013: 1 every 32 minutes
2014 so far: 1 every 17 minutes
can AI learn from neuroscience?
Jeff Hawkins’ goals in HTM
Study the neocortex and establish its principles
open sourced NuPIC in 2013
the wrinkly part at the surface of the brain
grey matter: processing
white matter: wiring
about 2mm thick, 10cm^2 in area
30-50MM neurons
1G connections
ie all looks physically the same
all regions have the same algorithm
on-line learning from streaming data
up to 10 million senses feed the brain
we don’t (can’t) store this data
we build models from live data
models constantly updated
sensory data enters at the bottom
models are built in every region
things change more slowly as you go up
hierarchy enables sequences of sequences
seq of waves
seq of phonemes
seq of words
seq of sentences
hierarchy works upwards and downwards
all sensory data involves time
sequence memory allows predictions
structure in data elaborated over time
sequences can be c
sparse distributed representations
in each region, many neruons, few active
SDRs represent spatial patterns
fault-tolerant, semantic ops, high-capacity
key to understanding & building intelligent systems
all regions are both sensory and motor
behaviour provides context for sensory data
structure in model navigated via behaviour
use attention to manage the neocortex
planning and previsualisation
whole subhierarchies can be switched on and off
from molecular upwards
around 5 or 6
distral dendrites detect coincidence of incoming activity from
neighbouring cells
you don’t just see what you’re seeing now, you predict what
you’re going to see next
(reality is much more complicated, but this algorithm is
sufficient to explain a lot)
background: numenta’s nupic
in dev since 2005
partially implements HTM/CLA
open source
skilled dev team
eat their own dog food (grok uses nupic)
operates on subset of HTM/CLA principles
tunable using swarming on your data
works well on streaming scalar data (eg machine-generated)
great community – http://numenta.org
codebase has evolved as theory has developed
difficult/scary to rewrite for flexibility
OO with large, coupled, classes (~1500 LoC per class)
need to swarm to find parameters, no real-time control
not easy to extend beyonnd streaming scalar use case
directly analogous to HTM/CLA theory
transparenntly understandable source code
a neuroscientist should be able to read & review code
directly observable data
sufficiently performant
useful metrics
appropriate platform
first role: be useful!
best software is that which is not needed at all
human comprehension is king
if people can’t understand your code, your code is not
unit tests are not sufficient in themselves
machine sympathy is queen
software is a process of R&D
software development is challenging & intellectual
more science than engineering
engineering: you have a good model already, you just have to
plug in the particular parameters
science: there are a bunch of unknowns which you have to
learn & understand
maps, vectors, sets
all done in a one-page datomic schema
#2: Clojure & its ecosystem
clojure data not domain objects
#3: russ miles’ life preserver
everything either “core” or “integration”
core: a datomic database for the neocortex
core: each “patch” of neurons is a graph
integration: algorithms, encoders, classifiers, SDRs
datomic (+adi)
lein-midje-doc for literate documentation
hoplon-reveal-js for presentations
Big Data isn’t just Machine Intelligence problem
HTM is exciting
Logan Campbell, Clojure at a Post OFfice
was at clojure user group
a guy turns up and says he’s hiring a team of clojure developers
he was at Australia Post
a million lines of Java worked on by a team in India
wanted to bring it back in-house
big companies spend a lot of money sending out bills & junk mail
product to seamlessly replace that workflow
switch from physical mail to cheaper model
consumer can sign up to receive water bill online
I was brought on as the “clojure expert”
(I’d been playing with it for a couple of years)
the people they could hire:
really experienced java devs
keen on FP
they said as they were hiring “you might be doing clojure or
you might be doing scala”
first few people were scala fans
scala v clojure battles
“we need static typing”
“we need OO for domain modelling”
“clojure is slow” (?)
“what framework do you use?”
“we need static typing? okay, we’ll use core.typed”
domain modelling:
when people are used to domain modelling in OO, telling them to
just use maps feels like a cop-out
records + protocols kind of feel like classes
wasn’t til I showed them code I’d written and comparing it with
their code that they realized that you can just use maps
online scala course
we did it as a team
I also did the exercises in clojure
did one exercise three different ways in clojure
stream processing
showed them my solutions
they already understood the problems because they’d solved
them themselves
clojure performance was a surprise, because I’d come from ruby (!)
clojure is fast
there was an underlying feeling that “we need scala for
I’m a consultant, so was happy for the team to make the language
“if you’re keen on scala, let’s find out a way to pitch it to
web stack: kept hearing “async async async”
felt like premature optimization
but still we used http-kit
benchmark started to allay fears that clojure was slow
feature: make a payment on a bill
not necessarily a full payment
POST /bills/:bill-id/payments
Session: user-id
Post Data: amount
GET credit card token for user
POST request to payment gateway
GET how much left to be paid
if payment succeeds: display amount remaining
if payment fails: display error
synchronous promises
promise monad
etc etc
http-kit’s requests return a promise
just @deref the promise (blocks the thread)
solution 1.1: promise monad
is aware of promises
doesn’t block thread, but waits for promise to be executed
before continuing
felt natural way to write with promises
but incorrect: too much waiting, no concurrency
solution 1.2: promise monad let/do
to define promises
to pseudo-block on them
introduces correctness but reduces readability
okay, let’s step away from monads
to explicitly wait for a particular promise
solution 4: raw callbacks
not viable
would have just written a hacky little promise library
great! same shape as synchronous code, but correct concurrency
didn’t feel totally suited to the situation
solution 7: meltdown (LMAX disruptor based)
solution 8: pulsar promises
looks exactly the same as the synchronous code, except for one
pulsar rearranges your code at the bytecode level
uses JVM agents (normally used for tracing/debugging)
pass a fn to one of pulsar’s functions
turns synchronous code to async code
solution 9: pulsar actors
0: synchronous
5: core.async
8: pulsar
scala solution, for comparison
scala futures (basically promises)
all monadic
I don’t understand it entirely
battle of the benchmarks, fastest first
scala-play-future (significantly less than others)
CQRS (command-query responsibility segregation)
want fast reads
reduce number of queries
don’t want to have to update write code every time we add a new
service A → cassandra → service B
custom triggers in cassandra in clojure (just drop in the .jar!)
publish to rabbitmq
notify index maintainer
write index to cassandra
service B reads from cassandra
can just throw the clojure jar in there
everything is byte buffers
you need to know the type of all the fields out-of-band
not self-describing data at all
I thought we would have a user service and a provider service and
a mail service
but this gets tricky when you want data about users and providers
you need to split things much more fine grained
user service →
multi-factor auth
user profile
password reset
does it belong in user profile?
there’s a bit of workflow here
send out email
get user to click link
enough to warrant its own service
drama: needed to talk to systems team to deploy
I did things badly
I didn’t get anything into production in my 6 months there
systems team: we need monitoring and config and stuff
if we’d had something early on which had gone through these
barriers, we would have had much less stress
benchmarks end petty arguments
can you share some experience with monitoring & resilience?
classnames are expected to be java-style class names
clojure ones are close enough
clj-metrics to expose more high-level metrics
requests/second from ring
number of bills paid
appdynamics could pick it up from jmx
nomad for configuration
with http-kit+core.async, what happens when server dies and there’s loads of threads?
bottleneck was amount of memory
when server runs out, it slows down a lot
way to get around that is to monitor resources on your machine
and ideally have autoscaling
were the scala guys finally writing clojure in the end?
we have one person still hardcore for scala, but sees the merits
of clojure
a few who did the online scala courses are clojure folks now
people who come from the java world of static typing feel they
need that
but now they’ve written code that actually works, they’re more
comfortable with that now
Tom Hall, Escaping DSL Hell by having parens all the way down
languages made for specific purposes
config mgmt
distinction between:
internal DSLs: embedded in another language
external DSLs: implemented in another language
zen of python:
namespaces are a honking great idea, let’s do more of them!
Exec[‘install’] in two different modules will result in a
naming collision
fail :(
end up with Exec[‘tom::install’] but this is a hack
file type lets you pass in an array
nagios_host doesn’t
iteration is responsibility of type, not language
but you need to know ruby anyway
if you want to extend puppet, you need ruby
if you need to know ruby, why do we bother with the puppet DSL
in the first place?
experimental features: lambdas and iteration
any language where lambdas arrive late is not a good language
just YAML
oh wait, I might want to iterate
oh wait, I’ve got embedded ginger templates in my YAML strings
what’s the scope of names in my templates?
if you give people a “language” they will expect loops
maybe lambdas
probably namespaces
this has been done before
it’s embedded in ruby
you get iteration and namespaces from ruby
teaching people to program
if you design a language:
you need a parser, which is hard
you need an interpreter/compiler, which is hard
if you embed it, you get that stuff for free
minimal language for teaching
talks about pictures
intro to FP
gets you into recursion early on
man $ woman
- “next to”
man & man
- “on top of”
(man $ woman) $ tree
= man $ (woman $ tree)
man $ (woman & tree)
– scales nicely to get a nice aspect ratio
learn about operator precedence
de morgan’s laws
although not always held, due to scale
define functions
define manrow(n) = manrow(n-1) $ man when n>1
~ manrow(1) = man
builds up to an escher tiling
but once you’ve done that, where do we go?
only exists in this sim
if you want to extend it, you need java
“I’m really excited about FP now, but I’ve got nowhere to go”
what if we did it in clojurescript?
let’s use ‘below and ‘beside instead of $ and &
(below man woman)
(beside tree star)
let’s say I want to change man
– what does it mean?
it’s implemented in the same sort of language
I can see there’s a url in there where I fetch an image from
the internet
I know recursion, because I learned that from the geomlab
I can extend the language itself
wolfram alpha
these things just aren’t very good languages, even if they are
good at their domain
another problem with DSLs
If you’re based on applets, and Oracle drops applet support, you
find you need to port your whole language to a new platform (in
this case javascript)
again, reimplement in clojurescript?
anyone interested in hacking on this with me?
you probably don’t need to make a new language
if you do it will probably be rubbish
think about power and reach
you should embed /deeply/ into clojure
what makes a good first language?
clojure needs a better day 0 story
at some coder dojos where I’ve taught kids, some don’t even know
about files and folders
so if you say “open a terminal, cd into a directory” you’ve
lost them
have you had any kids look at your examples here?
I’ve done the geomlab example
otherwise this is all a recent exploration
errors in cljsfiddle are not reported well
again problematic for day zero
Mathieu Gauthron, JVM-breakglass
troubleshooting a java application
only powerful when you can narrow down the problem to a series
of breakpoints
when the problem is a race condition, it will change the nature
of the problem you’re studying
log/print statements
you need to plan before compilation
when the problem is in production, it might be too late
again, you need to plan for it in advance
ad-hoc interactive mechanism
open source
integrates with any jvm process
console onto a jvm process
interactive prompt
see inside private members
call arbitrary methods
create new object instances
create new classes
monitor object state
no need to use clojure to develop the app
jvm-breakglass runs inside the JVM and starts an nrepl server
you can then connect using an nrepl client (eg lein)
add it to your maven dependencies
add an entry point (as a <bean>
or in java code)
connect with lein repl :connect localhost:1112
demo (enterprise application)
tomcat JVM
employee/dept data structure
report generation
java/spring mvc webapp
spring data
oh no! one of the reports isn’t working?
“list employees in london” is empty
but we know that employee Mick Jagger lives in london
what’s going on?
view environment:
current directory, System/getProperties
view conf directory
list all loaded Spring beans
instrospect into object private members
builtin fn
to do so recursively
view methods or fields for a given object
redefine a class
in this case, (proxy [Address] ["1 Mayfair", "SW1", "London"]
(getCity [] "London"))
to define the new version, overriding
a method
(.setAddress (:Mick employees) address)
to inject it into
the live data
remember what it’s like to be a java programmer?
working with jmx beans and suchlike to try to understand why
production is down
this stuff looks like magic
Q: how do you convince production people to put nrepl server in place?
short answer: impossible
that’s not how you present it
either you do it sneakily (that’s bad), and only pull the trump
card when the team is desparate
or you convince the team that it would be useful in the UAT
environment, and “of course it’s never going to be used in
Q: have you considered a high-level switch that would prevent you mutating anything in the host application?
don’t know how you’d be able to do that
have been thinking about it
maybe using clojail
kind of defeats the point
Q: have you tested this with a scala app?
haven’t tried
I’ve reverse-engineered the java bytecode, and it’s readable
as long as you know how it compiles, it seems reasonable
Q: you were using methods like get-obj and passing string name. how does breakglass know which object to get?
eg if you have multiple instances of Department, how does it know which department?
in Spring it’s a Spring bean which is named
if you’re not using Spring, what’s your entry point?
when you create your NreplServer to enable jvm-breakglass,
you can add your entry points there
new NreplServer(port).put("department"),myObject);
static methods & fields can be used too
Gary Crawford, Using Clojure for Sentiment Analysis of the Twittersphere
determine the best treatment for someone based on their genetic
makeup to manage their chronic disease
Paper: “Twitter mood predicts the stock market”
predicted Dow Jones average through monitoring tweets
people who suffer chronic disease tend to be neurocompromised
what would normally be a minor illness can prove fatal
can we use twitter to predict spread of disease?
score tweets for flu symptoms
the data science wasn’t very difficult
30 million geo-tagged tweets sent from UK
couldn’t scale, even with
how can we do fast, real-time analytics of social media?
application: how do people feel about Scotland’s independence
data increases in value as we analyse it
analytically prepared data
the raw data isn’t what you care about
don’t store the raw tweets, only store the analytically prepared
stored in redis using ptaoussanis/carmine
it has great support for bitmaps
(car/setbit sentiment tweet-id 1)
(car/bitcount "SCOTLAND")
– tells me how many tweets have
mentioned Scotland
how many people in england are happy?
(car/expire " ENGLAND&JOVIALITY" 10 ) ; ; don't keep the data longer than 10 seconds
(car/bitcount " ENGLAND&JOVIALITY" ))
further: “how many people in Scotland are tired or grumpy?”
you can specify you only want tweets from a certain geographical
locality with a bounding box
but this is literally a rectangle
need it around Europe
LMAX-Exchange/disruptor to communicate
business logic
this is hard!
“I’m loving #EuroClojure! :D”
Positive Affect: enthusiastic, active, alert
Negative Affect: subjective distress
actually two separate dimensions, not opposites
Watson et al, 1988
then PANAS-x
then PANAS-t
accounts for bias on social media
outlines sanitisation
validate against 10 real events
don’t want to rely on external services
don’t want heavy IO
don’t want round trips to database
accuracy not too much of a concern
we already lose accuracy in interpreting the sentiment of the
convert a map of the uk to colours:
look up geocode coords in map
check colour → get country code
problem: the world is a sphere
projecting a sphere onto a rectangle
prior art in d3.js
use JavaFX to exploit it
there’s a lot of seconds in a day
and even more seconds in a year
really not interested in seconds anyway
want to group tweets by minute
and also group by hour
and also group by day, and month, and year
why are we doing this?
online social media are surveillance
the line between public and private is becoming blurred
if we don’t need data, we shouldn’t collect it
in this example:
we’re never more granular than country
we’re never more granular than overall sentiment
we’re never more granular than minute
hopefully this is enough to prevent anyone being identified
Q: have you used Storm for this?
Q: any preliminary results on the Scotland referendum analysis?
I’ve had more luck with tech than data science?
Q: which way should we vote?
Q: how do you verify your results?
it’s very crude at the moment?
Paul Ingles, Multi-armed Bandit Optimisation in Clojure
product optimisation cycles are long, complex, and inefficient
the multi-armed bandit model shows lots of things we’re getting
eg: online newspapers
fundamentally human-led, editorially-led
people behave irrationally
Dan Ariely & Daniel Kahnemann
(@philandstuff suggestion: Stuart Sutherland, Irrationality)
economist subscription options
online $59
print $125
print & online $125
the ridiculousness of option 2. makes option 3. seem more
need machines to optimise at scale; but need humans to provide
stuff only they can
running RCTs to optimise sites
doing so on a continuing basis
measuring big effects work with small numbers of participants
but measuring small effects requires ever larger numbers
to the extent that you can only run ~12 experiments a year
which is not really good enough
Bandit strategies can help
a product for procrastinators by a procrastinator
Product: Notflix!
video website
shows 3 different videos
show good videos at top of page, and less good at bottom
show best possible thumbnail for each video
optimising with multi-armed bandits
optimising order and thumbnails
multi-armed bandit problem
slot machine = one-armed bandit
problem: you have a bunch of money you want to “invest” in a
you have a number of different machines to play
each machine has a different probability of reward
you don’t know what that probability is up front
need to balance “exploration” and “exploitation”
ie learning about the world vs using that knowledge to maximise
analogy: trying new foods out vs sticking to what you like
number of arms {1, 2, …, K }
number of trials : 1, 2, …, T
rewards : {0,1}
K -headlines
options of different text
K -buttons
options of button text, colour, etc
K -pages
explore this space with notflix
; ; choose which arm to pull
(defn select-arm [arms]
... )
; ; update arm with feedback
(defn pulled [arm]
... )
(defn reward [arm x]
... )
(defrecord Arm [name pulls value])
“hello world” algorithm
generally exploit
ε (epsilon) is the rate of exploration
eg if ε = 0.1, your strategy is:
with probability 10%, try a random arm with equal
with probability 90%, try the best arm based on current
if ε = 0, always exploit; if ε = 1, always explore
example with bernoulli-bandit
(bernoulli-bandit {:arm1 0.1 :arm2 0.1 :arm3 0.1 :arm4 0.1 :arm5 0.9 })
with ε=0.2, you converge faster on the best arm
but ε=0.1, you exploit it more when you find it
once you’ve found the best arm, you should be able to double down
ie explore more at the beginning (when you have least
knowledge) and less at the end
lots of extensions to ε-greedy to factor things like this in
Arm model
Θ_k: Arm k’s hidden true probability of reward (in range
can build a distribution for Θ_k based on current knowledge
small number of pulls means wide distribution; large number
means narrow distribution
captures uncertainty in value of Θ_k
each iteration, take a random sample from each distribution,
take the largest sample
algorithm naturally balances exploration/exploitation
the more it learns, the narrower the distributions get, and so
the more likely it is to choose an arm with a higher expected
incanter example
Thompson-sampling example with same Bernoulli-bandit from above
compared with ε-greedy, explores much more much earlier, and
exploits much more later on
considered optimal convergence
we can use it to rank things (not just select)
take a sample from each arm distribution, then order arms by
that value
in notflix, can use for ordering the videos we show
video rank bandit
for each video, a thumbnail bandit
at the end, the best video should be at the top
and each video should show the best thumbnail
videos, worst to best
“hero of the coconut pain”
“100 Danes eat 1000 chillies”
“3 year-old with a portal gun”
thumbnail bandit data
“we built a fictional but amazing product”
Q: this model assume bandits have same probability through time
can it readapt?
Thompson sampling does adapt
it won’t change back as quickly
Q: isn’t there an interaction between the two bandits?
if the thumbnail is crappy, they might not click the video
made an assumption about this
in general, if you leave it running over time and let the
evidence build, it should be fine in the long run
but that is definitely a flaw
Tommi Reiman, Schema and Swagger to improve your web APIs
super simple web api in clojure
just using compojure
“sausage” as example data
PUT /foo/sausage/:id
in Java: immutable value object
in Scala: case class
in Clojure:
free-form map?
constructor fn with bunch of validation?
define structure of sausage
then call s/validate
to validate
schema can define functions
(s/defn get-sausage :- (s/maybe Sausage) [id :- Long]
(@sausages id))
(s/defn ^:always-validate get-sausage2 :- Sausage [id :- Long]
(@sausages id))
(defmodel Pizza {:id Long
:name String
:price Double
:hot Boolean
(s/optional-key :description ) String
:toppings #{(s/enum :cheese :olives :ham :pepperoni :habanero )}})
allows slurping JSON data, but imposing extra types
eg above we can slurp toppings from a JSON array into a Clojure
set rather than a vector
loose schema for first input
tighter schema for validated input
(def ValidCustomer (merge Customer {...}))
accept but remove unrecognised params with select-schema
a specification for describing, producing, consuming, visualising RESTful web services
existing adapters
clojure options:
endpoint definitions in JSON
data models as a JSON Schema
swagger UI
code gen
no clojure support yet (anyone?)
run it all on top of websockets
JSON-Schema has some dates
but prismatic/schema will never support dates, as it’s more
higher level abstractions on top of swagger, but nothing for the
web developer
an extendable web api lib on top of compojure
macros & middleware with good defaults
schema-based models & coercion
macro to define input and output schemas
with metadata → annotated handler
schema is an awesome tool
describe, validate, coerce your data
building on top of ring-swagger
compojure-api → declarative web apis
fn-swagger → meta-data done right
or do your own!
Renzo Borgatti, The Compiler, the Runtime and other interesting beasts from the clojure codebase
mar 2006: first commit
oct 2006: 30k loc (7 month old)
oct 2007: clojure announced!
oct 2008: invited to Lisp50 to celebrate 50 years of lisp
May 2009: 1.0 + book!
now: almost 90k loc
apr 06: lisp2java sources
may 06: boot.clj appears
may 06: STM first cut
june 06: first persistent data structure
sep 06: java2java sources
aug 07: java2bytecode started
right after: almost all the rest: refs, lockingtx
drew on lots of sources of knowledge
(def lister (fn [& args] args))
read → analyse → emit/compile → compile
although the lines between the stages get blurred at times
takes stream, returns data structures
PersistentList, Symbol, etc
input: data structure
output: exprs
bytecode generation for Exprs
prerequisite for evaluation
emit() method in Expr interface
Notable exception: called over ??
transform Exprs into their “usable form”
new object
a var
FnExpr is just getCompiledClass().newInstance
Usually coordination for emit
Compiler.compile namespace -> file
input: Exprs
output: bytecode
this is how the RT class gets initialised: the first time it gets
final static private Var REQUIRE = RT .var ("clojure.core" , "require" );
simply referring to it here causes the static initializers to run
RT has a lot of behaviour in static initializers
inside it is the doInit();
which loads all of clojure.core
all just from referring to RT in some otherwise unrelated class!
inner classes for each Expr type
inner classes for each token you might encounter
sets up reader macros
and dispatchMacros
(latter for #{
not a class, but a family of methods
new ConstantExpr
invokes the compiling phase during parsing phase
ASM lib used to generate bytecode
generate a method for each of the arities of the function
LockingTransaction and Ref
Class.forName() goes up the hierarchy of classloaders and asks
each what they know
an instance of DynamicClassloader is created for each namespace
(this is true for the bootstrap phase; not always true eg in
AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation)
supporting dynamicity
in defineClass:
classCache.put(name, new SoftReference(c,rq));
in findClass:
Reference<Class> cr = classCache.get(name);
SoftReferences are used to save PermGen, since if we redef a
var we don’t want it to keep consuming PermGen
Bonus: clojure was initially implemented in lisp
~1600 loc to implement read, analyse, compile, eval
although emitting Java code, not bytecode
was also generating C♯
Q: some things in bytecode can’t be expressed in java
is there anything which clojure generates which can’t be
decompiled back to Java?
I’m pretty sure yes, but not sure exactly what
constructs which use goto (which exists in bytecode but not
Rich Hickey, the insides of core.async channels
aside: here’s what clojure looks like in a good IDE
(ie IntelliJ)
yes, Compiler.java is massive
but if your IDE has a structure editor, you can navigate them
all easily
it’s all in one file because I don’t want 300 files
aside2: the classloader has a cache in a branch
warning! implementation details ahead
subject to change!
informational only
single channel implementation
for use from both dedicated threads and go threads
simultaneously, on same channel
alt and atomicity
Java CSP libraries often didn’t support alt well
it’s tricky to do atomically
construct deals with the ick of threads and mutexes
(this talk: focus on JVM impl; JS version has less of these
→ channel → <!
it’s not an RPC mechanism, it’s just a conveyor belt
SPI (service provider interface)
→ impl/put! [val handler]
→ channel →
impl/take! [handler]
→ <!
channel has:
pending puts (fifo)
a buffer (optional) in the middle
pending takes (fifo)
flag indicating if channel is closed
fifos implemented as linked queues
important to distinguish queues of operations from buffer of data
never pending puts and takes simultaneously
never takes and anything in buffer
never puts and room in buffer
take! and put! use channel mutex
no global mutex
or even multi-channel mutex
one or more waiting take! operations
gets paired up, takes handler gets completed
stuff in the buffer, but with room in buffer
puts its stuff in the buffer, succeeds and immediately
buffer full (or no buffer)
full buffer, but windowed
sliding buffer: latest information takes priority, drop head
of buffer (oldest item in fifo), put! completes immediately
and enters buffer
dropping buffer: drop put! on floor, but completes immediately
could have more sophisticated policies in future
nothing in buffer
buffer has stuff, but no puts waiting
get data, immediately complete
buffer full (or no buffer), puts pending
get something (either head of buffer or get paired with first
first waiting put! completes (either enters buffer or hands
directly to take!)
all pending takes complete with nil (closed)
subsequent puts complete with nil (already closed) (relatively
subsequent takes consume ordinarily until empty
any pending puts complete with true
takes then complete with nil
puts and takes queues are not unbounded either
1024 pending ops limit
somewhat arbitrary, might change
will throw if exceeded
if you’re seeing this, it’s an architecture smell
most likely if you use put! on the edge of your system
attempts more than one op
on more than one channel
without global mutex
nor multi-channel locks
exactly one op can succeed
registration of handlers is not atomic
completion might occur before registrations are finished, or any
time thereafter
completion of one alternative must ‘disable’ the others
wrapper around a callback
callbacks are icky, so we want to hide them
commit → callback-fn
lock-id → unique-id
: lock, unlock
simple wrapper on callback
lock is no-op
lock-id is 0
active? always true
commit → the callback
each op handler wraps its own callback, but delegates rest to
shared “flag” handler
flag handler has lock
a boolean active? flag that starts true and makes one-time
atomic transition
commit transitions shared flag and returns callback
must be called under lock
no global or multi-channel locking
but channel does multi-handler locking
some ops commit both a put and a take
lock-ids used to ensure consistent lock acquisition order
“disabled” handlers will still be in queues
channel ops purge
handler callback only invoked on async completion
when not “parked”, op happens immediately
callback is not used
non-nil return value is op return
only time ops park
put! when it gets blocked on full buffer
take! when it gets blocked on empty buffer
only time ops complete asynchronously
take! with pending puts
put! with pending takes
blocking ops (!!)
create promise
callback delivers
only deref promise on nil return from op
non-nil indicates immediate success (and so callback never
gets called)
parking go ops (!)
IOC state machine code is callback
you don’t need to know any of this
but understanding the “machine” can help you make good decisions
Q: why use alt! for putting? what’s rationale?
taking multiple channels is like a select(2)
when you have consumers of different capabilities
I want to try to write to everyone, but whenever the first one
is ready, I give it to them
Q: what’s the difference between that and having four consumers
on a single channel?
you might have a priority metric, or a cost metric
though yes sometimes you can achieve same result two
different ways
Q: why is global or multi-channel mutex not good enough?
well it would be easy! :)
a global mutex could make registration atomic
you’d have to make disabling other alts atomic
you’d have to make rendezvous atomic
you could have two unrelated sets of channel operations, why
should they contend?
people hate global locks
rules out by my aesthetic sense :)
Q: David Nolen had an example of 10000 go blocks updating a textarea, did he hit the 1024 limit?
no I don’t think so, but not sure exactly
Q: are buffer & queue sizes useful metrics to monitor?
that would be great, and making them monitorable is on the TODO
Q: other possible extensions?
buffer policies
you might have logic about priority
core.async has proven its utility and it’s become important
macro is a great PoC of what you can do with a macro with
several kLoC behind it
has its own subcompiler inside it
kind of implements a subset of clojure
maybe build async support into the compiler?
move locals from the stack to fields on the method object
I don’t need the stack anymore
I can be paused and resumed on another thread
declare a fn as async
comply with this SPI
could build other things like generators & yield
the pride moment of “look you can do this with a macro” is not
dominated by the desire to make this performant and more solid
Q: continuations? how do they differ?
continuations are more general
this won’t use continuation-passing-style
it’s related
it won’t be like call/cc
it won’t be first-class
you won’t be able to resume it more than once
for a specific set of use-cases
Oleg did a talk that just generators are enough to do stuff
that people think you need a lot more for
Q: is there something planned for dynamic binding and the go
there are fns which allow you to do the conveyance
don’t know if go
allows all of them to work
Q: channels on the network?
it’s easy to have something you call a channel and put over a wire
pretty hard to have all the semantics of these channels over the
already have queues and all sorts of interfaces to do similar
atomic alt! over more than one wire not going to happen
maybe semantics for ports
or limitations on alt!
the wire has its own semantics, this is the key thing here
failure, queueing, delays
really easy to just take something from the wire and call put!
Q: is there a typical way to monitor a go block?
what kind of monitoring?
see that it’s still working, still alive?
if the channels were monitorable, you could see if things were
producing/consuming properly
Q: what other options did you consider & reject in the design of core.async
something other than CSP?
the generators stuff
I liked what golang did
they made a good choice
there’s a java csp lib that impls the same kinds of ops
it’s difficult to get the semantics correct
wanted alts!
to be a regular fn, not syntax
which feels like an enhancement over go
what we’re putting on these channels is immutable
which gives extra robustness
Meta-eX, conference party
github: meta-ex
twitter: meta_ex
soundcloud: meta-ex
facebook: meta.ex.live
website: http://meta-ex.com
David Nolen, Invention, Innovation & ClojureScript
recently left NYT for Cognitect
“The future doesn’t have to be incremental”, Alan Kay
talks about Xerox PARC
worked there for a decade
in that decade, inventions!
bitmap screens
laser printers
innovating is taking inventions and bringing them to a wider
The Dream Machine, JCR Licklider and the Revolution that made personal computing possible
M Mitchell Waldrop
he believed human factors would play an important role
we would all have a computer
he helped create the future we live in today
he helped ARPA finance PARC’s research
he helped finance John McCarthy & Ed Fremkin (sp?)
Man-Computer Symbiosis, JCR Licklider, 1960
talks about the trie data structure
(clojure’s persistent data structures use these!)
but innovation is equally important
Douglas Engelbart’s original mouse wasn’t very usable
a tonne of work went into making it more natural, more durable
(apple computers reference)
this is innovation!
Purely functional data structures, Okasaki
this book is about “paper complexity” – stuff that looks good on
it’s a foundation which people can build variants on
Rich did this
he doesn’t get credit for inventing the bit-mapped vector trie
the state of clojurescript
released 2011-07-20
a lot has happened since then
early experiments:
clojurescript one
himera (from fogus)
“translations from javascript”
showed what value clojurescript provides over javascript
the reason we don’t have copy-on-write data structures is
because someone put in the hard work to make them
the reason we have source maps, similar
lighttable - ~11,000 lines of clojurescript
also, the world hasn’t stopped
js hosts have improved
persistent data structures were a basic performance win
COW doesn’t scale well past (say) 100
V8 had a lead when we introduced persistent data structures
we hoped that others would catch up
webkit is trying to get asmjs-level performance with JIT
nashorn has come along
mori: library for js devs
here used to demo performance of persistent data structures
adding 1000000 items to a JS Array
adding 1000000 items to a persistent vector
85 ms vs 235 ms (V8)
this is really good!
adding 1000000 items to a JS Array
adding 1000000 items to a persistent vector (using transients)
85 ms vs 47 ms (!) (v8)
transients are faster than mutable arrays
javascriptcore: 28 ms (arrays) vs 30 ms (transient vector)
nashorn demo
benchmark: react running at the command line with om
building a template 100 times
~13 ms avg with v8
~8 ms avg with jsc
~14 ms avg with spidermonkey
nashorn: slow load time & long warmup time
starts really slow (>1s)
converges slowly, but:
approaches ~23 ms
typescript, dart?
these are under the opinion we want to build the same broken
type of stuff
cljs: we can build things radically simpler
library from facebook
other libraries have a deep-seated notion that everything is
react is different: it has a functional mindset
the virtual DOM evolves from one value to the next
clojurescript allows fast diffing between these values
react will do the right thing
react has completely taken over the cljs world
quiescent (much thinner)
Om was an experiment to show that representing app state a
single global value was a good idea
this had been done before in other areas:
we’re not going to make interfaces that people haven’t seen
prismatic’s blog post about moving to Om
simple components which don’t interact in crazy ways
by Jack Schaedler (sp?)
“we can do real undo”
Jack saw this and wondered if it would scale
Goya: pixel editor
surface: immutable vector
gets undo without adding complexity to app
get almost unlimited number, without loss of performance
github: jackschaedler/goya
his app is complicated!
the UI is complicated
but cljs eliminates unnecessary complexity
how much memory does his app use? not much
(aside: use google chrome dev tools!)
model story needs work
js MVCs backbone/ember/angular
notion of a model on the client
you can do operations on it
nothing particularly compelling for this in the react space
export some elements of the datomic api to the client
store your data in a flat way
sensible query api over it (queries on trees aren’t so fun)
datomic allows you to ask for entities
lift a tree out of the flat database
react model can be further improved
immutable everything
they have to convert styles and DOM attributes back to
javascript objects which have to be walked
(one benefit of react: it’s facebook’s problem 😺 )
Q: is it possible to implement Om all in clojurescript using a macro?
I suppose it could
you might want to compose things dynamically, and macros are static
you have to be concerned with the amount of code that a macro generates
I would not pursue that idea
Q: is there a community place for shared Om components?
I’m not going to spend much time on it
if Om needs to be improved to make this happen, I will do that
you want to be able to use other people’s code without jumping
through too many hoops
things get tricky with events & communication between components
need some agreement on how people communicate between components
Q: what’s your vision for cljs 1.0? how can we help with the yak shaving?
basic things like sharing code
shared analysis over clojure and clojurescript
would open up a lot of tooling
eg linter to lint both languages
would like infrastructure for tooling to be much better
when you go to 1.0, people lock to that version and are slow to
move off it
Q: are you seeing much evidence of cmd-line or server-side cljs?
most people doing it are doing node.js
Q: when is cljs going to be self-hosting?
it’s not that we don’t want it
we’re keen on self-hostability/bootstrappability, if not
nice to remove the JVM dependency
eg lighttable might not want it
it’s last-mile stuff at the moment
which isn’t that fun
and I don’t personally need it so I won’t work on it
Q: do you forsee a pure cljs version of react?
if someone wants to shave that yak, that would be awesome
if the system is immutable all the way down, the optimizability
Ali Asad Lotia, Why devops needs Clojure
was a dev who had helped get stuff to prod
our ops person left
they asked me to fill in
I said “okay, as long as you hire a replacement soon”
they didn’t arrive
I missed being able to write code
we’re exec’ing a jar, and it keeps taking 3s
I saw an opportunity to write a very simple noir app
much improved performance
people were impressed, asked to see the source code
“what is this clojure thing, and why did you use it?”
I’m not a seasoned Java dev
moved to another company:
TV focused social network
smart TV planner
personalised TV Magazine
AWS: us-west, us-east, eu-west
milli-services (ie not quite µservices)
build/release automation
but we don’t do deploys; we just enable them
platform performance/metrics/logs
core libs
deploys in the mutable days
generate build artefacts
define config in puppet
deploy artefacts
deploy config
base server images, with some configuration changes
relatively short-lived
didn’t name them or worry when they were switched off
zed shaw:
“maybe you use a language like lisp that pretends the computer
is some purely functional fantasy land with padded walls for
little babies”
actually, yes I do
kill server for every deploy
package new server images (AMIs) in order to deploy new version
Requirement: examine server images
aws console
some config but manual and not all info
python + boto:
just got back a list of objects
we know there’s more available! we saw it in the console!
clojure + amazonica
it just gave us data back!
data trumps objects every time for this kind of use case
console → cli → sdk → repl/scripts
exploration of APIs
minimise context switching
instant feedback
data rich (or richer, at least, in some cases)
“Soooo many brackets!!!”
I don’t see them anymore – paredit deals with it
“How do I iterate over this?”
why do you need to iterate? what are you trying to do?
“I want to change this value”
again, what are you trying to do?
“Wow, this is really powerful”
Immutable servers
pass the buck to a service someone else manages
but when you do autoscaling, it takes some problems away but
gives us other problems
provider defined data model
clojure was a great fit for managing autoscaling groups
all the information we needed was made visible by a single clj
in a repl, with ad-hoc tasks, having some clojure code you’ve
written and evalling it is really powerful
Observing platform performance
knock-on/trickle down effects
sensu handlers limited
had used graphite
riemann gives you a clojure map, which is a much richer model
embedded REPL
responsive primary author
zion - system knowledge base
who owns which service? what do I do when alert X fires?
component details
we had powerful ways to analyse this data without having to
resort to glomming 500 scripts together
we have a single language which is superlative
I sit next to extremely good Scala devs and ask how they would
do it
analyse logs + metrics
catch and correct misconfigurations
scripts with upcoming fastload?
if clojure fastload is fast enough that we don’t have to worry
about startup time, could it replace some of our python scripts?
cyanite to replace graphite
“lisp isn’t a language, it’s a building material”
core data structures
data manipulation
#clojure and #ldnclj on freenode
people accept PRs, give real feedback
projects move
shared aesthetic
martin fowler posts above
Q: can you share more info about zion?
we will when it’s in decent shape
too coupled to our particular environment right now
Q: graphite data poor? can you elaborate, particularly with reference to storage backend?
how data is stored is poor
all you get is an arbitrarily long key name (hierarchical)
a timestamp
a single numerical value
with Riemann, you can add arbitrary tags to the events
persisting them – don’t have a great answer
looking at influxdb
store time-series data with a richer data model
Leonardo Borges, Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming
who has used Reactive extensions?
currently writing “Clojure Reactive Programming: RAW”
when people talk about FRP, they mean merely “inspired by FRP”
every construct in FRP has a precise mathematical definition
free of side-effects
kind of like Haskell’s IO monad
1997: created in haskell
other haskell libs
reactive-banana, netwire, sodium
Rx[.NET/Java/JS], baconjs, reagi (cljs)
main abstractions: Behaviours and Events
type Behavior a = [Time ] -> [a ]
type Event a = [Time ] -> [Maybe a ]
this talk: compositional event systems
imperative code to iterate over a list
functional code
we describe what, but not how
no mutating variables
gain reusable single-purpose functions
CES has similar principles
think of key presses as a list of keys over time
subscribe to event sources, filter/transform them
map behaviour to event streams
say, by sampling every second
/ selectMany
rather than events from keyboard, mouse etc
in javascript: callback hell :(
on jvm: clojure promises don’t compose
promises in js are slightly better but have limitations
“FRP is about handling time-varying values like they were regular
core.async feels like it’s a lower level of abstraction
it’s a great foundation for an FRP-inspired framework
reagi is built on top of core.async ( http://bit.ly/reagi )
bonus example: reactive API to AWS
retrieve list of resources from a stack
for each EC2 instance, get status
same for each RDS instance
Q: when you do you jump from handling manually to observables?
my rule of thumb is if I need anything more than a single
callback, I’ll use this (or core.async)
Q: have you used RxJava from clj? How nice is it?
works great, so does RxJs
Stuart Sierra, Components: Just enough structure
software architecture is very simple(!)
business logic
actually, much more complex
connections to external resources
sessions/connections in pools
process state
thread pools
clojure: not much structure
clojure namespaces aren’t classes
creates a singleton
(def foo (atom ..))
creates global mutable state
(defn start-all! []
(database/connect! )
(create-queues! )
(start-thread-pool! )
(start-web-server! ))
immutable data structure (map or record)
public api
management lifecycle
relationships to other components
It’s an object (ssh!)
not using it to represent data
(defrecord DB [host conn] ....)
opaque to most consumers (by convention)
fns take component as an argument
set up initial state
no side effects
side effects happen here:
(defprotocol Lifecycle
(start [component])
(stop [component]]))
and stop
return an updated version of the component
Service provider component
(defrecord Email [endpoint api-key ...] ...)
traditionally intermingle data and behaviour:
public class Customer {
private String name ;
private Address address ;
public void notify () {...}
Let data be data
just use a map
represent aggregate operations
(defrecord Customers [db email])
db and email are other components, used by the customer component
entirely interacts through their public APIs
to construct a Customers instance, need to get its dependencies
takes created but unstarted components:
(defn system [...]
:customers (customers )
:db (db ...)
:email (email... )))
to start the system, understands dependencies and works out
correct dependency order to start each component
then wires each component up to the correct (started) dependency
stopping the system is similar but in reverse dependency order
Before start, dependencies not filled in yet (just nil)
after start, fill in dependencies
the system is just a map
so if I want to inject a test stub, I can just assoc it in:
(defn test-system [...]
(assoc (system ...)
:email (stub-email )
:db (stub-db )))
works as long as I do it before starting any services
fixtures to inject into database
mocking the db is too hard unless you use datomic 😏
var substitution & asynchrony
with-redefs and binding are delimited in time
problems if you dispatch to another thread
potential race conditions
tightly coupled to implementation
wrong level of granularity
exactly one mutable global for the whole system
(def sys (atom nil))
use reset!
not swap!
because start and stop are
side-effecting and swap! might call multiple times
(@samaaron ed: uses agents for this sort of thing)
defroutes considered harmful
you can merge systems
name common components with shared keys:
{:a/web-app ..
:a/server ...
:db ...
:email ...}
{:b/web-app ..
:b/server ...
:db ...
:email ...}
(merge system-a system-b)
components take channels as state
decouples components from one another
system creation can create the channels you want and wire them up
once you’re used to the patterns of clear dependencies and
boundaries, you maybe don’t even need the library anymore
isolation, decoupling
testing, refactoring
automatic ordering of start/stop
easy to swap in alternate implementations
everything at most one map lookup away
requires whole-app buy-in
won’t get a lot of the benefits without this
porting an existing system can be tedious
system map is too big to inspect visually
cannot start/stop only part of a system
may try to fix someday but don’t really understand how yet
possible future
“init” acquires resources but doesn’t start?
“close”/”stop” separation – close acquired resources and
discard dependencies so they can be GC’d
(the “stop” method doesn’t dissoc anything)
dissoc stops a record being a record
you might want to use that state again
handle mutable containers for systems
currently, library code doesn’t care – you can use an atom
or a var or whatever
allow individual components to start, stop, or change at
deref container and get “current” component with latest deps
catch errors, mark component as “failed”
Philip Potter, Generative testing with clojure.test.check
Chris Ford, the hitchhiker’s guide to the Curry-Howard correspondence
number of papers published today by the foremost expert on the
Curry-Howard correspondance…
Don’t panic!
Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
a → a
this is a proposition in logic
but it’s also a type
the type of the identity function
Haskell Curry
1958: textbook on combinatorial logic
didn’t necessarily understand how revolutionary this idea was
William A. Howard (1969)
not only does a type correspond to a proposition, but:
a function with a type corresponds to a proof of a
“The formulae-as-types notion of construction” - finally
published in 1980
(a → b) → a → b
modus ponens
type of apply (haskell or idris):
apply :: (a -> b ) -> a -> b
apply f x = f x
the implementation here corresponds to a proof of modus ponens
apply works with any types a and b
modus ponens works with any propositions a and b
view the type “Integer” as the proposition that integers exist
any example – say, 65 – counts as a proof of this proposition
here, we use (3==)
to prove that Integer -> Bool
is populated
(3 == ) :: Integer -> Bool
apply (3 == ) 4
False : Bool
(a → b) → (b → c) → (a → c)
type of function composition
length : List a -> Integer
(3==) : Integer -> Bool
comp length (3==) : List a -> Bool
if we accept that List a
exists, we now prove that Bool
a → a
(a → b) → a → b
a → b → (a,b)
if I can build an a
, and I can build a b
, then I can build
an (a,b)
(a,b) → b
a → b
(a → b) → (b → a)
neither of these are true in general
the bottom type: ⊥ is guaranteed to have nothing in it
represents falsity in the Curry-Howard correspondance
represents something it’s impossible to prove, because it’s
not true
AnythingGoes : Type
AnythingGoes = (a : Type ) -> a
cantProveItAll : AnythingGoes -> _|_
cantProveItAll f = f _|_
cantProveItAll shows that AnythingGoes is uninhabited (because if
it weren’t, it would imply that ⊥ was inhabited)
types prove our program correct?
types only get us so far
can still get runtime errors if the types check out
are types defective?
haskell will crash at runtime despite an advanced type system
Edwin Brady, creator of Idris
killer feature of Idris:
allows you to make condescending remarks about the Haskell type
although it’s really a dialect of Haskell
Type Nat = Z or (S Nat )
Type List = [] or (x :: List )
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a
(:: ) : (x : a) ->
(xs : Vect n a) ->
Vect (S n) a
in Haskell, types can be parameterized on other types
in Idris, they can also be parameterized on values as well as
Vect 2 Integer
is the type of vectors which contain exactly 2
or rather, Vect (S (S Z)) Integer
head : Vect (S n) a -> a
head (x:: _ ) = x
head []
Can't unify Vect 0 a
with Vect (S n) iType
trying to take the head of an empty vector is a compile-time
signature: Vect m a -> Vect n a -> Vect (m+n) a
sort: Ord a => Vect m a -> Vect m a
would have caught Phil’s my-sort
which dropped duplicates(!)
didn’t manage to get this implemented in the lunch break
it’s not theorems for free 😉
even number family of types
data Even : Nat -> Type where
Zero : Even Z
Next : Even n -> Even (S (S n))
Zero : Even Z
Next (Next (Next Zero )) : Even 6
can now show that even numbers sum to even numbers:
add : Even m -> Even n -> Even (m + n)
add Zero y = y
add (Next x) y = Next (add x y)
Although we’ve really proved that:
there exists an operation which takes Even n
and Even m
returns Even (n+m)
we chose add
but could have chosen any other name
can prove that 42 is even
Even 3
is a valid type
Even 3 -> _|_
proof in slides
represents truth
you don’t need anything else to prove this
you can construct it without context
(you could use Even 42
to represent truth too)
so LifeTheUniverseAndEverything -> Even 42
Q: is there a way to specify that sort’s return value is sorted?
@bodil thinks it’s true :)
Q: is the type-checker guaranteed to terminate?
it’s equivalent to the halting problem
Anna Pawlicka, Reactive data visualisations with Om
D3 (data-driven documents)
to visualise data
table of numbers, bar chart, whatever
data bound to DOM
interactive - transformations driven by data
huge community
huge number of plugins and extensions
Higher level libs available
hide the complexity of d3
but if you need to tweak the underlying d3 it’s still
layer on top of d3
mapping data
tile layers, vector layers
user interaction
charting library on d3
bar charts
(interface components)
solves one problem: complex UI rendering
just the V of MVC
say no to “two-way data binding”
re-renders the entire UI
sounds like a bad idea
actually quite performant, due to:
virtual DOM
diffs between previous and next renders of a UI
less code
shorter update times
IInitState →
IWillMount →
IShouldUpdate →
Om handles most of these for us (particularly IShouldUpdate)
entire state of the UI in single piece of data
immutable data structures = reference equality check
can be overridden to take advantage
of this
snapshottable, free undo
component interaction
liberator: RESTful apis via defresource
js developers would freak out looking at it
get blocking calls without browser freezing
for example, local sensors
may want to perform some sql queries to see patterns in your data
may wish others to retrieve data through API (if they don’t like
our chart)
user interacts, triggers API calls to fetch data, updates graph
in real time
chart implementation
om/IInitState to construct
om/IWillMount to read shared info to find API endpoint
chart based on last.fm playlist
input box takes username, calls last.fm to find that user’s
chart then shows bands from most popular downwards
input box for postcode lookup
uses google geocoding api to get coords
can click map to create marker & display coordinates
app-model stores map location and coordinates panel contents
nice use of core.async sliding-buffer
(go (while true ...))
could be (go-loop ...)
? dunno
fast rendering and interactivity is yours with js + cljs + om
immutability = efficiency
sane application structure
(philandstuff ed: this presentation is very visual, just watch the video!)
algernon, The Face of Inspiration, or how Clojure helps bring Lisp to Python
github: algernon
twitter: algernoone
sorry, I was in the hallway track for this 😦
Malcolm Sparks, Assembling secure clojure applications from re-usable parts
warning! research, evolving ideas, alpha quality
set of components compatible with stuartsierra/component
http-kit, bidi router, mustache templating
security components
login form
user domain
authn and authz
libraries are great
systems are complex
a meta-architecture, that can scale to hundreds of diverse
projects, is useful
don’t want to just port Spring MVC to clojure
components, dependencies, protocols
wiring of components together
since the system is in a var, I can do a tree-walk on the
system, and show it
can visualise it with dagra and svg rendering, and react
slide deck which shows its own wiring
I’m So Meta, Even This Acronym
integration surface
necessary for component interchangeability
example: bayonet light-bulb fitting
can plug a light bulb into it
light bulb dies – replace it!
over time, can replace entire system by replacing parts
hidden couplings
copied code
database schemas and sql queries
URI formation & URI dispatch
have to change things in multiple places to effect change
dispatch and forge URIs from the same route data
defaults with merge
components are units of cohesion
implements multiple protocols:
maze creation in cljs
“drunken walk” algorithm
the first time you visit a space, you break down the wall
core.async visualisation and demo of map<
a component is wired in between two components
shared dependency pattern
don’t want to re-implement security components
tried-and-tested security by default
flexibility of ‘roll-your-own’
router routing between sub-websites A and B
add a login form to the router, which uses:
password-algo (eg scrypt)
user-store (eg cassandra)
all comes from cylon
add authorization component to website B (again from cylon),
session-store (same dep as above)
lein new modular myapp
lein new modular myapp +cljs
lein new modular myapp +cljs +security
lein new modular myapp +cljs +security +devtools
if your code doesn’t compile on your repl, then you just get
loads of stack traces
secure content, rather than URI routes
there may be multiple routes to the content
to wrap a response in a RestrictedHandler
which implements IFn to look like a fn and make it invokable
Q: what about hypermedia to decouple URI dispatch & formation?
we don’t have HATEOAS because it’s quite hard
want to make it easier
Amazing! Link to geomlab is incorrect (but guessable)