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Making cool stuff!

Peter Gallagher pjgpetecodes

Making cool stuff!
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pjgpetecodes / Hello World.asm
Last active September 24, 2017 07:50 — forked from anonymous/Hello World.asm
Commented Z80 Hello World
autoexec ; Automatically Execute the Program
ORG 32768 ; Store the program in User Address Space
; Print an ASCII Table with 96 Characters
print_test: LD B,96 ; We want 96 characters in our ASCII Tabe
LD A,32 ; 32 is the ASCII code for space
loop2: LD C,A ; Temp store for the A Register as it's zeroed by the RST 16 call below
RST 16 ; Output A to current stream (Print the character in the A Register)
pjgpetecodes / Sprites0.asm
Last active November 10, 2017 11:52
Sam Coupe Sprite Tutorial - Part 0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Program: SAM Coupe Sprites Tutorial 1 - Part 0 |
; | Filename: Sprites0.asm |
; | Version: 1.0 |
; | Date: 12/10/2017 |
; | Author: Pete Gallagher - PJG Creations Ltd |
; | |
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pjgpetecodes / sprite1.asm
Last active November 10, 2017 13:44
Sam Coupe Sprite Tutorial - Part 1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Program: SAM Coupe Sprites Tutorial 1 - Part 1 |
; | Filename: Sprites1.asm |
; | Version: 1.0 |
; | Date: 12/10/2017 |
; | Author: Pete Gallagher - PJG Creations Ltd |
; | |
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pjgpetecodes / sprite1_2.asm
Last active November 10, 2017 23:55
Sam Coupe Sprite Tutorial - Part 2 - Stack Pointer Resolution
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Program: SAM Coupe Sprites Tutorial 1 - Part 2 |
; | Filename: Sprites1_2.asm |
; | Version: 1.2 |
; | Date: 12/10/2017 |
; | Author: Pete Gallagher - PJG Creations Ltd |
; | |
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pjgpetecodes / sprites2.asm
Last active November 13, 2017 10:41
Sam Coupe Sprite Tutorial - Part 3 - A full 32x32 Sprite
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Program: SAM Coupe Sprites Tutorial 2 |
; | Filename: Sprites2.asm |
; | Version: 1.0 |
; | Date: 12/10/2017 |
; | Author: Pete Gallagher - PJG Creations Ltd |
; | |
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pjgpetecodes /
Last active October 11, 2020 18:38
Install Dot Net Core 3 on the Raspberry Pi
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Dot Net Core Installer"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1mPete Codes / PJG Creations 2020"
echo ""
echo -e "Latest update 30/04/2020"
echo ""
pjgpetecodes / gist:a4f34a3963a7628ba1ebd302d5fcc913
Created November 11, 2020 10:14
.NET 5 Install Script - 11-11-20
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Dot Net 5 Installer"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1mPete Codes / PJG Creations 2020"
echo ""
echo -e "Latest update 11/11/2020"
echo ""
pjgpetecodes / instructions.txt
Last active January 14, 2021 21:39 — forked from shawty/rpi_install_instructions.txt
Instructions on how to get the latest dotnet core 3 and Blazor running on a Raspberry PI
This is a fork of Shawty's original instructions simply updated to use the release version of Dot Net Core.
First things first, make sure your Raspberry PI has the latest updates for Raspbian on by running
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
Also make sure that your running this on a version 2 raspberry PI or higher (I tested this on a Quad Core V3 B+, and a V2 PI Zero)
This will NOT WORK on any PI model that's older, I tried it on an original V1 and to say it wasn't happy, was an understatement :-)
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m .NET Installer"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1mPete Codes / PJG Creations 2021"
echo ""
echo -e "Latest update 04/01/2021"
echo ""
pjgpetecodes /
Created October 1, 2022 17:23
Install .NET 7 on a Raspberry Pi
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m .NET 7 Installer"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1mPete Codes / PJG Creations 2021"
echo ""
echo -e "Latest update 01/10/2022"
echo ""