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Last active June 11, 2024 18:45
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Think twice about Wayland. It breaks everything!

Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!

Hence, if you are interested in existing applications to "just work" without the need for adjustments, then you may be better off avoiding Wayland.

Wayland solves no issues I have but breaks almost everything I need. Even the most basic, most simple things (like xkill) - in this case with no obvious replacement. And usually it stays broken, because the Wayland folks mostly seem to care about Automotive, Gnome, maybe KDE - and alienating everyone else (e.g., people using just an X11 window manager or something like GNUstep) in the process.

Wayland proponents make it seem like Wayland is "the successor" of Xorg, when in fact it is not. It is merely an incompatible alternative, and not even one that has (nor wants to have) feature parity (missing features). And unlike X11 (the X Window System), Wayland protocol designers actively avoid the concept of "windows" (making up incomprehensible words like "xdg_toplevel" instead).

DO NOT USE A WAYLAND SESSION! Let Wayland not destroy everything and then have other people fix the damage it caused. Or force more Red Hat/Gnome components (glib, Portals, Pipewire) on everyone!

Please add more examples to the list.

Wayland seems to be made by people who do not care for existing software. They assume everyone is happy to either rewrite everything or to just use Gnome on Linux (rather than, say, twm with ROX Filer on NetBSD).

Edit: When I wrote the above, I didn't really realize what Wayland even was, I just noticed that some distributions (like Fedora) started pushing it onto me and things didn't work properly there. Today I realize that you can't "install Wayland", because unlike Xorg, there is not one "Wayland display server" but actually every desktop envrironment has its own. And maybe "the Wayland folks" don't "only care about Gnome", but then, any fix that is done in Gnome's Wayland implementation isn't automatically going to benefit all users of Wayland-based software, and possibly isn't even the implementation "the Wayland folks" would necessarily recommend.

Edit 12/2023: If something wants to replace X11 for desktop computers (such as professional Unix workstations), then it better support all needed features (and key concepts, like windows) for that use case. That people also have displays on their fridge doesn't matter the least bit in that context of discussion. Let's propose the missing Wayland protocols for full X11 feature parity.

Wayland is broken by design

  • A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications
  • You cannot run applications as root
  • You cannot do a lot of things that you can do in Xorg by design
  • There is not one /usr/bin/wayland display server application that is desktop environment agnostic and is used by everyone (unlike with Xorg)
  • It offloads a lot of work to each and every window manager. As a result, the same basic features get implemented differently in different window managers, with different behaviors and bugs - so what works on desktop environment A does not necessarily work in desktop environment B (e.g., often you hear that something "works in Wayland", even though it only really works on Gnome and KDE, not in all Wayland implementations). This summarizes it very well:

Apparently the Wayland project doesn't even want to be " 2.0", and doesn't want to provide a commonly used implementation of a compositor that could be used by everyone: Yet this would imho be required if they want to make it into a worthwile "successor" that would have any chance of ever fixing the many Wayland issues at the core.

Wayland breaks screen recording applications

  • MaartenBaert/ssr#431 ❌ broken since 24 Jan 2016, no resolution ("I guess they use a non-standard GNOME interface for this")
  • ❌ ("I am no longer interested in working with things like ffmpeg/wayland/GNOME's screencaster or solving the issues related to them or why they don't work")
  • vkohaupt/vokoscreenNG#51 ❌ broken since at least 7 Mar 2020. ("I have now decided that there will be no Wayland support for the time being. Reason, there is no budget for it. Let's see how it looks in a year or two.") - This is the key problem. Wayland breaks everything and then expects others to fix the wreckage it caused on their own expense.
  • obsproject/obs-studio#2471 ❌ broken since at least 7 Mar 2020. ("Wayland is unsupported at this time", "There isn't really something that can just be easily changed. Wayland provides no capture APIs")
  • There is a workaround for OBS Studio that requires a obs-xdg-portal plugin (which is known to be Red Hat/Flatpak-centric, GNOME-centric, "perhaps" works with other desktops)
  • phw/peek#1191 ❌ broken since 14 Jan 2023. Peek, a screen recording tool, has been abandoned by its developerdue to a number of technical challenges, mostly with Gtk and Wayland ("Many of these have to do with how Wayland changed the way applications are being handled")

As of February 2024, screen recording is still broken utterly on Wayland with the vast majority of tools. Proof

Workaround: Find a Wayland compositor that supports the wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1 protocol and use wf-recorder -a. The default compositor in Raspberry Pi OS (Wayfire) does, but the default compositor in Ubuntu doesn't. (That's the worst part of Wayland: Unlike with Xorg, it always depends on the particular Wayand compositor what works and what is broken. Is there even one that supports everything?)

Wayland breaks screen sharing applications

  • jitsi/jitsi-meet#2350 ❌ broken since 3 Jan 2018
  • jitsi/jitsi-meet#6389 ❌ broken since 24 Jan 2016 ("Closing since there is nothing we can do from the Jitsi Meet side.") See? Wayland breaks stuff and leaves application developers helpless and unable to fix the breakage, even if they wanted.

NOTE: As of November 2023, screen sharing in Chromium using Jitsi Meet is still utterly broken, both in Raspberry Pi OS Desktop, and in a KDE Plasma installation, albeit with different behavior. Note that Pipewire, Portals and whatnot are installed, and even with them it does not work.

Wayland breaks automation software

sudo pkg install py37-autokey

This is an X11 application, and as such will not function 100% on 
distributions that default to using Wayland instead of Xorg.

Wayland breaks Gnome-Global-AppMenu (global menus for Gnome)

Wayland broke global menus with KDE platformplugin

Good news: According to this report global menus now work with KDE platformplugin as of 4/2022

Wayland breaks global menus with non-KDE Qt platformplugins

Wayland breaks AppImages that don't ship a special Wayland Qt plugin

  • ❌ broke AppImages that don't ship a special Wayland Qt plugin. "This affects proprietary applications, FLOSS applications bundled as appimages, FLOSS applications bundled as flatpaks and not distributed by KDE and even the Qt installer itself. In my opinion this is a showstopper for running a Wayland session." However, there is a workaround: "AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode" (see below).

Wayland breaks Redshift

Update 2023: Some Wayland compositors (such as Wayfire) now support wlr_gamma_control_unstable_v1, see and jonls/redshift#663. Does it work in all Wayland compositors though?

Wayland breaks global hotkeys

Wayland does not work for Xfce?

See below.

Wayland does not work properly on NVidia hardware?

Apparently Wayland relies on nouveau drivers for NVidia hardware. The nouveau driver has been giving unsatisfactory performance since its inception. Even clicking on the application starter icon in Gnome results in a stuttery animation. Only the proprietary NVidia driver results in full performance.

See below.

Update 2024: The situation might slowly be improving. It remains to be seen whether this will work well also for all existing old Nvidia hardware (that works well in Xorg).

Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware

Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root

  • ❌ broken since 22 Oct 2015 ("No this will only fix sudo for X11 applications. Running GUI code as root is still a bad idea." I absolutely detest it when software tries to prevent me from doing what some developer thinks is "a bad idea" but did not consider my use case, e.g., running truss for debugging on FreeBSD needs to run the application as root. suggests it is not possible: "These sorts of security considerations are very much the way that "the Linux desktop" is going these days".)

Suggested solution

Wayland is biased toward Linux and breaks BSD

  • ❌ broken since 28 Sep 2020 ("Wayland is written with the assumption of Linux to the extent that every client application tends to #include <linux/input.h> because Wayland's designers didn't see the need to define a OS-neutral way to get mouse button IDs. (...) In general, Wayland is moving away from the modularity, portability, and standardization of the X server. (...) I've decided to take a break from this, since it's a fairly huge undertaking and uphill battle. Right now, X11 combined with a compositor like picom or xcompmgr is the more mature option."

Wayland complicates server-side window decorations

  • ❌ FUD since at least 27 January 2018 ("I heard that GNOME is currently trying to lobby for all applications implementing client-side decorations. One of the arguments seems to be that CSD is a must on Wayland. " ... "I’m burnt from it and are not interested in it any more.") Server-side window decorations are what make the title bar and buttons of all windows on a system consistent. They are a must have_ for a consistent system, so that applications written e.g., Gtk will not look entirely alien on e.g., a Qt based desktop, and to enforce that developers cannot place random controls into window titles where they do not belong. Client-side decorations, on the other hand, are destroying uniformity and consistency, put additional burden on application and toolkit developers, and allow e.g., GNOME developers to put random controls (that do not belong there) into window titles (like buttons), hence making it more difficult to achieve a uniform look and feel for all applications regardless of the toolkit being used.

Red Hat employee Matthias Clasen ("I work at the Red Hat Desktop team... I am actually a manager there... the people who do the actual work work for me") expicitly stated "Client-side everything" as a principle, even though the protocol doesn't enforce it: "Fonts, Rendering, Nested Windows, Decorations. "It also gives the design more freedom to use the titlebar space, which is something our designers appreciate" (sic). Source

Wayland breaks windows rasing/activating themselves

Wayland breaks RescueTime

Wayland breaks window managers

Apparently Wayland (at least as implemented in KWin) does not respect EWMH protocols, and breaks other command line tools like wmctrl, xrandr, xprop, etc. Please see the discussion below for details.

Wayland requires JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM,... to reimplement Xorg-like functionality

  • Screen recording and casting
  • Querying of the mouse position, keyboard LED state, active window position or name, moving windows (xdotool, wmctrl)
  • Global shortcuts
  • System tray
  • Input Method support/editor (IME)
  • Graphical settings management (i.e. tools like xranrd)
  • Fast user switching/multiple graphical sessions
  • Session configuration including but not limited to 1) input devices 2) monitors configuration including refresh rate / resolution / scaling / rotation and power saving 3) global shortcuts
  • HDR/deep color support
  • VRR (variable refresh rate)
  • Disabling input devices (xinput alternative)

As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. You do not expect JWM, TWM, XDM or even IceWM developers to implement all the featured outlined in ^1.

Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol

  • https://github.comelectron/electron#33226 ("skipTaskbar has no effect on Wayland. Currently Electron uses _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR to tell the WM to hide an app from the taskbar, and this works fine on X11 but there's no equivalent mechanism in Wayland." Workarounds are only available for some desktops including GNOME and KDE Plasma.) ❌ broken since March 10, 2022

Wayland breaks NoMachine NX

Wayland breaks xclip

xclip is a command line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11 implementation. It provides an interface to X selections ("the clipboard"). Apparently Wayland isn't compatible to the X11 clipboard either.

This is another example that the Wayland requires everyone to change components and take on additional work just because Wayland is incompatible to what we had working for all those years.

Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS

Wayland breaks X11 atoms

X11 atoms can be used to store information on windows. For example, a file manager might store the path that the window represents in an X11 atom, so that it (and other applications) can know for which paths there are open file manager windows. Wayland is not compatible to X11 atoms, resulting in all software that relies on them to be broken until specifically ported to Wayland (which, in the case of legacy software, may well be never).

Possible workaround (to be verified): Use the (Qt proprietary?) Extended Surface Wayland protocol casually mentioned in "which allows you to set (and read?) arbitrary properties on a window". Is it the set_generic_property from

Wayland breaks games

Games are developed for X11. And if you run a game on Wayland, performance is subpar due to things like forced vsync. Only recently, some Wayland implementations (like KDE KWin) let you disable that.

Wayland breaks xdotool

(Details to be added; apparently no 1:1 drop-in replacement available?)

Wayland breaks xkill

xkill (which I use on a regular basis) does not work with Wayland applications.

What is the equivalent for Wayland applications?

Wayland breaks screensavers

Is it true that Wayland also breaks screensavers?

Wayland breaks setting the window position

Other platforms (Windows, Mac, other destop environments) can set the window position on the screen, so all cross-platform toolkits and applications expect to do the same on Wayland, but Wayland can't (doesn't want to) do it.

  • PCSX2/pcsx2#10179 PCX2 (Playstation 2 Emulator) ❌ broken since 2023-10-25 ("Disables Wayland, it's super broken/buggy in basically every scenario. KDE isn't too buggy, GNOME is a complete disaster.")

Wayland breaks color mangement

Apparently color management as of 2023 (well over a decade of Wayland development) is still in the early "thinking" stage, all the while Wayland is already being pushed on people as if it was a "X11 successor".

Wayland breaks DRM leasing

According to Valve, "DRM leasing is the process which allows SteamVR to take control of your VR headset's display in order to present low-latency VR content".

Wayland breaks In-home Streaming

Wayland breaks NetWM

Extended Window Manager Hints, a.k.a. NetWM, is an X Window System standard for the communication between window managers and applications

Wayland breaks window icons

Wayland breaks drag and drop


  • Users: Refuse to use Wayland sessions. Uninstall desktop environments/Linux distributions that only ship Wayland sessions. Avoid Wayland-only applications (such as PreSonus Studio One) (potential workaround: run in
  • Application developers: Enforce running applications on X11/XWayland (like LibrePCB does as of 11/2023)

Examples of Wayland being forced on users

This is exactly the kind of behavior this gist seeks to prevent.


  • 2008: Wayland was started by krh (while at Red Hat)
  • End of 2012: Wayland 1.0
  • Early 2013: GNOME begins Wayland porting

Source: "Where's Wayland?" by Matthias Clasen - Flock 2014

A decade later... Red Hat wants to force Wayland upon everyone, removing support for Xorg


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qq-me commented Dec 22, 2023

bro is asking to be baited

also trolls are typically the smarter ones and play of how absurd the claims are

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ssokolow commented Dec 22, 2023

TL;DR: Firefox 121 now bundles a Wayland "load-balancer" equivalent to the disconnect/reconnect part of GNU Screen or tmux named wayland-proxy because one of the top crash bugs they're dealing with is when the system gets momentarily overwhelmed, the Wayland compositor drops Firefox's display socket.

Judging by the forum comments, this may be much more likely to actually be encountered with GNOME/Mutter. (Possibly because, based on my own experience when trying to reproduce reported bugs/misbehaviours in my creations, GNOME 3.x is a system resource glutton.)

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I'd just like to point out that Asahi Linux Is run mainly by Hector Martin, a guy who is quite infamous for his Apple and Wayland shilling, plus a brevity of other insane things that you could read more about on your local New Zeland enjoyers if you're willing to put biases aside.

Best solution to avoid being forced to use Wayland on Linux being run on Macs is to follow Debian's guides to bring it to ARM

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Firefox 121 now bundles a Wayland "load-balancer" equivalent to the disconnect/reconnect part of GNU Screen or tmux named wayland-proxy because one of the top crash bugs they're dealing with is when the system gets momentarily overwhelmed, the Wayland compositor drops Firefox's display socket.

This is EPIC. I used to call Pipewire a crutch, but this is just new level of crutch-making.

Let's make crutches in every application for every Wayland-graphical-server!

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Let's make crutches in every application for every Wayland-graphical-server!

Or better yet, get rid of X11. X11 breaks Wayland!

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99.9999% of PC users know exactly what they need from a display server

LOL. Why do you assume most of them know what a display server is at all?

The fact is no one cares about display servers in those OS'es. They just work.


There's ZERO, I repeat ZERO reason to have multiple Wayland implementations/display servers on the Linux desktop

FOSS is not about reasoning, it's about fun. It's futile to expect developers to improve something existing instead of the NIH syndrome.

please stick to Gnome or KDE or don't use Wayland at all

You don't realize we live in a postmodern too, right? All you can hear from the in response is please kindly fuck off. You're not their boss, you don't pay them, you're not their parent, and also not a dictator like Lugovsky. And they're not your personal army.

There are no 100'000 message long debates all over the Internet whether SurfaceFlinger/DWM/whatever are good or not

Yeah, because there's no choice and it's pointless. So most eventually forfeit and flee to the free software world. But when they're surrounded there too, beasts start screaming, they have nowhere to retreat anymore.
we can finally start to clean the smell of wee off Xorg that Linux and has left.

Smells so much the WebKit vs. Blink struggle!

Who the hell cares? Linux has had just one for the past almost 30 years. I don't remember the civil unrest because of that.

Who the hell cares about Linux? Didn't you too notice that the OP is a BSD lover?


if you mean Mac OS 9 and below

Only they are MacOS actually. Newer versions were called Mac OS X, OS X, macOS, but not MacOS.

web browser engines

There's enough of necro cultists around PaleMoon/NewMoon/MyPal/UXP/whatever. And a sect of resurrectors of the leaked code of Opera Presto. I expect something similar for X.Org in the worst case, and such a state is not a problem for me at all, I'll keep using it.


everybody else dropped the Unix workstation market

But not Apple. They did not drop UNIX. They dropped X. And went on happily with that.


X11 even allowed the devices to display videos on a web page as a separate hardware plane directly accessed by the video decoder hardware for zero copy no composition (even without fullscreen). X11 has made this possible since early 2000s.

Pff, these kludgy overlays always lagging behind the page scrolling, no, thanks. Modern browsers don't work like that anyway, they dropped the plugin support, and mandate compositing of everything internally anyway. Modern hardware just makes no sense to leave any ways assuming a possible lack of hardware compositing, just like modern builds don't take CPUs which lack SSE instructions into account anymore. It's of interest only for retro hardware enthusiasts/sufferers. And for the marginal market of GPU-less virtual servers, okay.


drag and drop should be a keyboard operation first, and a mouse operation second
CTRL+C => CTRL+V ... or CTRL+X => CTRL+V

They're fundamentally different operations in terms of security. Drag'n'drop establishes a communication only between the source and the target for sure. The content of the clipboard can be accessed by anyone in a while. It bites for sure there's no secure keyboard-wise analog of drag'n'drop.


You have no reason to be on GNU/Linux, where freedom of choice still prevails


No one here needs CCP-Wayland to be in charge and tell everyone how to do things without offering any universal solutions.

You say like they're asked lol.

Privatbank employees didn't ask to use Ubuntu (or rather PrivatLinux, which was an Ubuntu derivation). The niche of RHEL is comparable. Corporate users which push an operating system onto their employees, just like Windows with restricted user accounts is pushed more usually. GNOME ideology fits ideally into such conditions.

Y'know what, despite being a leftist generally, I'm pretty proud that a self-employed private entrepreneur status gives me an opportunity to live on my terms and talk with "employers" as equals, if compared to true employees with all their obligations and typical office mop-raping. Yes, it has a downside of having no perks and guarantees, no paid leaves, easily torn contracts, having to deal with the tax service directly, but IMO, it's rather a small price. And the more Ukraine is integrated into EU, the more endangered this simplified single tax system is. Companies from some EU countries (Germany, at least) generally avoid making contracts with such entrepreneurs directly, as this can be seen as tax evasion for them, so they deal instead with numerous pad companies taking care of hiring such entrepreneurs and building teams from them for foreign companies. And such a situation is clearly not seen civilized by home countries of those companies, so they push onto Ukrainian government for many years already to put an end for it.

and don't whine that "the old stuff must die", "adapt to our shit" and so on

Really, don't you remember how they attempted to push a mandatory TPM requirement in Windows 11? :P

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local New Zeland enjoyers

Meh, I suspected it's yet another software cheater, and it turned out to be true finally. Just a pitched-up falsetto masked with a few filters.

And a successful cheater, to my disappointment. Like, what did I train my voice for years for then? :P If others can go on well with software, and as AI for that task is progressing, no one would probably believe the "it's not possible" claims soon anyway. So I prefer to brag with the training results offline anyway, where no one can accuse me of cheating :P

Best solution to avoid being forced to use Wayland on Linux being run on Macs is to

… just use macOS lol. At least, it won't burn your speakers, and so. It still allows to disable the system file protection and mess with whatever extent. No even jailbreak hacks needed like on iOS.

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zDEFz commented Dec 23, 2023

CTRL+C => CTRL+V ... or CTRL+X => CTRL+V

They're fundamentally different operations in terms of security. Drag'n'drop establishes a communication only between the source and the target for sure. The content of the clipboard can be accessed by anyone in a while. It bites for sure there's no secure keyboard-wise analog of drag'n'drop.

@bodqhrohro depends, and the archive sample is not a good one. Assume having an item in a read-write state, moving it to a different physical location without mousing must be possible, copying too. One changes the location of the file itself, the other copies it.
Every mouse action needs a keyboard equivalent that is similarly efficient.

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lukefromdc commented Dec 23, 2023

The keyboard issue is a real one, hopefully the spread of Wayland to such productivity-focussed environments as RHEL will force the core devs to come up with a fix at least to allow a particular app to listen for keyboard shortcuts. Compositors can do some of this now but (at least in wayfire) it's a bit buggy. Thus, I've yet to be able to have the same keyboard shortcuts in MATE/xorg and MATE/wayland.

That said, the most visible things preventing me from getting at least apparent feature parity for MATE on wayland is the fact that wlroots doesn't expose enough window data to tell the panel which workspace a window is on. It should be possible to write a show desktop and a bare-bones workspace switcher applet (the latter with synthetic mouse-keyboard events if nothing else), but to have the panel window list show only those windows open on a particular workspace requires being able to iterate through all toplevels and determine the workspace on which they are showing. Just being able to iterate through all toplevels at once (as when starting the panel with windows showing) should be enough for a show-desktop applet backend.

That said, MATE on Wayland is now my default session, as I am the main developer of that session right now and there is no better way to test it, I fire up an Xorg session as needed to either test Xorg-only bugs or to use a program that doesn't run on native wayland yet and either won't start in xWayland or will run but has issues.

Also remember: at MATE this is for insurance! We are going to support Xorg and Wayland both, at least I really don't know which way this is going to jump in five years and I don't want either path to have the ability to take out MATE.

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Xorg and Wayland are both cancer and complete garbage, use Arcan instead

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I for one don't plan to redo all my work at this time to support a third display server protocol. Even in the event it does take over, that would be at least ten years down the road based on how long wayland has taken to take off.

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dec05eba commented Dec 23, 2023


Pff, these kludgy overlays always lagging behind the page scrolling, no, thanks. Modern browsers don't work like that anyway, they dropped the plugin support, and mandate compositing of everything internally anyway. Modern hardware just makes no sense to leave any ways assuming a possible lack of hardware compositing, just like modern builds don't take CPUs which lack SSE instructions into account anymore. It's of interest only for retro hardware enthusiasts/sufferers. And for the marginal market of GPU-less virtual servers, okay.

What a brain dead take that shows that you dont have experience working with embedded hardware. Funny thing you mentioned browsers because thats exactly what we worked on. We forked chromium and optimized it to run with the cheap hardware. In this space, even 5mb increase in ram usage is considered a delivery stopping bug as small margins in cost compound over millions of sales. We dont have the option to use better hardware, this is the real world not your fantasy world.
The hardware planes with direct access to by video decoding is a REQUIREMENT in this space, otherwise it would run too slow. Sync when scrolling is not an issue if you do it properly. You dont have any idea how much of a different it makes with such hardware. For example the reason why pinephone/librem 5 runs at 30 fps and not 60 fps is because wayland compositors dont properly use hardware planes for windows. On desktop computers there is no noticable difference, and most desktop computers dont even have extra hardware planes, but phones and other weak hardware do have multiple hardware planes. They exist because it's a necessity. Android is able to properly utilize them as well. Regular chromium without our changes plays videos at 8 fps with frames dropped, with our changes it runs at 60 fps with no frames dropped. This is the difference between having millions of customers and none.

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archive sample



use Arcan instead

Unstable garbage.


you dont have experience working with embedded hardware

I have enough of experience surviving on low-spec hardware lol.

We forked chromium and optimized it to run with the cheap hardware

And, what year was that? I wouldn't consider any modern popular browser engine suitable for low-spec environments at all. ≈10 years ago WebKit was provisionally suitable for that, now it's bloated, and Blink is even more bloated, yet most of 3rd party actors staying on WebKit after the split switched to Blink eventually.

The hardware planes with direct access to by video decoding is a REQUIREMENT in this space, otherwise it would run too slow

Use an out-of-browser video player then. In-browser HTML5 ones are doomed already.

Even iOS Safari plays YouTube in-browser already, yet they stood for a long time for mandating to play it externally by a direct link. Just because iPhone hardware got more powerful with time, so they don't have a shit about scarcity anymore. Luckily, RTSP support on YouTube wasn't yet dropped completely, at least.

why pinephone/librem 5 runs at 30 fps and not 60 fps is because wayland compositors dont properly use hardware planes for windows

Yup, I told already X.Org is more suitable for phones and Maemo was magnificent. Motorola's Linux-based phones did not use even that and used Qt's means to render to bare framebuffer though.

On desktop computers there is no noticable difference

Depends on how old and powerful a desktop is.

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Unstable garbage.

Anencephalic Wayland simps get really butthurt every time Arcan is mentioned

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lukefromdc commented Dec 23, 2023 via email

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Wayland simps


I had tried it, at least, unlike most of the thread members.


and if you don't shop online

… you miss decent phones anyway, especially in my small town. It's not just anything but slatephones and extremely dumb phones is missing, even high-end slatephones are not in stock, only cheap Chinese crap. And ≈15 years ago, even that was missing; I barely remember mobile shops that time, so people went to the nearby city to buy phones, and virtually everything but essential goods.

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the problem with wayland is that they refuse to fix anything

hey I have a issue with wayland can you devs fi-
but theres this bug with wayla-
hey can we fi-

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Hunterrules0-0 commented Dec 23, 2023

Let's make crutches in every application for every Wayland-graphical-server!

Or better yet, get rid of X11. X11 breaks Wayland!

John linux and Mary gnu would be ashamed if they heard that

this entire thing has turned into 13 year olds and 28 year olds arguing at each other shitposting memes.

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 23, 2023


It's not just Wayland, this cancer eats modern FOSS in general. Seems like a generational problem. Boomers were brought with more of societal responsibility mindset. In times when egoism was frowned upon. And they have created the FOSS movement. Those who didn't often volunteered their time for closed-source freeware. Later generations lack this prejudice and have learnt to defend their own decisions because they're not really more rational than others' decisions. I pertain to a minority which feels separated from my generation due to being upbrought with much moral values than usual. And this lured me into an identity crisis eventually, as there's no authority upon me dictating that I somehow should be more noble than the spoiled majority anymore, and the inner resources to defend that are dwindling. I was upbrought for an authoritarian society, but live in a capitalist one actually, and the lack of public morale not backed by religion deeply depresses me.

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It's not just Wayland, this cancer eats modern FOSS in general. Seems like a generational problem. Boomers were brought with more of societal responsibility mindset. In times when egoism was frowned upon. And they have created the FOSS movement. Those who didn't often volunteered their time for closed-source freeware. Later generations lack this prejudice and have learnt to defend their own decisions because they're not really more rational than others' decisions. I pertain to a minority which feels separated from my generation due to being upbrought with much moral values than usual. And this lured me into an identity crisis eventually, as there's no authority upon me dictating that I somehow should be more noble than the spoiled majority anymore, and the inner resources to defend that are dwindling. I was upbrought for an authoritarian society, but live in a capitalist one actually, and the lack of public morale not backed by religion deeply depresses me.

ok but what does that mean in simpler terms lol

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@binex-dsk would you like if I died?

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IverCoder commented Dec 24, 2023



The fact each DE has it's own Wayland implementation is the biggest show-stopper imo

Yup. That, btw, is the main problem where all the other problems with Wayland come from. There is no attempt to fix this problem, on the contrary Wayland supporters say "this is fine".

Wayland can't even be properly compared to Xorg because Wayland doesn't even have a unified library.

Okay, let's imagine that there would be some kind of unified "wlroots" (xcb/xlib equivalent) which all DEs, including KDE, GNOME, etc. would use. Question: do you trust developers with such an attitude to design such an important library?

The answer is no, but these people even after more than 10 years have still NOT made it to this step.

To the question of why Wayland can't be fixed. The people who support it are crazy mindless bigots.


No, it's not about the name. Calling it the Wayland X12 or the "SUPER XORG REPLACER 10000" doesn't change anything.

These people are complete idiots with IQ < 50 or such, they are unable to concentrate and read a couple sentences to get to the core of the problem being presented in this article (dudemanguy's article is even more convincing IMHO). 1 minute of this video was enough for me. I turned it off and didn't want to watch any more. Because it's kind of stream of consciousness or whatever, IDK.

Wayland supporters, please install MS Windows. You have no reason to be on GNU/Linux, where freedom of choice still prevails. Wayland is fake free-software and fake open-source.

No one here needs CCP-Wayland to be in charge and tell everyone how to do things without offering any universal solutions.

On MS Windows there is at least some working environment, which BTW works very close to Xorg and Microsoft developers are good at supporting any legacy stuff and don't whine that "the old stuff must die", "adapt to our shit" and so on.

Yeah, this masterpiece belongs to r/Copypasta

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ohsix commented Dec 24, 2023

love when someone that doesn't know what they're talking about makes a big list. even better if they're robustly ignorant in a way they'll never overcome. all the incurious people get to show up and be mad together.

this level of petty patronizing should offend you. people that could teach you something are just being polite while they wait for you to leave.

not learning basic things about wayland in 10 years is impressive. should have incidentally learned rudimentary things by osmosis. assuming the time spent to build a coherent argument, there shouldn't be this many fundamental misunderstandings of both wayland and x11. you have not put the work in. nobody can help with the thing you made up to be mad at. (i'm being generous here, it really is your responsibility to know that the things you repeat are true)

wayland has surfaces, not windows. all it does is arrange for memory to be securely shared. over half of your complaints are about the compositor and not wayland. there are so many fundamental errors that i wouldn't even accept that your knowledge of x11 is sufficient to argue that it has a use.

the people that write the software you use don't have time to hear from a crank that doesn't even want to know what they're talking about, reading anything you have to say about it is a complete waste of time

you have agency here: you can just stop. it is depressing to watch someone fumble this badly. people don't even need to be an expert to see, because they did learn some things in those 10 years. even the people that would rather yell and be ignorant expect there to be something more than mere attention seeking

consider finding another way to get what you want. tantrums are a huge red flag and the people that would work with you on actual, real problems, are not going to accept being so crudely manipulated.

x11 has always sucked and somehow you ended up being a guy that doesn't know that

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ssokolow commented Dec 24, 2023

x11 has always sucked and somehow you ended up being a guy that doesn't know that

The gist of their argument is "X11 sucked in ways that either didn't affect me or didn't bother me. Wayland has different flaws/shortcomings that do affect me and the people who previously maintained X11 are abandoning it. I refuse to take this regression in my quality of life."

(I understand that because I'm in a similar position... though my plan is, when X11 falls out of support on LTS distros, to just slap rootful XWayland on top of a kiosk-mode Wayland compositor to preserve things like the software KVM I need to be compatible with both my daily driver PC and out-of-support Windows (i.e. Win7 and below) gaming PCs I firewall off from the Internet and, then, if necessary, stick a rootless Wayland compositor with an X11 backend on top of that to support Wayland-only apps having their windows managed by an X11 window manager and then get on with my life.)

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@binex-dsk would you like if I died?


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fgclue commented Dec 24, 2023

I'd actually really like to unsuscribe to people with no life vs people with a life.

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birdie-github commented Dec 25, 2023


love when someone that doesn't know what they're talking about makes a big list. even better if they're robustly ignorant in a way they'll never overcome. all the incurious people get to show up and be mad together.

this level of petty patronizing should offend you. people that could teach you something are just being polite while they wait for you to leave.

This is ad hominem and completely unnecessary. You don't talk about the person, you talk about the list. Thank you.

over half of your complaints are about the compositor and not wayland. there are so many fundamental errors that i wouldn't even accept that your knowledge of x11 is sufficient to argue that it has a use.

No one in discussion gives a fuck about the Wayland spec, so please, start using your brain because your message is so full of "I'm smart and you're stupid" it's just sad. Of course this list is about Wayland compositors.

the people that write the software you use don't have time to hear from a crank that doesn't even want to know what they're talking about, reading anything you have to say about it is a complete waste of time

This doesn't touch on anything posted in the list, instead you use what's commonly known as "red herring". If you have something to say, say it. There's no need to involve whatever facts you feel are suitable to disprove the OP because so far you've had just one: "Wayland operates with surfaces" but it itself is 100% useless and doesn't invalidate anything in the list of complaints about Wayland. It's completely orthogonal.

you have agency here: you can just stop. it is depressing to watch someone fumble this badly. people don't even need to be an expert to see, because they did learn some things in those 10 years. even the people that would rather yell and be ignorant expect there to be something more than mere attention seeking

consider finding another way to get what you want. tantrums are a huge red flag and the people that would work with you on actual, real problems, are not going to accept being so crudely manipulated.

More ad hominem.

Your "trying to sound like I'm a smart ass" page long reply contains zero counter arguments as you spend the vast majority of your words discussing the OP.

Why did you come to this discussion exactly if you have absolutely nothing to say?

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On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...

Arch Linux will no longer provide support or updates for the xorg group


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not learning basic things about wayland in 10 years is impressive

There's no need to "learn" things that shouldn't be like that in the first place. They're not natural, they're made by humans, and thus are subjects for critics and unacceptance. Don't expect others to gladly chew everything you push onto them, they're not cattle (even though the majority of the humankind in fact are).

over half of your complaints are about the compositor and not wayland

It's the Wayland's fault that it pushes its design flaws onto certain compositors.

x11 has always sucked

Yup, but we have nothing better. Wayland is not better, so it's a degradation.



I'm disgusting and useless. So I don't deserve to live. Hope you'll dance on my bones.


people with no life vs people with a life

What is life?

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BREAKING NEWS: Applications built for legacy technology won't work with new technology!

This whole gist could be simplified to "me screen recorder dont work on gnome it suck grrrrrr" and it would convey the same message. Even the GNUstep mentioned at the beginning. You could've complained that modern-day desktop environments lack the concept of dockapps and it would've been a better rant than this one.

I was even going to joke about OP's mind blowing up once they found out Wayland is just a protocol, but apparently, they figured it out by themselves, judging by the edits.

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Monsterovich commented Dec 26, 2023


BREAKING NEWS: Applications built for legacy technology won't work with new technology!

The developer of Pipewire didn't know that and just made Pulse and Jack support, he should be informed, ASAP!

Just don't tell the MS Windows developers, shhhh. It's a secret!


This whole gist could be simplified to "me screen recorder dont work on gnome it suck grrrrrr" and it would convey the same message.

When are you going to learn to read beyond the title?

I was even going to joke about OP's mind blowing up once they found out Wayland is just a protocol

Well, you know, it's not fucking obvious. Considering Wayland is all about propaganda and manipulation.
X11 is also a protocol by the way, but no one has thought of implementing a unique graphical server from scratch for their own development. All DEs use the same X-server implementation.

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BREAKING NEWS: Applications built for legacy technology won't work with new technology!

They do, Xwayland exists exactly for that.

Most of complaints here are for native Wayland APIs which don't fulfill all the possibilities which the legacy API does.

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qq-me commented Dec 26, 2023

so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

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fredvs commented Dec 26, 2023

so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

All the distros, like Arch, who want to be always the first to use trunk or dev versions that are not been tested yet.
ArchLinux is for testers and absolutely not for stable use.

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zDEFz commented Dec 26, 2023

so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

All the distros, like Arch, who want to be always the first to use trunk or dev versions that are not been tested yet. ArchLinux is for testers and absolutely not for stable use.

Nah. They recently fixed the mkinitcpio bug that made every installation unbootable every 50% of updates on some machines.
It's fine now.

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so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

Merely maintenance. Compiz is definitely cool, and was ditched from repos nevertheless. Same for GTK+1 (which is still available in Gentoo, AFAIR).

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Oh, and I remember a time when Icedove was ditched from Debian Stable repos due to unresolved critical issues in the version they had frozen. Was one of the key reasons to push me onto Testing and never come back to Stable. Even though there often are cases when some package is present in Stable and Sid but not in Testing because the Sid version had some issues and wasn't allowed into Testing. But if such happens, I usually need to wait only a few weeks until it's resolved, not the whole release cycle if something is excluded from Stable. (I didn't know how to mess with backports at the time.)

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so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

All the distros, like Arch, who want to be always the first to use trunk or dev versions that are not been tested yet. ArchLinux is for testers and absolutely not for stable use.

I've used it everyday for 8 years. It's made for people who don't expect their distribution to hold their Hans through everything.

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fredvs commented Dec 26, 2023

so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

All the distros, like Arch, who want to be always the first to use trunk or dev versions that are not been tested yet. ArchLinux is for testers and absolutely not for stable use.

I've used it everyday for 8 years. It's made for people who don't expect their distribution to hold their Hans through everything.

Yes, you are a guru but for others, who for example want a multi-arch system (both 32 an 64 bit), ArchLinux is not ok, some of the multi-arch i386 packages are not compatible with amd64 packages (different versions). And it is about taste, I prefer the original: Debian. RedHat needs to much tricks to be ok.

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As picky as I am, being able to use the new (git master) mate-wayland-session as a daily driver makes me much more confident for the future of MATE. So long as distros offer either x11 or wayland we should be covered

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zDEFz commented Dec 26, 2023

As picky as I am, being able to use the new (git master) mate-wayland-session as a daily driver makes me much more confident for the future of MATE. So long as distros offer either x11 or wayland we should be covered

Does MATE support window rules like i3 does? I don't use sway cause it is not fully i3 compatible yet.

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Does MATE support window rules like i3 does?

On X.Org this does not need to be WM-dependent, I just use devilspie2.

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zDEFz commented Dec 26, 2023

On X.Org this does not need to be WM-dependent, I just use devilspie2.

Before I dig in, can you explain? I have multiple workspaces, and I expect a replacement tool to be able to move windows in certain workspaces / locations of the display and keep it there. KDE for instance crashes and is unreliable at even only 8 rules.
With my i3 setup, I have at least 100 rules.

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As picky as I am, being able to use the new (git master) mate-wayland-session as a daily driver makes me much more confident for the future of MATE. So long as distros offer either x11 or wayland we should be covered

Does MATE support window rules like i3 does? I don't use sway cause it is not fully i3 compatible yet.

Window rules work fine for me on sway.

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lukefromdc commented Dec 26, 2023 via email

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zDEFz commented Dec 26, 2023

Sway does not have an xdotool alternative which I need for my workspace switcher ( I know can be worked around) and does not yet manage to expand variables in for_window or assign rules.
I can use sway for the most part if I execute a shell script that talks to sway... But that's effort.

So... What about muting applications that are unfocused? I made a script for that on xorg, but I doubt it can work on Wayland.

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Sway does not have an xdotool alternative which I need for my workspace switcher

Sway has built in commands for that (swaymsg workspace)

and does not yet manage to expand variables in for_window or assign rules.

Open an issue on sway's Git repository

So... What about muting applications that are unfocused?

You can probably make a script that periodically checks what windows are focused with swaymsg and pass that info to PA/PW

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zDEFz commented Dec 27, 2023

Open an issue on sway's Git repository

Already done. Can be found here:

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and I expect a replacement tool to be able to move windows in certain workspaces / locations of the display and keep it there

It's exactly the purpose.

Try it yourself, I have no idea how many of windows does it handle well. My rules are pretty simple:

   (is (window_class) "Cairo-dock")
   (is (window_class) "Xfce-panel")
   (is (window_class) "Tilda")
 (set_viewport 2)

It's a legacy from 2014, I don't even have Cairo-dock running for many years already lol.

Oh, and it's actually the first version; Devilspie 2 seems to be Lua-scripted. I found some attempts to set up window switch sounds with it from 2019.

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Did you know wlroots has a logo?

This list of issues and deficiencies has instantly been resolved!

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zDEFz commented Dec 27, 2023

and I expect a replacement tool to be able to move windows in certain workspaces / locations of the display and keep it there

It's exactly the purpose.

Try it yourself, I have no idea how many of windows does it handle well. My rules are pretty simple:

   (is (window_class) "Cairo-dock")
   (is (window_class) "Xfce-panel")
   (is (window_class) "Tilda")
 (set_viewport 2)

It's a legacy from 2014, I don't even have Cairo-dock running for many years already lol.

Oh, and it's actually the first version; Devilspie 2 seems to be Lua-scripted. I found some attempts to set up window switch sounds with it from 2019.

And that works on Wayland? states otherwise

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shakeyourbunny commented Dec 27, 2023 ("Does KDE^WWayland break everything?")
Full circle back from one of the prominent X11 haters who consider that X11 "is dead", likes to belittle everyone who is not the opinion that "Wayland is teh future" and is obviously one of the Wayland religious zealots.

On my side, I don't mind Wayland if it delivers; and it does not in many ways. If it wants to be prime time, its glaring issues should be first resolved instead of trying to shove it into everyones throat with force.

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zDEFz commented Dec 27, 2023 ("Does KDE^WWayland break everything?") Full circle back from one of the prominent X11 haters who consider that X11 "is dead", likes to belittle everyone who is not the opinion that "Wayland is teh future" and is obviously one of the Wayland religious zealots.

On my side, I don't mind Wayland if it delivers; and it does not in many ways. If it wants to be prime time, its glaring issues should be first resolved instead of trying to shove it into everyones throat with force.

Yea. It's certainly the wrong way to shove it in our throats like that. Don't make Wayland compositors default until issues are resolved.

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And that works on Wayland?

Not, of course.

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17 FPS with X.Org, Compiz and SimpleScreenRecorder vs. 32 FPS with Wayfire and wf-recorder. Explain yourself, X.Org shills.


Yeah, I know, I have too many windows in the X.Org session, hence the bad performance :P

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Even with working graphics drivers on my new computer is so slow.

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fredvs commented Dec 27, 2023

Thanks for your demonstration of Wayfire.


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Thanks for your demonstration of Wayfire.


I think in this case it's actually some codec issue, video worked fine after downloading and using some offline media player

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Thanks for your demonstration of Wayfire.

Firefox does not support playing yuv444p videos.

Here's a transcoded one:

Hilariously, even in the yuv444p version the green background is significantly distorted, it turned from #00FF00 to #00D800. So what's even the matter of it lol?

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zDEFz commented Dec 27, 2023

Here's a transcoded one: inochi_test3.webm

What are you saying? It sounds a bit funny

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fredvs commented Dec 27, 2023

@bodqhrohro and @Sivecano : thanks (but I know this and did play it via VLC).
This only to note that, strangely, when showing something about Wayland it is rarely out-of-the-box. ;-)

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What are you saying?

А от під вʼяленим набагато ліпше!

it is rarely out-of-the-box

It's almost the default Wayfire with the default decorator, I had only tuned a bit colours, plugins and keybindings and stopped at that, as it's not my daily driver anyway.

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@bodqhrohro and @Sivecano : thanks (but I know this and did play it via VLC). This only to note that, strangely, when showing something about Wayland it is rarely out-of-the-box. ;-)

if you are talking about the video not working that is not a wayland thing, if I'm not wrong this is a firefox issue and yuv444p should be the default of ffmpeg.

if we're talking about wayland compositors they (when they work and they often do) are actually usually way more of an out-of-the-box experience than on x11 due to being more monolithic.

but that does not really mean anything, it's just sorta how the different architectures pan out.

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if you are talking about the video not working that is not a wayland thing

Nah, it's exactly the issue of the defaults of wf-recorder. yuv444p should not be the default really (especially given it's not significantly better at preserving colours than yuv420p is, as I mentioned already).

I had already ran into many issues with videos I produced (ffmpeg also chooses it as the default pixel format in many cases) regarding missing hardware acceleration for yuv444p which causes playback problems in many apps, especially on Android devices.

are actually usually way more of an out-of-the-box experience than on x11 due to being more monolithic

Yeah, monolithic, with all that portals, hehe.


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Even with working graphics drivers on my new computer is so slow.

...but it works.

Speed is nice to have, functionality (without Red Hat Pipewire, Portals,... workarounds) is a must-have.

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Speed is nice to have, functionality (without Red Hat Pipewire, Portals,... workarounds) is a must-have.

Why all these clutches of these Pipewire, Portals and Proxys (for not overwhelming eg firefox)?

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zDEFz commented Dec 28, 2023

Speed is nice to have, functionality (without Red Hat Pipewire, Portals,... workarounds) is a must-have.

What does speed give you if the system regularly fails to do a task or does it unreliably?

Nothing - you'll just lose more time.

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probonopd commented Dec 28, 2023

Looks like has gotten the attention of @Pointedstick of KDE fame, whom I respect a lot.
And this is a good thing!

There’s a bit of chuckling and jeering over this in developer circles, but to regular people, the whole “Wayland breaks everything” charge might ring true, or at least seem like it contains a kernel of truth. Because from a certain perspective, he’s right: Wayland really does break everything that directly uses X11 functionality!

Chuckle or not, it's good if developers (and especially those responsible for the breaking changes) hear from those who have to suffer under their decisions.

Thing is, we (the people) (as in: application developers, end users, etc.) have not asked for anyone to come in and take away what has been working (more or less) for decades, and to replace it with something that a) has no feature parity, b) requires additional work from developers, and c) may require end users to change part of their software stack.

So, what we (the people) need is a smooth (as in: as few conceptual changes as possible) transition path. Wayland may have many benefits (I have never argued with that), but currently it is not an option for me (and many fellow users/developers) because it has no smooth transition path (feature-by feature).

So, if the seems to be getting some attention "in developer circles", and this is truly a great thing. Hopefully it will lead to some useful conclusions. Truth be told, the best outcome would be if upstream Wayland developers would finally acknowledge that there are application and desktop environment developers and end users out there who don't buy into this whole Portals-Flatpak-Systemd-Pipewire thing, and deliver feature parity with X11 on "pure" Wayland. If that happens, mission accomplished!

Linux isn’t a platform

Linux is a kernel. But "Desktop Linux" (for the lack of a better word) better gets their (our!) act together and provide a unified platform that can be taken for granted by application developers on all Linux distributions. I have given talks about this. (If you ask me, the "Year of the Linux Desktop" (tm) could have happened over a decade ago if everyone had embraced LSB Desktop. - the Linux Foundation could possibly do something about it but seems to care more about non-Linux things these days.

Personally I have moved on to FreeBSD for that exact reason - I am fed up with there being different Linux distributions that agree on nothing.

The model of the monolithic window server that offers all functionality failed decades ago.

If it "failed decades ago", how come that I am typing these words on one?

The portal system

... comes from Red Hat's Flatpak, a system designed to ensure Red Hat's firm grip on all of "Desktop Linux" (essentially running containers on top of the operating system, so that the operating system doesn't have to provide a sane, binary-compatible platform). They even host things with "xdg" in its name on, suggesting they can unilaterally decide how the desktop ought to work. Really don't know why KDE is buying into this, factually making KDE work conceptually like Gnome under the hood.

I think this is the platform: Portals-and-Wayland-and-PipeWire.

I think it is a platform, a platform that Red Hat wants to use, but it is not "the" platform. It has no official seal of the Linux Foundation, nor does it have universal buy-in from all desktop environment developers.

Clearly we need to come up with a better name.

How about "IBM Red Hat Fedora Gnome minus the GUI"?

porting is necessary because Wayland is designed to target a future that doesn’t include 100% drop-in compatibility with everything we did in the past

That'd be painful but understandable. But even then, the very least thing Wayland must offer is, for each feature of X11, some migration path. Not being able to set random icons on windows, not being able to share the screen without additional nag screens. Wayland is just something that pushes pixels to the screens. Its designers should not mistake this for having carte blanche for designing (dictating) how the whole) desktop works. That job is better left to the actual developers of desktop environments.

I trust that KDE will find ways to make things work, but I'm not so optimistic for the "Desktop Linux" platform as a whole.

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Even with working graphics drivers on my new computer is so slow.

  Host: pc Kernel: 5.19.15-xanmod1 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.18.1
    Distro: Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria
  Type: Desktop Mobo: Gigabyte model: B550M S2H serial: <superuser required>
    UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: F15e date: 07/26/2022
  Info: 6-core AMD Ryzen 5 5600X [MT MCP] speed (MHz): avg: 2910
    min/max: 2200/4650
  Device-1: NVIDIA GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] driver: nvidia
    v: 535.129.03
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: driver: X: loaded: nvidia
    gpu: nvidia resolution: 1920x1080
  OpenGL: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 535.129.03
  Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
    driver: r8169
  Local Storage: total: 1.36 TiB used: 671.86 GiB (48.1%)
  Processes: 340 Uptime: 8h 10m Memory: 31.26 GiB used: 4.34 GiB (13.9%)
  Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.13

Xorg worked fine back in 2006, and it works fast now too. I don't know where you got that from. Don't use GNOME.

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I wish github had the opposite of a star so I could give it to this

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@probonopd It's a bit weird having a conversation here in the comments section of this document, but OK. :)

To start with, IMO it's neither fair nor accurate to say "Wayland broke this stuff". Wayland hasn't broken anything; it's just that software which hasn't been ported to run natively on Wayland in a Wayland session runs in an imperfect compatibility layer (XWayland); if anything, XWayland broke those apps.

But IMO even that pedantic clarification is still missing the forest for the trees. Now, I think it's totally fair to complain that Wayland isn't a 100% drop-in replacement for X11, and to be honest, sometimes I wish it was too. But it's not. Because it's not, and because the people who develop it don't want it to be one, we need to look at the situation from a different perspective: we need to see Wayland as a new platform with some intentional incompatibilities compared to X11. And we must expend effort to into the task of porting our software to work with Wayland natively, if we don't want the software to run in an imperfect compatibility layer and possibly not work as well.

I totally understand if you don't want to expend that effort. It's fair to wait. There are still some things that some apps can't do with Wayland that they can on X11, and the porting story evolves over time as new protocols are accepted and implemented in major compositors. So some of those omissions may be remedied in the future. And in the meantime, most distros are going to keep shipping X11 for years, so it's not like there's some super huge urgency here (unless you're on Fedora, but if you are, then this should be exciting to you, and if it's not, then you're using the wrong distro).

But, if you choose to wait, you need to be prepared to accept the consequence that users (and distros, and DEs) who do use Wayland might have a worse experience with your software if it does anything with X11 that XWayland can't provide.

If you're not fine with that, what are your options?

One is to try to change Wayland into being a drop-in replacement for X11. I'm not optimistic about the prospects for success here. You're certainly welcome to try, but I predict it will end up mostly a waste of your time and energy. And if I'm right, that's sad, because I think time and energy are our most precious resources.

Another option is to try porting now. In a lot of cases it's really not that hard. Nearly all KDE apps are ported and now run natively in Wayland, without impacting their support for X11 at all. This porting might mean doing things in a different way from what you're used to. For example, you might have to ship your software with a .desktop file that specifies an icon, rather than setting an icon on each individual window. If you want to open a popup under the cursor, you might have to create the pop-up as a sub-surface with relative positioning rather than a new top-level window with absolute positioning and a bunch of "don't show this in my taskbar/alt+tab/pager/etc" flags. And so on. A lot of this stuff is doable if you're willing to learn some new things and accept that new platforms have some differences from old platforms. And you can do it in a way that doesn't impact X11 support at all.

If you don't want to do that, and your effort to change Wayland to be a drop-in replacement for X11 fails, then allow me to propose a third way: come up with protocols to do things that apps want to do, but without completely replicating the X11 UX (which will get vetoed). Think of creative new ways to accomplish the underlying goals. Here are some examples I just thought of:

  • Most apps want to be able to do absolute window positioning so they can save and restore the locations of their windows at launch. So instead, why not create a xdg_restore_window_position_v1 protocol that addresses that need directly? Then apps that want to use absolute positioning for that can port to use that protocol instead, and apps that are currently misusing absolute positioning to open popups can use relative positioning instead.
  • No single-window app needs the ability to set a window icon, since the existing solution of setting an icon in the desktop file works fine. But multi-window apps can benefit from this to help the user disambiguate in abstract representations of windows (e.g. their taskbar or Alt+Tab switcher). So maybe we can create an xdg_window_badge_v1 protocol that lets apps opt into setting "badges" for their windows, with the stipulation that when only one is set, the badge is ignored and the app icon is used instead, but when more than one badged window is open, then the compositor must show either only the badge, or else the badge overlaid on top of the app icon.

These are just random ideas I thought up, but I think they're both likely to be better received in the Wayland developer community compared to proposals to bring back absolute window positioning or custom window icons verbatim.

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Speed is nice to have

Said a bicycler mandating a ban on cars. Or a horse rider? Aw, yeah, horse poop everywhere. Let's fertilize the asphalt. Or should we perhaps remove the asphalt as well and grow crops on public roads?

act together and provide a unified platform
suggesting they can unilaterally decide how the desktop ought to work. Really don't know why KDE is buying into this, factually making KDE work conceptually like Gnome under the hood

Don't you see a contradiction here? You expect unification and blame KDE for not inventing a wheel and sharing standards with GNOME the same time.


Don't use GNOME.

I don't, how do you explain the performance difference then? :P Neither does @binex-dsk, they're i3/Sway fan.


And we must expend effort to into the task of porting our software to work with Wayland natively

Not a realistic task, there are lots of legacy software, some of which is proprietary. It's not like GNU/Linux is great with providing a backwards binary compatibility though.

Anyway, I had mentioned FLTK-based XS++ many times up the thread. The build from 2008 dynamically links with lots of libraries, and still all of them work on my modern system anyway, AFAIR, they are all even still available in repos and receive updates.

@bq:01:13:48:/tmp/dl$ ldd /opt/XS++/XS++\ v4.1 (0x00007ffe64bfa000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10dc00000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10deda000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d800000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10db21000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10deb6000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d61e000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de9a000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de4f000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de4a000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d4da000)
        /lib64/ (0x00007ff10dfd0000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10da56000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de3b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x0000003bcea00000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de26000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d4b0000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d491000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d45b000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de17000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10de12000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000003bccc00000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d438000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d422000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007ff10d413000)

I considered its sources lost, yet have found an SVN repo recently. It depends on some external libraries, including FLU which is rare and its website is dead long ago, yet I found it somewhere finally too. I attempted to build it, and the resulting build does not show any window at all. So until this problem is resolved I cannot even tell for sure if that's a full and relevant copy of sources and if that old build is not everything we have.

Luckily, it does not need to talk to other X clients and thus work under Xwayland well. There might be other legacy software which needs to though.

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@Pointedstick Look, I have read interesting messages written by you, but the truth is that this last one that you have written here, it's to leave without even read it.

There is only one thing that stands out, very, very clear. You are basing everything you say on the fact that the application developers are going to create a protocol or use a specific protocol for something. The truth is that just the fact that this has to happen is the real problem here. Wayland is selling us a functional, generic and transparent thing to make applications that work on Linux desktops, or it is selling us a huge mess? A huge mess, where some things are going to work, others are not, others are only going to work here and not in the other desktop, and so...

The answer is clear, Wayland is selling a huge mess that at this point makes no sense. It is separating the different implementations of Wayland, it is leaving spaces without solutions or with dissimilar solutions that were previously the same thing. That is, it is creating chaos and what it is solving is not clearly visible to application developers.

If GNOME and KDE did not exist and everyone used, for example, wlroots, then Wayland would make sense. But it doesn't, because no one in Linux ever wants to agree and everyone wants to do what they think is right. Wayland it simply leaves them the space for chaos to form. Just the last recently on LinuxMint Cinnamon Desktop:


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...but it works.

No it doesn't. Wayland does.

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Wayland is selling

It's FOSS, not some commercial product, please don't apply that terminology here.

a huge mess that at this point makes no sense

It makes sense for those who hack on it. That's enough. The opinion of the rest is not really valuable at all.

leaving spaces without solutions

If there are real problems affecting those who really can contribute, they get solved. At least in some of compositors. Same works for X.Org. I mentioned many times that X.Org works well enough for me, and there's nothing to fix really. I catched one sporadic bug though, but don't even have an idea how to reproduce it and it occurs rare enough. The stacktrace is not really informative, so that should be some memory corruption. Not that long ago, I investigated some sporadic (and frequent and annoying!) memory corruption in telegram-purple for months, and finally forfeited, which sounds alarming.

If GNOME and KDE did not exist and everyone used, for example, wlroots, then Wayland would make sense

If TWM, MotifWM and Enlightenment did not exist, then EWMH would make sense. Boycott EWMH!

(yeah, the analogy is not clear, as GNOME/KDE are far more popular than that, but there's nothing eternal under the Sun (pun intended))

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To start with, IMO it's neither fair nor accurate to say "Wayland broke this stuff". Wayland hasn't broken anything; it's just that software which hasn't been ported to run natively on Wayland in a Wayland session runs in an imperfect compatibility layer (XWayland); if anything, XWayland broke those apps.

Wayland not only breaks software, it breaks the proper paradigm in which applications function. As I've said a hundred times, we need a decent framework for DE and application development. This framework also should have a unified code base. All other options are not viable. Wayland is a true anti-pattern done in a "divide and conquer" style. This will create unimaginable fragmentation that will destroy GNU/Linux's desktop, making it uncompetitive. Wayland completely destroys the interchangeability that Xorg had.

On the background of all this, I don't care about Xwayland and how it will be integrated into Wayland's flawed architecture.

we need to see Wayland as a new platform with some intentional incompatibilities compared to X11

So it's all a farce to prove that "we're different" to the detriment of everything else. Is that what I'm getting at? Even Microsoft didn't think of doing such nonsense, MS Windows runs software from 20 years ago without any problems.

And we must expend effort to into the task of porting our software to work with Wayland natively, if we don't want the software to run in an imperfect compatibility layer and possibly not work as well.

There are two things to realize here:

  • If Wayland wasn't flawed, there would be 100% compatibility with Xorg (most likely).
  • Even if it was 90-95% compatible, everyone would agree on that, but if Wayland wasn't flawed.

Until Wayland has a unified library (and graphical server) and everything else, I don't see the point of even discussing anything.

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No it doesn't. Wayland does.

It doesn't. C'mon, I cannot even switch layouts, that's an unusable piece of shit. There exists Tapper, but it's ported only for GNOME with the use of a shell extension which exposes its internal APIs at the moment. And even that might break with a minor update. That's why I dropped an idea of making a custom environment with lots of extensions based on GNOME or Cinnamon back in 2014, and went the pure X.Org way.

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Even Microsoft didn't think of doing such nonsense

Windows Phone/WindowsRT moment here.

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Even Microsoft didn't think of doing such nonsense

Windows Phone/WindowsRT moment here.

Are we going to discuss marginalized garbage that no one remembers and that had no effect on anything?

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 29, 2023

marginalized garbage that no one remembers

Windows Mobile had quite a big market share.

They voluntarily dropped all its legacy and shoved totally incompatible and locked-out all the way Windows Phone instead. Market did not accept it, now we have neither. Morale?

And they attempted to do the same with the desktop branch (remember Windows 8?), but it was half-fetched and they listened to the market that time and cancelled that madness.

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no one remembers

It's featured in the «}{0ТТ@БЬ)Ч» movie, by the way. As long as GNU/Linux, and defacing the Microsoft's website. How dare you don't know it!

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Monsterovich commented Dec 29, 2023


Windows Mobile had quite a big market share.

Look, it can't even compete with what Apple has in the phone market. A measly 7% in 2009. And it's a product of the corporation that made f*cking Windows! Well, it just made sense to let it die.

When it's obvious that a product is flawed and not selling, you have to let it die. Xorg has been (and still!) working for over 20 years and they want to destroy it, attributing to it flaws that either don't matter or are a rare use case.

Once again: killer-features made via a flawed architecture will NOT save Wayland.

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Look, it can't even compete with what Apple has in the phone market

Do you compare the stupid iPhone crap with Windows Mobile PDAs for serious lol?

Well, it just made sense to let it die.

Yeah, but in reality, M$ killed both Symbian and Meego by buying Nokia, and left mobile GNU/Linux with no chances of overcompeting Android in time. Now it's too late, the ecosystem is mature already. Oh, and they killed their mobile Windows branch, for aforementioned reasons. Thus totally reformatting the market of high-end mobile devices, if you don't take Blackberry, that's another story (pretty relevant for US though, they barely know Symbian, and the Europe the same time barely knows Blackberry).

Xorg has been (and still!) working for over 20 years and they want to destroy it

But Android somehow uses its own SurfaceFlinger instead. While Meego did use X.Org. And SailfishOS uses Wayland for a long time already, with a proprietary compositor.

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It makes sense for those who hack on it. That's enough. The opinion of the rest is not really valuable at all.

Yes that's just the point. Let those same people who created it use Wayland and don't expect other developers to migrate their applications (as is happening) to that mess they created for themselves. Don't ask users to accept the migration to that personal invention either and we will all be happy then.

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Don't ask users

Yeah, users of popular distributions are not asked, that's the problem. They barely know what Wayland even is, and the fact how it is presented in GDM leads to a lot of misconceptions already discussed early in the thread. Like this.

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023


The portal system

... comes from Red Hat's Flatpak, a system designed to ensure Red Hat's firm grip on all of "Desktop Linux" (essentially running containers on top of the operating system, so that the operating system doesn't have to provide a sane, binary-compatible platform). They even host things with "xdg" in its name on, suggesting they can unilaterally decide how the desktop ought to work. Really don't know why KDE is buying into this, factually making KDE work conceptually like Gnome under the hood.

Correction: It's an artifact of history.

The XDG portal repos are under Flatpak because they began as "Flatpak Portals" and then got renamed to XDG Portals later. (I believe when Snaps started using them too.)

...however, going back further, Flatpak began as xdg-app and got renamed later, so it's a bit of a wash.

not being able to share the screen without additional nag screens. Wayland is just something that pushes pixels to the screens.

wlroots has the wlr screencopy protocol extension for portal-less screen-recording... other compositors just aren't interested in implementing it.

Overall, the problem is that the Wayland ecosystem brushed the original promise of "some APIs will only be available to privileged applications" (as in applications running under an analogue to Windows's "Run as Administrator") under the rug, so there's no agreed-upon, standard way to do something in the vein of chperm +screenrec /usr/bin/wayland-screenrecorder (like how macOS handles it) and then get on with your life.


Another option is to try porting now. In a lot of cases it's really not that hard.

Unfortunately, my most popular creation is a utility which uses libwnck and XGrabKey to runtime-monkeypatch keyboard-driven window tiling support into any X11 WM in a desktop-portable way.

Even if I weren't currently struggling to get back to a place where I can properly maintain my projects, it's antithetical to Wayland's security model.

(And, more generally, I'm going to need to look into whether the privileged protocols only available to kwin scripts are powerful enough to implement the "Window Rules, but must be almost turing complete" customizations I currently achieve through a "Fix Window Positions" launcher that calls a Python script full of wmctrl calls.)

No single-window app needs the ability to set a window icon, since the existing solution of setting an icon in the desktop file works fine.

It does not work fine for "no install" things like Appimages (probonopd is the Appimage guy) and running a development copy from a git checkout (my use-case).

Were you aware that I avoid Plasma's support for progress indicators in taskbar buttons because the Unity API you guys implemented it based on has this same testing-hostile design?

(I'm currently torn between following the Dolphin (emulator) and LibrePCB devs' lead and making my applications only accept XWayland or writing some kind of launcher proxy where the application generates and installs a temporary .desktop file and then re-launches itself as a child process so that, even if it crashes, the outer process can still cleanup the temporary... but that latter one doesn't adequately account for system rot induced by the last run of a to-be-uninstalled program having been ended by a power outage.)

Likewise, I added export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d" to my .xsessionrc years ago to keep Windows applications from taking their crayons to my launcher menu and I don't want to intermingle "These windows should have icons" with "these windows should be allowed to clutter up my launcher menu/search".

(Yeah. when Wine comes into the mix, suddenly "applications must not be allowed to move their windows because the user should have agency there" feels a bit philosophically at odds with "applications must have .desktop files to have icons". Am I not allowed to have "just works" agency over what's in my launcher menu?)

What about games in Steam/Lutris/PlayOnLinux/etc. or other launchers that you don't want cluttering up your main launcher? I don't think even implementing a nested compositor would help since this is about taskbar buttons as much as it is about window titlebars.

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 29, 2023


Apps on Android need to be reinstalled completely on every change, and developers don't consider that "testing-hostile" somehow. And expect every platform now to follow that ideology of isolated app bundles. Like CLI utilities do even fit it adequately. Or daemons. Or dynamic linking (not a thing for Rust fans anymore).

I wonder how quickly do those reinstalls wear the flash memory out, BTW.

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Apps on Android need to be reinstalled completely on every change, and developers don't consider that "testing-hostile" somehow. And expect every platform now to follow that ideology of isolated app bundles. Like CLI utilities do even fit it adequately. Or daemons. Or dynamic linking (not a thing for Rust fans anymore).

I wonder how quickly do those reinstalls wear the flash memory out, BTW.

Android is stockholm syndrome made into a product and iOS is worse. The closest I get to writing mobile apps is writing web apps which I test on mobile. (Which has the added benefit of being able to support iOS without paying Apple's developer ransom and owning something that runs the Mac OS that can't be tweaked.)

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 29, 2023

Android is stockholm syndrome made into a product and iOS is worse

Sounds jealous.

which I test on mobile

You need to test it specifically on an iPhone, otherwise you have a high risk of running into issues specific for iOS Safari. And as long as Apple dropped the development of Safari for Windows long ago. So, as long as virtually everything but WebKitGTK+ has migrated to Blink already, you barely can test things for Safari reliably without an Apple system. Even WebKitGTK+ has significant differences from WebKit in Safari. And Safari on iOS is artificially limited in resource usage, to add up to all the specifics of WebKit being the most obscure among popular web browser engines nowadays, taking the baton from Trident and Presto. Ah, Presto is still relevant nowadays anyway, I hope you support Opera Mini? Do you? Don't upset feature phone users please.

Mac OS that can't be tweaked

Boring propaganda. There are lots of customization tools for macOS. And for iOS in Cydia. The problem is rather that they tend to break with every minor release, just like GNOME Shell extensions mentioned above.

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023

Android is stockholm syndrome made into a product and iOS is worse

Sounds jealous.


I'm having trouble even figuring out what misconception you might be holding about me.

You need to test it specifically on an iPhone, otherwise you have a high risk of running into issues specific for iOS Safari. And as long as Apple dropped the development of Safari for Windows long ago. So, as long as virtually everything but WebKitGTK+ has migrated to Blink already, you barely can test things for Safari reliably without an Apple system. Even WebKitGTK+ has significant differences from WebKit in Safari. And Safari on iOS is artificially limited in resource usage, to add up to all the specifics of WebKit being the most obscure among popular web browser engines nowadays, taking the baton from Trident and Presto.

I have a hand-me-down iPhone 8S that I test with. Otherwise, I wouldn't give a damn about supporting Safari since nobody is paying me to care.

I do also use it to hone my skills at finding ways to write single-file JavaScriptless "apps" since opening a local HTML file in the Files app imposes those additional constraints. (So far, my cleverest hack has been using fragment links and <details> to build a used bookstore want list that feels like a simple app, despite being a single HTML file. I've been planning to experiment with various CSS hacks to take it to the next level.)

Ah, Presto is still relevant nowadays anyway, I hope you support Opera Mini? Do you? Don't upset feature phone users please.

I don't have anything which runs it, so I don't give a damn about Opera Mini beyond my usual efforts to design things that rely on JavaScript only as a last resort and my habit of fine-tuning how they handle tiny screens, printing, and accessibility... I've slacked off on validation slip though. Definitely need to re-implement HTML and CSS validation and broken link detection when I get back to writing my next static site generator in Rust.

Mac OS that can't be tweaked

Boring propaganda. There are lots of customization tools for macOS. And for iOS in Cydia. The problem is rather that they tend to break with every minor release, just like GNOME Shell extensions mentioned above.

  1. That's what they call "can't be tweaked". Mac OS 9 had many stable APIs for customization while Mac OS X forced developers to "make their own unstable APIs", which Apple keeps breaking instead of acknowledging as market demand for stable APIs, to achieve the same aims. Very GNOME of them.
  2. That's one of many reasons I don't use GNOME.
  3. Why do you think I run an LTS distro despite not using GNOME, and then procrastinate into updating six months before support ends, rather than when the next LTS is out? (For non-infrastructural stuff, I use Flatpak and take advantage of its support for rolling back bad updates.)
  4. Firefox legacy/XUL extensions were the same way. Guess why I never wrote any of those.

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I've made a point of NOT supporting iOS. If some change in iOS interferes with playing the videos I upload, I point out that I choose not to pay Apple's prices so cannot test on their stuff.

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023

I've made a point of NOT supporting iOS. If some change in iOS interferes with playing the videos I upload, I point out that I choose not to pay Apple's prices so cannot test on their stuff.

Supporting Mobile Safari saves me money because it means I can get use of the iPhone I paid nothing for when it would otherwise be sitting idle instead of buying some other piece of kit to serve those purposes.

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qq-me commented Dec 29, 2023


Apps on Android need to be reinstalled completely on every change, and developers don't consider that "testing-hostile" somehow. And expect every platform now to follow that ideology of isolated app bundles. Like CLI utilities do even fit it adequately. Or daemons. Or dynamic linking (not a thing for Rust fans anymore).
I wonder how quickly do those reinstalls wear the flash memory out, BTW.

Android is stockholm syndrome made into a product and iOS is worse. The closest I get to writing mobile apps is writing web apps which I test on mobile. (Which has the added benefit of being able to support iOS without paying Apple's developer ransom and owning something that runs the Mac OS that can't be tweaked.)

you can't make that argument when android is so widespread. Clearly google immensely benefited from it. If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it? Also apps on Android don't need to be reinstalled completely on every change... Just use instant run

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I'm having trouble even figuring out what misconception you might be holding about me.

Quiet, tsundere.

I've been planning to experiment with various CSS hacks to take it to the next level.

Is CSS Turing-complete already?

I don't have anything which runs it

Java is write once, run everywhere.

Very GNOME of them

Rather the opposite. The GNOME team clearly has a cargo cult of Apple.

Firefox legacy/XUL extensions were the same way

Not really, I had used many abandoned extensions for >4 years both in Firefox and Thunderbird.

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I don't know how I got here and I am not reading the deluge above, but I wanted to bring up something in case no one paid particular attention to it: no one working on Xorg wants to continue working on Xorg. It's aged, kludgey, and has many bottlenecks that can't be reliably solved on the existing architecture without major reworks—which would cause just as much headache as switching to a new protocol would, i.e. Wayland. It works, yes, but that's only due to the virtue of it being the standard for decades. But just because something works and exists does not mean it is the most effective tool for a job. I welcome upset to the industry and ecosystem because it means we get new ideas. Wayland is not perfect but it's better than continuing to push along the shambling corpse of Xorg and pretending it's a good thing.

If you need Xorg, use it. No one is stopping you and for the time being Xorg is still vaguely maintenance mode Bugs probably won't be fixed but it is mature enough that it should be fine for most applications. If you are upset developers are abandoning Xorg (not just of corporate interest but also of personal/maintenance reasons mind you) then go support it yourself. Linux, GNU, and everything else is an open ecosystem, so getting upset that a bunch of developers are working on something they want to work on and taking it in a direction they want, without providing any work of your own (or complaining when that work isn't accepted instead of forking and continuing it in the path you prefer) is counterproductive. But the fact of the matter is not only are unpaid single developers moving to Wayland, so is everyone else. And because of that traction, Wayland will get better and bugs will get fixed.

I myself do not have issues with Wayland, other than automation tools being young. ydotool is nice and works great nowadays, but detecting state is largely unimplemented, which is both a blessing and a curse; it's good for security (this is important for application sandboxing) but bad for power user experience. Otherwise, everything I've personally needed has worked. Not saying the bugs do not exist and there are no features missing but not everyone's needs or experience are the same.

I fail to understand what this sort of "Wayland sucks and here's all the bugs!!!" positing accomplishes. Power users that use Wayland already know it has holes. People that implement Wayland already know it is a wholly different experience and have learned/will learn to adapt. Average users that use Wayland don't even know they use Wayland and wouldn't care if they did. None of that means it is somehow "broken by design", it simply does not fit the particular use case needed. It would be so so much more beneficial and productive to go support Xorg projects or try something else (Durden is a fun project) instead of listing a bunch of bugs, some of which are not as bad as implied and/or work under other user circumstances.

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023

you can't make that argument when android is so widespread. Clearly google immensely benefited from it. If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it? Also apps on Android don't need to be reinstalled completely on every change... Just use instant run

Because I don't have the capital to develop, produce, and market a smartphone platform that's as open and well-supported by Linux kernel upstream as IBM PC compatibles are.

I'm having trouble even figuring out what misconception you might be holding about me.

Quiet, tsundere.

Whatever, man.

I've been planning to experiment with various CSS hacks to take it to the next level.

Is CSS Turing-complete already?

No, but you can do some impressively dynamic-feeling things using CSS selectors and things like the checkbox hack (Wrap a label element around anything to make it toggle a hidden checkbox at an arbitrary other location in the DOM and then use a CSS sibling or descendant selector to toggle properties based on the checked/unchecked state).

It takes a mix of managing your expectations as a developer and getting creative in how you use the tools you're given to achieve things that surprise the users... sort of like what it was like to achieve impressive stuff in the days of 8-bit microcomputers.

I don't have anything which runs it

Java is write once, run everywhere.

I mean I don't have anything where I lack a better option. Why would I bother supporting something as niche as Opera Mini for a self-itch-scratch project? My sense of perfectionism can only take me so far when I'm polishing up things that don't benefit me personally and, in the case of something like Opera Mini, it stops at "How does it run when I uMatrix away the JavaScript and use Firefox's responsive design view to play with the viewport dimensions?"

Very GNOME of them

Rather the opposite. The GNOME team clearly has a cargo cult of Apple.

No argument there. I could expound at length on the foolish, superficial decisions they've made since I started paying attention during the GNOME 2 era, where they copy the surface details of Apple's design while undermining the rationale which drove them.

Firefox legacy/XUL extensions were the same way

Not really, I had used many abandoned extensions for >4 years both in Firefox and Thunderbird.

You must have gotten into them after I did. I experimented with Firefox extensions back when they were so aware of "this isn't an API, it's a non-API" that your extension was required to have a maxVersion in its manifest and you couldn't upload an extension with a maxVersion higher than what was in their Subversion trunk.

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zDEFz commented Dec 29, 2023

I don't know how I got here and I am not reading the deluge above, but I wanted to bring up something in case no one paid particular attention to it: no one working on Xorg wants to continue working on Xorg.



  • Most compatible
  • Most hackable
  • Window Managers are comparably easy to implement
  • Less secure
  • Stable - tested thoroughly by lots of users
  • Unified base; Many tools can be re-used across Desktop Environment


  • Far less compatible
  • Less hackable
  • Window managers no longer exist - we talk about compositors now, compositors are harder to implement and a lot of people just give up
  • More secure
  • Very much untested.
  • Less stable - e.g happens to trigger amdgpu resets in environments like sway on some gpus (but devs say doesn't cause them, its a amdgpu bug). Additionally, doesn't happen on all implementations of Wayland... not a sway bug!...
  • Fragmented base - each desktop environment needs to re-implement everything from ground-up

If this is wrong, please correct me. I'd like to learn.

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023

  • Less stable - e.g happens to trigger amdgpu resets in environments like sway on some gpus (but devs say doesn't cause them, its a amdgpu bug). Additionally, doesn't happen on all implementations of Wayland... not a sway bug!...

Reminds me of how PulseAudio triggered a lot of "I don't care whose fault it is. My desktop worked before and now it doesn't," hate for exercising under-tested audio driver code paths.

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which would cause just as much headache as switching to a new protocol would, i.e. Wayland

Of course, because they are pushing this headache onto other developers.

I don't really get why do you brag with it.


you're given to achieve things that surprise the users

Not really, users don't give a shit how things work. It's in general hard to impress anyone in the era of digital natives who have grown on powerful slatephones from the cradle. How do you even instill the values of low resource consumption for them? Not a value anymore. That's why they prefer things like npm and Rust, and their share would only grow.

for a self-itch-scratch project

If you do you it for yourself and don't publish it, you can do whatever, of course. If you publish it, feel free to experience criticism.

when I uMatrix away the JavaScript

The big problem there is that Opera Mini does not just totally not execute JS, like many simple browsers do. It executes it partially and with artificial restrictions, much more severe than in iOS Safari. So just that partial execution of JS might break pages even if they work well with no JS at all.

where they copy the surface details of Apple's design while undermining the rationale which drove them

Typical visual clone. Mac OS and Mac OS X differ from the IBM CUA paradigm which fd.o follows too, as long as Windows does, in many fundamental ways, which need deep rework, and using X.Org as a backend was one of major obstacles to such a rework. Though since GNOME Shell they went something completely innovative, yet keeping to bring ideas from macOS/iOS/iPadOS/Android. While KDE just keeps blind-copying Windows mostly. Where is the truly UNIX DE?

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ssokolow commented Dec 29, 2023

Not really, users don't give a shit how things work. It's in general hard to impress anyone in the era of digital natives who have grown on powerful slatephones from the cradle. How do you even instill the values of low resource consumption for them? Not a value anymore. That's why they prefer things like npm and Rust, and their share would only grow.

Who said I was trying to impress anyone? I said "surprise" because "Huh. I've never seen that before." is the likely effect.

When I code, the goal isn't to show off, but to get s**t done.

If you do you it for yourself and don't publish it, you can do whatever, of course. If you publish it, feel free to experience criticism.

And if I publish it and put a big "This is a self itch scratch. I'm posting it in case it's useful to you, but it's not my fault if it sets fire to your cat." warning on it, then nobody whose opinion I care about would fault me for banning anyone who criticizes me over it.

when I uMatrix away the JavaScript

The big problem there is that Opera Mini does not just totally not execute JS, like many simple browsers do. It executes it partially and with artificial restrictions, much more severe than in iOS Safari. So just that partial execution of JS might break pages even if they work well with no JS at all.

I'm aware of what an odd duck Opera Mini is... it's still an "either submit a PR, pay me, or GTFO" situation.

where they copy the surface details of Apple's design while undermining the rationale which drove them

Typical visual clone. Mac OS and Mac OS X differ from the IBM CUA paradigm which fd.o follows too, as long as Windows does, in many fundamental ways, which need deep rework, and using X.Org as a backend was one of major obstacles to such a rework. Though since GNOME Shell they went something completely innovative, yet keeping to bring ideas from macOS/iOS/iPadOS/Android. While KDE just keeps blind-copying Windows mostly. Where is the truly UNIX DE?

Actually, I was referring more to things like selecting their icon designs based on a brokenly superficial understanding of the principles of human-computer interaction that Apple is applying.

For example a downward arrow pointing at a hard drive for "Save".

It was right back in my "Introduction to HCI" course when they told me that affordances (things like using a "trash can" for deletion) help in learning a new UI but are irrelevant once people have learned the symbols and, once the symbols are learned, consistency is king and reusing existing knowledge from elsewhere trumps affordances. Well...

  • A supermajority of the market recognizes the floppy disk as "the save icon".
  • In non-monochrome themes, a floppy disk can be a blue disk with red trim on the label, making it even more visually distinctive for people with normal colour vision.
  • The downward-pointing arrow already has too many other meanings.
  • It causes a collision between "save" (down arrow pointing at hard drive) and "download" (down arrow, either on its own or pointing at a line) when using symplified silhouette icons. ("Save" being something fast and keeping the data on the same device it's normally stored on and reuses the existing storage location if possible, while "Download" will always result in a transfer of a potentially large file and always invoke the machinery for selecting a new name, be it a file picker or a browser's (1) appender.)
  • You can draw a cascade of floppy disks for "Save All" or "Save Project"
  • They followed Apple's lead, as of Mac OS X, in using a silver metal-shelled internal 3.5" hard drive for their depiction, which is not only something most users will never see or recognize, it doesn't match what an NVMe drive or even a 2.5" SATA SSD looks like.

In short, they chose to replace what people had learned as "the abstract glyph for the concept of saving" with another thing 99% of users will see as a meaningless abstract glyph... but one with fewer useful properties as an abstract glyph.

Likewise, that idea to have action buttons for dialogs in the header bar runs counter to the HCI research-informed idea that a dialog should be laid out to read like a paper form in the native language of the selected locale, with the action buttons where the signature field would go. (i.e. at the bottom in languages written in rows from top to bottom, aligned to the end of the line (right in English, left in Hebrew, etc.), with OK coming last.)

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  • More secure

Please don't call Wayland secure. All " security" in Wayland is made by restrictions that cannot be removed if you wanted to. The real security involves a system of permissions and this system is done on the basis of a system where anything is allowed by default.


Reminds me of how PulseAudio triggered a lot of "I don't care whose fault it is. My desktop worked before and now it doesn't," hate for exercising under-tested audio driver code paths.

PulseAudio is a shitshow with tons of bugs. Software of disgusting quality that was shoved everywhere. Even now, PulseAudio is a source of problems. Thank goodness it was replaced by Pipewire.

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fgclue commented Dec 29, 2023


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fredvs commented Dec 29, 2023

If Wayland collaborates hand in hand with XWayland, even giving "extra-feature" for devs that use directly X11 in their apps (not via GTK, Qt or others widgetsets) and allows XWayland to be integrated by default in his package, I am happy.

But, sadly, the dream is not yet reality:

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  • More secure

Please don't call Wayland secure. All " security" in Wayland is made by restrictions that cannot be removed if you wanted to. The real security involves a system of permissions and this system is done on the basis of a system where anything is allowed by default.


Reminds me of how PulseAudio triggered a lot of "I don't care whose fault it is. My desktop worked before and now it doesn't," hate for exercising under-tested audio driver code paths.

PulseAudio is a shitshow with tons of bugs. Software of disgusting quality that was shoved everywhere. Even now, PulseAudio is a source of problems. Thank goodness it was replaced by Pipewire.

Wayland is more secure. "Permissions" systems are Windows-esque and must be avoided at all costs. All of Wayland's restrictions are easily lifted by doing exactly what the developers tell you to do: use a separate protocol designed specifically for that task. About 1% of users need screen sharing, why would we build in screen sharing into the protocol? When the few users who do can just download a 50kB package.

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zDEFz commented Dec 29, 2023

About 1% of users need screen sharing, why would we build in screen sharing into the protocol? When the few users who do can just download a 50kB package.

This must be false. There are a lot of companies with Microsoft 365 subscription that daily use Microsoft Teams to share desktop / PowerPoint et cetera.

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Linux users. Windows is more common, yes

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Actually, I was referring more to things like selecting their icon designs based on a brokenly superficial understanding of the principles of human-computer interaction that Apple is applying.

Well, for my first GUI app, I had drawn icons in M$Paint myself too, intentionally ignoring the well-known metaphors and coming up with what I consider should be more intuitive:
I also remember icons on Soviet magnetophones:
d4edaac382c811bff37d091ef10e7cc5 a87f4cf9306bc1933a3398b0de0c6e73
And always was finding the geometric icons on imported ones degenerative. Even though they're well-known already, and even their order has established long ago (if you don't take pocket players, they had variations even in 00s).
Android navigation buttons have went through the same, changing to gaming console-alike geometric figures with no inherent meaning in 6.0.

dialog should be laid out to read like a paper form in the native language of the selected locale

This obviously brings too much i18n problems.

Did you notice that modern slatephone systems are out of box ready to be used in any world languages? And ship tens of languages, including numerous South Asian ones. Previously, phones had typically shipped 5–10 languages and had regional versions for firmware (and for the keyboards, as they still were physical usually). Same for 3rd party apps, which typically only supported a few major European languages, and totally ignored the needs of the rest of the world, so localization was a burden of enthusiast modders.

Okay, you may bring LTR and RTL modes. There traditionally are vertical scripts in East Asia. There are bidirectional scripts. Adapting a UI for that paradigms merely requires a full redesign. And you attempt to refer to local printing traditions? Even conventions on quote marks are insanely diverse. And then look at punctuation in Armenian or Ge'ez lol.

Even the order of buttons in modal dialogs is rather defined by platform conventions rather than by local traditions or by common sense in any matter. And in cases like

|   Cancel?   |

users are doomed to refer to that conventions only in their intuition. And an app might be cross-platform and do not even strictly follow those conventions.

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 29, 2023

Oh, and about folder icons. Should I accentuate that those twofold folders with tabs are merely US-centric?

Typical Soviet folders look like that:
But no one asked about that. They just pushed alien US-centric metaphors onto us. Meh.

And Micro$oft forgot to include the apostrophe into the Ukrainian layout, so there was Russian Ё instead, which is not used in Ukrainian at all (if you don't take non-standard grammars from 19th century lol). They only fixed that in Windows 7 by adding a new layout which still was not a default. So the office plankton developed highly humiliating habits to insert an apostrophe or replace it with other symbols, typically `. Typewriters lacked it anyway too, I've seen some old papers printed on typewriters and there was " instead.

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nnnn20430 commented Dec 29, 2023

@Pointedstick The main point you are missing and not understanding in your blog post and this response, along with many Wayland advocates and developers, and rebuttals to this gist. Is that yes x11 is outdated and insecure protocol, but modern Xorg in 2010's, was already basically just modern Wayland, with it's reliance on DRI, and other extensions which completely obsoleted most of the outdated x11 protocol.

The problem with modern Wayland, is while it took all these new ideas and technologies like DRI, and ditched x11, it also lost some vital extensions most DE's, WM's and programs relied on, while completely fragmenting the display server stack of the Linux desktop.

But this did not need to be the case, all of these problems would have been solved with a creation of a full featured Linux desktop compositor, which I will call Waymore.

Waymore would support every Wayland protocol extension necessary for a fully functional desktop, it would provide advanced window management extensions, screen recording, display configuration, scriptable input, global shortcuts, fast user switching (by way of having one server for all sessions), HDR, VRR, Multi GPU, etc...

It would be able to do this while preserving all the security guarantees Wayland brings. All of these protocol extensions would be privileged, just as the original Wayland specification promised, and require the calling client binary to be present in a configured privileged system directory.

I could install obs system wide with a simple sudo pacman -Syu obs-studio, and it would place an obs-wl-screencpy binary inside the configured privileged directory, since I sanctioned obs as trusted by installing it system wide, I would be able to seamlessly record my desktop without prompts, with no need to install additional software like desktop portals. On the flip side I could install flatpak and it would install an xdg-desktop-portal inside the privileged directory, and I would be able to install obs in flatpak without root, and everything would still work but now with a prompt for added security.

Every desktop environment and window manager, would have had a clear and understandable transition path, kde, xfce, lxqt, i3, bspwm, etc... while keeping all of their features, same goes for all software. plasmashell would just talk to waymore using a single unified wayland window management protocol, without the need for kwin_wayland, while able to be swapped out for any alternative wm in moments with no loss of function or complications with installed software.

Waymore would seamlessly coexist with other special purpose compositors, like phoc and cage, etc... and all wayland native clients would work on all compositors with reduced protocol support just as they do now.

Unlike the borderline irrational fears and dogmatic belief of wayland developers on creating an "Xorg 2.0" with a huge set of new protocols as a "compositor <-> WM" as seen here and and other anti-anti-wayland posts like The fragmentation of implementations is exactly what brings the stalled work of development, it is a feature not an accident.

In reality Waymore would have been more stable, more secure, and more faster developed, on a steady and consistent basis, without lost, stalled and rolled back efforts as we have now, and it would have supported all the existing sand-boxing like flatpak, and portals, with no extra efforts, while at the same time not requiring any of them if the user chooses with no loss of function or wasted time.

The sad depressing truth is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Wayland protocol, it's design and security are completely compatible with a hypothetical Waymore compositor, counter to the aforementioned developer assertions of design incompatibility. The fragmented state of Wayland on desktop is entirely the result of defacto policy by wayland developer community, and their conviction, through their combined efforts to implement Wayland the way it has been, this insistence is no where to be found in the Wayland protocol, but within the developer culture, Wayland is merely compatible with it, it does not dictate this choice of implementation effort.

If a hypothetical Waymore was started in 2014, every DE and window manager would have already been ported by 2020, and every single active distribution in existence would have already been entirely Wayland by default with XWayland only used for the most outdated and abandoned software. Linux desktop would have gained additional strong security, while completely preserving user choice and agency. And it would have happened without mean and hateful messages sent to developers, who gaslight and gatekeep, seemingly unaware, of their false and frustratingly destructive convictions.

So to rebut your quote, there is something Wayland developers can do to "un-break" Wayland, and it is to make Waymore, and they could have done it a decade ago. Not Portals, which do nothing to solve fragmentation of UI you mentioned, and create a "platform" where there is no need for one, but instead leadership and actual community outreach, not hostile, selfish, anti-social anti-desktop design of flatpaks and current gnome centric wayland community, which kde has a stockholm syndrome relationship with, just to get on their good side, so they bless you with not completely crippling plasma with their protocol decisions.

Oh and extra note, Windows 11 and UWP is the most hated version of windows to date, and I use desktop Linux instead of my android phone because it allows me to use my software how I want instead of being in bondage by several layers of sand boxing whose functionality is dictated entirely by Googles complete and authoritarian control of android "open source" project.

Extra extra note, PipeWire is the only piece of software you mentioned with an actually bright future, as it actually works without breaking anything, and is an example of exactly how Wayland could have been.

Extra extra extra note, I love KDE, and I think it is better than Windows it's constantly trying to copy in every single way, wished it believed more in it self.

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nnnn20430 commented Dec 29, 2023



* Far less compatible

* Less hackable

* Window managers no longer exist - we talk about compositors now, compositors are harder to implement and a lot of people just give up

Wayland is far more hackable and flexible than Xorg all you have to do is write a new protocol extension, the problem with it's compatibility and lack of window managers, is entirely the fault of it's software implementations, and the stubborn determined refusal by most wayland developers to help any such efforts.

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grahamperrin commented Dec 30, 2023


… rebuttals to this gist … (comment 177, forum page 8) offers a link to a PDF, produced yesterday (2023-12-29), so that people don't have to click more than a hundred times to load comments

  • no fonts (sorry), … at a later date I might attempt a more accessible PDF.

@Pointedstick your is at page 1685 of the current edition of the PDF. Thanks. (comment 170, forum page 7) offers links to discussions in Discord, Reddit, and Hacker News.

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An insightful post I couldn't agree more with. Thanks a ton!

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It's not about whether the symbols have inherent meaning, it's about them being standard... and GNOME's approach was to throw out the de facto standard in favour of something less common that Apple was doing because it was more skeuomorphic.

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works fine with me, the problem exists between seat and monitor

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de facto standard

… is subject to change.

Senile boomers like OP wouldn't agree with that, and would boycott any changes until their death. But it ürür kervan yürür.


the problem exists between seat and monitor

Yes, time to eliminate those useless meatbags. Machines are for machines, not for humans. MGTOW (Machines Going Their Own Way).

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qq-me commented Dec 30, 2023

you can't make that argument when android is so widespread. Clearly google immensely benefited from it. If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it? Also apps on Android don't need to be reinstalled completely on every change... Just use instant run

Because I don't have the capital to develop, produce, and market a smartphone platform that's as open and well-supported by Linux kernel upstream as IBM PC compatibles are.

that is irrelevant, we are talking about google which had the capital

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If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?

I'm talking about "If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?"

I would benefit from hardware that has proper upstream support and isn't locked down.

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de facto standard

… is subject to change.

Senile boomers like OP wouldn't agree with that, and would boycott any changes until their death. But it ürür kervan yürür.

In that case, let's switch to driving cars using video game controllers instead of steering wheels.

As far as icons go, it'd be about the same amount of benefit for the same misperception of why you change standards.

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Anyone wanna watch Brodie Robertson name-and-shame a whole bunch of "KDE Wayland breaks ... which Just Works with KDE X11" bugs that aren't considered show-stoppers but should be?

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To his credit, he often confirms Wayland's shortcomings. It seems like he thinks they are minor annoyances or non-issues whereas other people may consider them as showstoppers.

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ssokolow commented Dec 30, 2023

In these cases, he's explicitly pointing to things that are show-stoppers and should block making Wayland the default, such as an nVidia Optimus bug that effectively makes external monitors useless because it guzzles so much CPU to update them.

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fulalas commented Dec 30, 2023

so why are all distros switching to wayland if its so bad

Why most distros provide GNOME by default if it's so bad, right?

Well, because being popular means absolutely nothing in terms of quality -- although sometimes there's some alignment, yes. Suffice to say that Windows is much more popular than Linux, and I guess people here will agree that Windows, especially nowadays, isn't better than most major distro, like Arch, Debian, Fedora.

What bugs most about Wayland is not its goal, but its current state being considered good enough to be shipped in stable distros. One may argue that this is not Wayland's fault, and that's true, but then why don't Wayland developers, knowing the vast amount of limitations of it, just say 'people, wait until it becomes mature!'?

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lukefromdc commented Dec 30, 2023 via email

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if KDE takes up their planned wlroots conversion, I expect matters to improve fast, especially in
regard to interoperability.

Hope you are right!

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In that case, let's switch to driving cars using video game controllers instead of steering wheels.

Makes sense, steering wheels are not mechanic or hydraulic anymore and are driven with motors in modern cars. The type of controller is merely a legacy already. I believe a game controller is a more user-friendly device for youngsters who played consoles earlier than sat in the driver's seat first time. The demand for military drone operators depicts that jolly well.

Did you notice that Virtualbox has changed the diskette icon with an SD card recently, BTW?


What bugs most about Wayland is not its goal, but its current state being considered good enough to be shipped in stable distros

Waiting for software to mature is idealistic and non-pragmatic. It never becomes mature. Even coreutils, as simple as they are, get updates.


for some of us software developers to use it as a daily
driver and experience this issues ourselves

Or just use end users as test monkeys. Typical Red Hat's strategy, Fedora exists just for that matter. Why is anyone even surprised lol. Micro$oft has incorporated that strategy recently too. The world is changing too rapidly to spend time on QA. Much agile, so wow.

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Waiting for software to mature is idealistic and non-pragmatic. It never becomes mature. Even coreutils, as simple as they are, get updates.

Software is mature when it no longer changes. Unfortunately some people want to talk us into believing it is "dead" then. (Probably because it's less of a lucrative business then.)

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foxjaw commented Dec 31, 2023

Wayland isn't just replacing x11. It's literally shoving itself in everyone's throats. I know a lot of fedora friends (& they hate arch btw). They say fedora is the first who do all this crazy sh!t & every other mainstream distros follow them, comparing to how all android manufacturers copy apple on serious hardware borks.
I myself, an arch user (with nvidia card) daily drive i3/xfce & have no issues whatsoever (other than suspend resume issues).
I once tried to switch to sway (i3 compatible). The wayland alternatives do work, like fuzzel instead of rofi, wl-clipboard instead of xclip, etc & all those good stuff. But then I realized that my cpu usage was so high. First I thought it's sway thing, but no. All of the software I use like browsers, discord, office suite, gimp, etc all have difficulty offloading some of their work to GPU & continue hogging the CPU. You might not notice this if you have recent gen processors. But on older ones you do & it's fkin frustrating (especially with nvidia card).

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Wayland isn't just replacing x11. It's literally shoving itself in everyone's throats. I know a lot of fedora friends (& they hate arch btw). They say fedora is the first who do all this crazy sh!t & every other mainstream distros follow them, comparing to how all android manufacturers copy apple on serious hardware borks.

Exactly. To their credit, though, Red Hat makes no secret that Fedora is their proving ground for bleeding edge stuff. What is more concerning to me is that other distributions think it's ok to follow suit and push immature technology onto unsuspecting users way too early and without clear migration paths for developers.

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Software is mature when it no longer changes

For unchanging software you need an unchanging world. You totally refuse to comprehend that Wayland resolves modern problems which just weren't relevant for 40 years old desktops. And that old problems that you value are not that valuable anymore. They're valuable only in your retrocomputing bubble which you isolate and eagerly defend from external attacks.

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nnnn20430 commented Dec 31, 2023

@probonopd @bodqhrohro your arguments with each other are pointless and dumb, the problem with Wayland has nothing to do with maturity or change, or modernization or security, it doesn't resolve modern problems, because Wayland is just all the modern Xorg technology stripped of x11, and with it important window management extensions. And the lack of compatibility is a decision by majority of Wayland developers to not support it, not security, not immaturity, not the design of the protocol.

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other distributions think it's ok to follow suit and push immature technology onto unsuspecting users way too early

They don't have much choice. Their job always was collecting diverse pieces of free software and attempting to make some finished product out of this mess. Consistency happens only inside of certain DEs. Not in distributions (except of DEs made for a certain distributions, like Unity or Elementary). Consistency needs explicit efforts, and making unrelated things consistent needs even more efforts. If some piece of software bitrots, they have no choice that ditch it, take some new one and try to fit it (or ditch altogether if there are not alternatives, thinks like that happened too).

And yes, bitrot is highly relevant for distributions, for a simple reason: dynamic linking. If software is not supported, it doesn't compile with new libraries anymore, that's simple. Porting for new library versions needs explicit efforts too. It wouldn't be a problem if distributions didn't attempt to minimize the amount of simultaneous library versions at all (like NixOS does), but besides of bloat, this brings an obvious problem: a lack of security patches in legacy libraries and legacy software. And that's important because almost every computer nowadays is connected to the Internet or is somehow vulnerable to external attacks even if being airgapped. Which wasn't the case 40 years ago as well.

without clear migration paths for developers

You don't need a migration path because there's Xwayland. Your list of issues mostly denotes deficiencies of Wayland if compared to X11, like X11 software has to be ported to Wayland and retain its features in the first place. If a lack of access from X11 clients to Wayland clients is a problem for you, just run those Wayland clients as X11 clients under Xwayland too. This would really become a problem only if significant amount of Wayland-only clients actually appear. But I don't think it's ever going to happen in foreseeable future for cross-platform toolkits like Qt and Electron.

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because Wayland is just all the modern Xorg technology stripped of x11, and with it important window management extensions

You missed all that arguments for multiple monitor configurations, tearing on specific videocards which cannot be resolved on X.Org even with compositing, and HDR support, right?

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nnnn20430 commented Dec 31, 2023

@bodqhrohro yes because it's irrelevant to the problem. Those specific issues were are direct cause of the x11 protocol and not the core technologies Xorg relied on since early 2010's. This was one of the legitimate reasons Xorg developers decided to just take all modern Xorg code and write a new protocol to interface with it better.

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You totally refuse to comprehend that Wayland resolves modern problems which just weren't relevant for 40 years old desktops. And that old problems that you value are not that valuable anymore. They're valuable only in your retrocomputing bubble which you isolate and eagerly defend from external attacks.

For me personally, it is more important that things that "always" worked still work ("must have"), rather than making things work that never worked ("nice to have").

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fredvs commented Dec 31, 2023

If a lack of access from X11 clients to Wayland clients is a problem for you, just run those Wayland clients as X11 clients under Xwayland too.

Except that XWayland aims to be a workaround.
Arch, for example, does not install it by default.

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For me personally, it is more important that things that "always" worked still work ("must have"), rather than making things work that never worked ("nice to have").

the sad part is that this is not even true within x11 itself. I recently went on my own x11 adventures and had to realize, that xsetroot will not work when running a compositor like picom due to the way it draws the root window differently.
Expecting for things to never change the way they work is not realistic in a world where computer, software and their use cases change over time. over time "must haves" will develop into "niche use cases" and "nice to have"s into "must haves" and we are seeing this (at least for some people) with Wayland.

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bodqhrohro commented Dec 31, 2023

For me personally, it is more important that things that "always" worked still work ("must have"), rather than making things work that never worked ("nice to have").

You argue just like my fellow WWII veteran who bragged with how they washed only in cold water. And expected that from me to save on boiling costs.

What musthaves do you list at all? Do you realize that's all subjective and caters to needs and expectation of certain users? Who don't necessarily remember classic MacOS and attempt to make a cargo cult of it.

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Except that XWayland aims to be a workaround. Arch, for example, does not install it by default.

what do you mean???
yes, arch does not install any sort of graphical interface by default.
the only major-ish compositors not requiring xwayland as a strict (but still optional) dependency are sway and weston.
even then there is a case to be made, that wayland should not require an x server if you don't want one.
in Weston's case in particular I would expect for it to not depend on xwayland.

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fredvs commented Dec 31, 2023

I think that XWayland is the angel of Wayland. Could we hope that in the long term XWayland no longer needs a virtual X11 server but is a sort of translator of X11 methods into Wayland methods? (Yes, I dream)

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There's nothing technically preventing XWayland from becoming a backdoor to access Wayland clients but ideology.

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fredvs commented Dec 31, 2023


Ha, ok. (but I suspect that their final goal is to remove XWayland).

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I think that XWayland is the angel of Wayland. Could we hope that in the long term XWayland no longer needs a virtual X11 server but is a sort of translator of X11 methods into Wayland methods? (Yes, I dream)

I actually think that xwayland is pretty great as-is. converting x11 calls to wayland calls is probably not all that realistic considering how different the two protocols are. X11 expects an X server and xwayland provides exactly that.

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fredvs commented Dec 31, 2023

I think that XWayland is the angel of Wayland. Could we hope that in the long term XWayland no longer needs a virtual X11 server but is a sort of translator of X11 methods into Wayland methods? (Yes, I dream)

I actually think that xwayland is pretty great as-is. converting x11 calls to wayland calls is probably not all that realistic considering how different the two protocols are. X11 expects an X server and xwayland provides exactly that.

Yes, it is good as-is. But it could even be better. For example allowing extended X11 feature only for Wayland.
I asked it to XWayland dev, he was ok to do it but, sadly, one year later, they still dont find a volunteer to do it.

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Ha, ok. (but I suspect that their final goal is to remove XWayland).

I mean, their goal would probably be to make it optional? but this honestly just depends on the compositor. And as far as I understand rootfull xwayland is just a normal wayland client. but like why would they want to remove it? I don't think this is that high maintenance.
We are still a long time away from a time when major wayland compositors don't have built-in xwayland support.
people using wayland probably want to decrease reliance on xwayland.

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Yes, it is good as-is. But it could even be better. For example allowing extended X11 feature only for Wayland. I asked it to XWayland dev, he was ok to do it but, sadly, one year later, they still dont find a volunteer to do it.

doesn't the xcb documentation describe how to do x11 protocol extensions?. I'd assume, that one would simply come up with something suitable, develop a library and merge the necessary code to support the code into XWayland.
If no one else can be found to do it, then maybe there is simply not enough demand from the ecosystem for something like this.

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@Sivecano yet there are people who keep saying that native Wayland applications perform better than XWayland based ones.

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@Sivecano yet there are people who keep saying that native Wayland applications perform better than XWayland based ones.

I would sincerely hope so. Unless XWayland does some magic optimization and assuming the drawing is done in a similarily sane way then I would only hope that native applications perform the same or better.
The real question to ask is whether applications under XWayland performs worse than under plain X.

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@Sivecano yet there are people who keep saying that native Wayland applications perform better than XWayland based ones.

That's because they do. Running a giant bloated server with poor graphics card support uses up a lot more resources than a compositor created specifically for its task.

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@Sivecano so the task is to give applications the performance of Wayland without its limitations, and with minimal change needed on the side of the applications.

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@Sivecano so the task is to give applications the performance of Wayland without its limitations, and with minimal change needed on the side of the applications.

maybe some drop-in replacement or at least easy to convert library for xlib or xcb could be made. though I don't know the particulars of these well enough to comment on the feasability of this if that's what you mean.

the wayland documentation actually talks about why x11 support is the way it is : .
I simply cannot see how we would be able to guarantee good x11 compatibility without running an x server.
many things are also just done very differently.
part of why I'd guess Wayland sees better performance is because of its reduced complexity. Much of this complexity is necessarily reintroduced when supporting x11. But honestly I don't know, I've only done a little work with bare x11 and wayland so I can't really say more about the feasibility of this.

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Being able to run existing X11 applications is crucial for the adoption of Wayland, especially on desktops, as there will always be X11 applications that have not been or cannot be converted into Wayland applications, and throwing them all away would be prohibitive. Therefore a Wayland compositor often needs to support running X11 applications.

There are also applications, window managers, and desktop environments that were made for X11 but might be ported over to Wayland if a) Wayland provides a clear migration path, and b) doesn't require the application to work fundamentally different than before. For those, shall provide "the missing protocols" that allow them to do under Wayland what they were able to do under X11, with minimal logical changes.

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foxjaw commented Jan 1, 2024

If the transition is seemless, I'm all for it. But that's not the case going on here. Naive desktop environment users might notice some improvements & some bugs here & there. But for developers I think it's a nightmare. Because their software which was stable for almost two decades, is now not. Suddenly, users launch their x11 applications in xwayland, with weird bug sninanigans (gnome/kde users).
If the user is tech savvy, might lookup for solutions like switching to a native wayland software stack. But might or might not find them. My concern is how developers of graphical design software like inkscape, krita, etc, will cope with this.

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qq-me commented Jan 1, 2024

If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?

I'm talking about "If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?"

I would benefit from hardware that has proper upstream support and isn't locked down.

Why would you be talking about that? It doesn't support your argument in any way. You are just changing topics

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ssokolow commented Jan 1, 2024

If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?

I'm talking about "If there is something you would benefit from, why not make it?"
I would benefit from hardware that has proper upstream support and isn't locked down.

Why would you be talking about that? It doesn't support your argument in any way. You are just changing topics

I started the topic with the phrase "Android is stockholm syndrome made into a product and iOS is worse." If you think I've changed topics, then you're so blind to what I've been saying all along that it's not worth my time to continue replying.

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Sivecano commented Jan 1, 2024

There are also applications, window managers, and desktop environments that were made for X11 but might be ported over to Wayland if a) Wayland provides a clear migration path, and b) doesn't require the application to work fundamentally different than before. For those, shall provide "the missing protocols" that allow them to do under Wayland what they were able to do under X11, with minimal logical changes.

I don't know how realistic this is. this is not simply a matter of "missing protocols" but often a fundamental shift in how interaction works. no matter how good our compatibility tools get, they will be just that and at least at the low level rewrites have to happen.
luckily not that many things live down there. from what I understand river supports something like x11 window managers and it may be possible to write some sort of middleware there. And many desktop environments have a fair view components not really dependent on X11 so the path there is somewhat straightforward (if you look at what xfce is up to for example).

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Sivecano commented Jan 1, 2024

But in the end I don't think we can expect to just be able to not transition to the new protocol and get its benefits.
And I think the best we can demand is for performance to be on par.

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ssokolow commented Jan 1, 2024

Makes sense, steering wheels are not mechanic or hydraulic anymore and are driven with motors in modern cars. The type of controller is merely a legacy already. I believe a game controller is a more user-friendly device for youngsters who played consoles earlier than sat in the driver's seat first time. The demand for military drone operators depicts that jolly well.

Except that it'd be like getting every country to standardize on either left-side or right-side driving but not both.

We've seen places switch to harmonize with big neighbouring trade partners and we have the data to show that the hazard from disrupting people's habits and muscle memory is not worth it. There's a reason we see cars sticking to a standard for the driving controls.

Did you notice that Virtualbox has changed the diskette icon with an SD card recently, BTW?

Not ideal, but not as big a problem since SD cards have various details that make them reminiscent of floppy disks. (eg. the single cut corner on the end you insert and the visible presence of a label separate from the bare surface, even if it does cover more of the surface than a floppy's label)

I think the "quintessential save icon" details that people latch onto are a square-ish shape with a cut corner and a square within it.

Also, VirtualBox has never been a paragon of good icon theming.

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That save icon that is so widely recognized is a late 1980's 3 1/2 inch floppy disk. For anyone who was younger than their pre-teens between 1995 and 2000 or so this will ONLY be a save icon and have no connection to the physical world. That 3 1/2 inch floppy had a 1.44mb capacity most of the time and files quickly outgrew that. Thus the popularity of optical R-W drives until flash storage matured.

None the less, the floppy disk style save icon endured, being instantly recognizable. A competitor is the silver image of a hard drive, but that's a much more complex icon-and again related to physical storage that will soon end up in the role formerly used by tape drives, as ultra high capacity storage never seen by many users.

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files quickly outgrew that

You can slice them with dd or Total Commander and then merge back. Not a big problem really.

Reliability was a much bigger problem. Even an electric train has enough of magnetic field to corrupt data on a diskette.

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zDEFz commented Jan 2, 2024

Happy new year. Can we have native nvidia support now?

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Now my X11 session is getting wrecked because "Wayland does not support this feature".

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how much deditated wam needed for wayland?

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Now my X11 session is getting wrecked because "Wayland does not support this feature".


>Wayland dun support it
>Cry about it


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Happy New Year, everyone. Please remember to stay civil and on topic. Thanks!

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Cry about it

I wouldn't cry. I would just fork an old version.

But I don't care about start menus, those are for windozers.


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@Monsterovich maximum copium 😂

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qq-me commented Jan 3, 2024

Would you look at that, author of this gist keeps deleting comments that prove them wrong... Just let that sink in before this comment gets deleted as well

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zDEFz commented Jan 3, 2024

Would you look at that, author of this gist keeps deleting comments that prove them wrong... Just let that sink in before this comment gets deleted as well

I didn't see any deletion, and even less 'something to prove one wrong'. Wheres the proof?

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I won

Literally. Won.


Wheres the proof?

In my mailbox.

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qq-me commented Jan 3, 2024

Would you look at that, author of this gist keeps deleting comments that prove them wrong... Just let that sink in before this comment gets deleted as well

I didn't see any deletion, and even less 'something to prove one wrong'. Wheres the proof?

That's the point of silencing the opposition, you don't even know if it's happening. Now the author might think twice before deleting my latest comments. But if they do I will let you know 👍

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Sivecano commented Jan 3, 2024

you know? I originally came here because I was interested in display protocols...

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zDEFz commented Jan 3, 2024

you know? I originally came here because I was interested in display protocols...

Me too. You know, that justifies the deletion of off-topic

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Sivecano commented Jan 3, 2024

honestly. despite all the stupid arguments, the toxicity and all of the off-topic stuff, this thread has allowed me to gain a greater appreciation of both what x11 was (and to some extent still is) and what wayland is going to be.
I have now written the small non-input taking application for rendering cellular automata on your desktop background for either protocol (once using zig-wayland and once using xlib) and gained some more insight (though I have to admit, that I still don't really understand X11).
I've come to both be thankful for all the great work done on X11 but also to be optimistic about the future of wayland. there's now many exciting compositors out there some being able to provide functionality, that a window manager could only dream of.
on the other hand I can also still see significant limitations and some ways in which the wayland ecosystem is behind ( I recently had to learn, that almost no wayland client handles seats correctly).
I'm even more excited by how Xwayland will ensure the survival of x11 for at least as long as wayland is around.
There is a lot to be gained from honest criticism and a genuine attempt to look for solutions so I hope that we'll have a bit more of that around here :)

happy 2024 everyone!

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probonopd commented Jan 4, 2024

@stunlocked1 off-topic comments may get deleted from time to time. Anything related to Wayland deficiencies and reasons for not ditching X11 yet is considered on-topic.

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Where deficiencies in the core protocols force compositor workarounds, it would pay if all compositors or just all wlroots compositors coordinated on using the SAME workarounds.

As an example (no doubt just one of a great many), such collaboration between Sway, Mir, and Wayfire would help my own work with MATE. It would simplify keeping MATE modular, keeping it relatively simple to port the current MATE-wayland session using Wayfire to any of the others and get similar features. For Sway you would need to specify floating windows by default if a desktop is to be shown but that's actually a simple job using sed for any compositor using .ini files to set up its options. That would be code the developer of the session (or one user)writes ONCE and (like in my existing wayfire session) runs at first startup to set sane defaults,

Might even be possible to have the session use a default compiler specified in a file in /etc which distros can change, with users able to select a compositor that would be changed to on the NEXT session, as changing compositors in the same session is not (yet) possible. On the next start, the name of the compositor would be read from a file in ~/.config/MATE and configuration file copyer would copy and edit the appropriate config file to ~/.confic/MATE<some-compositor.ini> if it did not already exist. The user would just see an option to "change compositor at next startup" option in mate-control-center, could select any of the compositors currently installed save those on a blacklist of non-wlroots compositors, and the rest would take care of itself on a session restart.

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qq-me commented Jan 5, 2024

@stunlocked1 off-topic comments may get deleted from time to time. Anything related to Wayland deficiencies and reasons for not ditching X11 yet is considered on-topic.

Yes, arguments against people supporting Xorg are conveniently considered off-topic. To people - think twice before reading this thread - large chunks get deleted so it is a very one sided and biased conversation as a result

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@stunlocked1 off-topic comments may get deleted from time to time. Anything related to Wayland deficiencies and reasons for not ditching X11 yet is considered on-topic.

Yes, arguments against people supporting Xorg are conveniently considered off-topic. To people - think twice before reading this thread - large chunks get deleted so it is a very one sided and biased conversation as a result

Most of the ones I noticed that got deleted were angry and inflammatory, a few of them were transphobic, alt-right political bullshit, and yes lots of people here have been known to engage in bad faith arguments so large amounts of it are bound to get deleted. Hell one of them actually got suspended from Github entirely for it, temporarily anyway.

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phrxmd commented Jan 5, 2024

As an example (no doubt just one of a great many), such collaboration between Sway, Mir, and Wayfire would help my own work with MATE. It would simplify keeping MATE modular, keeping it relatively simple to port the current MATE-wayland session using Wayfire to any of the others and get similar features. For Sway you would need to specify floating windows by default if a desktop is to be shown but that's actually a simple job using sed for any compositor using .ini files to set up its options. […]

I agree that would be nice to have, but it’s not like this was trivial with X11 either. So strictly speaking we‘re out of the „parity with X11“ zone and in the „other nice-to-haves“ zone here. To follow your example, many if not most DEs have had a preferred X11 window manager, and if you want to move to another and get the same DE behaviour or if you want to try a different paradigm (e.g. tiling, since you bring up Sway) you have to tweak configuration and are on your own. You‘re lucky if the DE makers have some sample snippets for you, otherwise you‘ll be looking things up in forums and reading manpages.

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For me personally, it is more important that things that "always" worked still work ("must have"), rather than making things work that never worked ("nice to have").

For a lot of people it's the other way around. Fixing major problems that X11 couldn't fix is much more important because Wayland can still be extended to potentially add some of the functionality that X11 had.

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probonopd commented Jan 5, 2024

Yes, arguments against people supporting Xorg are conveniently considered off-topic.

@stunlocked1, arguments concerning people are considered off-topic indeed ("ad hominem"). Arguments concerning Wayland are considered on-topic.

This gist ist about the shortcomings of Wayland, possible solutions/workarounds, etc. If you have something to contribute to this topic, feel free to comment here.

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qq-me commented Jan 7, 2024

Another giant batch of comments got deleted, including ones about deleting comments that bro couldn't reply to. Well sounds like the activity in this gist is dying out, thanks to the author

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phrxmd commented Jan 7, 2024


Another giant batch of comments got deleted, including ones about deleting comments that bro couldn't reply to. Well sounds like the activity in this gist is dying out, thanks to the author

Good riddance. I mean I disagree with much of the topic, but at least there is a topic.

People for whom keeping a discussion on topic is a freedom of speech argument already have plenty of places where they can discuss among themselves.

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4e576rt8uh9ij9okp commented Jan 7, 2024

I still will use Wayland...
Also can you mention how outside apps can keylog any application with xorg? Like there isn't even a paper layer to protect against it.

If steam (yes the gaming platform) doesn't work with Wayland, is it waylands fault or the lazy devs who can't make it work with Wayland? Also Steam uses Electron...

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webdev23 commented Jan 8, 2024

Breaks x2x without alternatives to share a mouse between x to wayland.

Breaks xautomation without alternatives.

Breaks onscreen keyboard

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This gist ist about the shortcomings of Wayland, possible solutions/workarounds, etc. If you have something to contribute to this topic, feel free to comment here.

When Wayland-only applications come out, can we claim that X11 breaks those applications?

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This gist ist about the shortcomings of Wayland, possible solutions/workarounds, etc. If you have something to contribute to this topic, feel free to comment here.

When Wayland-only applications come out, can we claim that X11 breaks those applications?

X11 breaks wf-recorder.

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People for whom keeping a discussion on topic is a freedom of speech argument already have plenty of places where they can discuss among themselves.

We don't.

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X11 breaks Presonus Studio One.

Studio One is a Wayland application and won't run in an X11 session. Wayland is a display server protocol, successor of the X Window System.

Whatever. The developers are Wayland shills, obviously.

X11 breaks wf-recorder.

wf-recorder breaks itself, because Wayland sucks.

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Whatever. The developers are Wayland shills, obviously.

Obviously? How so?

wf-recorder breaks itself, because Wayland sucks.

Nice dude high fives

lol edgelord

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Obviously? How so?

No one in their right mind would make software for Wayland. Obviously, the corporate mindset of commercial software is to bring Wayland to Linux.

Wayland corpo-slaves are happy.

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myownfriend commented Jan 8, 2024

No one in their right mind would make software for Wayland. Obviously, the corporate mindset of commercial software is to bring Wayland to Linux.

Wayland corpo-slaves are happy.

So you think a company that is going to get most of it's money from hardware, Windows users, and macOS users felt compelled, by virtue of being a corporation, to port their software to Linux just to push Wayland?

I'm all about critique of corporations but it doesn't help anyone's cause when idiots make arguments like the one you just made.

Wayland is apparently the corporate protocol but X11, whose base protocol was designed nearly completely by people at Digital Equipment Corporation to run on their VAXstations and whose extensions were developed for a long while was by a group that had paid corporate members, isn't. Brilliant.

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wf-recorder breaks itself, because Wayland sucks.

xrandr breaks itself, because X11 sucks.

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zDEFz commented Jan 9, 2024

wf-recorder breaks itself, because Wayland sucks.

xrandr breaks itself, because X11 sucks.

actually I needed xrandr modeline for some stuff and I haven't seen this in Wayland so far.
Old Displays, or simply Display overclock.

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zDEFz commented Jan 9, 2024 if this is the same modeline you mean.

This looks similar but EDID is not quite the same than being able to test new timings on the fly.
That to be said, I believe modelines will be abandoned

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X11 breaks Presonus Studio One.

No sane person would ever use this piece of scat when there is Reaper and Bitwig. Couldn't they come up with a more original name?

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probonopd commented Jan 9, 2024

X11 breaks Presonus Studio One.

Presonus Studio One refuses to run on X11. So it is broken by design. ;-)

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Presonus Studio One refuses to run on X11. So it is broken by design. ;-)

xrandr refuses to run on Wayland. So it is broken by design. ;-)

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Only that X11 is the proven baseline that set the standard against everything is measured.

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myownfriend commented Jan 9, 2024

Only that X11 is the proven baseline that set the standard against everything is measured.

It's not. It's just the only one you're familiar with. X11 is an open standard yet MacOS, Windows, and Android don't use it don't aspire to be it. Even if it were a baseline, that doesn't mean applications need to support it to be any good. I guarantee you've never judged software on any other operating system by that standard.

Presonus Studio One refuses to run on X11. So it is broken by design. ;-)

X11 needs to fix itself so that Presonus Studio One can run on it. Sorry but, that's just the logic you built this whole thread on. That's exactly why you're not taken seriously.

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@probonopd btw you should remove the protocols in wayland-x11-compat-protocols since you added them without any discussion on them.

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qq-me commented Jan 10, 2024

there is no need to keep arguing. I have already won the debacle

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fgclue commented Jan 10, 2024

shut up already it has been 4 years since this argument started like go touch some grass now that it's the summer

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fgclue commented Jan 10, 2024

X11 breaks Presonus Studio One.

Studio One is a Wayland application and won't run in an X11 session. Wayland is a display server protocol, successor of the X Window System.

Whatever. The developers are Wayland shills, obviously.

X11 breaks wf-recorder.

wf-recorder breaks itself, because Wayland sucks.

Why the hell use wf-recorder? OBS is free.

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I couldn't manage to make OBS befriend Wayfire with all that portal stuff. And I suspect they would work slower than the direct dmabuf access anyway.

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qq-me commented Jan 10, 2024

shut up already it has been 4 years since this argument started like go touch some grass now that it's the summer

Yes I have finally won it after 4 years of unescapable back and forth

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No, that's I who unequivocally is the royal person of this thread. The comment stats show that pretty clear. The deletion of this comment by @probonopd would confirm this truth which they are too mean to accept.

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No, that's I who unequivocally is the royal person of this thread. The comment stats show that pretty clear. The deletion of this comment by @probonopd would confirm this truth which they are too mean to accept.

You're a double agent so you won either way.

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See, you got it.
My windowing system of choice is actually this:

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Tecnio commented Jan 10, 2024

Oh no! Something that is supposed to be different and more secure by design is different and more secure by design, what will I do!.

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HappyGoFishing commented Jan 11, 2024

redhat is pushing a universal packaging format on us.

maybe GNU should have decided on a standardized packaging format for their "GNU OS" in the first place.
linux autists left it too long and made 50 billion different redundant formats and managers instead of adopting dpkg or pacman or rpm 20+ years ago. I dont like the fact that flatpaks need a runtime, but this is the result of decades of distro maintainers failure to collaborate and provide any sort of stable platform or package system for developers to target.
Ideally there should be the GNU OS, singular, like openbsd, the concept of millions of distros is and always will remain idiotic.

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HappyGoFishing commented Jan 11, 2024


Obviously? How so?

No one in their right mind would make software for Wayland. Obviously, the corporate mindset of commercial software is to bring Wayland to Linux.

Wayland corpo-slaves are happy.


everything i dislike is corporate propaganda.

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redhat is pushing a universal packaging format on us.

maybe GNU should have decided on a standardized packaging format for their "GNU OS" in the first place. linux autists left it too long and made 50 billion different redundant formats and managers instead of adopting dpkg or pacman or rpm 20+ years ago. I dont like the fact that flatpaks need a runtime, but this is the result of decades of distro maintainers failure to collaborate and provide any sort of stable platform or package system for developers to target.

I didn't even catch that that was said. I agree it's incredibly dumb thing to get annoyed about.

I think installing from repositories is more convenient and safer than installing from a website, Linux has that over Windows. However, when something is only available from a website as a deb, rpm or run file, it can be way more of an inconvenience (depending on the OS you're running) than on Windows. Even using repositories isn't always straight forward because there's still occasional conflicts if the package was made for the previous version of your OS or something. Flatpaks and AppImages (credit to Probo) fix these issues. Flatpaks can also be installed per-user so if you mount your home directory to a separate disk, you can re-install your OS and have all your Flatpak apps installed already. If something goes wrong on someone's OS and they don't have time to fix it, they can just re-install and be more or less back to where they were before things broke down within like 10 minutes.

I'm still going to prefer a rpm (because I'm on Fedora) over a Flatpak when I can get them because they're smaller and can take advantage of certain performance optimizations like the proposed ones for offering x86_64 V3 packages, but for those who are less techy and/or don't want to deal with that, Flatpaks are pretty amazing.

Ideally there should be the GNU OS, singular, like openbsd, the concept of millions of distros is and always will remain idiotic.

I kind of agree. I do think there's a lot of distros that exist for no good reason. For example, I don't know why Garuda Linux exists. What is it supposed to do differently? How does it differ from Manjaro? I couldn't tell you.

However, I do understand the reasoning for OS's that use different release cycles, have special purposes, are built for immutability, etc.

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The ultimate goal of the evil global corporate conglomerates: kill Linux with... free and open source software.

No. They'll try to kill Linux through EEE.

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Yesterday I installed bookworm on my Raspberry Pi and immediately ran into several GUI problems because of the default to Wayland.
I could not add keyboard shortcuts for shutdown or reboot. Make caps lock an additional control did not work. Adding taskbar items did not show icons properly etc.
Luckily I found that raspi-config still contains an option to switch to Xorg and all the problems were gone.
Why the heck does anyone need Wayland?
At least on a single user home system, it is in my opinion way out of any land.

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fredvs commented Jan 11, 2024

Luckily I found that raspi-config still contains an option to switch to Xorg

Do you know if the option is to switch to "Pure Xorg" or to XWayland?

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the concept of millions of distros is and always will remain idiotic

Millions of distros exist because users want millions of distros. How would you compel them to migrate to some single platform? It's not like in the case of pre-installed OEM Windows or Android where a choice is already made for users by default. They typically choose the sect themselves. And would defend it ad nauseam. Similar to hundreds of Christian denominations.


I think installing from repositories is more convenient and safer than installing from a website, Linux has that over Windows

Repos don't differ in principle from app stores. And the centralization app stores bring is evil for sure. Just let users turn their computers into trashcans of 3rd party malware. Users don't tend to believe your update&security agenda, they just need to get their shit done, and then reinstall the system if everything fucked up (but usually, it doesn't). Anyone who believes they're illiterate and do their shit wrong way, and should be coerced into some more proper way, is a fascist.


why Garuda Linux exists

NIH syndrome. That's all of it. As a programmer, I often irrationally feel it's easier to write something from scratch than get familiar with something existing. And in university I was taught to avoid this feeling and always make an analysis of existing solutions before developing anything. It's the costs of the customer, furthermost. But I still tend to ignore this moral anyway :P

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Repos don't differ in principle from app stores.

I didn't say they differed.

That's all I'll respond to. Not gonna get sucked into responding to every example of dumbassery in this thread.

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Yesterday I installed bookworm on my Raspberry Pi and immediately ran into several GUI problems because of the default to Wayland. I could not add keyboard shortcuts for shutdown or reboot. Make caps lock an additional control did not work. Adding taskbar items did not show icons properly etc. Luckily I found that raspi-config still contains an option to switch to Xorg and all the problems were gone. Why the heck does anyone need Wayland? At least on a single user home system, it is in my opinion way out of any land.

Works fine for me.

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Works fine for me.

Taskbar icons in Sway lol?

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Assuming that people should understand jokes is autiphobic for sure.

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Taskbar icons in Sway lol

Yeah. Waybar works like a charm.

That specific Pi installation is probably misconfigured, because moronic Linux "distro" "packagers" don't have any idea how to test their software.

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fredvs commented Jan 13, 2024

It seems that not everyone has buried Xorg. I thought XQwartz for the Mac was dead but it's still moving, with updates for Xorg.

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probonopd commented Jan 13, 2024

Woudn't be surprised if XQuartz worked better than WaylandQuartz (if such a thing even exists).

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A nice one:

I'm aware of the existence of swaylock, but it doesn't seem to work in GNOME, because it complains about the lack of some Wayland protocols.

Fragmentation is good, they said. Mutter is the best Wayland implementation, they said.

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zDEFz commented Jan 14, 2024

A nice one:

I'm aware of the existence of swaylock, but it doesn't seem to work in GNOME, because it complains about the lack of some Wayland protocols.

Fragmentation is good, they said. Mutter is the best Wayland implementation, they said.

They just "use it wrong" 😜

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If people hold IrDA wrong way, who is at guilt? IrDA? Or maybe people who think it's Bluetooth? Both can be used for the same purpose, so IrDA breaks Bluetooth somehow somehow? (Wrong analogy actually, Bluetooth is younger.)

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whats up anti-wayland kings. I saw this video from this gigachad who acutally speaks common sense. please show this guy some support

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this gist is NOT true and you should stop spreading misinformation.

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Based and anti-probonopd-pilled

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Monsterovich commented Jan 17, 2024


whats up anti-wayland kings. I saw this video from this gigachad who acutally speaks common sense. please show this guy some support

I watched the whole video. Pretty good arguments except for the ending. Wayland is IMPOSSIBLE to fix. It's a piece of flawed crap that creates endless fragmentation and requires crutches to work. The very idea of Wayland itself is flawed.

I don't see the point for this silly status quo: "but maybe Wayland will fix itself!!!!". You've had 15 f*cking years to do it.

So do the right thing: keep X11, make an alternative framework like Xorg/X11, or go to hell.

Wayland gets its well-deserved boycott, as it should.

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this gist is NOT true and you should stop spreading misinformation.

It is true.

So do the right thing: keep X11, make an alternative framework like Xorg/X11, or go to hell.

No, the right thing is to ditch both Xorg and Wayland and use Arcan instead

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I've been trying to write a more cross platform implementation of libwayland, however I noticed the protocol requires sending file descriptors over UNIX sockets/named pipes which doesn't seem like it'd work in a cross-platform way.

X11 is cross platform (or at least, it works on windows and macos and not just linux). If wayland cannot ever be cross platform then wayland is just flawed.

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X11 is cross platform (or at least, it works on windows and macos and not just linux). If wayland cannot ever be cross platform then wayland is just flawed.

More like it has been ported to Windows and macOS than works on them

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fredvs commented Jan 18, 2024

X11 is cross platform (or at least, it works on windows and macos and not just linux).

And NetBSD and FreeBSD and OpenBSD and DragonFlyBSD and many others.
And for the Mac, XQwartz works like charm, out-of-the-box for any X11-linux apps when the code is compiled on a Mac.

Sincerely, X11, even with alll its faults, is a gem.

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fredvs commented Jan 18, 2024

No, the right thing is to ditch both Xorg and Wayland and use Arcan instead

If Arcan helps the developers to switch from X11 to Arcan, giving working demos, with great documentation, I am ok to jump.
But if it is like Wayland, war for compositors, no doc, no working demo, X11 will stay and Wayland/Arcan will be used only by X11 haters.

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No, the right thing is to ditch both Xorg and Wayland and use Arcan instead

If Arcan helps the developers to switch from X11 to Arcan, giving working demos, with great documentation, I am ok to jump. But if it is like Wayland, war for compositors, no doc, no working demo, X11 will stay and Wayland/Arcan will be used only by X11 haters.

I found the wayland manpages pretty helpful and is pretty nice for protocol documentation. the weston example apps can also be helpful. though in the end the main issue consists of the fact that wayland simply isn't any sort of app toolkit but purely a protocol. you only tell the compositor where to render which pixels.

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If wayland cannot ever be cross platform then wayland is just flawed

Total BSD Death

Billions must use Linux

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Sincerely, X11, even with alll its faults, is a gem.

No, it is a piece of scat, much like Wayland

war for compositors

Arcan is unified

no doc

no working demo

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theoparis commented Jan 18, 2024

It looks like Arcan might solve the issues I mentioned but It hasn't had an GitHub release since 2017. There is no way to ask for a new release since the author of arcane disabled the issues tab. So I'll have to create a releases repository myself.

Edit: it looks like there are tags but not releases

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Arcan shills might be worse than paid MacOS shills. Advertising an inferior display protocol for free. 😂 Arcan Janny

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the author of arcane disabled the issues tab

It is a separate repo. In addition, it is possible to contact the developers via Discord

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Arcan shills might be worse than paid MacOS shills. Advertising an inferior display protocol for free. 😂 Arcan Janny

Wayland simps have reached Poe's law degree of stupidity

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^ this was said by a guy who shills Arcan for free. He does it for free🥶🗣️

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I don't hate Wayland or anything but everytime I tried to use it and do something simple it did not work.

Once I tried to adjust the screen color temperature, which is easily done in X, and I ended up in a forum with hundreds of posts of people explaining that "Wayland is just a protocol and screen color calibration or temperature has nothing to do with the display server." whaaaaaat?!?

I know it probably works now, but it took I don't know, 2 years for something this simple to work.

Another problem is remmaping keys which, again, is something easily done in X, but infuriating in Wayland (it's even worse than Windows).

Why is everything so hard to do in Wayland and so easy in X? Even X has some dumb choices like the zooming workspaces and middle mouse click clipboard, but they are so easy to ignore or change. In Wayland you aren't allowed to change anything.

There's like 1000's of small utilities for X to change stuff you don't like and everything "just works". It's like they took inspiration in the UNIX philosophy or something. In Wayland you have to look up for programs in the AUR and hope they work with your particular compositor (maybe they will work, who knows).

The only fun stuff coming from Wayland is Hyprland and Sway.

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If you like compiz on Xorg you might like Wayfire on wayland. I based my MATE work on using this compositor (though easily used with other wlroots compositors too) because GNOME 2 and compiz had been such a popular pairing.

I am hoping we can get to the point that someone who went to prison (or into a coma, or hiking in the wilderness etc) in 2008 and gets out in 2026 or so could sit down at a new computer reusing their old case with MATE on wayland and not even realize anything had changed on it until they looked. Unfortunately, Page's Law would probably mean their application programs would run no faster in spite of having 8 hyperthreaded cores and a 4GHZ turbo speed...

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Billions must use Linux

But in reality, the use Windows. There are no stupid issues like gamma control utilities being broken, at least.

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Monsterovich commented Jan 20, 2024


Xorg has fractional scaling. There is no fractional scaling in GTK (Qt has it).


Though some say that fractional scaling is flawed and it's better not to use it at all.

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Why is fractional scaling needed?

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AndreaMonzini commented Jan 20, 2024

I am testing Wayland and i experienced heavy mouse cursor stuttering using Blender under GPU loads using Wayland or Xwayland ( already reported in Blender but apparently it is a Wayland/Xwayland problem with AMDGPU and the compositor ).
The “pixel perfect frames” paradigm sounds very cool but if the mouse pointer is not working during heavy GPU loads, the experience is very frustrating.
I will try to test different DE, compositors and also new GPU but i hope that we can use X11 as long as Wayland ( and/or the compositors implementations ) will fix something crucial ( for me but i guess for others too ) like a mouse pointer that works.

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Some OEMs and displays have silly characteristics like being 15 inches and having 4K

So... fractional scaling is a needlessly forced feature. Awesome.

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@binex-dsk Fractional scaling is a necessary accessibility feature. Some people cannot use a computer if the text on screen is too small to read. Some computers have screens in which 100% scaling is not enough and 200% scaling is too much. Suggesting that fractional scaling is not needed is just wrong, it is absolutely needed.

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@binex-dsk Fractional scaling is a necessary accessibility feature. Some people cannot use a computer if the text on screen is too small to read. Some computers have screens in which 100% scaling is not enough and 200% scaling is too much. Suggesting that fractional scaling is not needed is just wrong, it is absolutely needed.

That wouldn't be needed if companies would make their monitors right.

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BlusterBong commented Jan 21, 2024

The only fun stuff coming from Wayland is Hyprland and Sway.

I dunno man, considering hardcore Wayland shill Drew Devault forced Hyprland to have a CoC(k) and made a big stink about the community surrounding it until he got what he wanted (alongside the fact that having a CoC at all is poison to anything FOSS), I don't think they'll be anything good comming from Wayland until competent people can be left alone and actually mature the project like X11 before it.

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That wouldn't be needed if companies would make their monitors right.

some people also just have bad vision, idk.

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zDEFz commented Jan 21, 2024

The only fun stuff coming from Wayland is Hyprland and Sway.

I dunno man, considering hardcore Wayland shill Drew Devault forced Hyprland to have a CoC(k) and made a big stink about the community surrounding it until he got what he wanted (alongside the fact that having a CoC at all is poison to anything FOSS), I don't think they'll be anything good comming from Wayland until competent people can be left alone and actually mature the project like X11 before it.

In other words, Drew Devault's works are non-negotioable and do not account for community?

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BlusterBong commented Jan 21, 2024

In other words, Drew Devault's works are non-negotioable and do not account for community?

Oh you don't even know the half of it, and like with Hector Martain before him, the New Zeland Fruit appreciators (please put your bias about the site aside and actually read it.) have extensively covered the drama that has came from Devault's attempts to shove a CoC(k) into Hyprland alongside the smear attempts Devault did alongside it.

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In other words, Drew Devault's works are non-negotioable and do not account for community?

Thank God we got a Coraline Ada equivalent out of the wayland community.

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myarchivist commented Jan 21, 2024

In other words, Drew Devault's works are non-negotioable and do not account for community?

Oh you don't even know the half of it, ...

Why are such people forcing Code of Conducts and stuff on projects almost every time such nut cases?

I have the gut feeling, if there were not such people, the whole crusade for forcing every one onto Wayland - although it is not clearly a replacement for X11 - would not exist.

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Wayland isn't at all related to CoC

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Why is fractional scaling needed?

Ableist much?

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Why is fractional scaling needed?

Ableist much?

Twitter user

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@Espionage724 I have the same issue all-around with Xorg performing choppy, in my case it's due to an unsupported graphics driver (the proprietary blobs are long gone by now, pretty obscure CPU/GPU). That APU seems relatively new, but I'd check to ensure you have linux-firmware and all the right drivers

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@Espionage724 Just delete GNOME.

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@Espionage724 Just delete GNOME.

and there I though the benefit of a unified server lay in independence from the window manager / desktop....

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Right, he should probably use Sway, No CoC like GNOME or Hyprland, no political garbage, the best tiling WM to date

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Lol what a joke. Hyprland blocked me because one of their contributors (anime profile picture no less) is too big of a baby to accept that CoCs are garbage.


Same guy who gets mad at people calling him a Nazi. LOL

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Provide proof that GNOME is the issue. I'm not about to change DEs just to run into it from any Xorg session.

Anything is better than GNOME: KDE, Xfce, Mate..... pick any one - it will greatly improve your quality of life.

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Then the conclusion is that X11 sucks, use Wayland

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Lol what a joke. Hyprland blocked me because one of their contributors (anime profile picture no less) is too big of a baby to accept that CoCs are garbage.


Same guy who gets mad at people calling him a Nazi. LOL

ok? its his repo he can do whatever the hell he wants.

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Drew devault is annoyance personified. The worst type of person in FOSS.

Wayland supporters don't support this guy so your image is wrong, win32 is GARBAGE CoC-ified

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Some of his blogpsots are great though.

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Then the conclusion is that X11 sucks, use Wayland

Both are scat, use Arcan

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By the time wayland is done, it will be a shitty version of Quartz.

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fredvs commented Jan 26, 2024

By the time wayland is done, it will be a shitty version of Quartz.

Quartz looks more like X11 than Wayland...

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is it?, I always thought it was closer to wayland in design.
thats interesting.

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fredvs commented Jan 27, 2024

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Does macOS handle permissions (for screensharing etc) at the compositor level?

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Don't know how it is nowadays, but back when macOS was still good (Mac OS X), it "just worked" without asking for special permissions or anything.

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Don't know how it is nowadays, but back when macOS was still good (Mac OS X), it "just worked" without asking for special permissions or anything.

"Just Worked"? Lol Mac OSX was never good nor did it ever "Just Work". Even further proof that X11 is shilled by corporate soy drinkers and Apple/Micro$oft shills.

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Don't know how it is nowadays, but back when macOS was still good (Mac OS X), it "just worked" without asking for special permissions or anything.

Wayland applications also "just work" if the applications are made to work in a Wayland session. You keep complaining about applications needing to ask permission but you clearly haven't used any Wayland applications.

There are plenty of Wayland applications and if you spent any time at all using them you'd see that they don't bombard you with "can I do this"/"can I do that" dialogs all the time.

The way that Portals "ask permission" is by providing things like a file chooser or window/screen picker dialog. From the user's perspective, no additional, needless steps need to be performed.

Evidently your unwillingness to learn how OBS works knows no bounds.

On macOS you do need to grant an application permission to capture a window or display: you set it once, and then it applies until you manually revoke permissions. It works exactly like file system permissions that have existed for decades.

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The way that Portals "ask permission" is by providing things like a file chooser or window/screen picker dialog. From the user's perspective, no additional, needless steps need to be performed.

Plus, this allows sandboxed applications like faux-root systems (e.g. AppImage/Flatpak) and web apps to "access" the filesystem, but only at the users request, by bringing up a dialog and inserting the data of the opened file, but not giving the application access to the file itself. Much better security model than most "secure" applications these days.

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HappyGoFishing commented Jan 27, 2024

I like permission systems, I dont want programs having potential access to resources they dont need.
Portals has also made it possible for progams to use the correct file picker for the Environment, which is how it should work.

I'm mostly happy with how it works, however compositors should add the ability to disable said permissions, as it may hinder automation tools etc.

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Much better security model than most "secure" applications these days.

And just as unusable as the Web.

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I can even go through a laggy Android box with a flaky keyboard with a broken cord with detaches from time to time. With no mouse or touchscreen. And use maps on a 3'' screen where most of the screen is occupied with panels and banners. Now what? What does all of that have to do with usability? The inability to access the filesystem directly from web applications is a major showstopper. Google came with a new API for that for a reason (and even that is still highly restricted).

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I can even tell for sure a case when those restrictions bite. The multiple files picker. Depending on a file dialog implementation, it might be impossible to pick several files from different directories. So I resorted to creating temporary directories with symlinks to all the needed files. How's that usable, I suppose? Just for that reason, websites tend to avoid such pickers and force to pick files one by one into some virtual picker before sending, which is even less usable and requires lots of mandatory client JS out of nothing.

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Much better security model than most "secure" applications these days.

And just as unusable as the Web.

>5years ago

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You say like anything got better, and if ActiveX was still relevant 5 years ago.

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Specially for @binex-dsk.

Why are you demonstrating this in Internet Explorer with ActiveX? Both had been discontinued since way before your original video. Edge had already been out for three years.

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aibosss commented Jan 28, 2024

MX Linux KDE Wayland 90% of the time i need to reboot computer on laptop hdmi unplugging because black screen. X11 works fine.

I prefer Wayland day to day with the scaling etc, but this makes it unusable for my use case

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Both had been discontinued

Why are the slaves of the copyright mafia concerned about such things at all?

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myownfriend commented Jan 28, 2024

Why are the slaves of the copyright mafia concerned about such things at all?

What is this supposed to mean and how is it relevant to the discussion? Nothing we're talking about has to do with copyright. You said that web technologies hadn't gotten any better in the last five years and you decided to demonstrate this using a specific technology of a specific browser that hasn't been maintained in 8 years. That's like trying to use Spyglass Mosaic as a demonstration of how limited modern web technologies are.

By using an old browser that doesn't implement modern standards, you're not demonstrating that web technologies haven't gotten better, you're stating the obvious: that a discontinued browser hasn't been updated. If it was discontinued 3 years before your original video and you're using the same one now, then why do you even have the expectation that it would be any different now?

Your anti-establishment takes are so half-baked and random.

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tsujan commented Jan 28, 2024

What I mostly dislike about Wayland is that it doesn't let apps activate/raise their windows, know their positions on the screen, put them at specific positions on showing them, or give them icons regardless of desktop entries. It also complicates DND and, sometimes, makes it feel very unnatural. In general, it's an obstacle to a natural UX.

But, as a dev, I had to make several Qt apps work as fine as possible under Wayland. So, I needed to find a reliable Wayland compositor, under which I could work comfortably. After a very long search, I found only one, namely, LabWC. Frankly, I started not to dislike Wayland since then — actually, I really enjoy working under LabWC.

That being said, and apart from likes and dislikes, the fact remains that Wayland can't and won't do the above-mentioned things — and I can't lie to myself, "it's OK; I'll get used to it." Also, the emotional tone and some assumptions aside, I can confirm that @probonopd's list mostly consists of facts about Wayland.

Anyway, to me, it's what it is. I'm definitely not a fan of it, but I have to work with it as a dev.

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bodqhrohro commented Jan 29, 2024


If it was discontinued 3 years before your original video and you're using the same one now, then why do you even have the expectation that it would be any different now?

Why do you assume I was going to demonstrate some difference in the first place? I just broadened the PoC of the first video.


What I mostly dislike about Wayland is that it doesn't let apps activate/raise their windows, know their positions on the screen, put them at specific positions on showing them, or give them icons regardless of desktop entries

Totally not surprising that tiling WM lovers are among the first to push Wayland, 'cause they always have seen such "stubborn" clients, which don't align with their ideas of total control and order, as a problem. Another big party are monolith DE lovers who attempt to create such controlled and ordered unique safe spaces even more, taking a cargo cult of "finished products" with strict guidelines like iOS/macOS, Haiku, or even feature phone operating systems (Windows doesn't really fall there, even Android doesn't, given how diverse among vendors it is). The interests of the rest are not really taken into account, and they struggle the most and still fail to fit into the Wayland ecosystem.

The fact how Windows and Android are successful clearly shows though that this is a totally wrong path. I find the idea of fitting the diverse world of free software backed by totally different people an utopian way. GNU/Linux distributions have historically been sets of mostly independent software by independent developers fit together with duct tape. That's their primary purpose. Sets of uniform software for arbitrary purpose like GNOME/KDE/Enlightenment are rather exclusions, and even those were presented in a highly modular way before which allowed to mix them with other software, especially GNOME 2. Hilariously, *BSDs have gone a different way and tend to be a bit more of finished, independent and mutually incompatible products, with their own software components in many ways. Would GNOME OS, and, possibly, KDE OS, break away finally? I suppose the risk is very high.

A few years ago, I promoted in this thread the idea that Wayland is a tool for GNOME domination, but now I think it's rather the opposite. Imagine if they didn't care about compatibility at all, and made a display server a monolith part of gnome-shell (still providing some compatibility layer for X11 applications though, like Xwayland). Just like Android and ChromeOS went. Yeah, OP frowns upon the fact they push their shit onto others, including the systems for which those are "alien", like Pipewire, D-Bus and portals, but in reality it makes them compatible, rather than outcasted. So what's made and tested "exclusively" for GNOME, would still work for others. And not necessarily with a bloated implementation. The protocols alone are simple enough, and can be reimplemented in a light way. Just like some awful Electron monolith like Discord or Slack can be replaced with a light client which talks to the backend via the same simple REST APIs.

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Why are the slaves of the copyright mafia concerned about such things at all?

What is this supposed to mean and how is it relevant to the discussion? Nothing we're talking about has to do with copyright. You said that web technologies hadn't gotten any better in the last five years and you decided to demonstrate this using a specific technology of a specific browser that hasn't been maintained in 8 years. That's like trying to use Spyglass Mosaic as a demonstration of how limited modern web technologies are.

By using an old browser that doesn't implement modern standards, you're not demonstrating that web technologies haven't gotten better, you're stating the obvious: that a discontinued browser hasn't been updated. If it was discontinued 3 years before your original video and you're using the same one now, then why do you even have the expectation that it would be any different now?

Your anti-establishment takes are so half-baked and random.

get trolled

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This Wayland thing is pure comedy, isn't it?

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Sivecano commented Jan 29, 2024

What I mostly dislike about Wayland is that it doesn't let apps activate/raise their windows, know their positions on the screen, put them at specific positions on showing them, or give them icons regardless of desktop entries. It also complicates DND and, sometimes, makes it feel very unnatural. In general, it's an obstacle to a natural UX.

But, as a dev, I had to make several Qt apps work as fine as possible under Wayland. So, I needed to find a reliable Wayland compositor, under which I could work comfortably. After a very long search, I found only one, namely, LabWC. Frankly, I started not to dislike Wayland since then — actually, I really enjoy working under LabWC.

That being said, and apart from likes and dislikes, the fact remains that Wayland can't and won't do the above-mentioned things — and I can't lie to myself, "it's OK; I'll get used to it." Also, the emotional tone and some assumptions aside, I can confirm that @probonopd's list mostly consists of facts about Wayland.

Anyway, to me, it's what it is. I'm definitely not a fan of it, but I have to work with it as a dev.

I can see how that sucks for development but as a user I actually really enjoy not having clients wrestle for control.
I'm now back to using x11 on an old setup (nvidia compat) and this is a noticeable issue, especially for fullscreen stuff.

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yeirr commented Jan 30, 2024

I've wasted countless hours troubleshooting why I couldn't boot into a GUI session, despite nvidia-smi able to display all my mounted devices in the recovery shell. Turns out, I just have to uncomment and set 'WaylandEnable=false' on /etc/gdm3/custom.conf. Hope this save current and future Ubuntu users unnecessary headaches. I'm not touching Wayland for the next 10 years or at least until it achieved feature parity with X11.

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I'm not touching Wayland for the next 10 years or at least until it achieved feature parity with X11.

Thank you for your proud and honest boycott! Even the OP somehow stepped back and removed the word from the title.

I hope if things go worse and Wayland bigots achieve dropping X.Org from some distributions altogether soon, ordinary users like you would express their passive boycott by staying on old versions on distributions. Just like a significant amount of users stays on old distributions like SLES/openSUSE 11.4 and CentOS 6 which shipped GNOME 2 to boycott GNOME Shell. (MATE are traitors for that matter, because they ported their fork to GTK+3 instead of forking GTK+2 too; TDE is much more fair for that matter.)

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as a user I actually really enjoy not having clients wrestle for control

Me too, that's one of the primary reasons I find feature phones with a keypad more usable than desktops. I can confidently control them almost blindly (and that's one of the primary reasons why many users, especially senile ones, still despise slatephones), or emit and buffer tens of keypresses prematurily before they are actually interpreted by software.

Desktop software is much more prone to annoying popups out of nowhere and to losing the keyboard focus, and the more modern it is, the worse in general (I've seen apps from 90s already relying on a pointer device for no reason too though). And focus stealing prevention has another downside of having to bring new windows to focus manually (was much more of a concern on my former laptop actually, where even simple apps could take tens of seconds or minutes to launch, and thus I developed highly multitasking and asynchronous usage habits).

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lukefromdc commented Jan 31, 2024 via email

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MATE works fine on GTK3

It doesn't, GTK+3 relies a lot on hardware acceleration, and works significantly slower on legacy machines than GTK+2.

At least for myself, I am interested in sofware that works and does the jobs I give it, and the only thing I am purist about is that it be open source and freely redistributable.

What's wrong with KDE for you then?

If you have an older machine, do use an older distro on it

This doesn't mash up with the out-of-support concerns I was accused for just before for running Windows XP and IE lol.

at the price that it too will have gained a lot of weight over the years

Nah, not really, not all the browsers use WebKit/Quantum/Blink.

You will also need NoScript to shut down CPU stalling ads and trackers

CPU stalling ads were a concern in the Flash era. Now the thing that puts any legacy machine onto knees are landing pages with FullHD videos for a background which plays automatically all the time. Is anyone fighting that, pff? It does not even require JS! CSS animations can be quite heavy too, and are also not easy to fight. Besides of turning CSS off altogether and watching nice FOUC pages (blind people browse web in a similar way though, so that's fair).

For that matter, there are much better solutions like the WebOne proxy. It also solves the basic compatibility problem of the modern web which ruins the point of preserving all the other web technologies backwards compatible and gradually evolving: mandatory TLS ≥1.2.

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GTK3 will work fine w/o hardware acceleration, it uses the same cairo backend as GTK2. It's GTK4 that relies on hardware acceleration and can even be built to use Vulkan.

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What's wrong with KDE? Nothing, I am just used to and like the GNOME 2 style interface. I set it up with a single bottom panel, Win95 style but with a lot of eye candy added that doesn't change the UI just pretties it up.

DE's are very personal, for my own use GNOME 2 with the compiz cube was the last productivity improvement on the Windows 95 interface. Sun spend well over $1M on a usability study to design GNOME 2, and the Win95 interface (known as Newshell internally pre-release)was an even bigger project. Both projects were money well-spend and gave birth to many other later projects. Both KDE 3 and GNOME 2 with one bottom panel are essentially a Win95 interface, this remains true of MATE and KDE should be configurable to it as well. I do NOT know the current KDE default setup though, I don't have it installed because I had to control root filesystem size with MATE, Cinnamon, and GNOME all installed to allow comparison testing e.g of my GTK theme.

Mac had exactly zero influence on me: never had one and I don't buy closed overpriced stuff like that.

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bodqhrohro commented Feb 1, 2024


GTK3 will work fine w/o hardware acceleration, it uses the same cairo backend as GTK2

GTK+3 has a different rendering pipeline, less efficient for the sake of eye candies.

What's wrong with KDE?

Qt does not support Emacs keybindings. Also, it was believed to be bloated for a reason before KDE 5, but due to porting to GTK+3, GTK+-based environments became even more bloated. I definitely remember how xfce4-panel and its applets started devouring several times more RAM after the migration, and especially when support for coloured emojis was brought into Pango.

Sun spend well over $1M on a usability study

Yeah, but now Sun is dead. Novell is dead. SGI is dead. Even desktops in general are decaying. Canonical lived off Shuttleworth's pocket (just like Telegram lived of Durov's pocket for almost a decade). No significant parties are interested in free *NIX-based desktops anymore. And people are not really grateful to RedHat for making at least something to keep it afloat at least in some way. Innovations happen elsewhere. There's no reason to recall how great and swimming in money desktops were in 90s and 00s. Mass market does not need them anymore. They're a legacy. Senile persons wouldn't agree, of course, but that does not mean anything really, they were stubbornly inclined to rotary phones and gramophones just as well until the following generations who valued them died out. Just like that, they stick to rotten PCs when the rest of the world moves on already.

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Sivecano commented Feb 1, 2024

GTK+3 has a different rendering pipeline, less efficient for the sake of eye candies.

In an age where most devices come with a graphics card, it's moronic to optimize our graphics framework for CPU rendering.

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phrxmd commented Feb 1, 2024


What's wrong with KDE?

Qt does not support Emacs keybindings. [...]

Sun spend well over $1M on a usability study

Yeah, but now Sun is dead. Novell is dead. SGI is dead. Even desktops in general are decaying. [...] There's no reason to recall how great and swimming in money desktops were in 90s and 00s. Mass market does not need them anymore. They're a legacy. Senile persons wouldn't agree, of course, but that does not mean anything really, they were stubbornly inclined to rotary phones and gramophones just as well until the following generations who valued them died out. Just like that, they stick to rotten PCs when the rest of the world moves on already.

Only people who care about rotary phones and grammophones care about Emacs keybindings.

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In an age where most devices come with a graphics card, it's moronic to optimize our graphics framework for CPU rendering.

A graphic card did not help me.

And no, that's an overassumption. Virtual machines typical lack GPUs.


Only people who care about rotary phones and grammophones care about Emacs keybindings.

Tell that to Mac users, they have them in any GUI apps, and in a way which doesn't conflict with CUA keys, thanks to separate Ctrl and Cmd keys.

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operating systems should not have to be designed to accommodate for VMs.

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operating systems should not have to be designed to accommodate for VMs.

Why not? Virtualization is almost as old as computers.

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Sivecano commented Feb 1, 2024

And no, that's an overassumption. Virtual machines typical lack GPUs.

I don't think we write our applications with virtual machines in mind. we also shouldn't.

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As for the claim that desktops are dead, try editing and a complex video with hundreds of clips, effects, and captions on a phone or a tablet. Even if someone writes software for it, and even if rendering can be made fast enough with GPU compute (which is very, very dificult in a video editor!), the UI would make it extremely difficult to position clips and keyframes.

Oh yeah: I guess my desktop should be considered a workstation and I doubt those are going away anytime soon. Well, this was part of the exact target market Sun had in mind for that GNOME 2 usability study they spent so much on. Sun was one of the greats, felled by Oracle.

Thus I need wayland to work after distros dump x11...

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bodqhrohro commented Feb 2, 2024

GPU compute

Goes to cloud.

Having a large, power-consuming and noisy device at home, and especially transporting it, becomes more and more problematic.

the UI would make it extremely difficult to position clips and keyframes

Not really, I've seen a usable implementation of a video editor for touchscreens. The general idea is that instead of hitting the exact point on screen, virtual "rulers" are moved. Just like you would position a logarithmic ruler, or mechanic scales (I still remember those, with two movable weights which have to be balanced).

I doubt those are going away anytime soon

They already do. Commerce is moving to tablets and slatephones gradually. And I had already elaborated above in the thread how the merge of notions of "home" desktops and workstations made remote work viable.

I suspect that only the inability to make a convergence product usable for stupid users is still hindering the replacement of desktops by slatephones, so users, despite being poor, still find it easier to earn money for buying a desktop because they think they have to, which comes from a simple "system requirements" pattern of thinking. Tinkerers had plugged keyboards and mice into Windows Mobile devices back in 00s already, but that does not really change much.

After all, the same is the reason why users have massively migrated to slatephones from feature phones and even classic smartphones: unlike me, they are not willing to learn how to make everything possible from what they have, and are instead thinking in terms of brands and apps which lure them into buying something by the "we dropped support for X" fallacy (or claiming they don't support it at all). Should I even clarify this is possible only for closed proprietary ecosystems where some single entity can make such a decision and make their obedient flock believe it? And that there is an obvious mutual commercial interest, so users and enthusiasts are on their own to care about themselves? And that such authoritarian thinking is totally inapplicable for the FOSS world, so mantras of strangers who somehow came here from the proprietary world and kept their thinking patterns with them, stating that X.Org is somehow going to die because of becoming "deprecated", or "removed", or "unsupported", or whatever, just look hilariously. Luckily enough, those people don't accuse GNU/Linux of the lack of the vast supply of antiviruses, at least (even though that was a case before too! how would you make people believe they don't need one, especially that many tutorials and guidelines out there, and maybe even some regulations, tell them they have to have one installed on their computer?)

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Cobol and JCL


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lukefromdc commented Feb 2, 2024

The ability to do a complex job on a phone is not the same as this being a better way to do it.

First things first: cloud computing is not safe when some of the raw files contain information that has to be redacted prior to publication. There is no way in the world I will ever send my raw and unreviewed video clips to Google or someone similar! Also such services are expensive to run and thus supported by ads. I don't consent to ads at all. My phone has never displayed a push ad since it was assembled. No way I will EVER use a cloud video editor, or a cloud photo editor.

Also, cloud video editing requires more bandwidth than many have, I certainly do not have the capacity to upload 4-8GB of raw clips per session. Even using my own machine as a self-owned cloud video editor while travelling is impractical. While it would be damned handy to be able to leave my desktop running (with an anti-disturbance switch to kill power if the room it is in is entered as it is encrypted) and be able to access it remotely even with the laptop much less a phone, I do not have a landline, and even if I did would not have the bandwidth on the road to move a camera card full of 1080p video clips to it remotely.

GPU compute: as I have mentioned before, using it for video editing means moving a lot of data between CPU and GPU memory. Even if these are the same memory, unless the kernel allows the same addresses in RAM to be read and written by both CPU and GPU you are right back to a lot of expensive memory copy jobs. As of about 5 years ago, nobody but Adobe had managed to make GPU compute in a video editor both faster than and as high quality as using the CPU. This goes in particular for effects: in Kdenlive we can use Movit for GPU for a set of GPU accelerated filters. Problem is, using it (last I used it, 2017), causes Kdenlive render jobs to take three times as long.

I am staying with desktops, I already have them, and they last much longer physically than phones do. Also note that if you don't need a high security phone, a cheap desktop and a cheap phone may cost no more than an expensive phone. My previous motherboard and CPU w AMD bulldozer ran about a decade before eventually dying of electromigration-and that was with overclocking.

Kdenlive now works on wayland, it does not run on a phone

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Cloud computing is slavery, there should be legislation to unlock bootloaders and allow sideloading on all consumer electronics.

larpertarians gtfo.

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qq-me commented Feb 3, 2024

many job related apps are way easier on a big screen and a mouse and keyboard, such as business enterprise software, CAD/CAM/CAEs, IDEs, all kinds of management software, even working with big spreadsheets. Gaming is better on PC. Computers aint going anywhere

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alerikaisattera commented Feb 3, 2024

Cloud computing is slavery, there should be legislation to unlock bootloaders and allow sideloading on all consumer electronics.

There is no cloud. It is just someone else's computer

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Xorg and Wayland suck. Microsoft solved this issue back in 2016 with WSL :p

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Cloud computing is slavery, there should be legislation to unlock bootloaders and allow sideloading on all consumer electronics.

There is no cloud. It is just someone else's computer


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Xorg and Wayland suck. Microsoft solved this issue back in 2016 with WSL :p

Paid shill

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Xorg and Wayland suck. Microsoft solved this issue back in 2016 with WSL :p

Paid shill

You must be joking if you think Xorg or Wayland in 2024 come anywhere near DWM in efficiency

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Xorg and Wayland suck. Microsoft solved this issue back in 2016 with WSL :p

Paid shill

You must be joking if you think Xorg or Wayland in 2024 come anywhere near DWM in efficiency

The same window manager that uses up 800MB of RAM and 30% of my CPU?

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HappyGoFishing commented Feb 4, 2024

Xorg and Wayland suck. Microsoft solved this issue back in 2016 with WSL :p

Paid shill

You must be joking if you think Xorg or Wayland in 2024 come anywhere near DWM in efficiency

The same window manager that uses up 800MB of RAM and 30% of my CPU?

I don't think the core components of Windows are actually that bad (although I'm not qualified to rate NT vs Linux etc), but its all the bullshit they pile on top (cortana, start menu web search, tracking, onedrive fucking powershell lmao) that makes windows a bloated nightmare.

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The most minimal possible windows installation with no drivers, browser. or anything, costs you 6GB. Add some basic drivers and a browser and you're up to 12GB with about 3GB base RAM

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There is no way in the world I will ever send my raw and unreviewed video clips to Google or someone similar!

There are no guarantees "local" proprietary software doesn't send something somewhere anyway. And if it doesn't, microcode in computer components still can do. They all are tiny separate computers already, in fact. Even what does the CPU microcode do is not completely clear.

I don't consent to ads at all

You're not really asked. Boards on streets are displayed without your consent. Promoters with megaphones yell out loud without your consent too. Several years ago, there was an accident in Moscow: an ad phobe like you shooted a promoter because they were annoying. You guess it's the promoter who was prosecuted then lol?

requires more bandwidth than many have

5G is already on the go. For those who are out of reach, low-orbital satellites are another option.

I am staying with desktops

Feel free to stay with anything you stubbornly find important. You'll eventually die and people with other values will come instead of you.

and they last much longer physically than phones do

My Nokia 3310 from 2004 looks skeptically at this statement. Not really many desktops can survive for 20 years. And there were no upgrades or hardware replacements but the battery. The more tight, the more robust also (and the lack of moving parts like HDDs, coolers and hinges is also highly important). Though it has keys, which tend to wear out too; slatephones solve this problem, yet touchscreens tend to fail there altogether.

Cloud computing is slavery

Job is slavery.

are way easier on a big screen

I had interrogated several lovers of big screens and multi-monitor configurations. Most of their justifications were related to their own failures with organizing asynchronous work (so they attempt to monitor multiple things by eyes), and to set up productive input, so they compensate it with displaying many things simultaneously which they don't really need simultaneously. Human brain is not really capable of multitasking, and humans are not monocular, so that's totally pointless. Sure there are long planes which don't fit a screen, but enlarging a screen only reduces the probability it won't fit a screen, and does not eliminate the problem fundamentally.

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Does it also "break" logging? I just installed the latest Rasperry Pi OS with Debian 12 and Wayland and cannot find a logfile anywhere. Searching the web suggests that it now logs via journalctl, but I also cannot find anything Wayland related there.

I'm simply looking for something like xorg.log to be able to see what it's doing, what hardware it has detected etc. Is that not possible anymore?

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Does it also "break" logging? I just installed the latest Rasperry Pi OS with Debian 12 and Wayland and cannot find a logfile anywhere. Searching the web suggests that it now logs via journalctl, but I also cannot find anything Wayland related there.

I'm simply looking for something like xorg.log to be able to see what it's doing, what hardware it has detected etc. Is that not possible anymore?

That's done by the compsitor itself I believe.

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@ganzgustav22 I don't get your problem, I would just run something like wayfire &> /tmp/log.txt whenever I need stderr to be logged.

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My "problem" is simple: For the last 20 years or so, there was a logfile created where you could easily and hassle-free check stuff like detected displays, input devices etc. Simply by opening a file, like "less /var/log/xorg.log".

Where can I do that now? Do I have to manually disable wayland autostart and run it manually?

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This Wayland pile of shit is the equivalent of systemd. "We broke everything, you just have to do it differently. We don't even know why, but it's great, what is your problem?"

What moron thought it was a good idea to have no logging?

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Do I have to manually disable wayland autostart and run it manually?

You can just inspect what autostarts your compositor and alter it there.

you just have to do it differently

How did you even migrate to GNU/Linux then if you consider this a problem?

Are you one of those lucky souls who use it, or other *NIX workstations, since 90s, and have barely ever touched Windows?

What moron thought it was a good idea to have no logging?

What moron thought that hardwiring the generic UNIX concept of stderr to some certain file is a good idea? Especially given that the output of all X clients ends up there. Do I need to mention how many times did Xorg.log flood my system partition completely?

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ganzgustav22 commented Feb 5, 2024

See, this kind of bullshit is exactly what I mean:
"You can just inspect what autostarts your compositor and alter it there."

I can now spend hours to figure all this shit out. Yes. I can do this. But I don't want to. I could simply type "less /var/log/something.log" and see what's going on. Like it has been for the last 20 years, or probably much longer. But no, some moron decided "oh no, we don't need logfiles anymore, users can just spend hours because stupid reasons".

What moron thought that hardwiring the generic UNIX concept of stderr to some certain file is a good idea? Especially given that the output of all X clients ends up there. Do I need to mention how many times did Xorg.log flood my system partition completely?

Not sure where you got that bullshit from. The output of all X clients doesn't end up there, only the output of xorg. Also, a lot of other programs handle it exactly that way. Ever had to check logfiles for a webserver, say nginx? Did you have to restart it manually in the foreground or do whatever other shenanigangs or did you simply type less /var/log/nginx/error.log?

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probonopd commented Feb 5, 2024

My "problem" is simple: For the last 20 years or so, there was (...)
Where can I do that now?

Exactly, they just don't provide (or clearly document) a smooth transition path. (Reminds me of Fedora where every time I use it I have to deal with unclear cryptic random device names rather than being able to just do ifconfig eth0; and of systemd where one has to type complicated commands rather than easily being able to see logs. That kind of stuff has led me to use FreeBSD nowadays.)

We broke everything, you just have to do it differently.

"People respond to incentives", as economist N. Gregory Mankiw famously wrote. So, if your company's business model is to sell service and support contracts, there is really little incentive to keep things stable and provide smooth transition paths...

Because I could find none, I've started to collect Wayland transition notes for X11 users.

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fredvs commented Feb 5, 2024

Because I could find none, I've started to collect Wayland transition notes for X11 users.

Excellent! Many thanks for this.

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I could simply type

You find it "simple" because you have learned to. There's nothing really hard with stdin/stdout/stderr, those are basic concepts of UNIX-like systems. User-level concepts.

Recently, I had consulted a lazy person like you who was willing to install a proxy server and a bunch of other GNU/Linux software onto their tablet. Despite claiming they did even work with MS-DOS before, they're stupid as heck, and did things like copying bunches of commands from GitHub, expecting them to "just work", not trying to understand anything or even to read the error messages. They just expected ready-to-use instructions to blindly follow. Despite I was as patient as I could, it finally ended up with nothing but the proxy roughly working. I'm not really willing to be blamed when their home network is hacked due to their ignorance. And they expected that I tend to blindly follow instructions beyond my areas of competence too, which is not really the case; when I explained that, they just disappeared into the fog.

But I don't want to

Seek for a paid support then lol. Do you realize what does the no-warranty thing mean?

The output of all X clients doesn't end up there, only the output of xorg

Depends on the distribution and the display manager then.

Did you have to restart it manually in the foreground or do whatever other shenanigangs or did you simply type less /var/log/nginx/error.log?

Yes. Why do you even think disk logging is always desirable? Especially if you enable some very verbose debug logging and the disk can be filled with them just in a few minutes? Screen/Tmux exist for a reason, and of the reasons is keeping the scrollback buffer in the RAM lol. Wearout of SSDs and other flash-based media is also a thing (especially important for Raspberry Pi, as it's often booted from microSD).

Also, a lot of other programs handle it exactly that way

Do I even need to mention that only programs ran with root permissions have a write access to /var/log? And that last years, X.Org supports running with user permissions, and running it from root is frowned upon already? Much less Wayland compositors, which barely supported it at all.



What if you have more than one network card? Isn't that random for you?

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Is it you, Lennart?

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probonopd commented Feb 5, 2024

You find it "simple" because you have learned to.

Exactly. We find *nix "simple" because we've been using it for decades. And we don't appreciate when they change stuff at random with no good reason. It devalues our investment of having learned it. Gotta love POLA, which is the FreBSD "Principle of Least Astonishment".

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You find it "simple" because you have learned to.

Exactly. We find *nix "simple" because we've been using it for decades. And we don't appreciate when they change stuff at random with no good reason. It devalues our investment of having learned it. Gotta love POLA, which is the FreBSD "Principle of Least Astonishment".

Using it for decades != good. Pea brain monkeys don't understand the value of new architecture, and are too stupid at computers to figure it out, so they blame the developers. You are like a bunch of toddlers. Blame everyone but yourself. Lol

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probonopd commented Feb 5, 2024

Using it for decades != good.

If it is more standardized across all systems, simpler, and better - then it's even 3x as good :-)

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Unfortunately its none of those. Grow up little toddler boy.

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Pea brain monkeys don't understand the value of new architecture

new != good

and are too stupid at computers to figure it out, so they blame the developers

Smart enough people have already figured out how Wayland works and realized it's fundamentally worthless crap.

Wayland-luddites have never been able to figure out how the standards work.

I'm looking at this and I'm freaking out. Like X11/Xorg was made by a more technologically advanced civilization.

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Wayland-luddites have never been able to figure out how the standards work.

I'm looking at this and I'm freaking out. Like X11/Xorg was made by a more technologically advanced civilization.

Makes sense to me.

new != good

True. New stuff that improves on old garbage == good.

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lukefromdc commented Feb 6, 2024

There is no way in the world I will ever send my raw and unreviewed video clips to Google or someone similar!

There are no guarantees "local" proprietary software doesn't send something somewhere anyway. And if it doesn't, microcode in computer components still can do. They all are tiny separate computers already, in fact. Even what does the CPU microcode do is not completely clear.

That is precisely why I do not use anyone's closed source much less proprietary video editor or file management program, and when it really counts use only cameras with no network capability. It is also why I won't use Nvidia video cards, though I'm sure they are watched like a hawk for phone home behavior by wireshark users. An exploit in low level video or CPU firmware that was able sort through terabytes of video, determine what the local secret police or ad agencies want to see, and exfiltrate it without risk of detection by things like Wireshark would be a major achievement by it's authors. This would be considered a high value attack, and would not be risked against any target known also to be a hacker (including probably any coder). It also would not be used in many nations for street level political opposition, again for fear of detection and loss of the use of it. It would quite likely be reserved for Snowden-level stuff and above.

As for ads, in many cases you are in fact asked for consent. Any ad supported service or site will ask you to consent to their terms of service on making an account. If you don't make an account and don't use the service, you have denied consent to being tracked and served ads by them, and they have no business whining when you block their scripts on 3ed party sites. I have made my hardware as difficult as possible to serve ads to, and I would not miss any of the ad supported services if they all went bankrupt at once.

There is nothing anyone can say or do that will make me form a Facebook account, replace Kdenlive with Google's video editing function in Youtube, replace GIMP with Pixar, etc. Nobody is even talking of legislation to require such things, and abandoned code can be picked up and maintained by others if that's the issue. Also, nobody can force me to replace keyboard and mouse with a tiny touchscreen for video editing. If you want to, that's your right as it's your hardware, same as I have the right to stay with what I prefer to use.

Back to Wayland, same idea: my work to port MATE to wayland is not about removing Xorg support (that's off the table) but rather to add wayland support so people who prefer MATE can go right on using it no matter what distros do with the Xorg/Wayland issue. This is about ensuring users who prefer a traditional keyboard and mouse and a UI optimized for them (both user and devices) don't get forced to use something they like less.

If in ten years, phones can do what a 6 or 8 core AMD ryzen proc can do today, someone would produce that phone with at least the ability to talk over bluetooth or encrypted wifi to a keyboard, mouse, external display and USB dock. That could never be an Apple product for my use, as It would need an unlockable bootloader so the proprietary OS can be overwritten and an open one installed. Then I'd still have to wait for any necessary porting to make Kdenlive run on ARM or a similar fully open video editor (including unpaid codec support!) to be written for keyboard and mouse on it. Until then, there's x86-64 desktops and laptops that can do what I need today and will not be tossed out until they quit/.

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You are like a bunch of toddlers

It's normal for senile people to descend back to toddlers in mental development. Especially for those who don't keep their brain fit. You have not dealt with them enough for sure.


Any ad supported service or site will ask you to consent to their terms of service on making an account

You don't need an account to visit a website lol. It's rather the opposite: many websites disable ads for registered users.

If in ten years, phones can do what a 6 or 8 core AMD ryzen proc can do today

… desktop CPUs would evolve too, and you will complain anyway.

with at least the ability to talk over bluetooth or encrypted wifi to a keyboard, mouse, external display and USB dock

I suppose that can be achieved with an external generic receiver/transmitter pair, if you really need it wireless.

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No, the same window manager that works properly when you configure your set-up properly (when it comes to RAM), or use it on something newer than C2D :p

>most minimal setup possible (Spectre 22H2)
>recent computer
>default configuration
>still 7-800MB of RAM and 20-30% CPU

Why are Windows shills like this?

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There is no way in the world I will ever send my raw and unreviewed video clips to Google or someone similar!

There are no guarantees "local" proprietary software doesn't send something somewhere anyway. And if it doesn't, microcode in computer components still can do. They all are tiny separate computers already, in fact. Even what does the CPU microcode do is not completely clear.

I don't consent to ads at all

You're not really asked. Boards on streets are displayed without your consent. Promoters with megaphones yell out loud without your consent too. Several years ago, there was an accident in Moscow: an ad phobe like you shooted a promoter because they were annoying. You guess it's the promoter who was prosecuted then lol?

requires more bandwidth than many have

5G is already on the go. For those who are out of reach, low-orbital satellites are another option.

I am staying with desktops

Feel free to stay with anything you stubbornly find important. You'll eventually die and people with other values will come instead of you.

and they last much longer physically than phones do

My Nokia 3310 from 2004 looks skeptically at this statement. Not really many desktops can survive for 20 years. And there were no upgrades or hardware replacements but the battery. The more tight, the more robust also (and the lack of moving parts like HDDs, coolers and hinges is also highly important). Though it has keys, which tend to wear out too; slatephones solve this problem, yet touchscreens tend to fail there altogether. @KieranCrossland

Cloud computing is slavery

Job is slavery. @stunlocked1

are way easier on a big screen

I had interrogated several lovers of big screens and multi-monitor configurations. Most of their justifications were related to their own failures with organizing asynchronous work (so they attempt to monitor multiple things by eyes), and to set up productive input, so they compensate it with displaying many things simultaneously which they don't really need simultaneously. Human brain is not really capable of multitasking, and humans are not monocular, so that's totally pointless. Sure there are long planes which don't fit a screen, but enlarging a screen only reduces the probability it won't fit a screen, and does not eliminate the problem fundamentally.

of course "job is slavery", no shit, this isnt the anticapitalist own you think it is, the problem is that until we figure out perpetual motion, we are stuck working jobs arent we.

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qq-me commented Feb 6, 2024

are way easier on a big screen

I had interrogated several lovers of big screens and multi-monitor configurations. Most of their justifications were related to their own failures with organizing asynchronous work (so they attempt to monitor multiple things by eyes), and to set up productive input, so they compensate it with displaying many things simultaneously which they don't really need simultaneously. Human brain is not really capable of multitasking, and humans are not monocular, so that's totally pointless. Sure there are long planes which don't fit a screen, but enlarging a screen only reduces the probability it won't fit a screen, and does not eliminate the problem fundamentally.

That isn't the point. The point is that a big screen, by which I mean bigger than a smartphone, with a keyboard and a mouse, is much easier to use with a lot of software people use for working. Not multiple screens

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Lol using Spectre instead of LTSC or doing one comand on 22H2

LTSC and "the command" use up 3x the storage Spectre does. They also perform even worse.

complaining about obviously rogue software eating CPU,

Stock system. All unnecessary services disabled. Nothing running besides DWM, the explorer, and the indexer (idle)

and either not disabling C states


leaving power saving on

Turned it off.

using some single-core P4 and wondering about minor CPU load.

Ryzen 3700X.

Stop coping about your paid shill status and give up. Nobody cares about a bloated closed source operating system that can't run on anything older than 2021.

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until we figure out perpetual motion

Nice religion.

The point is that a big screen, by which I mean bigger than a smartphone, with a keyboard and a mouse, is much easier to use with a lot of software people use for working. Not multiple screens

Those are equal for this matter: excessive screen space.

Lol using Spectre instead of LTSC or doing one comand on 22H2+

I had a hard time figuring out what "Spectre" is even discussed in this thread. To me, it's a CPU vulnerability.

Can Micro$oft slaves pls go somewhere else? Oops, we're on a Micro$oft-owned website…

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I thought script-kiddie Windows editions were gone since XP gaming editions on TPB.

Russian culture of proprietary software modding has survived well beyond that. They feel safer about that, after all.

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qq-me commented Feb 8, 2024

Nice religion. @stunlocked1

The point is that a big screen, by which I mean bigger than a smartphone, with a keyboard and a mouse, is much easier to use with a lot of software people use for working. Not multiple screens

Those are equal for this matter: excessive screen space. @Espionage724

No they are not. Also small screens cause more fatigue and vision related problems. How do you fix that?

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with something like an i9-14900K

Isn't that more about disk space and RAM than about CPU power? The only builtin thing that loads CPU significantly is Micro$oft's antivirus, AFAIK.


Also small screens cause more fatigue and vision related problems

I don't really understand how. Also, large and especially multiple monitors should lead to excessive neck movements and thus to abrasion of neck cartilages. They barely repair themselves in 30+. This is also why it's not healthy to have a habit to crack the neck, and any joints in general.

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with compared to multiple desktops/workspaces or screens

I don't really understand the purpose of those either.

It's probably similar to how zoomers don't comprehend the purpose of organizing the files anymore when modern SSDs allow fast and powerful search. I can quickly pick any window with rofi, even when I have tens of them. It would made sense with multi-window apps to organize them and group them so they were all switched to at once, though classic MacOS resolved it in a more usable way and without virtual desktops.

I can only be efficiently productive on a computer with a keyboard and mouse and desktop-oriented software

Isn't the software from DOS era which works well even with 320×200 resolution "desktop-oriented" enough for you? What is it oriented to then lol?

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PreyK commented Feb 10, 2024

Main problem with Xorg is that is dead (Jim).
Noone wants to touch it. It has huge legacy spagetti parts taped together from the 90's whe software development best practices were much more lax then now. Maintainability was never a goal so it's unmaintainable.

I agree that a better way to do this would've been to just do something like X2, reimplement all of X's backend in a sane way, evaluate it's features based on usage etc..

However, I don't see a way back for Linux, even Nvidia got "bullied" into supporting it by big linux tech companies, it IS happening.

I think with a lot of blood, sweat and tears (everyone doing their own dirty hacks for missing features, maybe one day it can get consolidated/upstreamed etc..) we can make it work (for Linux)

As for BSD, well... BSD seems to be stuck in a rock and a hard place right now, my worst fear is that the concept of BSD as a desktop just dies.
The whole thing is just a mess, seems kinda like throwing out the baby with the bathwater situation.

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BSD is a cancer upon "open source" computing. Cuck licenses have no place in an operating system.

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Wayland is hostile to disabled users. In the name of security, accessibility tool developers are locked out of accessing APIs that that provide control over windows, fetching mouse position, and other functionality required by disabled users.

Some in the community have been working hard at improving the situation, and their efforts are appreciated for those of us who are both disabled and love using Linux desktops:

It just isn't there yet though, and if Wayland becomes the defacto standard disabled users will be left behind.

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hostile to disabled users

Um, based? Natural selection....

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jarrodharvey commented Feb 10, 2024 via email

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binex-dsk commented Feb 10, 2024

I don't care.

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I think with a lot of blood, sweat and tears (everyone doing their own dirty hacks for missing features, maybe one day it can get consolidated/upstreamed etc..) we can make it work (for Linux)

My guess is that just like the HURD it will take just about another year, forever.

As for BSD, well... BSD seems to be stuck in a rock and a hard place right now, my worst fear is that the concept of BSD as a desktop just dies.

As someone developing a FreeBSD based system for the desktop, I think it is important to be vocal to the developers in open source projects that there is more than Linux.

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probonopd commented Feb 10, 2024

Isn't the software from DOS era which works well even with 320×200 resolution "desktop-oriented" enough for you?

For me personally, I'd be super happy if any open source desktop today matched 1990s Mac usability (disclaimer: I grew up with this stuff, so to me, it is the reference against everything else gets measured). Imho nothing even comes close, more than 30 years later.

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Wayland is hostile to disabled users. In the name of security, accessibility tool developers are locked out of accessing APIs that that provide control over windows, fetching mouse position, and other functionality required by disabled users.

It's not "hostile to disabled users". It has accessibility issues, but that's not because it was made to purposely exclude disabled users. The issue is acknowledge and one that is being worked on. Two Gnome developers as well as Orca's and Accesskit's maintainers are trying to find the ideal solution.

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fredvs commented Feb 10, 2024

As someone developing a FreeBSD based system for the desktop, I think it is important to be vocal to the developers in open source projects that there is more than Linux.

I have done this:

But the passion is gone (mainly because, once again, problems of communication with some of the devs of FreeBSD)

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Again a friendly reminder to please stay on topic. This gist is about the shortcomings of Wayland. Thanks.

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So how do we get either Xorg or wayland to keep malicious apps from spying on other apps, yet allow known and trusted accessability apps (e.g.Orca) full access by default? What happens when someone with low vision and relying on screen readers must work on a sensitive project?

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So how do we get either Xorg or wayland to keep malicious apps from spying on other apps, yet allow known and trusted accessability apps (e.g.Orca) full access by default?

firejail --x11=xephyr obs?

It does create a separate screen for the application without resizing the window, but it works. True sandboxing.

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So how do we get either Xorg or wayland to keep malicious apps from spying on other apps, yet allow known and trusted accessability apps (e.g.Orca) full access by default?

How many such applications have we had during the 35 years of X11 existence?

I'll tell you, fucking fat 0 (zero).

It's astonishing Wayland proponents cannot drop this idiotic argument against Xorg.

And secondly, does anyone among those who are drinking Wayland's Kool-Aid know any other desktop OS which deliberately isolates applications this way? Android/iOS don't count. Ah? No? None? Because maybe desktop users have other inclinations than to run ... malware? And then with malware, how will you protect yourself against it dropping Autostart entries, stealing/sending you data or overriding LD_PRELOAD? God, that's so lame.

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Been using Unix and Linux for decades, never had "malicious apps spying on other apps". Not once. But then, I only run applications from authors I trust.

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I only run applications from authors I trust

That's the point. This way you can be safe even on Windows 98 or XP.

Normies don't. They're like toddlers. Put everything they see into the mouth.

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probonopd commented Feb 13, 2024

Who says that open source operating systems are for "normies". One main point why I run them is because I don't like to be second guessed. When I want to run an app on my personal computer, I want that app to be able to do whatever it wants to do - not to be second-guessed or restricted by some entity that is trapped in endless discussions forever. Heck, maybe someone wants to run only apps written by himself on his own computer - but those apps need to be able to do whatever they want to do.

If one wanted a sandboxed, restricted, walled garden, one could be running macOS just as well.

Wayland should not mandate or assume so much. It should just paint the pixels on the screen and leave all other considerations (such as desktop files, D-Bus, sandboxing, restricting stuff) to other (purely optional) elements in the stack that some users may or may not want to use.

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lukefromdc commented Feb 13, 2024 via email

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I would not want a random site's javascript running under Firefox watching Kdelive while I edit sensitive video for example

Wut? Doesn't Firefox ask the user before capturing the entire screen/specific window?

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lukefromdc commented Feb 13, 2024 via email

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Who says that open source operating systems are for "normies". One main point why I run them is because I don't like to be second guessed.

And that doesn't happen in Wayland. If you used it you'd know.

When I want to run an app on my personal computer, I want that app to be able to do whatever it wants to do

You want the app to do whatever you want it to do. Wayland agrees.

Heck, maybe someone wants to run only apps written by himself on his own computer - but those apps need to be able to do whatever they
want to do.

Sounds like they'd probably be running their own operating system with their own APIs and display servers and stuff. Doesn't sound like Wayland would be much of restriction that person because they could extend it for whatever purpose they want with their apps.

If one wanted a sandboxed, restricted, walled garden, one could be running macOS just as well.

The limitations imposed by Wayland don't make it the equivalent of macOS's walled garden.

Wayland should not mandate or assume so much.

It's not. But you on the other hand...

It should just paint the pixels on the screen

Sounds like you want OpenGL or Vulkan, not X11 or Wayland.

and leave all other considerations (such as desktop files, D-Bus, sandboxing, restricting stuff) to other (purely optional) elements in the stack that some users may or may not want to use.

Not a possibility.

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myownfriend commented Feb 14, 2024

So how do we get either Xorg or wayland to keep malicious apps from spying on other apps, yet allow known and trusted accessability apps (e.g.Orca) full access by default?

How many such applications have we had during the 35 years of X11 existence?

I'll tell you, fucking fat 0 (zero).

[Moderator: Ad-hominem statement removed]

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Again a friendly reminder to please stay on topic. This gist is about the shortcomings of Wayland. Thanks.

No it's not lol This topic is to bitch about Wayland from an X11-normative world view where people can believe made-up things like how Qt just magically support X11 but need a plugin for Wayland.

This topic was made as summoning circle for anti-social libertarians who can't learn new things and can't work with others.

Probo is gonna delete this again because he thinks it's off-topic but a big reason why the "Wayland breaks screen sharing applications" part of the OP is still there is because he doesn't know anything about screen sharing. He would if he familiarized himself with OBS when he tried getting them to maintain an official AppImage for him.

He does think that he knows what it entails though because he wrote a protocol to do it. He didn't ask for any input on it and he seems to hope other people will implement it for him.

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This topic was made as summoning circle for anti-social libertarians who can't learn new things and can't work with others.

Wayland was created by authoritarian monkeys who can't develop a proper display protocol nor a framework.

"Why aren't you following CCP Wayland central party orders?" crying intensifies

because he doesn't know anything about screen sharing.

...and you do? I don't believe so, because you still haven't understood why screencasting should be in a display server and preferably in a single implementation.

He would if he familiarized himself with OBS when he tried getting them to maintain an official AppImage for him.

Dude, there are sh*ttons of apps where screencasting doesn't work in Wayland.

He does think that he knows what it entails though because he wrote a protocol to do it. He didn't ask for any input on it and he seems to hope other people will implement it for him.

Unlike him, I'm not asking for any input. I just want Wayland to fkn die because it's garbage. :)

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Monsterovich commented Feb 14, 2024


[Moderator: Quote of ad-hominem statement removed]

It's a fact. Most of the applications are installed from repositories, and those are built from sources, BTW, including Flatpak (partially) which is a sandbox (sort of). This is not the same as Google Play, where there is a lot of garbage apps and viruses. Even downloading an application from the Internet from the official site of the app is much safer. In general, why do we need a solution to a non-existent problem? You are just scoring points on someone else's paranoia.

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myownfriend commented Feb 14, 2024

Wayland was created by authoritarian monkeys who can't develop a proper display protocol nor a framework.
"Why aren't you following CCP Wayland central party orders?" crying intensifies

[Moderator: Ad-hominem statement removed]

...and you do? I don't believe so, because you still haven't understood why screencasting should be in a display server and preferably in a single implementation.

The purposes of X11 and Wayland are to solve the problem of applications needing to share the screen(s) with other applications and the desktop user interface. These protocols help the window manager/compositor and clients communicate how much space the clients can take up, where they can or can't go, whether they need attention, whether they are hidden, what scale they should/can be rendered at, which app gets what input, etc.

Screencasting has very little to do with an application's context within a windowing environment.

If a client is just trying to access another client's buffer then what does that have to do with how either application communicates with the compositor or window manager? Is the state of the captured application relevant to the capturing application at all? Does it matter if the application is windowed, full-screened, a direct scanout surface, a "unredirected" window, etc? Does its position matter? Does it matter if the committed buffer of the captured client missed the deadline for the compositor's current frame? Does it matter if the updated by client by itself or if it was changed by user input? Does it matter if it's the active window? Does a client differ from the buffer of a compositor?


The client doesn't need to know much more than the buffer's location in memory, dimensions, and format. Whether or not the client is communicating with an x-server or a Wayland compositor is completely irrelevant to the capturing application. That's why you can look through the code for:

  • xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
  • Pipewire
  • Mutter
  • OBS's linux-pipewire plugin

and you won't find X11- or Wayland-specific screencast code at all. There's barely any window or screen-specific code.

Now tell me why screencasting should be part of the display server? Is because it uses the terms "window" and "screen"? That would be a dumb reason. Is it just because you could do it with X11? Also a dumb reason.

Dude, there are sh*ttons of apps where screencasting doesn't work in Wayland.

That doesn't mean that you can't do screencasting in a Wayland session, it means those applications can't currently. Discord doesn't support screen sharing under Wayland either, that doesn't negate the fact that OBS and Zoom do. See how that works?

Of course you watch Switched to Linux lmao. Gotta keep the paranoia well-fed

Unlike him, I'm not asking for any input. I just want Wayland to fkn die because it's garbage. :)

lmao I thought Probo said this was about trying to improve Wayland.

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birdie-github commented Feb 14, 2024

[Moderator: Quote of ad-hominem statement removed]

This is not an argument, this is a fucking insult. Would be great if your were banned from this discussion. You cannot stop throwing shit at me on Phoronix (for the absence of arguments), now you're here. Whoa.

Over the past couple of years I've been incessantly asking to provide examples of crazy malware which uses X11's insecurity and so far no one has provided anything maybe because you've got none.

Over the past couple of years I've also been asking a ton of questions and had a ton of issues (most of which are laid out here) and again, not a single counter argument. The only one which is not even a strong argument is that "But, mom, (imagine a face of a cry baby) Xorg is no longer supported and Wayland is new and shiny". That's fucking it.

  • HDR is still not supported 15 years in.
  • VRR is only implemented in Kwin 15 years in.
  • Let's not even talk about minor Wayland compositors because they are simply unusable shit for the vast majority of people however yeah "It works for me" - anecdotal evidence is strong among Linux fans, more so among Wayland fans.

This topic was made as summoning circle for anti-social libertarians who can't learn new things and can't work with others.

People in this topic want something usable, something built for the desktop, something standardized and featureful for all users or Wayland. Wayland devs have made sure this is not the case and most likely will never be the case.

And of course you're now insulting everyone here.

And that bright dude who insulted me on YouTube for his 68K subscribers (never mind the title of the video which is a lie)?

I've now had a nice back and forth correspondence with him over email and he just cannot stop lying and making stuff up.

Here's the stuff he's continuously been lying about:

  • Linux will do fine with multiple display servers even despite all the complexity of developing and supporting them.
  • Linux will do fine without minor WMs because they don't have the resources to build on top of Wayland.
  • Linux will do fine with multiple display servers offering a varying featureset, something which could have been solved had we had a single common Wayland based display server.
  • Linux had multiple X11 display servers for hardware in the past. We had one, it was first XFree86 and then Xorg.
  • X11 saw a slow uptake - he mentioned Gnome which saw its first release in the mid 90s and X11 which had existed for ten years before that but it never occurred to him that Gnome was a Linux only DE and its authors couldn't have simply written Gnome for Unix because it was created solely for Linux.

I asked him for a simple GUI clipboard manager for all Wayland compositors and he couldn't find one. Whoa.

In 2024 in Linux you cannot have a working GUI clipboard manager outside of KDE and Gnome. What a shitshow.

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Sometimes I want to restrict an app myself for security. I would not want a random site's javascript running under Firefox watching Kdelive while I edit sensitive video for example

  • Do you have evidence it has ever happened for anyone?
  • How do you imagine this attack could work? Web pages in a web browser don't have access to anything outside their own DOM tree and screen.

Unfortunately you neither understand security, nor how applications work. You've heard a thing about X11 and that apps can sniff on one another. Too bad, again, zero malware ever been implicated in that because if you have a foothold on a user computer, screenshotting and sniffing keyboard input are just fucking lame.

You can package the entire user home directory along with your passwords and access tokens and send it over the internet. You can encrypt their files. Etc.

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and you won't find X11- or Wayland-specific screencast code at all. There's barely any window or screen-specific code.

Because the Wayland developers didn't make these features, the Pipewire developer did. You still have to write code individually for each DE to support Pipewire via DBus communication.

Now tell me why screencasting should be part of the display server? Is because it uses the terms "window" and "screen"?

That's exactly it, the display server works with the screen and individual windows and has access to their framebuffers. The only reason why this is not done like in Xorg is that Wayland does not have a unified implementation (library/server/runtime) that implements this for all DEs.

That would be a dumb reason.

Are you aware that Wayland servers do exactly the same thing, only their unique server features are useless due to fragmentation?

Is it just because you could do it with X11?

and in MS Windows too. :D

That doesn't mean that you can't do screencasting in a Wayland session, it means those applications can't currently.

"The party ordered the developers to redesign the apps, why isn't the party's order being followed, bastards!"

that doesn't negate the fact that OBS and Zoom do. See how that works?

Do you also consider these apps "Wayland-approved"? I'm sorry, I don't participate in your near-corporate shenanigans.

How is this different from what Apple/NVidia are doing with their developments?

I remember W-people whining that NVidia didn't make GBM support for you and ordered you to use EGLStream. The Wayland developers are just as much assholes.

Of course you watch Switched to Linux lmao. Gotta keep the paranoia well-fed

What's wrong with "Switched to Linux", hm?

lmao I thought Probo said this was about trying to improve Wayland.

Let him cook, it makes W-people so angry. :D

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Monsterovich commented Feb 14, 2024


And that bright dude who insulted me on YouTube for his 68K subscribers (never mind the title of the video which is a lie)?

Oh, watched that dude. All his videos are complete misinformation for the retards and W-adepts. For educated people, it feels like "Hitler was right!" energy.

This ape keeps repeating that Xorg is not maintainable. It was like he was trying to do it himself lmao

Birdie is the ultimate nemesis of the W-people. xD

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Because the Wayland developers didn't make these features, the Pipewire developer did.

It's irrelevant who did what work lol Pipewire was originally made as a means for enabling screencasting in Wayland and with Flatpaks and yet it works with X11 despite not having specific code for either protocol. That's because capture can be done without regard for the display server protocol. A buffer's role in the in a windowing system doesn't matter for capture. A buffer can represent a screen or a client and it wouldn't change how the client interacts with the buffer.

You still have to write code individually for each DE to support Pipewire via DBus communication.

Who cares. That's not relevant to what we're talking about. It's still done in a way that's agnostic to the display server.

That's exactly it, the display server works with the screen and individual windows and has access to their framebuffers. The only reason why this is not done like in Xorg is that Wayland does not have a unified implementation (library/server/runtime) that implements this for all DEs.

Just because the compositor has access to the buffers doesn't mean that it should only ever use one protocol at a time, even if more than one involve windows and screens. In this case, Wayland and X11 are used for window management and Pipewire is used for client-to-client or compositor-to-client buffer sharing.

Are you aware that Wayland servers do exactly the same thing, only their unique server features are useless due to fragmentation?

Do what thing? Refer to things as windows and screens? What unique server features are relevant in this conversation? You need to elaborate further.

and in MS Windows too. :D

What kind of comparison is that? Windows is an operating system not a display server protocol. The fact that it can do screen capture doesn't hold any weight in this conversation because so can a Linux OS or macOS or Android. You're not saying anything about how any of these things implement screen capture or whether they make sense within their architectures.

As of 2019, Windows has something called Window Graphics Capture which is exactly like a Screencast Portal. The application makes a capture request and the user is provided with a system-provided dialog to pick which window or screen they want to give the application access to.

But also, instead of trying to use Windows as proof that X11 is correct, why not make a case for how they implement the feature to begin. It's not it's impossible that both are doing the same thing badly.

"The party ordered the developers to redesign the apps, why isn't the party's order being followed, bastards!"

You have to stop with the conspiracy theories lol

How do you expect an application to support a new protocol without actually supporting the new protocol? If Wayland did have it's own screensharing protocol, those applications would still need to implement it. It doesn't just magically happen.

Did OpenGL applications magically support Vulkan without changes? Did DirectX9 games magically become DirectX10 games? Did X10 applications magically become X11 applications? No lol

This isn't authoritarians demanding developers make changes to their software at gun point. It's just the reality of how software development works. If those applications want to support the new protocol then it's up to them to update their applications.

Do you also consider these apps "Wayland-approved"? I'm sorry, I don't participate in your near-corporate shenanigans.

That's not how any of this works lol They're just applications that support Pipewire. They happen to run as native Wayland clients (because one uses Qt and the other uses Electron) but they don't need to be in order to support screen capture under Wayland. You can use OBS's Pipewire sources in X11 or XWayland and they will still work.

Wayland doesn't provide a screencast protocol so you would need to use Pipewire to capture in a Wayland session.
X11 also doesn't really have a screencast protocol but you can capture stuff using XSHM and XComposite or you can use Pipewire.

If Wayland did support a screencast protocol then applications that want to support both would need to support two ways of doing screen capture: the Wayland way and the X11 way. Instead those applications can support capture under both sessions by just using Pipewire.

Because the requirement of a screen capture don't relate to the display server protocol, a third protocol could come along (lets say it's X12) and applications that use Pipewire could still be support capture under all three backends.

How is this different from what Apple/NVidia are doing with their developments?
I remember W-people whining that NVidia didn't make GBM support for you and ordered you to use EGLStream. The Wayland developers are just as much assholes.

How is it similar? GBM was created as a way for all Mesa drivers to share a buffer sharing API. Nvidia doesn't have a Mesa driver so they proposed EGLStreams as both a replacement to GBM (the MESA API) and DMA-BUF (a kernel interface) and instead of just proposing it and working with others, they tried to use their marketshare to force adoption.

Here nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. You don't have infinite choice in the world. You can't choose to live and also choose to not breathe. If you're using Wayland and want to capture something then you're going to have to capture things the Wayland way regardless of whether it's done via a Wayland protocol or Pipewire.

For 29 years, X11 was the only display server protocol you could use on Linux and if you wanted to screencast then you were required to do it the X11 way. Did you have the same authoritarian stance on X11 though? No. The only reason you even have a second option for capture now on X11 is because Pipewire exists and it works on Wayland, too.

It's wild that Wayland is trying not to have a large footprint on the graphics stack like X11 did yet you're making it look like Wayland devs are trying to force you to do a bunch of stuff.

Instead of having it's own method of communicating with OpenGL like X11, Windows, and macOS did with GLX, WGL, and CGL respectively, Wayland uses EGL which is cross-platform and even works on X11. Instead of using it's own file format for buffers like X11 did with pixmaps, Wayland just uses DRM buffer formats without needing things like the DRI3 and Present extensions to create associations between them and a Wayland specific format.

What's wrong with "Switched to Linux", hm?

Conspiracy theorist, isn't very bright, isn't well informed, uses bad sources. I mean hell he cites Probo's information about X11 and Wayland even though Probo openly states in his opening post that he didn't know what Wayland was when he started this topic lol

Let him cook, it makes W-people so angry. :D

And what's that gonna do? lol You can live your life following things just because they make other people angry. Then you're just letting them control your opinions.

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Probo openly states in his opening post that he didn't know what Wayland was when he started this topic lol

What exactly is wrong with that? When I ran some Live ISOs (especially Fedora) I noticed that when they defaulted to a Wayland session, things were worse than before. Back at the time, I started to write down in this gist all the broken things that annoyed me. One doesn't need to know how something works in detail to realize when it breaks stuff that has worked before. Actually, I would say most people don't know how their car or TV works but will realize immediately when it's broken.

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@myownfriend All we hear from you is "irrelevant this", "irrelevant that" and other toxic crap. Your competence in the matter of application design is zero, otherwise you would realize that Wayland is just an epic set of antipatterns. You don't even need to work on the Wayland implementation, it's just that obvious. And no one is going to fix it because the fragmentation is already there. So I'll just wait until everyone involved in Wayland runs out of money and motivation, because Wayland development is almost infinite due to fragmentation. Xorg will work forever, unless, of course, malicious people start breaking things that worked fine before because they have nothing better to do.

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birdie-github commented Feb 15, 2024


I'm not against Wayland per se, I just hate how it's being implemented.

And I hate those who cannot stop screaming how it's the future despite it being in development for 15 years now. I mean if it's the future, why is it forced so hard on everyone? Let's wait out a bit, until it's ready, until all the quirks are worked out, until it's fully usable.

Secondly, why those who want to have their work done are portrayed as Wayland-haters/Luddites/etc.?

Imagine a horse being replaced by a car, it's faster, more comfortable in some ways, but it breaks every few miles. And then it doesn't allow you to carry this, that and that because it was built by a committee. That's what Wayland feels like. An improvement in some ways, a major setback in many others.

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Monsterovich commented Feb 15, 2024


I'm not against Wayland per se, I just hate how it's being implemented.

Well, you can't properly implement a defective design. It's just it.

Imagine a horse being replaced by a car, it's faster, more comfortable in some ways, but it breaks every few miles. And then it doesn't allow you to carry this, that and that because it was built by a committee. That's what Wayland feels like.

You don't have to imagine it, it's there in reality.

And these cars have their crazy adepts in spite of their flaws that make them useless in major cases and sometimes dangerous.

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What exactly is wrong with that? When I ran some Live ISOs (especially Fedora) I noticed that when they defaulted to a Wayland session, things were worse than before. Back at the time, I started to write down in this gist all the broken things that annoyed me.

What do you think makes sense about that blaming and boycotting something when you didn't know what it was?

One of your complaints is that Wayland doesn't have a screen capture protocol, you even went as far as writing your own recently.

What if Wayland did have a screencast protocol when you started the gist and OBS just hadn't implemented it yet. What if OBS already implemented the protocol but the compositor you were using didn't? What if it was a problem with XWayland?

Because you didn't know what Wayland was at the time, any one of these things could have been true but because you're comfortable speaking confidently about things you know you don't know about it, you wrote up a gist : "Boycott Wayland! It breaks everything".

Does that sound good to you? If I didn't know what AppImage was and downloaded an application as both an AppImage and Flatpak but the person who made the AppImage made it wrong and/or compiled the application without a feature that I'm used to using, would it make sense for me to blame AppImages for that? If we're going with the idea that's it's completely fine to be adamantly be against something without knowing about it then the answer would be "Yes. AppImages are the problem".

One doesn't need to know how something works in detail to realize when it breaks stuff that has worked before. Actually, I would say most people don't know how their car or TV works but will realize immediately when it's broken.

Sure those people will know that their TV or car is broken, but since they don't know about how a car or TV works they're not going to make an assessment as to how it's broken and make demands about how it should be fixed. That's what you're doing.

Many people have complained about gaps in functionality in Wayland sessions and taken notes of them publicly: you wouldn't be the only one . You're not doing that though. You're specifically that Wayland is the problem, demanding that Wayland be extended to provide functionality that you think should be in it, and deeming any other solutions that don't use Wayland to be workarounds even if they make more sense to be separate from the protocol.

You didn't even leave it at that. Without knowing what Wayland was, you determined that Wayland can only be a replacement to X11 if its a drop in replacement with perfect ABI or API compatibility: something that has no precedent in software development at all. You were also against Qt needing to use a Wayland plugin for Wayland support even though the only reason it can support X11 is because an X11 plugin. This aspect of your outlook is no different from someone calling Linux/Unix broken because it can't run Windows software.

I would absolutely love if this topic was one that could be productive. One where we could assess the strength and weaknesses of both protocols and maybe have semi-decent conversations about whether or not some feature is better implemented in Wayland or in a separate protocol. That's not what's happening though because the you only want this to be about how Wayland isn't like X11 and that's bad because X11 was first and it's all you know. That's not going to lead to anything.

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bodqhrohro commented Feb 15, 2024


Who says that open source operating systems are for "normies"

Operating systems are for everyone. Including normies. Tech-savvies love to create walled gardens where they're comfortable, ignoring the needs of the rest, but why should others assist with that? By the nature of free software licenses, you cannot stop such walled gardens from becoming more inclusive.

Wayland should not mandate or assume so much. It should just paint the pixels on the screen and leave all other considerations (such as desktop files, D-Bus, sandboxing, restricting stuff) to other (purely optional) elements in the stack that some users may or may not want to use.

Hilariously, this is exactly what Wayland does. What are you complaining about?


Doesn't Firefox ask the user before capturing the entire screen/specific window?

In the era of browser plugins, and before click-to-play and permissions for them became a thing (around 2015), abusing them was pretty common. Some automatically downloaded and activated malware (I have almost fallen a victim of that, but an antivirus prevented that from completing). There also were trolls who shared links for webpages with a Flash object automatically making photos from a web camera and then collected and published the albums of victims. I suspect capturing the screen was as easy, just less useful.


Sounds like you want OpenGL or Vulkan

They barely work without hardware acceleration. Totally not a great solution for "just drawing pixels on the screen".

where people can believe made-up things like how Qt just magically support X11 but need a plugin for Wayland.

You don't really realize what the problem is, right?

You come with a bunch of assumptions of modernity. Where developers became so lazy and authoritarian that they assume users always should use the latest version of their "masterpiece". They're lazy to support old versions and backport fixes there. They don't give a shit about the needs of users and that they may prefer older versions because they don't agree with all the changes in the newer ones. And especially about the stability and about the fact changes bring not just fixes and improvements but also breakages (which is not the case for frozen versions which only get polished mostly).

There's another perspective. The perspective of users which are not developers. For them, proprietary freeware and FOSS are equal. And they judge them in a same way. If something has changed in a way that does not satisfy a user, all a user can do is to passively boycott the change by staying on the last version they love. Not everyone should be assumed to have enough bandwidth to upgrade all the software every hecking day (yes, limited data plans are still a thing, as well as other resource- and time-consuming complications of upgrades).

Users are also not supposed to be Internet-dependent at all. Many realize Internet is fragile. Websites go down. Old versions vanish. A major hacking attack or disasters may destroy its infrastructure or make it inaccessible in certain regions. There are wars, after all. Americans are way too indulged with their geographic isolation from enemies; the biggest "threats" for them are illegal immigrants from Mexico and terrorists who hijack planes or send bombs by mail. Even WWI/WWII/Vietnam were mostly something distant for them, much less anything since that. Nevertheless, hurricanes and floods still destroy communications for many people even there regularly.

That's why offline copies of software are important, and that's what AppImage solves. As long as a user downloads a copy of software, it becomes their property. Not of the developers of the software. (This way of thinking is totally alien for copyright shills, of course.) And the user is free to use this copy as long as they love it. Digital data don't rot. This approach thrives on Windows, on Symbian, on gaming consoles which keep simulating NES/Sega/whatever. And there's no reason it shouldn't be represented on *NIX systems as well.

Besides of AppImage, Nix solves it: it's great for installing software once with all the needed old dependencies and using it forever, while upgrading the rest wherever possible. LSB also attempted to solve this, and failed.

In fact, there's no even guarantee that new builds would be released at all. Software becomes abandoned and unmaintained. It totally doesn't mean that users have to ditch it for that reason and seek for alternatives.

So it doesn't really matter if @probonopd gives up and brings the Wayland Qt plugin support into build tools for new AppImages. There already are lots of existing AppImages which ship the X11 plugin, and don't ship the Wayland one. It does not make sense to discuss whether it's theoretically possible to ship both of them, or neither. The existence of such AppImages should be taken as given, and the ability to run them properly should be kept. They're already isolated and self-contained highly enough for that and don't expect much from the host system, it's not fair to demand from them something more.

If such AppImages use the XSHM API for screen sharing, the demand for this API should be assumed further. This works for sound APIs. ALSA simulates OSS. PulseAudio simulates ALSA. PipeWire simulates both (and even JACK!)

Wayland brings XWayland exactly for this backward compatibility purpose. And it would be all great, if not the one big IF. Bold IF. The developers intentionally don't introduce into XWayland compatibility features which would involve access to native Wayland clients from X clients, because OH MUH SECURITY. Not even by an option. Point. Nada. Fuck you. It's pointless even to argue about that with them.

Does pipewire-pulse allow a full-fledged access to PipeWire clients from legacy PulseAudio clients? Perhaps not. But I can clearly see PipeWire modules, clients, sinks, sources in pactl list. Why the hell Wayland compositors don't allow to list Wayland clients with wmctrl via XWayland? It's not really hard to simulate EWMH. They don't do that on purpose. And that's what "breaks everything" is. And it's completely fair to name things as-is. It's pretty sad to see @probonopd gradually gaslit in this thread and lured into thinking that just rewriting everything with Wayland support and extending Wayland to support every feature X11 does actually make sense.

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@myownfriend All we hear from you is "irrelevant this", "irrelevant that" and other toxic crap.

I don't see the point in pretending that irrelevant things are relevant. If you can't respond to things properly then that's your fault.

Your competence in the matter of application design is zero, otherwise you would realize that Wayland is just an epic set of antipatterns.


You previously said "... you still haven't understood why screencasting should be in a display server and preferably in a single implementation." after claiming I must not know anything about screensharing.

I provided my reasoning for why I don't feel it makes sense to have a screensharing protocol in a protocol for the windowing system. I also stated the advantages to having it handled outside of the protocol.

I then asked you to explain why you feel otherwise. You responded with

"...the display server works with the screen and individual windows and has access to their framebuffers."

That's a reason why it could but doesn't make strong case for why it should be that way. That's fine it that was an opener for a longer explanation but it was followed with...

"The only reason why this is not done like in Xorg is that Wayland does not have a unified implementation (library/server/runtime) that implements this for all DEs."

Which just changes the topic and doesn't explain anything. Why would having multiple compliant implementations of Wayland specifically prevent a screen sharing protocol from being implemented in Wayland but doesn't prevent them from implementing a separate screencast API? Also Pipewire works with Xorg. I don't get what is being claimed here?

@probonopd as someone who has written a screen capture protocol for Wayland, do you agree with him that a screen capture protocol couldn't work in Wayland because it has different implementation?

You don't even need to work on the Wayland implementation, it's just that obvious. And no one is going to fix it because the fragmentation is already there.

I feel like you're just repeating the same talking points ad-nauseam and not actually trying to have a conversation.

So I'll just wait until everyone involved in Wayland runs out of money and motivation, because Wayland development is almost infinite due to fragmentation.

Same talking point repeated again.

Xorg will work forever, unless, of course, malicious people start breaking things that worked fine before because they have nothing better to do.

Who would these malicious people be and how would they break things that worked fine? Why must that be the only reason that things stop working? Even if it did work forever, is that a good thing? There are a lot of problems that can't be fixed. Do you not want them to be?

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myownfriend commented Feb 15, 2024

Operating systems are for everyone. Including normies. Tech-savvies love to create walled gardens where they're comfortable, ignoring the needs of the rest, but why should others assist with that? By the nature of free software licenses, you cannot stop such walled gardens from becoming more inclusive.

Beautifully said.

They barely work without hardware acceleration. Totally not a great solution for "just drawing pixels on the screen".

I can't agree. I was actually really impressed with how llvmpipe and that uses OpenGL.

You don't really realize what the problem is, right?...extending Wayland to support every feature X11 does actually make sense.

I'm at capacity for long responses today so I'll just have to respond to a subset of what you said. Sure, not everyone knows why something is broken. They might even find something to blame and they might blame the wrong thing. Maybe they'll make some noise about it on the internet for a bit. That's very different from someone making a thread about it that goes on for 3 years(?) calling for others to boycott it while making hyper-specific demands as to how it should be fixed while openly saying that they don't know what they're talking about, how that's fine, and that they still know better than the developers who created the thing so the developers should listen to them anyway. He's not even the only person in this topic whose done that.

I think it says a lot that a lot of the people in this topic seem to have no intention to even solve the perceived problems. To Probo's credit, he did try something. He tried to propose protocol extensions for Wayland but he didn't even try to propose them on the Wayland git and the only ones merged in his repository were merged by him without anyone else's input.

To those who think like Monsterovich, creating extensions for Wayland that add the perceived missing functionality isn't even of interest to him. He's openly stated that he just wants to see the project die because he thinks it sucks and seems to be support people who he feels make "W-people" angry.

Others feel like Wayland is a waste of time and X11 should just be extended to fix it's problems. They usually feel like those who said it can't be fixed are just lying but nobody has seemed to try to propose any new protocols to fix these issues. They often don't even state what issues they feel need to be fixed in Xorg.

I'm not mentioning this inactivity to put anyone down either. I'm mentioning it because it starts to become difficult to know what anybody really wants. Everyone here claims to know what they're talking about and feels they know what's best but they seem content to just complain about stuff in hopes that the people they don't like will start to agree with them and do the work for them.

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making hyper-specific demands

Don't please depict it like that. The worst things minorities can do is to oppress minorities who are even more of minorities than they are.

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BTW, on wmctrl:


  DESKTOP_TITLES_INVALID_UTF8      Print non-ASCII desktop titles correctly
                                   when using Window Maker.

I wonder why did they make a workaround instead of fixing WindowMaker itself. Any historical evidence for that?

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Monsterovich commented Feb 15, 2024


@probonopd as someone who has written a screen capture protocol for Wayland, do you agree with him that a screen capture protocol couldn't work in Wayland because it has different implementation?

Even if the Wayland graphical servers hypothetically implement the same protocol, it makes no sense anyway, it would still be fragmentation, but of a documented protocol. You still need a library or preferably a unified server for all client applications, including DE applications.

Pipewire is a crutch to get screen-casting to work in someway, but at the same time, as I said, you need separate portal implementations for it. Basically, you need such crutches for everything: for xdotool, for wmctrl, etc., so that the behavior is the same in all DEs. It's easier to make a unified server.

I feel like you're just repeating the same talking points

I do because people come here in this gist and repeat the same nonsense about Xorg and Wayland. Even though all of this is pointless because Wayland supporters won't point-blank see the problems due to their incompetence and ignorance.

Who would these malicious people be and how would they break things that worked fine?

Did you forget about the menu resizing not working in xfce4-whiskermenu? Because Wayland can't do sh*t. Again.

There are a lot of problems that can't be fixed. Do you not want them to be?

There are no major issues with Xorg. All problems in Xorg are purely made-up. There are minor issues that look completely insignificant against the ones Wayland has. Someone, please fix xcb documentation

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There are no major issues with Wayland. All problems in Wayland are purely made-up. You suffer from windows popping up in wrong places? You claim this never happens on X.Org? You're lazy to move the cursor a bit farther? Lol.

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There are no major issues with Wayland. All problems in Wayland are purely made-up.

You can check the first post to see for yourself. :P

These are not imaginary problems, you'd have to be completely brain-dead to create those.

You suffer from windows popping up in wrong places?

I don't.

But I think GNOME guys somehow broke window managers with their CSDs, and then people blame Xorg for it. The rest of the applications work just fine (even GTK2-3 apps).

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you'd have to be completely brain-dead to create those

You have to brain-dead to not be able to circumvent any problems. How do you even survive in the real world without this ability?

broke window managers

They're not crucial at all. How do tiling WM users live without them lol? Or even those who run X.Org without any WMs (and thus cannot move or reorder windows if they don't do that themselves, just like CSD apps do lol). It seems like X11 was already designed with CSD in mind but evolved another way, which I already mentioned above in the thread. I don't have enough of historical background to claim that; need probably to ask people who are related to that and are still alive.

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broke window managers

They're not crucial at all

Ah, my sleepy head misread that as "broke window decorations", but whatever.

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Monsterovich commented Feb 15, 2024


You have to brain-dead to not be able to circumvent any problems. How do you even survive in the real world without this ability?

Screw that. If an operating system requires a lot of workarounds for problems, that operating system goes in the trash.

Wayland is just making sure that GNU/Linux remains 2% on the market. New users don't know what Xorg, Wayland and other fancy words are. Imagine someone installs some Linux distribution. If even f*cking screen recording doesn't work, GNU/Linux goes straight to the trash for that person. Nobody gives a crap about the authoritarian machinations of the Wayland developers and their "every frame is perfect" religion. So @birdie-github was correct in saying that GNU/Linux lacks consistency. Wayland and consistency are not compatible in general because of the enormous fragmentation: Wayland requires constant development unlike Xorg which is no longer actively under development and still works perfectly.

How do tiling WM users live without them lol?

I have no idea. They are probably using a patched version of GTK that removes them completely.

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that operating system goes in the trash

Live without an operating system lol. Many of feature phone users actually believe they don't need one lol.

New users don't know what Xorg, Wayland and other fancy words are

Did old ones necessarily need to?

GNU/Linux goes straight to the trash for that person

It already does for many other reasons. For example, because you cannot just download and launch arbitrary .exe from Internet.

GNU/Linux lacks consistency

FOSS just cannot have consistency. It wouldn't be free this way anymore. Deal with that.

and still works perfectly

Yeah, Windows 95 supports multitasking, just wait until I finish formatting the diskette.

They are probably using a patched version of GTK that removes them completely

You have somehow misread "without" too.

If you think they're fanatic enough to remove them everywhere where they are nevertheless displayed, there's no really patch needed for Gtk apps. It's needed for non-Gtk CSD apps though, let's just start with M$O 2007.

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Even if the Wayland graphical servers hypothetically implement the same protocol, it makes no sense anyway, it would still be fragmentation, but of a documented protocol.

That wouldn't be fragmentation. If you have 3 implementations and they can all be used interchangeably then that's not fragmentation.

You still need a library or preferably a unified server for all client applications, including DE applications.

Pipewire has a singular implementation. Any client that uses Pipewire to capture something is communicating with the exact same Pipewire binary.

And if you think Wayland should have a single unified server then what changes to the protocol do you think should be be done to force everybody to use one implementation? I mean Weston is already maintained as a reference Wayland compositor but nobody builds atop it on the desktop or forks it.

Pipewire is a crutch to get screen-casting to work in someway,

How is it a crutch?

but at the same time, as I said, you need separate portal implementations for it.

Wait did I say each DE needs it's own portal? The compositor just needs Pipewire integration not it's own portal. xdg-desktop-portal is just the user interface. The DE comes with a default that fits with it's aesthetic but you can use other ones. You can even use different ones for different portals.

"For example, if your desktop environment does not have a portal backend, and you want to use xdg-desktop-portal-gtk as a generic fallback but also use the LXQt file picker through xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt, you can use the following configuration:




On the compositor's end, it just has to expose it's outputs as Pipewire nodes.

Basically, you need such crutches for everything: for xdotool, for wmctrl, etc., so that the behavior is the same in all DEs. It's easier to make a unified server.

That's a huge leap.

I do because people come here in this gist and repeat the same nonsense about Xorg and Wayland. Even though all of this is pointless because Wayland supporters won't point-blank see the problems due to their incompetence and ignorance.

That's not true at all. Wayland supporters acknowledge that it needs work, but the people here barely even touch on these. For example, this topic still considers screen capture to be an issue on Wayland even though you and I are currently talking about a method of screen capture that exists on Wayland.

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Monsterovich commented Feb 15, 2024


That wouldn't be fragmentation. If you have 3 implementations and they can all be used interchangeably then that's not fragmentation.

False. For example: having two frameworks for UI is already fragmentation: even if they are in some way compatible. In GTK, this fragmentation is even greater within one framework, because of incompatibility between major versions. Some applications are still on GTK2. GTK4 just sucks.

Pipewire has a singular implementation.

Yes, but portals have not.

I mean Weston is already maintained as a reference Wayland compositor but nobody builds atop it on the desktop or forks it.

Because it's not a reference implementation at all. It is just a separate graphical server with its own protocols, which were not even tried to be designed general-purpose. Wlroots fits this definition better, but it sucks and KDE has better protocols. Anyway, Pandora's box has been opened. Now fix the fragmentation.

How is it a crutch?

I won't even try to explain again, you are just that dumb. Already at the very least, because it's a third-party application when you have a graphical server.

"For example, if your desktop environment does not have a portal backend, and you want to use xdg-desktop-portal-gtk as a generic fallback but also use the LXQt file picker through xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt, you can use the following configuration:

It doesn't work for screen recording, I tried to get Pipewire to work in Xorg and Weston. The standard ways in Xorg are much more reliable.

Wayland supporters acknowledge that it needs work

The W-devs just told @birdie-github: don't try to fix Wayland or you'll get banned lmao. There's even proof, it's ridiculous.

"We'll break your desktop." --Lennart Poettering --Wayland developers

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myownfriend commented Feb 15, 2024

False. For example: having two frameworks for UI is already fragmentation: even if they are in some way compatible. In GTK, this fragmentation is even greater within one framework, because of incompatibility between major versions. Some applications are still on GTK2.

Having options or releasing new versions of things is not what fragmentation means.

GTK4 just sucks.

It really doesn't but I understand you're just raging for no reason.

Yes, but portals have not.

There's one xdg-desktop-portal front-end. There are multiple backends though. They're UI elements meant to match your desktop environment. You can use which ever one you want though.

Because it's not a reference implementation at all.

It literally is. I'm not sure you know what a reference implementation is. A reference implementation is meant to exist as ground truth for the things it implementation AKA a referance.

It is just a separate graphical server with its own protocols

What is that supposed to mean? It implements Wayland protocols as it should, it's a reference Wayland compositor.

which were not even tried to be designed general-purpose.

It doesn't need to be a general-purpose compositor to the a reference compositor.

Wlroots fits this definition better

No it doesn't because Wlroots isn't a compositor. It's a library used to create compositors.

but it sucks and KDE has better protocols.

Any protocols it implements that aren't X11 or Wayland would be proprietary.

Anyway, Pandora's box has been opened. Now fix the fragmentation.

Me? Why? I don't give a shit and neither do you.

I won't even try to explain again, you are just that dumb.

Won't or can't?

Already at the very least, because it's a third-party application when you have a graphical server.

I think the word you're looking for is a dependency much like Xorg was a dependency for X11 window managers and compositors. Would you consider Xorg to be a crutch?

It doesn't work for screen recording, I tried to get Pipewire to work in Xorg and Weston.

Weston doesn't use Xorg or support an X11 session or Pipewire. It only runs Wayland and supports X11 apps through XWayland. Weston is a reference Wayland compositor, not an X11 window manager and compositor. It has a Pipewire backend so that its outputs are exposed to the host compositor to be captured, but that's all.

If you're trying to capture in an X11 session and your compositor doesn't support Pipewire then it won't work. You can refer to that ArchWiki article in my last post to see what desktop currently expose their outputs as Pipewire nodes.

The standard ways in Xorg are much more reliable.

Only works in an X11 session and doesn't allow compositors to provide any feedback to the user on whether something is being captured which means it can't provide a way for the user to stop the capture.

The W-devs just told @birdie-github: don't try to fix Wayland or you'll get banned lmao. There's even proof, it's ridiculous.

They didn't tell birdie "not to fix Wayland". Birdie was never going to write any code or a protocol himself anyway. I've suggested to him that he learn to code but he has no interest. He wants to call the shots and for everybody else to do stuff for him. The Wayland devs threatened to ban him because he became argumentative and kept linking to his issue in other issues saying it was related or a repeat while trying to cause a commotion.

Birdie is very vocal and passionate but he does not know what he's talking about. He once argued that a shared library loses it's status as a shared library if more than one thing don't currently depend on it. He's good at finding bugs but he's not a good source of information.

Also they didn't just tell him that. Maybe you just found out about that post from Brodie's video but it was posted two years old birdie has posted that constantly under the names birdie and avis on Phoronix for just as long. I've seen him post it as if it was a source of information.

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birdie-github commented Feb 15, 2024

He wants to call the shots and for everybody else to do stuff for him.

  • I want the same fucking experience for all Wayland users regardless of what DE/WM they are using.
  • I want the same Wayland-server configuration file working for all DEs/WMs where I can specify display settings, keyboard settings, locale, etc. etc. etc.
  • I don't want a ton of work going to waste because each Wayland protocol has to be painstakingly reimplemented by all Wayland compositors and Wayland libraries (now already three, wlroots, libweston and louvre, fragmentation even here) help only so much.

I asked a very famous Wayland apologist, Brodie Robertson, for a GUI clipboard manager which works in all Wayland implementations, a basic stupid core feature of any modern desktop OS, and he couldn't find one. None.

That's how freaking advanced Wayland is 15 years in after its inception.

Meanwhile almost any stand alone GUI clipboard manager for X11/Xorg works under any WM/DE.

I want Linux to work for everyone and everyone may not necessarily enjoy Gnome and KDE.

You on the other hand enjoy fragmentation, varying featureset and lies. "Single Xorg had no people to maintain it, it's outdated/deprecated/'insecure'", now suddenly we have enough people to maintain ... at the very least 15 Wayland implementations all with their own bugs and features.

Fucking insanity if you ask me.

He once argued that a shared library loses it's status as a shared library if more than one thing don't currently depend on it. He's good at finding bugs but he's not a good source of information.

I don't remember this conversation but if I said that I was technically correct. A shared library assumes it has more than one client, otherwise there's no point having it as "shared". You may as well build it statically.

A shared library or shared object is a computer file that contains executable code designed to be used by multiple computer programs (plural) or other libraries (plural) at runtime, with a single copy of the library's executable code in memory. This differs from a static library, code from which is copied into the executable image file of the program when the linker builds that file, so that each program has its own copy of that code in memory.

Is there anything I've said that was outright incorrect and I never apologized for it? Please go ahead and quote me. I'm all ears. Unlike stubborn Wayland fanboys I have the guts to apologize and change my PoV when I'm wrong. You on the other hand never admit something you hold dearly is not right/perfect/good for everyone.

You know why developers prefer to code for "buggy" "insecure" Windows?

That's because Windows offers stable APIs for decades. You don't go around rewriting your application because GTK developers have broken compatibility three dozen times already.

Wayland made it even worse in some ways by eliminating GUI rendering library which Xorg had (Xlib/XCB). Of course, "you may target GTK or Qt" but you never mention that both have limited lifespans, vs. Win32 which has basically remained the same since Windows 95. Yeah, MS has experimented with various other toolkits but Win32 has been there all the time.

Linux cannot even provide that and Wayland now only allows to push prerendered bitmaps on the screen. Goodbye even proper fine DPI scaling which Xorg, Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android all have. Welcome coarse fractional scaling offered by Wayland, I mean it doesn't even offer scaling, you cannot losslessly scale raster, you have to rely on toolkits doing that on you.

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  • I want the same fucking experience for all Wayland users regardless of what DE/WM they are using.
  • I want the same Wayland-server configuration file working for all DEs/WMs where I can specify display settings, keyboard settings, locale, etc. etc. etc.

Yes. I know. You're a broken record or demands. Different DE work differently. They have have different needs. They're trying to be the same experience. That's why they're separate projects. If two DE's aren't using the same configuration file, it's because they don't want to nor should they have to because different DE's work differently and will want different things in their files that are relevant to them.

Complaining to Wayland's developers isn't going to fix that either because there's nothing in Wayland or X11 that ever required people to support the same settings file. That came from Xorg.

  • I don't want a ton of work going to waste because each Wayland protocol has to be painstakingly reimplemented by all Wayland compositors and Wayland libraries (now already three, wlroots, libweston and louvre, fragmentation even here) help only so much.


Did you ever complain about the compositors and compositing window managers that existed for X11? Before Wayland you had Kwin, Mutter, Compiz, Xfwm, Picom, Muffin, Marco, all the ones that were forks of each other, etc. Did you worry about any repeat work between them?

The only reason you feel that all Wayland compositors are like 50% the same code is because those all run atop Xorg for their X11 sessions and Xorg is big. Wayland isn't X11 though. Xorg has to implement the core protocol but it also has to implement:

  • pixmaps - Wayland doesn't have it's own image format, Wayland compositors just use the kernel's DRM buffer formats
  • map - These are basically color palettes. These serve not purpose in a modern context so Wayland doesn't have them.
  • fb - Wayland doesn't define what clients use to render so Wayland compositors don't implement an equivalent
  • GLX/AIGLX - Wayland clients don't access the GPU driver through the server. Wayland compositors and clients use EGL. EGL support is provide by the graphics drivers
  • DDX/Glamor - DDX are for 2D acceleration drivers. Glamor aims to obsolete them by translating X render primitives to OpenGL. Wayland compositors don't need to implement any equivalent because they use OpenGL or Vulkan
  • Composite - was only needed because the display server and compositor were separate. Wayland compositors don't need to implement a protocol to communicate with themselves and how they composite is of no concern to anything else anyway.
  • Render - was only needed because the core protocol couldn't handle transparency but Wayland just used OGL
  • RandR & Xinerama - both were only needed to get around the single screen limitation of the core protocol and both need to be present in Xorg for compatibility. Wayland just has Output objects that correspond to displays. That's all it needs.
  • DRI3 Extension - was only needed to associate DRM buffers with pixmaps. Wayland uses DRM buffers directly.

And of course Wayland compositors just re-use XKB keymaps. I hope my point is coming across here. Since Wayland is more modern and takes advantage of the existing things around it, it's slimmer so Wayland compositors don't need to implement quite as much as you'd think if you were using Xorg as a basis for comparison.

I asked a very famous Wayland apologist, Brodie Robertson, for a GUI clipboard manager which works in all Wayland implementations, a basic stupid core feature of any modern desktop OS, and he couldn't find one. None.

That's how freaking advanced Wayland is 15 years in after its inception.

Meanwhile almost any stand alone GUI clipboard manager for X11/Xorg works under any WM/DE.

Brodie's pretty even-handed when it comes to Wayland. Sometimes he sounds like you guys, sometimes he sounds like me. Calling him an apologist for not raising pitchforks against a protocol and championing an older, clearly more flawed protocol is just dumb.

I think it's pretty weird to judge how advanced a display server protocol is based on whether it supports a clipboard when it doesn't seem to have too much to do with what Wayland is designed for. When it comes to stuff related to a windowing system, it's significantly more modern and advanced than X11 but X11's scope does not define Wayland's. Instead of demanding a way to make a clipboard manager with Wayland, why not ask for a standard way to implement a clipboard manager in a Wayland session? You don't use Wayland anyway. Applications and compositors use Wayland, you use the applications and compositors. Why are you so concerned about whether an IPC message is technically part of one protocol or another?

Just one thing I want to revisit before I continue...

basic stupid core feature of any modern desktop OS

Wayland isn't an OS. I don't understand the insistence of X11 loyalists to compare Wayland with whole OSs to attempt to make it seem like something is clearly a failure of the protocol. Do ya'll think Windows implements it's clipboard management in it's window management API? No. It uses the Clipboard API. So what's the basis for comparison there?

I want Linux to work for everyone and everyone may not necessarily enjoy Gnome and KDE.

And how are you helping by advocating against Wayland and for X11? Are you helping the other DEs implement Wayland support? Are you writing up protocol proposals? Are you coming up with portals or frameworks? No. You spend all your time complaining about Wayland. If a smaller DE announces its started the process of Wayland implementation you'll try to frame it's actually bad news for Wayland adoption. You'll constantly harp on the things that you feel it should have implemented after 15 years because you seem to be the worlds foremost expect on how long these things should take.

Put in the actual effort to help out. I don't personally care about whether you like Gnome or KDE. I don't personally care if you continue to use Linux. You seem to want to use Linux and use something other than Gnome or KDE in the future. So help out smaller projects instead of blaming Gnome and KDE devs for working on Gnome and KDE.

You on the other hand enjoy fragmentation, varying featureset and lies. "Single Xorg had no people to maintain it, it's outdated/deprecated/'insecure'", now suddenly we have enough people to maintain ... at the very least 15 Wayland implementations all with their own bugs and features.

Sure, I "enjoy fragmentation and lies". Brilliant deduction. If you really feel like Xorg can fixed to do what Wayland does and do it better...


Do something other than complain, make demands of developers, pester them and other, then act like a victim because they told you to go away.

Fucking insanity if you ask me.

I didn't ask you. Nobody asked you anything. You just talk and make yourself known.

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probonopd commented Feb 15, 2024

Put in the actual effort to help out.

@myownfriend why do you frequently "invite" the people who criticize Wayland to do the work to unbreak it? We haven't asked for Wayland to exist and break everything. We are not pushing Wayland onto people. Far from it!

It's those who constantly tell that Wayland is supposedly the "future", and those who push it upon us, who need to do the work. To actually make something that is a viable, smooth transition path for longtime X11 users and developers.

The first step for Wayland to improve is for its proponents to hear about, and eventually acknowledge, its current shortcomings.

And how are you helping by advocating against Wayland and for X11

So that distribution people know we still need X11. For a long time. To warn application developers to depend solely on Wayland. And to bring Wayland developers' attention to the deficiencies "normal users" encounter, and still need work.

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myownfriend commented Feb 15, 2024

@myownfriend why do you frequently "invite" the people who criticize Wayland to do the work to unbreak it?

You literally created a repo to create Wayland protocols.

Wayland isn't broken just because you say it is.

Is it finished? No. Is it perfect? No. But broken? No. It's working exactly the way it was intended, it just was never intended to work like X11. Why? Because it was meant to better than X11. I demonstrated that ways that it is above. There's a significant amount of extensions for the X11 protocol that were designed specifically to find ways around using the X11 protocol in order to modernize the feature set and speed things up. Wayland started from where X11 left but with the all the legacy shit like pixmaps gone.

I think you and half the people commenting in this topic are infinitely more broken than Wayland just by the nature of the fact you feel confidently in speaking about something that you don't know about.

You're the ones who created and returned to this topic for years to complain about the protocol and the people who made it while wearing your tin foil hats. What were you hoping to accomplish? You believe Wayland broken and it's devs to fix it but you also believe they're incompetent [moderated] who are the enemy. You believe X11 is the superior protocol and could have just been fixed and extended until the end of time and that the Wayland devs are full of shit when they said they didn't want to touch Xorg/X11 because it's impossible to maintain... but ya'll haven't stepped up to prove that.

Probo, you were more willing to try to write and push Wayland protocols than you were to dive into Xorg with bug fixes or propose X11 extensions.

Instead you want the aforementioned "evil" Wayland developers to go back to X11 and do for you what only you people think can be done.

We haven't asked for Wayland to exist and break everything. We are not pushing Wayland onto people. Far from it!

Of course not and you're also not keeping X11 alive nor do you seem to have any idea why X11 is dying. If X11 is your baby then keep it alive and extend it the way that only you believe can be done. Instead people like you and birdie insist that Wayland should change to fit your mindset but you don't want to do that either.

It's those who constantly tell that Wayland is supposedly the "future", and those who push it upon us, who need to do the work.

They are working. They're making a better protocol. Wayland is only broken by your insane metrics.

To actually make something that is a viable, smooth transition path for longtime X11 users and developers.

Bullshit. Your definition of "smooth" as you've been countless times, is a pipe dream. You're not going to get something that's a drop in replacement for a shitty protocol from 1987 and get all the niceties of the new protocol for free. It will never happen and it has never happened.

Probo, you're among the only people in this topic that I know actually is a programming. You should not be saying things like that; things that act like programming is magic.

The first step for Wayland to improve is for its proponents to hear about, and eventually acknowledge, its current shortcomings.

People are proposing

So that distribution people know we still need X11. For a long time.

They don't need to be told anything by you. They know better than you. When you made this topic you didn't know what Wayland even was, the distribution people already did. It was a scary unknown boogy man that popped up from no where like it was for you. They know what it is, in some cases they even worked on it.

To warn application developers to depend solely on Wayland.

If application developers are making their application Wayland-only, they know what they're doing. They're actually using it and were familiar with what it does or doesn't do way before you knew what Wayland was.

And to bring Wayland developers' attention to the deficiencies "normal users" encounter, and still need work.

You don't represent "normal users". You just recently said

Who says that open source operating systems are for "normies".

"Normal users" don't care if their software is doing screen capture through the display server protocol or via pipewire as long as screen capture works. That's your hang-up. Normal users would find portals cool because the applications feel more integrated with their desktop environment. Seeing them as work-around is your hang up. Normal users don't complain that Qt apps need a Wayland plugin to support Wayland, as long as their apps work.

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fredvs commented Feb 15, 2024

Please, peace...
Everything is binary, Wayland is the missing second part of the pair.
X11 now has its partner and this pair will continue to exist, side by side.
Perhaps X11's only real problem was that he ruled alone.
Long life to both.

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myownfriend commented Feb 15, 2024

Screen Sharing in Jitsi

Jitsi Developers : Closing since there is nothing we can do from the Jitsi Meet side. The browser must have support for this.
Jitsi User1 : I have shared my screen successfully using and latest firefox on Fedora 32.
Jitsi User2: If Jitsi uses WebRTC then that will fix the issue.

Probo: Don't listen to them. It's still broken and Wayland is the cause.

Screen Sharing in Zoom

Zoom User 1: Screen sharing works now.
Zoom User 2: Yea, I continued to have an issue but it turns out it was an Nvidia driver issue. That got fixed and now it works.

Probo: Nope it's still broken.

Screen Sharing in the Zoom AppImage

Zoom AppImage User: I'm having trouble with audio capture while using the Pipewire's Pulse plugin. Doesn't mention Wayland or screen capture. It's a problem with either Pipewire's Pulse plugin or Pipewire's audio server. Has nothing to do with Wayland

Probo: Yea, try it without Wayland or Pipewire.

Wayland people: Wayland and Pipewire do completely seperate things. Wayland doesn't do screen sharing or audio. Pipewire does screen sharing and audio.

Probo: Wayland people keep telling me Wayland works fine without Pipewire.

Zoom AppImage User: Yea it works when I don't use the Pulse Audio Plugin.

Probo: Yea, it's a Wayland problem.


Global AppMenu developer: This Gtk+4 fact, will be sad and will make Gtk+ unusable to the Gnome Global Menu extension, as it's implemented now. That's why the Gnome Global Menu extension will be discontinued again. The first reason was because the lack of the Gtk+ Wayland support for the Global Menu, that was resolved here and now will be because Gtk+ will no longer supports generic loadable modules.

Probo: Don't listen to them. It's Wayland. It's broken and breaks everything else.

Qt AppImages in Wayland

Qt Developer: Qt always doesn't detect the presence of a plugin before trying to use it. It tries to run an app with Wayland first even if the plugin for Wayland support isn't present. This is a Qt bug and "The best solution is for Qt including the QPA platform plugin and having a proper auto-detection based on XDG_SESSION_TYPE".
Proto: Wayland did this. Qt apps shouldn't need a plugin to support Wayland, that's the problem, not Qt trying to use code that it doesn't have.

Red Shift
Redshift Documentation: Redshift uses gamma correction ramps to apply a reddening effect. This is really a hacky work around since there's no standard way of applying color effects in X11. As long as Redshift is using gamma ramps, many of these issues are impossible to solve properly in Redshift. Desktop environments now implement this functionality as an integrated components in away that avoid these issues and we feel you should use those over Red Shift.
Redshift FAQs: In X11 all applications can change the driver's gamma ramp so Red Shift might shut off occasionally because it has to fight for control of the ramp with a game.

Probo: Wayland is the problem. To fix it, Wayland should implement a protocol that lets applications change the driver color settings so they can fight over them. There are no better ways than X11 did it. Ignore what the Redshift developers are saying. Ignore the fact that the combination of Waylands HDR and color management protocols along with compositor-level night modes would allow games to change their gamma values and color space without conflicting with the user's night mode settings and fix an issue that X11 has. I refuse to look at X11 critically at all.


AlbertLauncher Dev: Wayland doesn't provide a way to register global shortcuts.
Reality: It shouldn't and X11 doesn't provide a way to register global shortcuts either. It offers a way to do white hat keylogging.

Probo: This is only a Wayland issue. Ignore that X11 is the only platform that thinks its fine to do global shortcuts by letting applications poll all the keys and possible prevent those keys from going to in-focus applications in the process. The Global Shortcuts portal is just a work-around that gets in the way. Why would it make any sense to register global shortcuts like Windows does? That just gets in the way.

Wayland does not work well on proprietary Nvidia drivers

Nvidia: This is our fault. We didn't support a lot of kernel features like DMA-BUF and crtc_gamma_lut for a long time and still don't support a few EGL features that have existed for decades. It resulted in XWayland not having hardware acceleration on our driver for years and made it impossibly to implement Night Light features in a way that wouldn't also tint screen shots and screen recordings. We also never supported implicit sync in our driver even though the entire Linux and Unix graphics stack only supported implicit sync. This resulted in frames being displayed out of order or blacked out when using applications through XWayland, an issue that's completely unique to our driver. Now that explicit sync primitives have been added to the kernel, the issue with our drivers will only be fixed when X11's DRI3 and Present extensions get updated to allow enable explicit sync and when Wayland's second explicit sync protocol get merged and implemented. That's why distros and DEs disabled Wayland sessions on Nvidia's proprietary drivers by default for years. Now that our driver supports some of kernel, EGL, and Mesa features that it should have supported years ago, more distros and DEs are enabling Wayland by default on our proprietary drivers.

Probo: This is Wayland's fault. It only wants to run on the Nouveu drivers even though the proprietary drivers are better.

Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware

Blogger: In 2021 I tried out Linux again and I had a screen tearing issue on the Intel driver.

Probo: This one blog post which will never be updated said that screen tearing is a widespread and very current issue on Wayland on the Intel graphics.

Me: I literally ran a Wayland session on an Intel Mac last week and got no screen tearing. Ran it on an Intel-based Asus Laptop last year and had no tearing. I've been running a Wayland session on the Nvidia Proprietary driver for the past two years and I've had no tearing. I've run a Wayland session on llvmpipe and in VMs and got no tearing.

Probo: No Wayland is the problem. When it comes to Wayland, anytime that a client or driver has a bug in a Wayland session it must be because the Wayland protocol needs work. Forget that X11 has notably had tearing problems for it's entire existence.

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probonopd commented Feb 17, 2024

Not even going to read through all these made up "Probo:" statements. Also, I don't think X11 is necessarily "superior" as a technology, but all existing GUI software for *nix is written for it. So clearly anything that wants to be a "successor" has to provide a clearly described and smoothly executed migration path, the burden of which should be on the people that want to bring about any change - the Wayland people. Also, the new thing needs to let my apps do at least everything the old thing was able to do (like recording the screen, setting icons and moving windows to random locations), or else it's not a viable successor for me.

Just inventing something incompatible and then expecting everyone else to rewrite or port their software is imho just not reasonable. It's like running around declaring "Gtk is dead, the successor of Gtk is Qt, now have fun. By the way, we will be phasing out Gtk in distributions soon. Oh, and by the way, Qt doesn't let you do (your favorite Gtk feature) at all".

So, note, even though I do think that Qt is vastly better than Gtk, I think the above would just be a crazy approach.

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exhq commented Feb 17, 2024

counterpoint: skill issue

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probonopd commented Feb 17, 2024

Everything is binary, Wayland is the missing second part of the pair.

Interesting perspective. Like Gtk and Qt, rpm and deb, maybe we will have to live with X11 and Wayland for a long time to come.

Possibly the most realistic outcome indeed!

Is that good though? Imagine a Linux desktop in which there was one toolkit used by everyone, one package format used by everyone, etc. - wouldn't the "year of *nix on the desktop" have arrived a long time ago? Do we still need Gtk when we have Qt, do we still need rpm when we have deb? Whether good or not, it's probably just the nature of open source. Especially when for-profit vendors are part of the landscape.

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fredvs commented Feb 17, 2024

. Also, I don't think X11 is necessarily "superior" as a technology,

Maybe not "superior" but the fact is that using X11 on a Mac via XQuartz dont have limitations.
No problems with positions of forms, clipboard, etc even on last Sonoma.

And using X11 on Wayland via XWayland = lot of limitations.

But of course Wayland lovers will say that Quartz of OSX is shit, obsolete, etc...

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tsujan commented Feb 17, 2024

It's sad to see that devs who are aware of how irrational Wayland is spend time on explaining the obvious. There are always people who don't want to see the obvious; you couldn't change that.

I prefer to live with facts: Wayland exists with all its irrationality, and there are devs who try to minimize that irrationality — maybe out of fun, may be for other reasons. I follow their works, while believing that X11 will survive for a long time, regardless of what this or that distro might pretend.

In LXQt, we have hopes that there will be a relative agreement on wlroots at least, so that we could find a safe way out of the Wayland jungle, while keeping modularity (which is very important to LXQt) as well as compatibility with X11.

That'll be hard work. I don't think most devs are motivated — for obvious reasons — but a few are.

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fredvs commented Feb 17, 2024

. I don't think most devs are motivated — for obvious reasons — but a few are.

I am motivated, I learn Wayland, we are open to make our widgetset Wayland compatible but all our devs lose passion when approaching the compositors jungle.

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I prefer to live with facts: Wayland exists with all its irrationality, and there are devs who try to minimize that irrationality — maybe out of fun, may be for other reasons. I follow their works, while believing that X11 will survive for a long time, regardless of what this or that distro might pretend.

Most people equal with X11, which is not exactly true.

Also, remember is just a fork of XFree86 who did not want to incorporate patches provided by the (now) developers and a solution would be easy:

Fork, as they did with XFree86.

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birdie-github commented Feb 17, 2024

Also, remember is just a fork of XFree86 who did not want to incorporate patches provided by the (now) developers and a solution would be easy:

The story was quite different:

In February 2004, with version 4.4.0, The XFree86 Project began distributing new code with a copyright license that the Free Software Foundation considered GPL incompatible. Most open source operating systems using XFree86 found this unacceptable and moved to a fork from before the license change.[3] The first fork was the abortive Xouvert, but X.Org Server soon became dominant. Most XFree86 developers also moved to X.Org.

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Interesting perspective. Like Gtk and Qt, rpm and deb, maybe we will have to live with X11 and Wayland for a long time to come.

All of these are false dichotomies

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myownfriend commented Feb 19, 2024

Not even going to read through all these made up "Probo:" statements.

You should. They represent your mentality pretty well.

Also, I don't think X11 is necessarily "superior" as a technology, but all existing GUI software for *nix is written for it.

And that means nothing should ever be better than it, right?

So clearly anything that wants to be a "successor" has to provide a clearly described and smoothly executed migration path, the burden of which should be on the people that want to bring about any change - the Wayland people.

Nope. Not at all. XWayland exists and works pretty well but that's all you get. There's no reason for a new protocol to hamstring itself just to be compatible with a protocol for a completely different world of computing. There's really not much they could do to improve Wayland for devs like you because you're lazy and you've shown it time and time again.

Also, the new thing needs to let my apps do at least everything the old thing was able to do (like recording the screen, setting icons and moving windows to random locations), or else it's not a viable successor for me.

What you consider viable doesn't matter. You can do screen capture with Pipewire. It makes no sense for anybody to put that capability into Wayland just to appease people like you who aren't interested in evaluating whether or not something is a good idea as long as it's familiar to them. And no, something being familiar to lazy devs isn't ever going to be more important than providing a better way of doing things for the ecosystem as a whole.

Is absolute positioning necessary for your pet project? No. Am I saying that nobody needs to be able to position windows with clients? No. I'm saying you don't need to for what you're doing. You can implement HelloSystem as a shell on top of Kwin which you're already using and it would allow it to run without a dependency on Xorg. You just don't want to do that because you already designed the UI as a few little clients because you think that's an excellent way to design things.

Just inventing something incompatible and then expecting everyone else to rewrite or port their software is imho just not reasonable.

There's literally no reason for the protocol to be backwards compatible. None. Like I said, XWayland exists to separate all the compatibility stuff out of Wayland.

It's like running around declaring "Gtk is dead, the successor of Gtk is Qt, now have fun. By the way, we will be phasing out Gtk in distributions soon. Oh, and by the way, Qt doesn't let you do (your favorite Gtk feature) at all".

Tons of projects have willingly ported from one to the other without being forced to and there are rare applications that use both. They're so unrelated and work so independently from anything else that this example isn't remotely similar. X11 needed driver support, app support, and a server running in the background in order for applications to work.

A successor is a replacement. It doesn't mean it's the new version of something, and it doesn't mean it's a drop-in replacement. It just means it takes the place of something else. Both are protocols used so that clients can work side-by-side in a window system in a coordinated way.

So, note, even though I do think that Qt is vastly better than Gtk, I think the above would just be a crazy approach.

That's nice. It would mean a lot if it were an effective comparison to make to begin with.

I've said this before but try to consider how you would have improved X11 or transitioned to it's successor. What would you change? How would you have done it and how long do you think the transition process would take?

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probonopd/Zoom.AppImage#8 ❌ broken since 1 Oct 2022 Zoom: "You need PulseAudio 1.0 and above to support audio share" on a system that uses pipewire-pulseaudio

Just want to point out that Probono still has an audio issue in his list of things he thinks a part of the graphics stack broke. He's been made aware that it's an audio issue, too. The person who opened the issue has even stated that nothing was actually broken, Zoom just threw an error message that was the result of a missing package but the user was able to ignore it.

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probonopd commented Feb 19, 2024

I've said this before but try to consider how you would have improved X11 or transitioned to it's successor. What would you change? How would you have done it and how long do you think the transition process would take?

I'd have slowly turned Xorg into Wayland, feature by feature, with ~5 years of compile-time depreciation warnings on features for which toolkit/application developers need to do something. Basically how Qt is doing it.

For example, if you are no longer supposed to call XChangeProperty(d, w, XInternAtom(d, "_NET_WM_ICON", true), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char*) off, asz); but something else, then trying to call XChangeProperty (...) _NET_WM_ICON should trigger a compile time warning telling developers what do call in order to set custom icons on windows in the future instead. It's how you morph something into something else slowly over time, rather than just throwing everything away at once and demand that everyone starts from scratch. Ideally, you'd make sure to have as few changes as possible on the outside (APIs/ABIs), and do all the modernization/refactoring on the inside, where no one outside of the Xorg/Wayland projects even has to see the changes. (Yes, it's still a pain that you need to touch application source code to go from Qt5 to Qt6, but at least there is a clear path showing you exactly what you need to do.)

Keep in mind that the best open source projects are often made by random guys with some limited spare time, who do not appreciate having to develop for a "moving target".

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A successor is a replacement. It doesn't mean it's the new version of something, and it doesn't mean it's a drop-in replacement. It just means it takes the place of something else. Both are protocols used so that clients can work side-by-side in a window system in a coordinated way.

You mean a hard fork of, Wayland is a dead end.

It is obvious time to find enough people willing to do that and continue and develop the X protocol furhter, update it accordingly and implement the changes in a more compatible and multi-platform fashion, voila, everyone (except the Wayland and GNOME people I guess) are happy.

This idea should just be discussed more broadly and publicly.

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probonopd commented Feb 19, 2024

Just want to point out that Probono still has an audio issue in his list of things he thinks a part of the graphics stack broke.

Can you try on a system without Wayland and without PipeWire?
It works correctly

All I know to need. Won't even start to look into issues that cannot be reproduced without Wayland/Pipewire.

(Side note: Interestingly, Pipewire appears to be actually a decent piece of software with a decent migration path - its architects were more thoughtful about not breaking existing software than Wayland's. In fact, it seems to be a better JACK server than JACK. About the only things I really don't like about it so far are that it smells like IBM Red Hat, has Gnome dependencies (glib, gstreamer, gobject, gio, gwhatnot), and that the Wayland people always push everyone into using it.)

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wayland would be good if mutter would die.

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All I know to need. Won't even start to look into issues that cannot be reproduced without Wayland/Pipewire.

Pipewire has nothing to do with Wayland and the person in question never mentioned Wayland once before you went on your hissy fit. To this day, we still don't know if that person is running a Wayland session. You're so lazy it's insane.

(Side note: Interestingly, Pipewire appears to be actually a decent piece of software with a decent migration path - its architects were more thoughtful about not breaking existing software than Wayland's. In fact, it seems to be a better JACK server than JACK.

Neither Wayland not Pipewire break existing software and neither is backwards compatible with the thing they're replacing. Pulse and Jack clients both work on Pipewire because of plugins that translate Pulse, Jack, and ALSA commands to Pipewire. It's exactly the same as XWayland.

Please stop saying dumb shit and learn about what you're talking about.

About the only things I really don't like about it so far are that it smells like IBM Red Hat, has Gnome dependencies (glib, gstreamer, gobject, gio, gwhatnot), and that the Wayland people always push everyone into using it.)

You're going to have to get over whatever conspiracy theories you cooked up in your head about Red Hat and Gnome/Gtk. Pipewire is made and maintained by Wim Taymans, a Red Hat employee who is one of the two guys who created Gstreamer. Gstreamer is not a Gnome project, it just uses Gtk and is named after it's use of Gobject, just like a lot of non-Gnome software including Webkit. Of course Red Hat is going to be behind a of things in the open source world, they've been around forever and pay a lot of devlopers.

Pipewire isn't pushed by "Wayland people". There are people in this topic who hate Wayland but love Pipewire. A lot of them use it for their audio backend because its low latency like Jack, uses less CPU than PulseAudio, and provides the same feature set as both. Since it also presents a unified way for applications to connect to different video streams whether they be from clients, compositors, webcams, or capture cards that is display protocol agnostic, supports sandboxed applications, and runs completely in user space, its the best way to do screen, window, and audio capture in both X11 and Wayland. I've also seen an article from a self-described X11 apologist who uses PulseAudio for his audio backend and only uses Pipewire for screen and window capture.

You're angrily protesting things that you do not understand, attributing things to people you've demonized for no reason, and you've overall crafted your own version of what you think is happening in the world around you.

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fgclue commented Feb 20, 2024

Hey everybody! OMG, let me tell you about Wayland! It's like super duper cool and stuff! 😃 First off, it's like this amazing new thing for your computer screen, and it's not like the old one called X11. Wayland is like the superhero of display servers! 🦸‍♂️

So, you know when you move your mouse or open apps, it's all smooth and fast? Well, that's because of Wayland! It makes everything snappy and quick, like whoosh! 💨 And guess what? It's like way better for graphics and games, so you can play your favorite games without any lagginess! 🎮

And, like, Wayland is like the best friend of touchscreens. You can touch and swipe all over your screen, and it's super responsive! 👆 Plus, it helps save your computer's energy, so it's like being eco-friendly and stuff. Wayland cares about our planet! 🌍

Also, it's like really good at keeping things safe and secure. No more worries about hackers messing with your computer! Wayland is like a fortress protecting your digital kingdom! 🏰 And you know what's even more awesome? It's open-source, which means lots of cool people work together to make it better for everyone! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Oh, and did I mention that Wayland is like super customizable? You can make your desktop look exactly how you want, with cool themes and backgrounds! It's like a magical land of computer dreams! 🌈✨

In conclusion, Wayland is just the coolest thing ever for your computer. It's fast, smooth, secure, and lets you do all the fun stuff with your screen. If I were a computer, I would totally want Wayland to be my BFF! 😄🚀 Yay for Wayland! 🎉

Conclusion: Please shut up. This argument has lasted for 4 years.

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fgclue commented Feb 20, 2024

Hey everyone! OMG, let me tell you about touching grass! It's like the coolest thing ever! 😃 First of all, it's all soft and tickly on your fingers. When you touch it, it's like a little adventure for your hands! 🌱

And guess what? It's not just green; there are all these different shades, like a rainbow on the ground! It's like nature's carpet, but you can feel it with your hands and not just your feet. So, it's like a magic carpet but for your fingers! ✨

When you touch grass, you can feel the tiny blades, and it's like a mini jungle! 🌿 It's so alive and wiggly; you might even find some bugs having a grassy party. Bugs are like the tiny friends of the grass, and when you touch it, you're joining their cool hangout! 🐞

Oh, and did you know that grass smells good too? It's like a mix of freshness and outdoorsy goodness! It's like the smell of a happy day, all wrapped up in green grassiness! 🌞

Also, touching grass is like a secret code with nature. You and the grass are best buddies, and when you touch it, you're saying, "Hey, nature, I appreciate you!" It's like giving the Earth a high-five with your fingers! 🌍

In conclusion, touching grass is the best thing ever! It's soft, tickly, and full of nature's wonders. So next time you're outside, don't forget to give the grass a little hello with your hands. It's like making friends with the ground, and that's just awesome! 🌈🤚 Yay for touching grass! 🎉

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It is obvious time to find enough people willing to do that and continue and develop the X protocol furhter, update it accordingly and implement the changes in a more compatible and multi-platform fashion, voila, everyone (except the Wayland and GNOME people I guess) are happy.

Evidently "everyone" means the ten people who post in this topic. Wayland is not Gnome-only project. KDE has supported Wayland for as long as Gnome has. Sway has literally created a library that multiple other Wayland compositors have been created with. System76's Cosmic desktop literally only supports Wayland. Just in the list of DEs I've mentioning, that accounts for like like 90% of open source OS users.

But yea, good lucking finding one guy to fix Xorg and X11 on your behalf. There's one antivaxxer who is responsible for nearly every merge request on the first two pages of Xorg's repository and most of them seem unrelated to XWayland so maybe he's your man. Everybody else is there just to improve XWayland so compositors can drop Xorg support as quickly as possible.

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fgclue commented Feb 21, 2024

It is obvious time to find enough people willing to do that and continue and develop the X protocol furhter, update it accordingly and implement the changes in a more compatible and multi-platform fashion, voila, everyone (except the Wayland and GNOME people I guess) are happy.

Evidently "everyone" means the ten people who post in this topic. Wayland is not Gnome-only project. KDE has supported Wayland for as long as Gnome has. Sway has literally created a library that multiple other Wayland compositors have been created with. System76's Cosmic desktop literally only supports Wayland. Just in the list of DEs I've mentioning, that accounts for like like 90% of open source OS users.

But yea, good lucking finding one guy to fix Xorg and X11 on your behalf. There's one antivaxxer who is responsible for nearly every merge request on the first two pages of Xorg's repository and most of them seem unrelated to XWayland so maybe he's your man. Everybody else is there just to improve XWayland so compositors can drop Xorg support as quickly as possible.

Hey myownfreind! OMG, let me tell you about how life is awesome! It's like the most amazing adventure ever! 😃 Every day is full of surprises and cool things. Life is like a big playground, and we get to play with friends, discover new stuff, and feel all the happy vibes! 🌟 So, myownfreind, go out there and give life a big high-five with your heart! Yay for the awesomeness of life! 🎉

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"There's one antivaxxer who is responsible for nearly every merge request on the first two pages of Xorg's repository?" That says quite a lot about concern for both viruses and "viruses." Since in the computer world a "virus" is more likely a worm, maybe the digital equivalent of Ivermectin is what would secure Xorg? Useless for virusses, good for worms especially worms in horses...

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Its very strange how people that often claim to be anti capitalist seem to clamber to Redhat's defense whenever they are slightly criticized.

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Pipewire isn't pushed by "Wayland people".

That's a good one. :-)

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talking about anticaptilism and vaccines on a thread about xorg

how did we get here

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this guy acts like changing display server shouldnt break applications that relied on the old display server

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this guy acts like changing display server shouldnt break applications that relied on the old display server

He's probably from Microsoft, these guys support apps from Win 95 era!

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zezba9000 commented Feb 23, 2024

@binex-dsk What are you on about? Wayland sucks in huge ways man. CSD is r*-arded and should NEVER be required by an OS.
Also Win32 is massively flawed yes, particularly because of its legacy Win16/DOS crap its modeled from. BUT its far better from an API standpoint than Wayland in terms of it just working. So is X11, Cocoa and every other Windowing APIs I've every used. Wayland is taking me 10x longer to re-implement what I've done in Win32, WinRT, Cocoa, X11, etc. So much in Linux is full of a niche groups creating echo chambers and patting themselves on the backs for dumb ideas that could have been avoided if they weren't so afraid to learn from Win & macOS. While yes those OSes are flawed and make huge mistakes too, at least least they work as one would expect without endless fragmentation. Also Win10/11 does not take up 8gb to boot. This is nonsense (while yes Linux is better here). Ok now call me a b**ch or something to make yourself feel better if needed...

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Hey everyone! OMG, let me tell you about touching grass! It's like the coolest thing ever! 😃 First of all, it's all soft and tickly on your fingers. When you touch it, it's like a little adventure for your hands! 🌱

And guess what? It's not just green; there are all these different shades, like a rainbow on the ground! It's like nature's carpet, but you can feel it with your hands and not just your feet. So, it's like a magic carpet but for your fingers! ✨

When you touch grass, you can feel the tiny blades, and it's like a mini jungle! 🌿 It's so alive and wiggly; you might even find some bugs having a grassy party. Bugs are like the tiny friends of the grass, and when you touch it, you're joining their cool hangout! 🐞

Oh, and did you know that grass smells good too? It's like a mix of freshness and outdoorsy goodness! It's like the smell of a happy day, all wrapped up in green grassiness! 🌞

Also, touching grass is like a secret code with nature. You and the grass are best buddies, and when you touch it, you're saying, "Hey, nature, I appreciate you!" It's like giving the Earth a high-five with your fingers! 🌍

In conclusion, touching grass is the best thing ever! It's soft, tickly, and full of nature's wonders. So next time you're outside, don't forget to give the grass a little hello with your hands. It's like making friends with the ground, and that's just awesome! 🌈🤚 Yay for touching grass! 🎉


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There's one antivaxxer who is responsible for nearly every merge request on the first two pages of Xorg's repository and most of them seem unrelated to XWayland so maybe he's your man

The debate is joever. I'm literally switching to X11 as we speak

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eXpl0it3r commented Feb 23, 2024

Setting the mouse position (i.e. XWarpPointer) also doesn't work anymore under Wayland, with no alternative (to my knowledge). See also: SFML/SFML#2750

Goes in the direction of "Wayland breaks automation software"

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@binex-dsk What are you on about? Wayland sucks in huge ways man. CSD is r*-arded and should NEVER be required by an OS. Also Win32 is massively flawed yes, particularly because of its legacy Win16/DOS crap its modeled from. BUT its far better from an API standpoint than Wayland in terms of it just working. So is X11, Cocoa and every other Windowing APIs I've every used. Wayland is taking me 10x longer to re-implement what I've done in Win32, WinRT, Cocoa, X11, etc. So much in Linux is full of a niche groups creating echo chambers and patting themselves on the backs for dumb ideas that could have been avoided if they weren't so afraid to learn from Win & macOS. While yes those OSes are flawed and make huge mistakes too, at least least they work as one would expect without endless fragmentation. Also Win10/11 does not take up 8gb to boot. This is nonsense (while yes Linux is better here). Ok now call me a b**ch or something to make yourself feel better if needed...


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zezba9000 commented Feb 23, 2024

@KieranCrossland Incorrect. These are holistic engineering problems. Blaming intrinsic design flaws on someone else for critical standardization issues is in fact Wayland's problem. Wayland doesn't even support an un-maximized event for crying out loud. 15 years and even the most basic things are missing from this API its laughable.

I actually can't believe how bad this API is tbh. It seeks to solve everything and thus solves nothing. In that it avoids standards (while claiming to be one) only to make it so now there is a lack of standard for the most fundamental aspects of an OS. This is not the way. Wayland is a disaster and tbh I now understand why Ubuntu was trying to make Mir.

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@KieranCrossland Incorrect. These are holistic engineering problems. Blaming intrinsic design flaws on someone else for critical standardization issues is in fact Wayland's problem. Wayland doesn't even support an un-maximized event for crying out loud. 15 years and even the most basic things are missing from this API its laughable.

I actually can't believe how bad this API is tbh. It seeks to solve everything and thus solves nothing. In that it avoids standards (while claiming to be one) only to make it so now there is a lack of standard for the most fundamental aspects of an OS. This is not the way. Wayland is a disaster and tbh I now understand why Ubuntu was trying to make Mir.

More meaningless ideological debate. The only way forward is the CLI.

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@KieranCrossland Incorrect. These are holistic engineering problems. Blaming intrinsic design flaws on someone else for critical standardization issues is in fact Wayland's problem. Wayland doesn't even support an un-maximized event for crying out loud. 15 years and even the most basic things are missing from this API its laughable.
I actually can't believe how bad this API is tbh. It seeks to solve everything and thus solves nothing. In that it avoids standards (while claiming to be one) only to make it so now there is a lack of standard for the most fundamental aspects of an OS. This is not the way. Wayland is a disaster and tbh I now understand why Ubuntu was trying to make Mir.

More meaningless ideological debate. The only way forward is the CLI.

I prefer braille display

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If I were a computer, I would totally want Wayland to be my BFF! 😄🚀 Yay for Wayland! 🎉

But which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland?

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Jokes aside I switched briefly to Wayland (on KDE Plasma) and everything went well until a couple days when I wanted to record something in OBS and realised there's absolutely no fucking way to record the screen or even a window?? My computer is not Snapchat, I want to be able to record my screen if I want to but apparently Wayland's security design is gonna force you to record things with a phone instead. If I ran malware on my system I'd be more worried about it sifting through my filesystem than snooping on the screen, what is the threat model Wayland is even supposed to target???

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But which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland?


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But which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland?

Wayland is not a display server.

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But which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland?

Wayland is not a display server.

You didn't answer my question, which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland? 🥺

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But which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland?

Wayland is not a display server.

You didn't answer my question, which display server would give the best cuddles, Xorg or Wayland? 🥺


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dm17 commented Feb 27, 2024

Jokes aside I switched briefly to Wayland (on KDE Plasma) and everything went well until a couple days when I wanted to record something in OBS and realised there's absolutely no fucking way to record the screen or even a window?? My computer is not Snapchat, I want to be able to record my screen if I want to but apparently Wayland's security design is gonna force you to record things with a phone instead. If I ran malware on my system I'd be more worried about it sifting through my filesystem than snooping on the screen, what is the threat model Wayland is even supposed to target???

Very well said. Their security model is the security model protecting the company employing them. And that company can only employ them if it follows with Apple/Microsoft/Google/Universities/etc. They create a sort of serialization for skill specialization to control the markets and the market talent - not to mention turn key solutions for government surveillance (which prints their money and likely are huge investors in their businesses).

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Braxton1981 commented Mar 6, 2024

Jokes aside I switched briefly to Wayland (on KDE Plasma) and everything went well until a couple days when I wanted to record something in OBS and realised there's absolutely no fucking way to record the screen or even a window?? My computer is not Snapchat, I want to be able to record my screen if I want to but apparently Wayland's security design is gonna force you to record things with a phone instead. If I ran malware on my system I'd be more worried about it sifting through my filesystem than snooping on the screen, what is the threat model Wayland is even supposed to target???

But but but hackers! It's for your cq-rity!! Indeed, the teams working on Wayland suspect that mouse activity/inactivity can reveal the presence/absence of the user to one of these hackers that want to see what's in your windows while rubbing his tiny hands, so now the Wayland devs are planning to disable the mouse at random intervals, to fake the user absence, somehow fooling a potential hacker which, instead of stealing what it came to steal, is already trying to pick captures and window positions from other applications, god knows for what.

That dusty keyboard in front of you is also a target for a hacker that is potentially already inside your Linux computer picking the position of other windows and other thingies, so more mandatory cq-rity updates are programmed for Wayland.
Wayland is the future so Fedora already implemented the mandatory mouse antihacker counter measures and people are so happy, users are claiming that are now safer than ever, thanks to the windowing protocol that disables everything for them to confuse hackers and provide us with cq-rity (They wrote that from X11 sessions for some weird reason [therefore, risking themselves] but who knows why).
Monitor is also a target for that damn hackers, so maybe it will also get randomly disabled in the short term, to provide cq-rity.

Other options, like that unsafe X mouse, monitor and keyboard, targetable connected devices that won't be randomly disabled to fake the user's presence/absence to protect you from watchy hackers, are dead, ancient and unsupported, and all dev power and hours are now dedicated to Wayland, our marvelous, safe, extra safe windowng protocol (safe).

Look to the horizon, look how bright looks the future of Linux and give thanks to that random individuals who had the marvelous idea that a windowing protocol should cripple itself to provide cq-rity, and moreover, that it should become the standard, disregarding decades of testing of that nasty X thingie. That Wayland blessing surely won't to weigh down the Linux experience and the Linux evolution for decades.

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This thread is pointless.

Just fuck Wayland, keep using X.Org forever, and don't listen to trolls, especially to paid RedHat shills. Listening to trolls is not good for your mental health.

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That's a nice picture.

lol wayland is garbage, obviously


It's crazy how many Wayland shills there are on Reddit.

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alerikaisattera commented Mar 8, 2024

It's crazy how many Wayland shills there are on Reddit.

Not just on Reddit. Anencephalic Wayland simps are really out of control lately

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Just fuck Wayland, keep using X.Org forever, and don't listen to trolls, especially to paid RedHat shills. Listening to trolls is not good for your mental health.

Both are scat, use Arcan instead

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Both are scat, use Arcan instead

Did it already stop crashing from every accidental breath?

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Did it already stop crashing from every accidental breath?

It never did, but since you are a troll, you can't know that

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Did Arcan remove the feature where it crashes after a few minutes if your CPU gets overloaded?

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That's a nice picture.

lol wayland is garbage, obviously


It's crazy how many Wayland shills there are on Reddit.

works on my machine

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mbkv commented Mar 9, 2024

Came here from a google search for wayland breaking kdbg window docking lol. had to reboot into just to open kdbg to dock my windows again

The only reason I can't go back to is my monitor's high refresh rate settings doesn't show up there. I'll fix that eventually just so I can copy screenshots again

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That's a nice picture.
lol wayland is garbage, obviously
It's crazy how many Wayland shills there are on Reddit.

works on my machine

What a pathetic response, lol.

Definitely not an argument.

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Came here from a google search for wayland breaking kdbg window docking lol

I am not a KDE user. What is it?

Not surprised anyway, Wayland doesn't have normal ways to interact between windows, so clipboard, multi-window apps and the other stuff is usually broken or done through epic crutches.

The only reason I can't go back to is my monitor's high refresh rate settings doesn't show up there.

Hm. I have a 144hz monitor. What does xrandr show?

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mbkv commented Mar 9, 2024



Came here from a google search for wayland breaking kdbg window docking lol

I am not a KDE user. What is it?

kdbg is kde debugger. as in lets you run debug builds of programs and set breakpoints. there's a feature that lets you open up the memory viewer tab into its own window. but afaik there's no way to put back the memory tab back into the main window

The only reason I can't go back to is my monitor's high refresh rate settings doesn't show up there.

Hm. I have a 144hz monitor. What does xrandr show?

I got a new monitor recently. it's a fairly recent model, and new stuff always tends to break in linux. I was just planning on ignoring until ubuntu 24.04 comes out next month

it's 4k at 150hz. wayland correctly recognizes it as

XWAYLAND0 connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
   3840x2160    149.96*+

but xorg only lets me set 144hz if lower it to 1440p. which just frankly scales awfully and is a blurry mess

DisplayPort-0 connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 596mm x 335mm
   3840x2160     60.00*+  60.00    50.00    59.94  
   2560x1440    144.00   120.00    59.95 

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Monsterovich commented Mar 9, 2024


kdbg is kde debugger. as in lets you run debug builds of programs and set breakpoints. there's a feature that lets you open up the memory viewer tab into its own window. but afaik there's no way to put back the memory tab back into the main window

So a multi-window application. They're totally broken in Wayland. In wine, this is especially interesting because Xorg and MS Windows display server are done in a similar way.

but xorg only lets me set 144hz if lower it to 1440p. which just frankly scales awfully and is a blurry mess

Are you sure your GPU/DP cable supports 4k at 150hz?

Maybe Wayland is just lying about it being 150hz because in real Xorg xrandr just returns what the driver reports.

Check this out, too ->

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mbkv commented Mar 9, 2024


Are you sure your GPU/DP cable supports 4k at 150hz?

Apparently without DSC, only 2 cables support that high of a bandwidth. my cable being displayport 2.1 which should be supported with DSC. I'm on new AMD hardware so DSC should be supported

Maybe Wayland is just lying about it being 150hz because in real Xorg xrandr just returns what the driver reports.

Just found out: Chrome (and in tangent Brave) Just Brave only actually outputs 60fps which really confused me when I ran ufotest. Firefox does show as 150 and is visually smoother than the 75fps example

Check this out, too ->

This leads me to believe isn't using DSC. I used the calculator to get it to work with reduced blanking which I think is fine, but it's spazzing out my second (lower res/framerate) monitor. As I mentioned I have fairly new hardware. So I'll wait for ubuntu 24.04 release before I get back into this again

Thanks for the help!

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Did Arcan remove the feature where it crashes after a few minutes if your CPU gets overloaded?

It never had, but since you are a troll, you can't know that

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mbkv commented Mar 9, 2024

Just found out: Chrome (and in tangent Brave) Just Brave only actually outputs 60fps which really confused me when I ran ufotest. Firefox does show as 150 and is visually smoother than the 75fps example

turns out because Brave was set to wayland, it was actually frame limiting to 60fps. strange

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It might be a Vsync thing if you're running 60Hz.

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That's a nice picture.
lol wayland is garbage, obviously
It's crazy how many Wayland shills there are on Reddit.

works on my machine

What a pathetic response, lol.

Definitely not an argument.

still works on my machine

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It never did, but since you are a troll, you can't know that

Quiet, Arcan shill.

I had tested it myself:

And hanged in their chat for a few months.

No more reason to mess with it and change anything than with anything Wayland-based.

I have a well-polished configuration and have polished it not for changing it for something for sure.

There are FVWM users who barely changed their configuration since 90s. Because they are serious adults and not CADT.

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mbkv commented Mar 10, 2024

It might be a Vsync thing if you're running 60Hz.

no I was using the flag "ozone-platform-hint" to force chromium/brave to render with wayland (otherwise text will look blurry because of monitor scaling). moving that back out to the xorg backend got to render at 150

It's probably a bug/missing feature on chromium's side. that said I can't use per monitor scaling anymore

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Quiet, Arcan shill.

I had tested it myself:

And hanged in their chat for a few months.

So, you are clearly trolling

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I had tested it myself:

based LOR member.

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jarrard commented Mar 12, 2024

A problem with a document like this is it VERY RAPIDLY gets outdated and misinforms.
I can see a lot of items on this list that are straight up wrong and misleading.

For example NVIDIA hardware with proprietary drivers DOES work under GNOME and PLASMA, even with VRR now. If the person writing this document can't figure that out, then it makes you wonder how many things are simply wrong!

Additionally it should be pointed out that MANY applications and distributions are not well configured out of box for Wayland so you get many things not working that actually do work if the ENV is setup correctly (Such as Firefox having Wayland support but rarely enabled by default)

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heisid commented Mar 12, 2024

I just upgraded to Plasma 6 which offered Wayland as default, so I gave it a try. One thing really bugged me, and not mentioned here yet: everything in Libreoffice looked so big (icons, menu, etc). Yes, after some googling I found a workaround, but still - why can't I just have it work out of the box without tinkering?

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jarrard commented Mar 12, 2024

why can't I just have it work out of the box without tinkering?

Only officially support fixes will ever be accepted. Work arounds are almost NEVER accepting in mainline apps or repos as fixes. ALMOST NEVER!

So yes many apps can just be fixed by changing a variable here and there, but that doesn't mean it will be the default behavior anytime soon.
It takes a consorted community effort/PUSH to developer/maintainer to have such fixes/solutions applied for out-of-box experience!

This is one of the major reasons Linux gets a bad rep. Out of box experience can be extremely troublesome.

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I just upgraded to Plasma 6 which offered Wayland as default, so I gave it a try. One thing really bugged me, and not mentioned here yet: everything in Libreoffice looked so big (icons, menu, etc). Yes, after some googling I found a workaround, but still - why can't I just have it work out of the box without tinkering?

are you using fractional scaling? plasma 6 probably doesn't scale x11 apps to non-integer scales by default (because x11 doesn't support that)

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are you using fractional scaling? plasma 6 probably doesn't scale x11 apps to non-integer scales by default (because x11 doesn't support that)

Liar, you can specify a fractional scaling value via xrandr.

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Why can you lie but we can't?

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iTrooz commented Mar 14, 2024

What do you think about security improvements ? (application isolation)

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maikelthedev commented Mar 14, 2024

I use Hyprland (wayland) and nobody can see my screen using so now I have to maintain two desktops, one with i3 (so X11) the other with Hyprland.

Whenever I do screen sharing I go back to i3 because it just works.

But I have customised so much stuff in Hyprland that it would be painful to use i3 as my daily driver. I use wayland specific tools for screen-shooting, wayland specific terminal, wayland this, wayland that. Too many applications don't want t work with X11 too now.

I suppose the future is using both forever until XWayland is no longer necessary by 2090.

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probonopd commented Mar 15, 2024

What do you think about security improvements ? (application isolation)

An unwelcome complication, especially because it is not opt-in. One of the reasons why stuff that has "just worked" for decades now breaks. I never had an issue with cross-application security breaches. But then, I don't run untrusted applications.

That kind of stuff belongs into an optional sandbox for those who need it.

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Javascript on an untrusted website IS an untrusted application. Worse, your porn site and your banking site both running in Firefox may be in the SAME window to Xorg and wayland alike, meaning the most dangerous security issue isn't fixable by the windowing system as the attacker and target are in the same window, just in different tabs

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probonopd commented Mar 15, 2024

@lukefromdc please provide a link to a working exploit in which browsing a website can do malicious stuff to other X11 windows. Never encountered that issue.

As you say, cross-tab attacks don't require X11 nor get mitigated by Wayland.

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Javascript on an untrusted website IS an untrusted application

This is why browsers are already doing sandboxing.

Worse, your porn site and your banking site both running in Firefox may be in the SAME window to Xorg and wayland alike

As long as you can't look at the memory of other processes, you're generally safe.

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maikelthedev commented Mar 15, 2024

You guys might be interested to know is another one that doesn't work with Wayland. Check their docs, search the world wayland and this:


Imaging telling a client who is used to (or any other similar software, this one in particular uses, you can't show them your screen because you've chosen to use a wayland based desktop.

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Imaging telling a client who is used to (or any other similar software, this one in particular uses, you can't show them your screen because you've chosen to use a wayland based desktop.

Imaging using Wayland. 😄

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Wah wah wah, I can't screen share to my 400lb coworkers through Zoom!!!

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lukefromdc commented Mar 16, 2024

@lukefromdc please provide a link to a working exploit in which browsing a website can do malicious stuff to other X11 windows. Never encountered that issue.

As you say, cross-tab attacks don't require X11 nor get mitigated by Wayland.

NOT going to bother, I use NoScript and don't bank or shop online. Just warning of what is possible.

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lukefromdc commented Mar 17, 2024 via email

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myownfriend commented Mar 17, 2024

You guys might be interested to know is another one that doesn't work with Wayland. Check their docs, search the world wayland and this:

Imaging telling a client who is used to (or any other similar software, this one in particular uses, you can't show them your screen because you've chosen to use a wayland based desktop.

In what world do websites implement Wayland or X11 specific code? Websites use OS-agnostic APIs to access hardware. For screen sharing, that API is WebRTC which is mentioned further down the page so as long as WebRTC works in your browser on your OS, Whereby is going to work.

That note is just saying "It's up to your browser's WebRTC support whether or not our product will work. We don't program support for specific browsers, OSes, etc."

So, yes, it does work on Wayland. You're probably dealing with a Hypraland screen sharing portal bug or something in Hypraland is mis-configured in some way. Do you have pipewire installed? Do you have the Hyrpraland portal installed?

Here's a test application for the Screen Sharing API that Whereby uses...

...and here is it capturing an application window on Wayland on my computer.

Screenshot from 2024-03-17 19-35-03

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birdie-github commented Mar 18, 2024

I've just tried Wayfire 0.8.1 which was released yesterday.

The official Firefox release is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2228 (horrible fonts, not using the selected GTK color scheme/theme)
The official Thunderbird release is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2227 (seemingly the opposite scaling ratio, not 1.25 but 1/1.25)
Audacious is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2039 (doesn't scale)

Sorry, maybe I don't understand Wayland and how modern it is. For me it's an ass, not modern.

XWayland is not installed here.

(Before you tell me to use what my distro compiles/offers, PLEASE STOP. I do not tell you how to run your software, OK? Almost all Linux distros drag their feet releasing new Firefox/Thunderbird versions (sometimes up to days, if not weeks) and I'm not a fan of running vulnerable software and exposing it to hostile JavaScript code.)

God this is fucking ugly. And RHEL 10 is already dropping the server and I'm almost sure Fedora 41 also will.

I abso-fucking-lutely don't care whose fault it is. I'm a user, not a dev. Wayland fans have been screaming for years it's perfectly ready and "everything works for me". Guess what, simple fucking rendering is broken.

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birdie-github commented Mar 19, 2024

GTK does not support fractional scaling:


AFAIK some people from the Wayland committee are GTK developers.


There is a new wayland extension, that allows for rendering at fractional scales directly in the application, so when you use a display with fractional scaling, there is no downscaling done by the compositor.

Support for this kind of rendering is going to wait until Gtk 5 -- implementing it in Gtk 4 would break ABI, and then the world would have to listen to cries about Yet Another Breakage. The current system, rendering at integer scale and then compositor-downscale is working fine since Gtk 3. Btw, exactly this way is how Apple does it, and it was lauded as a great way to support scaling.

Fuck this shit.

If you wanna persuade someone not to use Wayland, just give them this link:

18 open bug reports. It's fucking ready they said. What a shitshow.

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GTK does not support fractional scaling:

Uh, good morning.

AFAIK some people from the Wayland committee are GTK developers.

You realize this immediately by the behavior of these A-holes without even checking it out for real.

Support for this kind of rendering is going to wait until Gtk 5

And no one will solve the problem that on the desktop there are basically 4 incompatible versions of the same framework: GTK2/3/4/5. That is, if one considers that GTK4 is needed at all.

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birdie-github commented Mar 19, 2024

On several occasions now I've heard that GTK/Gnome developers do not give a fuck about users with "normal" DPI screens. GTK4 does not support font subpixel rendering. GTK2/3/4 - no fractional scaling support for Wayland.

I guess to use Linux with Wayland you must have at the very least a 4K 16" screen 'cause otherwise even on my 1440p 14" screen I see horrible scaling artifacts in GTK3 applications.

The idea to get away with vector based rendered (as used in X11/Windows/Android, from what I've heard MacOS is not vector based and suffers from the same issues as Wayland now) has backfired hard.

Either you do not use fractional scaling or you buy a very expensive monitor.

I'm looking forward to a new display server for Linux which is free from this madness.

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Whenever I do screen sharing I go back to i3 because it just works.

How does it turn out that there suddenly appeared so many i3 users, and why virtually no dwm/Awesome/XMonad/RatPoison/FVWM/etc. users appear in this thread? I suspect they just don't give a shit about Wayland because they understand how ridiculous the claims that it's supposed to suddenly replace X.Org are. I was stupid to take them seriously in the first place and to try to argue. My parent attempted to teach me to avoid reacting to bullying for the whole life, because that only intensifies the bullying, but that never really worked because I'm implacably stubborn and took feeding the trolls as a religion. OP still bites this bait somehow, instead of shutting this circus down.

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Why does it work perfectly for the people who actually know how to use computers, yet never works for the people who claim to be computer experts?

Perhaps it's a user issue... scientists are wondering

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bodqhrohro commented Mar 19, 2024

who actually know how to use computers

Facebook users think the same of themselves when they see someone who doesn't use it. A sign of illiteracy to them. They might even attempt to train you and suggest to assist in registering there.

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birdie-github commented Mar 19, 2024

Why does it work perfectly for the people who actually know how to use computers, yet never works for the people who claim to be computer experts?

That must be a fucking joke, right? Well, it was fucking stupid.

The bugs I've filed are confirmed. Maybe someone is too high on copium to admit that Wayland is not limited to Gnome/KDE or not so special HW configurations. Laptops with 14" 1440p displays are very common nowadays. No scaling makes everything tiny and unusable, 150% scaling makes everything too big, 125% looks about right and is exactly what I've been using in X11 (DPI=120).

Oh, wait, are you a member of the Apple cult? Are you implying I'm using Wayland wrongly?

Enlighten us as to how Wayland must be used and why it no longer allows me to get pristine pixel perfect output which worked for any resolution/DPI in X11.

One of the things which is oh so dear to people choosing Linux is mythology and very strong beliefs. Wayland fans trump Linux cultists even further, your myths are so strong, they are actually detrimental to the Linux ecosystem. You create an illusion the display server is a solved issue in Linux, while the reality is it's ass.

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guys and girls, don't screw my (and yours, of course) brains. Wayland works pretty well! Here's a video about how it works:

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myownfriend commented Mar 19, 2024

The official Firefox release is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2228 (horrible fonts, not using the selected GTK color scheme/theme)

Wayland has nothing to do with font rendering.

The official Thunderbird release is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2227 (seemingly the opposite scaling ratio, not 1.25 but 1/1.25)

Likely a Thunderbird specific issue.

Audacious is broken: WayfireWM/wayfire#2039 (doesn't scale)

This shows up blank.

GTK does not support fractional scaling:

It was well-known that GTK didn't support fractional scaling until a few weeks ago with GTK 4.14. Even before then though, GTK apps could be displayed at a fractional scale by having the app draw at the next highest integer scale and then having the compositor scale it down just like on Mac OS.

Here's a post talking about the new GTK renderer that supports fractional scaling. The author even uses the same scaling factor that you do, 125%. I've been running 150% scaling for the last 3 years under Wayland and I've had no issues even though the fractional scaling protocol didn't exist then.

As it relates to Firefox, I'm not sure that Firefox actually uses GTK for most things in it's UI considering part of what a rendering engine does is provide it's own widget toolkit. I do know that it doesn't have fractional scaling on by default though. You need to enable it in about:config. You can check if it's working properly by opening the Firefox console and typing in devicePixelRatio. That will give you the device's scaling ratio * the amount you're zoomed in in the browser. So in your cases it will report 2 or 2.0 right now. After enabling it, it should report 1.25.

AFAIK some people from the Wayland committee are GTK developers.

People from a bunch of a bunch of companies and projects work on Wayland. Gnome, KDE, Sway, Samsung, Intel, Mesa, Igalia, Collobora, and Nvidia devs all had a hand in the Wayland protocols.

Enlighten us as to how Wayland must be used and why it no longer allows me to get pristine pixel perfect output which worked for any resolution/DPI in X11.

Well you see that second part isn't true. Your own screenshot of "perfect output' in X11 shows the window decorations in X11 being about 1/4th the height it's supposed to be.


You're comparing UI scaling to scaling just the font. On X11, a lot of people would just change the font size and some apps will look alright that way but it's not actual fractional UI scaling because X11 had no way to inform the application of how to scale itself and the application has no way to tell the X11 compositor what scale it's drawing itself at.

The bugs I've filed are confirmed.

What does that mean? That you opened them? Sure, but why does that matter? You're pretty much talking to yourself in all of them.

Unsurprisingly, when I open up Thunderbird it shows at the proper scale.

Screenshot from 2024-03-19 15-37-17

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Laptops with 14" 1440p displays are very common nowadays

Lol, lmao even. Waste of money. Laptops are useless outside of a select few ThinkPads.

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If I am at a campsite, it's a hell of a lot easier to pull the laptop out of the bag and run it than to assemble my entire desktop setup outdoors and run it. That goes double if I have to run it off an inverter. I stuffed a cheap AMD laptop with 32 GB of RAM and added an NVME drive to supplement the spinning disk, getting a machine that can even handle some 4K video editing. Stock it could not handle 1080p in Kdenlive without resorting to a swapfile. Thankfully that was an upgradeable laptop with socketed RAM and disks. Now it's probably a march for my circa 2010-2011 desktop and 1080p video hasn't gotten any heavier since then. Try this sort of upgrade with a phone

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Let's go through your completely flawed "reasoning":

  1. "Wayland has nothing to do with font rendering."

Who the fuck cares? Why should I care? I run applications under Wayland and they look ass. As a user, does it even concern me when I get pristine output under X11? As a user, why should I be Googling why GTK will never support fractional scaling in still widely used versions 2 and 3? That looks like the protocol was completely misdesigned if a major UI library for Linux is unable to tackle this issue. We are talking about dozens if not hundreds of applications which forever will look bad on Wayland with fractional scaling enabled.

Secondly, I've never claimed Wayland has anything to do with font rendering. I've reported an issue which results in fonts looking ass. I don't give a flying fuck why the issue exists, I'm looking at crap rendering.

Thirdly, a user choosing Linux will get an ass experience if they venture to use what has worked for them (125% scaling) in both X11 and Windows.

  1. "Likely a Thunderbird specific issue.".

RHEL is dropping the Xorg server, Fedora 41 will likely drop it as well, we have a major, most popular Linux IMAP/POP3 client completely and utterly broken, and it's "likely"? Really? 15 years after Wayland was designed?

  1. "This shows up blank."

What shows blank? An issue is there, it's still relevant, Audacious using Qt5 which "ostensibly" supports Wayland ignores Wayland scaling settings.

  1. "It was well-known that GTK didn't support fractional scaling until a few weeks ago with GTK 4.14. "

"Well known", OMG, like really? This is the first time I've learned that. And speaking of GTK 4.14, which is used by what exactly? I don't have this library installed on my three Fedora boxes despite me having almost a dozen GTK applications. For whom exactly this release is relevant?

  1. "Well you see that second part isn't true. Your own screenshot of "perfect output' in X11 shows the window decorations in X11 being about 1/4th the height it's supposed to be."

That's true, it's not perfect, UI elements are not (always) scaled but fonts are rendered perfectly. I'm really sensitive to font rendering because that's what I'm reading off the screen approximately 90% of the time that I'm using my computing devices.

It's maybe not relevant for you because the vast majority of Linux users have never experienced how fonts could be rendered (properly). Sadly even in 2024 Linux (freetype and related UI libraries) still cannot come close to ClearType v2.

  1. "Unsurprisingly, when I open up Thunderbird it shows at the proper scale."
  • Not using Wayfire 0.8.1
  • Not using the provided settings (scale = 1.25)
  • Not using the official Thunderbird release

"Works for me" is not an argument.

This argument is probably the main reason why Linux will forever be a niche OS for tinkerers from the IT field. Autists of sort if you like (your nickname strongly indicates you could be autistic). Mass products like Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android work for the vast majority of people out of the box.

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bodqhrohro commented Mar 20, 2024

RHEL is dropping the Xorg server, Fedora 41 will likely drop it as well

Dropping X.Org doesn't mean dropping Xwayland to run apps which have issues with the native Wayland backend.

Sadly even in 2024 Linux (freetype and related UI libraries) still cannot come close to ClearType v2.

You want too much for free.

Go buy licensed $hindoWs, M$ shill, and get outta this thread.

Autists of sort if you like (your nickname strongly indicates you could be autistic)

Autism shaming is unacceptable here. Did you learn it from @mdevaev who bullied Metaprog for years for being an Aspie?

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024

Go buy licensed $hindoWs, M$ shill, and get outta this thread.

I've done more for Linux than you'll do in 100 of your pathetic live by asking people who are actually improving Linux to go away. I'm not a fucking anon leaving inane comments, "Works for me" (cue myownfriend). I do everything I can to make Linux a better OS for everyone. A bunch of belligerent screaming lunatics of course want to have their ass-broken OS only for themselves.

And I do own a Windows license, thank you very much, and enjoy this OS immensely. I game exclusively under Windows because Linux gaming experience is ass for a multitude of reasons. It has its own share of problems but they are due to Microsoft taking care of backward and forward compatibility, a concept which is alien for lunatics who don't even have an OS. Yes, Linux distros are not an OS.

An OS implies you can create binary software which works in all supported flavours of it. Too bad software compiled for Fedora 39 will not even work in Fedora 38, released 9 month prior. At the same time the vast majority of Windows software works starting Windows 7 and ending 11. I can compile software under Windows 11 and it will work in 7 granted I use the proper version of MSVC.

Microsoft completely replaced the graphics server in Windows Vista, yet they retained near perfect compatibility with over 15+ years worth of software written prior to WDDM. Not only Wayland does not retain any compatibility outside of being able to render X11 application windows and send input to them, it itself has major flaws which are yet to be tackled. If Microsoft had attempted this kind of crap, no one would have ever upgraded to new Windows versions. In fact they just removed the start menu in Windows 8 and it became a major flop.

Autism shaming is unacceptable here.

I did not shame the person, you're way over your head with your righteousness. The person provided an "argument" "Works for me" which indicates he neither cares, nor understands that there are other people using his toy. This is indicative of autism and I mentioned it, so that he could took that into consideration and tried to think outside the box. I may also have psychological disorders and my reasoning may also be flawed because of that. I'll gladly admit it and try to reason differently if that's the case.

Lastly, "shilling" implies I have my ulterior motives, e.g. I'm getting paid by someone to promote something.

The problem with you insulting me is that I have zero relationships with Microsoft or any Western companies. I'm from Russia, I live a god forsaken city (not Moscow), I have no ties with the outside world, my Russian credit card doesn't work outside Russia either because Visa and Mastercard have long severed their ties with the Russian banking system. I have a Google account for AdSense and I cannot even withdraw my pathetic earnings from it (a little over $100) because almost all Russian banks are disconnected from the SWIFT system.

Are you saying I'm promoting X11 or Windows? I absolutely do, because they work for lots more people than Wayland does.

Have a nice day!

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bodqhrohro commented Mar 20, 2024

Not only Wayland does not retain any compatibility outside of being able to render X11 application windows and send input to them

Customization software for Windows breaks with new releases just as well.

took that into consideration and tried to think outside the box

For what?

I was altruistic since my childhood, had to defend this value despite the upbringing which instilled me instead with caring of myself and relatives furthermost, and you know what, after that upbringing became irrelevant, I finally forfeited myself, because I see no point in that anymore.

Consoomers are too ungrateful to care about at all.

I just thought recently what would happen if I became a school teacher, got a butthurt from Viber, Google Classroom and all that proprietary 🐂💩, and attempted to run something self-hosted instead.

First problem would be an actual place to host it. VPS? in a remote country with personal data of locals? maybe okay. Host it right in the school? quit dreaming about a reliable power supply, and users would sporadically migrate to some proprietary 🐂💩 just because it's more stable. Even with a VPS, with small network hiccups for few minutes, I would quickly get tens of angry calls because they have a time-limited assessment and it was interrupted because of that, or so. Major services, despite of their inherent problems, are great at providing an excellent SLA. For free.

Now, the disk space. I know pretty sure they would quickly pile up a cheap €3 VPS (with 25 GB? maybe even 50 GB?) with large attachments like 41 MP photos of a screen on a slatephone camera embedded into a Word document. And a problem of additional disk space arises (and requesting budget funds for it: why if there are non-FOSS alternatives which provide virtually unlimited space for free or for a pretty low price?)

Server administration and willing to escape from governance are another, less important but not less influential topics, which would ruin such an initiative.

So would I even jump into it? No, thanks. Normies totally deserve the neoliberal consumerist concentration camp they build themselves by their ignorance and laziness. Let them rot there. And I? I would prefer to spend the rest of my days in a bunker, isolated from this omnigrowing madness as much as possible. Feel free to keep volunteering if you like your pink glasses.

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024

Customization software for Windows breaks with new releases just as well.

Customization what? In Linux there's no API to access WM window decorations - you can at most hide them, a feature that's been available in Windows since 95. Everywhere you look Linux sucks ass in terms of APIs.

I have literally a dozen of the Windows 95 era low-level display utilities still working in Windows 11.

Grasping at straws much? Everything even remotely low level from X11 is completely dysfunctional in Wayland.

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Customization what?

LeftSider, YzShadow, ObjectBar, SDMCP, whatever.

Orb Changer barely works beyond Windows 7 at all lol.

Only StarDock manages to upgrade their software (those they still support only though) and make it compatible with newer versions despite all the breakages.

I have literally a dozen of the Windows 95 era low-level display utilities still working in Windows 11.

And? Do you suggest to invent a time machine, go back into 90s and make a graphic API for *NIX systems as thorough and thought ahead as WinAPI/GDI are? So it won't be ditched for immaturity like Xlib/Motif were? I don't understand your complaint really.

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024

LeftSider, YzShadow, ObjectBar, SDMCP, whatever.

Linux WMs/DEs don't even offer APIs to allow for such apps to work/exist.

Often such Windows utilities plugged into private APIs which Microsoft had never intended for third-party developers to use. Your example while being valid is not exactly an argument.

Linux has no "private" APIs per se except for third-party proprietary applications.

And? Do you suggest to invent a time machine, go back into 90s and make a graphic API for *NIX systems as thorough and thought ahead as WinAPI/GDI are? So it won't be ditched for immaturity like Xlib/Motif were? I don't understand your complaint really.

There's no argument, just rambling. I'm just a big fan of compatibility and not breaking user-facing stuff which Linux is so fond/known of/for. At least some Linux developers are not evil in this regard, PipeWire being a prime example but that's almost a rarity.

I just want a single/common Wayland server implementation where you know for a fact most desktop features will work. Not a current zoo of implementations where the features that you get depend on the desktop that you've chosen. That's utter madness.

There's a huge misconception about my attitude towards Wayland. I do not dislike it. I dislike the way it's being implemented and how half-assed it's supported by UI toolkits. I really want Wayland to have a low-level rendering API akin to X11/XCB which GTK/Qt/whatever could use in order not to valiantly write solutions to all its peculiarities.

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024

I've kinda solved the issue with Firefox by enabling widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled in about:config however this option does nothing for Thunderbird which is still weeny tiny. Let's wait a couple more years.

This option comes with a number of serious regressions though:

Wayland is totally fucking ready they said. LMAO.


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Let's go through your completely flawed "reasoning":

1. "Wayland has nothing to do with font rendering."

Who the fuck cares? Why should I care? I run applications under Wayland and they look ass. As a user, does it even concern me when I get pristine output under X11?

You should care because you're the one suggesting what the issue is. Your defense doesn't get to be "I'm a dumbass about this issue and representative a typical user" even though you know what fractional scaling is and know that what you were doing in X11 is changing the font size. What typical user changes the font size in one thing then changes something completely different in another and goes "These two things are the same."?

As a user, why should I be Googling why GTK will never support fractional scaling in still widely used versions 2 and 3?

"As a user" means "as a dumbass who places himself as an authority in topics he knows nothing about." The typical user you're trying to paint yourself as doesn't know what fractional scaling, GTK, X11, or Wayland are. They probably wouldn't opt to use Wayfire either.

That looks like the protocol was completely misdesigned if a major UI library for Linux is unable to tackle this issue. We are talking about dozens if not hundreds of applications which forever will look bad on Wayland with fractional scaling enabled.

This also has nothing to do with the Wayland protocol and everything to do with them being old versions of the toolkits that are either no longer supported in the case of GTK2, or not getting feature releases like GTK3. You have the assumption that protocols are these magical things that, if you design them the right way, they'll seamless insert features into programs that weren't designed to have them. In this case, GTK2 doesn't even support Wayland and there's no way that Wayland could have been designed to fix that. GTK2 only support X11 because support for it was explicitly added.

Secondly, I've never claimed Wayland has anything to do with font rendering. I've reported an issue which results in fonts looking ass. I don't give a flying fuck why the issue exists, I'm looking at crap rendering.

Except for that fact that you said Wayland is at fault for font rendering looking like shit. I mean you're not even just comparing Wayland to X11, Wayfire to XFCE, and you're comparing 120% font scaling to 125% UI scaling. Why didn't you compare font scaling with font scaling and UI scaling to UI scaling? In fact in some cases you're comparing something being scaled up by 200% then down to 125% to something where just the fonts are being scaled 120%.

If you don't know what's wrong then asked. Don't make assumption as to what the issue is and then go on a tirade about it.

Thirdly, a user choosing Linux will get an ass experience if they venture to use what has worked for them (125% scaling) in both X11 and Windows.

You're not using 125% UI scaling in X11, you're using 120% font scaling. UI scaling in Windows works way more like Wayland than it does X11. In fact Wayland does a better job (at least in Gnome) because you don't see the app's UI pop between scales when dragging between two monitors. If an application only supports integer scales then both Wayland and Windows will tell the app to draw at the next highest integer scale then it will scale down on the compositor side. If an app doesn't support DPI scaling, then both will scale the application up on the compositor side.

RHEL is dropping the Xorg server, Fedora 41 will likely drop it as well, we have a major, most popular Linux IMAP/POP3 client completely and utterly broken, and it's "likely"? Really? 15 years after Wayland was designed?

Why do you care that it might be 15 years after the Wayland project started that Fedora would be dropping it? What similar transitions are you comparing it to? And why are people like you constantly citing the point where development of Wayland began and not from it's first actual release? If I said Windows Vista is 23 years old because it began development in 2001, would that make any sense? No, it came out in 2007, six years later.

What shows blank? An issue is there, it's still relevant, Audacious using Qt5 which "ostensibly" supports Wayland ignores Wayland scaling settings.

That issue was gone when I clicked it before. Probably a momentary Github problem.

4. "It was well-known that GTK didn't support fractional scaling until a few weeks ago with GTK 4.14. "

"Well known", OMG, like really? This is the first time I've learned that.

Myself and others have mentioned it in conversations with you on Phoronix before. It's not a shock that you apparently never heard of something that comes up in every single conversation about fractional scaling and GTK. It comes up so often that people started saying that Gnome can't support fractional scaling because GTK didn't and myself and others often explain to them that Gnome doesn't use GTK, it uses Clutter.

You've been using Linux for well over a decade and I've been using it since the end of 2020. Why do I know this shit and you don't ?

And speaking of GTK 4.14, which is used by what exactly? I don't have this library installed on my three Fedora boxes despite me having almost a dozen GTK applications. For whom exactly this release is relevant?

What kind of argument is this? Is this another "Weston isn't a shared library because I can't find anything else that depends on it" conversation? It's relevant because it's the one that adds fractional scaling.

GTK 4.14 was release 3 days ago. When distros send it out, any GTK4 application you have will be using it. I'm on Fedora 40 so my apps are on GTK 4.13.9-devel which already supports the new renderer so my GTK4 apps are using it. Yours will be, too. Why question its relevancy? Do you think a bunch of distros are going to refuse to send this and future builds of GTK out? That's so dumb.

That's true, it's not perfect, UI elements are not (always) scaled but fonts are rendered perfectly. I'm really sensitive to font rendering because that's what I'm reading off the screen approximately 90% of the time that I'm using my computing devices.

Then acknowledge that. Don't say that X11 allows you "to get pristine pixel perfect output which worked for any resolution/DPI in X11". You're getting a wonky UI because of the way you're scaling things in X11 while on Wayland you're getting slightly blurrier text if the application doesn't actually render at a fractional scale but the UI looks normal. If the application and compositor do support fractional scaling then Wayland gets you sharp text and non-wonky UI scaling.

If I recall correctly, you only use one monitor. Font scaling works in "any resolution/DPI" as long as you have only one resolution or DPI. If I shut off DPI scaling on my HiDPI monitor and just scale all text by 1.5x then the text on one of my monitors will be size I want and the text on the other will be 1.5x large than I want. Actually DPI scaling works across multiple monitors.

It's maybe not relevant for you because the vast majority of Linux users have never experienced how fonts could be rendered (properly). Sadly even in 2024 Linux (freetype and related UI libraries) still cannot come close to ClearType v2.

I was a Windows user for decades. Most Linux users have used Windows. I have Windows 11 installed in a VM and as dual boot. I'm satisfied with the font rendering on Linux. That being said, this doesn't have anything to do with Wayland or X11. It has to do with how toolkits render fonts.

* Not using Wayfire 0.8.1

Why would Wayfire be the issue? I thought you said Wayland was? I'm using Wayland and it's being scaled correctly so what's the problem? If you're suggesting it's a Wayfire issue then why bring it up as an issue with Wayland?

* Not using the provided settings (scale = 1.25)

Yea, I'm using 1.5x because scaling because that's what I use personally. Consider your issue was that Thunderbird wasn't scaling at all, what's the difference? This is what it looks like at 1.25x scale anyway.

Screenshot from 2024-03-20 06-03-32

* Not using the official Thunderbird release

The versions of Thunderbird on Flathub are official. Sure, I'm using the Beta because the release build is a system install when all my Flatpaks are user installs. That's not an issue though, because if it works fine in the Beta and doesn't in the stable version then that means the issue will be fixed in the next release and not an issue with a Wayland. That being said, the screenshot above is the exact build you were using.

It's weird that you find these differences to be relevant yet you'll compare two completely different features on two completely different DEs each using completely different display server protocols and think that's good data to make an argument against one of those things.

"Works for me" is not an argument.

It is because we're not talking about our differences of standards. You're saying something doesn't work because of Wayland and I'm here using Wayland and it does so clearly Wayland isn't the issue here. That's my whole point. I'm not trying to solve the problem you're dealing with, I'm trying to demonstrate that you're misdiagnosing the problem.

This argument is probably the main reason why Linux will forever be a niche OS for tinkerers from the IT field.

You're not really making a good argument that these things don't work out of the box, you're just demonstrating that whatever decisions you make based on the information you think you have seems to consistently not work for you.

Autists of sort if you like (your nickname strongly indicates you could be autistic).

I came up with the name when I was 13 to be funny and just kept it. I might be autistic but I'm not diagnosed so I don't really say I have it.

My transition to using Linux was far more recent then yours and what I used was Ubuntu. Ubuntu is the most popular distro and if any normy knows the name of a Linux distro, that's the one they know. I used it's defaults at the time were Gnome 3.38 with Ubuntu's taskbar and desktop icons extension, Wayland (because I didn't install Nvidia's proprietary driver yet), and the audio backend was Pulse. Considering I wasn't familiar with a lot, I was surprised at how smoothly things worked. I didn't experience any pain points until I installed the Nvidia proprietary driver and was downgraded to X11. Then I had a bunch of issues that I didn't have before and it nearly drove me away from Linux. Thankfully I found out about Wayland, I saw that Nvidia was planning to support DMA-buf then GBM, and knowing that it would improve was what kept me on Linux.

You tend to see yourself as being very representative of the average user who might try out Linux but you're not. The average user isn't going to use XFCE or Wayfire, they're going to use Gnome or KDE because they're the most popular and they're common defaults. It'll take a little bit before they're even aware of XFCE or Wayfire and they may or may not try them. Wayland isn't going to create a barrier for them, but X11 would absolutely would even if they don't know what either is. Obviously, Nvidia still has the most marketshare at least among people with dGPUs so their lack of support for implicit sync will cause issues (that became way more sever recently ) for those people but luckily, the protocols and MRs for explicit sync will be merged imminently and those problems should disappear, too.

You really don't have a good grasp on reality and leads you to some really bad conclusions.

Mass products like Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android work for the vast majority of people out of the box.

So does Linux, in some cases more so than Windows. I didn't have to install the drivers for my new Arc A770, they're part of the kernel so I had them already. I didn't have to download and install ASIO drivers for my audio mixer. It's a USB Audio Class 2.0 device and Linux has supported UAC 2.0 for years and years before Windows did. In fact, even now that Windows supports it, too, I still need to use ASIO drivers for some reason. I never had to install drivers for the PS4 controller or my Xbox controller either. All of my drawing tablets features work out of the box and I can access all it's settings via Gnome Settings.

I've actually considered installing it on my mom's computer because Gnome Software is a safer place for her to get apps than the Internet, she won't be forced to install updates, and all she really does is use Facebook and YouTube so there's really not much she'd need to re-learn. Also her webcam actually works in Linux but doesn't work in Windows.

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024


I'm not reading this.

I work with a complete OS. As a user I don't give a fuck what drives this OS. I don't give a fuck that "something has to be rewritten to support something else". I don't have to. It's not my fucking business. Wayland fanatics have been screaming for years now it's an excellent ready to work graphics environment, and in 2024 it still is NOT by a very long shot.

I want to get from it what is expected from a modern OS, and I'm not getting it from anything Wayland-related. Period. Your wall of text changes absolutely nothing in regard to my half-assed experience with Wayland.

The fact that 99.9% of Wayland users completely overlook how simple rendering is broken in Wayland, is also not my concern. I want to enjoy my PC, not have a heart attack from how ugly everything is in the forward-looking Wayland.

I'm out of this discussion for a year or two. Let's see if I can get basic web browsing and mailing in 2025 or 2026, let along any "advanced" features like screen shotting/recording/sharing or even having a clipboard manager for Christ's sake. Given that rendering is utterly broken I can imagine these features are even in a worse shape.

In X11 I have exactly zero issues at the moment. Everything works as expected. I don't even know I'm working with X11 and not e.g. with Windows.

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myownfriend commented Mar 20, 2024

I'm out of this discussion for a year or two.

Damn I hope so! Well really I hope you just don't come back because you're a (...)

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024


you're a (...)

Would be nice if you banned @myownfriend from this discussion.

A pathological liar and gaslighter who tries to brainwash people into believing Wayland is fine.

You'll come back with the exact same non-arguments and misinfo you've been saying for years and you'll continue acting like your lack of knowledge on stuff is actually why you opinion matters the most.

"misinfo" as in valid bug reports and screenshots showing how fractional scaling in Wayland turns applications output into utter shit? Yeah, I agree with that.

Maybe Firefox enables widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled by default? Nope it does not. Again, "misinfo". Maybe users should know this option exists and must be enabled? Nope, most do not, most do not care, they see shit on the screen and leave Linux.

Maybe Thunderbird looks OK? No, it's outright fucking broken.

Get the fuck out. People like you who dismiss valid issues are the reason Linux is a half-assed software compilation pretending to be an OS. It is NOT. It's a fucking mess.

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fredvs commented Mar 20, 2024

@myownfriend : You should also take a break. Believe me, your pretentious interventions are a disaster for Wayland's credibility.

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myownfriend commented Mar 20, 2024


you're a (...)

Would be nice if you banned @myownfriend from this discussion.

A pathological liar and gaslighter who tries to brainwash people into believing Wayland is fine.

Except I didn't lie about anything or gaslight anybody. I'm providing info. If that's what you think gaslighting and brainwashing is then add those terms to the enormous list of things you didn't look up lol

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@myownfriend : You should also take a break. Believe me, your pretentious interventions are a disaster for Wayland's credibility.

"Pretentious interventions" like what? And what do I have to do with Wayland's credibility especially amongst a group of people who hare Wayland and do really know why? I have nothing to do with Wayland lol

Gotta love that if you check the Firefox related issue that Birdie linked to, he actually enabled fractional scaling right after I told him about it, it fixed his issue, and he closed the issue because of it.

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I'm providing info.

No one fucking cares about "info", don't you get it?

People want to work with their OS, not "get the info why this, this, this and this is utterly fucking broken" and what's worse is that Wayland which was supposed to make the display server in Linux better currently makes it worse.

Currently, in March 2024, for the vast majority of users X11 provides a better experience than Wayland. That's "info". Not your wall of text why this is the way it is.

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birdie-github commented Mar 20, 2024

Gotta love that if you check the Firefox related issue that Birdie linked to, he actually enabled fractional scaling right after I told him about it, it fixed his issue, and he closed the issue because of it.

I didn't see shit from you, you're so crazy. The linked issue has zero comments from you.

Everyone, please open the below issue and Ctrl + F for "myownfriend".


[ad-hominem removed]

I've googled for this Firefox option, no one even mentioned it before me in the bug report.

[ad-hominem removed]

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Would be nice if you banned @myownfriend from this discussion.

I don't think github gists have this feature.

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myownfriend commented Mar 20, 2024

Gotta love that if you check the Firefox related issue that Birdie linked to, he actually enabled fractional scaling right after I told him about it, it fixed his issue, and he closed the issue because of it.

I didn't see shit from you, you're so crazy. The linked issue has zero comments from you.

I mentioned it in this topic 18 hours ago that Firefox has fractional scaling off by default and that you need to enable it in about: config.
That was in a post in response to you. A few posts later, you responded and a few posts after that you claimed you figured it out.

It's literally right in the topic.

This person is literally insane.

Oh gawrsh. I guess I'm "literally" insane for literally say what literally fixed your issue in a post that was literally directed at you then you literally did posted afterwards about that literal solution... literally.

I got so wound up, time to calm down now that it's obvious that Mr. myownfriend is not entirely sane. Not his fault, not gonna shame anyone here, I just thought I had been dealing with a sane person. I was wrong. My apologies to everyone here.

Hey man, I get it. You're not the first person I've seen get wound up when their fragile ego was hurt.

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No one fucking cares about "info", don't you get it?

Least of all you and the others in this topic? It's gets in the way of all your complaining about Wayland is shit and ugly and nothing works etc.

People want to work with their OS, not "get the info why this, this, this and this is utterly fucking broken"

The OP of this topic and most post of the posts are exactly this except they're all saying it's Wayland even when it isn't.

And what's worse is that Wayland which was supposed to make the display server in Linux better currently makes it worse.

It's not making it worse.

Currently, in March 2024, for the vast majority of users X11 provides a better experience than Wayland.

Based on...?

That's "info". Not your wall of text why this is the way it is.

Nah my wall of text provides actually info. You bitching about something you seem to final be admitting you know nothing about is not info.

Good job taking a year or two off from this discussion. Seems I gave you too much credit with the month to two month estimate.

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Perhaps Linux users don't like your comments because you can't go 5 words without swearing...

Swearing has no place in a discussion like this.

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Again, the actual reason that I'm hated in the Linux community is because for the vast majority of its most vocal representatives it's a sort of religion and I try to destroy misconceptions and myths about it every day.

So said the Pharisees.

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The average user isn't going to use XFCE or Wayfire, they're going to use Gnome or KDE because they're the most popular and they're common defaults

Do I need to explain how wrong and stereotypic this statement is?

XFCE is a default on many LiveCDs, which are useful even for Windows-only users to repair the system and make other maintenance things like phone flashing. It's also one of defaults in Linux Mint, along with MATE and Cinnamon.

And OP has recently discovered Wayfire is already a default in Raspberry Pi OS. You could argue Raspberry Pi is some geeky thing, but not really, I encounter too much nearly-normies (100% normies don't voluntarily encounter GNU/Linux at all) exploiting it for various home server things.

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birdie-github commented Mar 21, 2024

It is.

As long as [...] is in this topic, I'm not going to post here ever again: I found widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled on my own. Period. And to make things worse this option does not result in Firefox working nearly as well as it works in X11 with a non-standard DPI. A basic feature of the modern desktop is outright broken for everyone who ventures to use fractional scaling in Wayland. Wayland is ready and I'm out.

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I'd say Wayland just has teething issues. We just need to wait for it to grow its beard.

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I'd say Wayland just has teething issues. We just need to wait for it to grow its beard.

Teething occurs around 1-2 years, not 15. ;)

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It is.

As long as this egregious gaslighting liar is in this topic, I'm not going to post here ever again: I found widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled on my own. Period. And to make things worse this option does not result in Firefox working nearly as well as it works in X11 with a non-standard DPI. A basic feature of the modern desktop is outright broken for everyone who ventures to use fractional scaling in Wayland. Wayland is ready and I'm out.

Everyone? I guess I'm not included in everyone because I tried it and it worked. Then again it seems like everything works in Sway and KwinFT but not others...

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I've been using Wayland for 4 years and haven't had 99% of the issues listed here. You are all exaggerating everything. X11 has been broken for decades. I could write a book on the years of suffering i've gone through with screen tearing on Nvidia laptops because Vsync didn't actually sync the video buffer between the two GPUs, only between the integrated GPU and the screen.

X11 was a dumpsterfire since its inception. Who thought a single, hacked together crapware should be shared between like 10 different operating systems and 100 window managers?

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I've been using Wayland for 4 years and haven't had 99% of the issues listed here. You are all exaggerating everything.

Another kiosk user.

X11 has been broken for decades. I could write a book on the years of suffering i've gone through with screen tearing on Nvidia laptops because Vsync didn't actually sync the video buffer between the two GPUs, only between the integrated GPU and the screen.

Are you talking about NVidia prime? What does this have to do with Xorg?

Who thought a single, hacked together crapware should be shared between like 10 different operating systems and 100 window managers?

Real engineers who know what unification and standards are and you should too.

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8bitprodigy commented Mar 24, 2024

Teething occurs around 1-2 years, not 15. ;)

These sort of committee things take a while. I do like what Arcan is doing, though.
But X11 sucks, and so does Wayland, but it's sucking less as time goes on.

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Another kiosk user.

Yes, the well-known kiosks of... the ThinkPad x220, 2004 Dell Inspiron, and a Ryzen 7800X3D & RX 6600 desktop.

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fwiw, wrt to redshift, the current version of gnome has working night light in wayland, and there's also a program called xwaylandvideobridge now that helps obs-studio work

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Another kiosk user.

Yes, the well-known kiosks of... the ThinkPad x220, 2004 Dell Inspiron, and a Ryzen 7800X3D & RX 6600 desktop.

Yes, it's a shame to use a kiosk on such hardware.

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Why form a coherent argument when you can use a strawman?

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mbkv commented Mar 25, 2024

interesting news popped up. SDL reverts a commit that prefers wayland over x. some choice quotes:

Wayland has a myriad of unresolved problems regarding surface suspension blocking presentation and the FIFO (vsync) implementation being fundamentally broken leading to reduced GPU-bound performance.

There is no advantage to games and average applications preferring Wayland over X11 -- only severe performance and unusability regressions right now.

Thus, we must revert this change until fifo-v1 and commit-timing-v1 are released and at least in a stable release for major compositors.

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probonopd commented Mar 25, 2024

fwiw, wrt to redshift, the current version of gnome has (...)

Thanks @andrewfader, you probably want to genuinely help by sharing this information, but unfortunately this is exactly the kind of answer that always drive me nuts. When people have issues with Wayland, "solutions" are offered that only work in certain desktops. Redshift on X11 works in a truly desktop environment agnostic way. Wayland tends to be a pain especially for those of us who are not running the 1-2 largest desktop environments.

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And OP has recently discovered Wayfire is already a default in Raspberry Pi OS.

And it's broken like hell. For example, try to run the standalone Dexed exe using wine. Screen sharing is broken as well.

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Wayland tends to be a pain especially for those of us who are not running the 1-2 largest desktop environments.

Sway is not a "desktop environment", yet every single one of the problems you listed here doesn't happen to me.

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Well, Sway was specifically made for Wayland. Whereas the software we have been using for decades was made way before Wayland was a thing.

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i3 was made specifically for X11. Openbox was made specifically for X11. DWM was made specifically for Windows (or X11 if we're talking about Suckmore's). Quartz was made specifically for macOS. LXDE/LXQT were made specifically for X11. What's your point?

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@probonopd I get it. It's annoying. The ecosystem is fragmented and there are many actors who are acting on behalf of stakeholders or some political goal, not the user experience. Just look at nvidia, what a nightmare, but things have been better lately. I'm just trying to be helpful, not engage in a flamewar. I use Wayland despite the pain because I find it a lot more secure and stable, and support has been improving, so maybe someone finds this info helpful in their own quest. But in 2024 it is possible to solve a lot of problems and there are some advantages to doing so. Redshift alternatives - wlsunset, clight, gammarelay, gammastep are mentioned at - I do use Gnome, but I imagine hyprland or whatever else can take advantage of those if they use wlroots for compositing.

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@binex-dsk my point is that virtually all software on "Desktop Linux" was made for X11. And we want to continue using that software without having to change it too much. I didn't ask for this Wayland thing to exist in the first place, much less for desktop environments nor Linux distributions to make it the default. From the perspective of a normal user, Wayland is splintering and hence destroying what was previously a more or less working platform. Writing this from a Windows machine.

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probonopd commented Mar 25, 2024

@andrewfader a Nvidia user myself, I never had issues when using their drivers for X11 on Linux (or FreeBSD for that matter).

I am in no way affiliated with Nvidia. But if I were them, having invested tons of money into X11 drivers, I'd not be happy if the Wayland folks came along and rendered my investment useless, forcing me to rewrite stuff. Maintaining one driver for Linux is probably already only borderline profitable, much less two different ones. So from a business perspective I can understand them being hesitant about this whole Wayland thing.

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Monsterovich commented Mar 25, 2024


I get it. It's annoying. The ecosystem is fragmented and there are many actors who are acting on behalf of stakeholders or some political goal, not the user experience.

No, you don't. If you were, you wouldn't be using Wayland.

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binex-dsk commented Mar 26, 2024

Why are overweight Reddit users like @Monsterovich so angry?

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Yankee thinks everyone on this planet uses Reddit.

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Yankee thinks everyone on this planet uses Reddit.

Lol, the people in this thread act like they do

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probonopd commented Mar 26, 2024

Full ack. And Fedora, Gnome, Red Hat are usually the leaders when it comes to "hostile change". But this time KDE is also pushing for the (in my opinion premature) change, and even Cinnamon, Mate, and Xfce are working on Wayland. Hopefully they will not push it onto people until it is ready (which I expect no sooner than 5-10 years down the road). For the rest of us, there is GNUstep which as far as I know has no plans to go Wayland.

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For the rest of us, there is GNUstep which as far as I know has no plans to go Wayland.

For the rest of us exists pure X.Org with no WMs which obviously also has no plans to go Wayland.

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And we obviously need something like libdecor to force any X11 clients to allow modifying at least their geometry and z-order with no need in a window manager.

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This would be the opposite to the Wayland's idea "only the compositor know how surfaces are positioned", in favour of "only clients know how they are positioned". Enjoy the minarchism!

As a Classic MacOS lover, you also should embrace the idea of ditching the preemptive multitasking. It has brought so many disasters, like crackling sound in PulseAudio and PipeWire, thrashing, 12309 and so. Cooperative multitasking is much better. I love when SheepShaver freezes completely because some app fails to release its time quantum to the system!

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Full ack. And Fedora, Gnome, Red Hat are usually the leaders when it comes to "hostile change". But this time KDE is also pushing for the (in my opinion premature) change, and even Cinnamon, Mate, and Xfce are working on Wayland. Hopefully they will not push it onto people until it is ready (which I expect no sooner than 5-10 years down the road). For the rest of us, there is GNUstep which as far as I know has no plans to go Wayland.

At MATE, we are not interested in forcing anyone to use wayland. Rather, we are bringing up wayland support so no distro forces users to give up MATE by dumping x11. It was in fact reports of distros considering "sunsetting" x11 that caused me to take up this work.

Staying on old distro versions can become a real problem if you lose a system to electromigration, a power surge, or thieves. You can get another off the shelf motherboard and CPU in an hour, but they will be newer versions that may need at least a newer kernel. X11 or wayland, you may need a new mesa version too to go with newer graphics.

I have made MATE on wayfire my own default session, but that's to keep the issues in front of me as I am doing much of the wayland work. As I've said several times before, we will be there so long as you can get either x11 OR wayland from distros, no matter which way this goes. We are not betting anything on this competition's outcome.

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no distro forces users to give up MATE by dumping x11

Debian did drop Compiz from the repos somewhere in mid-10s, and? Did it stop me from using it? no.

Staying on old distro versions can become a real problem if you lose a system to electromigration, a power surge, or thieves


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Using a VM will cost performance (more code to run) and jack up your system requirement. An extreme example of this is the ultra-high security "qubes" distro that runs each toplevel app in a separate VM.This makes it hard for ANY app to harvest hardware information and just as hard for one app to spy on another.

Qubes is reputed among some of its users to be a mouthful, and sometimes too much for a small, high-portability laptop. At least 32GB of RAM recommended (16 required ) for instance due to so many VMs running at once. I did in fact manage to stuff that into a laptop that came w 4GB so I could edit 4K video on it

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For the rest of us, there is GNUstep which as far as I know has no plans to go Wayland.

For the rest of us exists pure X.Org with no WMs which obviously also has no plans to go Wayland.

And if they decide to drop x11 support in the libraries like gtk and qt itself, is that even possible?

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It would be GTK5 that drops x11 support in that case. Few non-GNOME programs have even gone to GTK4, we have no plans at MATE to do so. If this because a big enough problem, you might even see a "WaylandX" compatability layer to let wayland apps run in x11. That however can already be done, by nesting a wayland session inside an x11 session just like nesting X inside X. Done this myself when I was first getting wayfire up and running on my system.

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like gtk and qt itself

Bloated and unusable anyway, even more with years.

Suckless software tends to avoid them and use pure Xft.

(@binex-dsk triggered in 3… 2… 1…)

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It was in fact reports of distros considering "sunsetting" x11 that caused me to take up this work.

This gist partly exists in order to remind everyone, including distros, that "sunsetting" X11 anytime soon (i.e., in this decade) would be a very bad idea. I am not sure that everyone obediently jumping onto the Wayland bandwaggon is really helping (despite good intentions): It just makes it easier for distributions to go ahead with the "sunsetting". If many popular desktops don't offer Wayland yet (because it doesn't have what it needs yet), then it is harder for distributions (who want to keep the users of said desktops) to jump ship.

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probonopd commented Mar 28, 2024

So what is an actual solution to this?

If I had to make a plan on how to make Wayland viable, I'd:

  1. Stop positioning Wayland as an X11 successor. Position it as what it is, an incompatible alternative instead. Acknowledge that it will live alongside X11 for decades to come.
  2. Do not assume that all existing software (still) has developers who are interested in further developing it, just because there now is Wayland. Many applications were made decades ago and don't see much active development anymore, but are still used every day. So make XWayland a first-class citizen to ensure that existing software runs at least as well as before without code changes or recompilation
  3. Acknowledge that every functionality in X11 that is in active use is actually wanted and useful for someone (even if it is not you). Never say things like "applications should not be able to do this", or "in order to do this, you need ". If Wayland wants to become a worthy alternative to X11, then it must not leave out significant portions of what X11 can do (and is in active use)
  4. For every functionality in X11 that is in active use, describe a clear migration path for those developers who do want to port their software to Wayland (e.g.: How can my application position its window in absolute pixel coordinates and set an arbitrary icon on the window)
  5. Create /usr/bin/wayland - one universally shared display server (compositor) that is agnostic and entirely independent of any particular desktop environment. So that what is supported in "Wayland" is supported in all desktops, just like with X11. Stop using the "Wayland is just a protocol" as an excuse why stuff is broken in different ways in every desktop environment.
  6. Do not assume that Wayland desktops applications are following any of the XDG specifications (such as desktop files). Those are too limiting and dictating how desktops and applications should work. E.g., GNUstep does not use them at all, and for that reason has features that no XDG based desktop environment has.

Yeah deprecating Xorg and defaulting to Wayland isn't ideal, but if nobody is maintaining Xorg wouldn't it break eventually?

According to some Wayland proponents, Xorg hasn't been maintained for a while, yet it is working just as well for me as always. In fact, I consider the best software "mature" in the sense that it is no longer a moving target but a stable platform that doesn't change anymore in unexpected ways.

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probonopd commented Mar 28, 2024

I do it on GNOME no problem

That is precisely the issue with Wayland.

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probonopd commented Mar 28, 2024

I've never wanted to (...)

So what? There are people who do.

set a window position outside of dragging windows to snap positions/Exposé

If you are running a complex desktop application with many floating windows (a.k.a. palettes, think professional software, not a toy/mobile "app" like the ones that ship with Gnome), then you might see why this is essential.

I've never witnessed GNOME on Wayland crash since late 20/early 30 Fedora.

These are all promoted by IBM Red Hat. As soon as you stay closely inside their software stack, stuff tends to (halfway) work. But the Unix philosophy is that you can freely mix and match any element of the software stack. And IBM Red Hat tends to really make that hard, because their stuff tends to either explicitly (think: dependencies) or subtly (think: it was tested together) depend on each other. Try to replace any software that is promoted by IBM Red Hat with an alternative (e.g., Glib, Gtk, gdm, Gnome, systemd, Wayland, Pipewire, OSTree, Flatpak, Fedora, etc.), and you will see what I mean.

There is not one /usr/bin/wayland display server application

Why would I care about this? GNOME on Wayland

Because as soon as you use something else than "GNOME on Wayland", you will encounter a different set of features, different breakages, and other bugs in the compositor. Unlike with X11, where you can rely on display server functionality to work in the same way no matter which desktop environment you are running.

Now imagine you are an application developer trying to make stuff work consistently across all desktops. Then it should be obvious what the problem is.

Recording full displays and windows works perfectly from OBS Studio on GNOME on Wayland,

It does not work at all on other combinations. Point in case, see the above.

Wayland breaks drag and drop

I do it on GNOME no problem

It does not work at all on other desktops. E.g., on Raspberry Pi OS, I cannot drag a file from an archive to the desktop when Wayland is enabled.

I don't do color management anyway

So? If you were a professional graphics designer, you would be dependent on it.

Wayland breaks windows rasing/activating themselves

I'd raise that as a benefit

Well, how hard would it be to make it an opt-out thing via a config?

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Suckless software tends to avoid them and use pure Xft.

I tried Suckless software once. Somehow used up more resources than a pure Qt application.

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lukefromdc commented Mar 28, 2024

It was in fact reports of distros considering "sunsetting" x11 that caused me to take up this work.

This gist partly exists in order to remind everyone, including distros, that "sunsetting" X11 anytime soon (i.e., in this decade) would be a very bad idea. I am not sure that everyone obediently jumping onto the Wayland bandwaggon is really helping (despite good intentions): It just makes it easier for distributions to go ahead with the "sunsetting". If many popular desktops don't offer Wayland yet (because it doesn't have what it needs yet), then it is harder for distributions (who want to keep the users of said desktops) to jump ship.

Sorry, I'm not willing to let MATE be held hostage by the outcome of this dispute/competition. If GNOME 3 had been the default in 2005, I could very easily have gotten stuck with MS Windows and all of its dangerous security problems and back doors.

I don't see distros changing decisions about keeping or dumpinmg Xorg over loss of any DE that is not their primary DE. This could well be like a proposed highway or pipeline: by the time it is being discussed in public, the people who make the decisions have already made up their minds. That ship may have sailed a year ago.

Very much for the proposed steps to make Wayland more viable though

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Can see your point @lukefromdc. Thanks for working on MATE.

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fgclue commented Mar 31, 2024

thank god you guys have calmed down today

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fgclue commented Apr 1, 2024

thank god you guys are still calm today

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hendrack commented Apr 2, 2024

thank god you guys are still calm today

Everyone busy with xz-utils. :D

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fgclue commented Apr 2, 2024

thank god you guys are still calm today

Everyone busy with xz-utils. :D


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zarlo commented Apr 5, 2024

this read like some one saying linux breaks every thing after coming over from windows

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Someone voluntarily switching from Windows to Linux (or vice versa) is something entirely different.

We are talking about users who have been using the *nix desktop. Now this new thing comes along and breaks stuff.

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We are talking about users who have been using the *nix desktop. Now this new thing comes along and breaks stuff.

Soo.. don't use the new thing?
And if your distro is actually removing X11 use another distro?
But no, that would be too logical and obvious.

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The new thing wants to win over the users of the current thing. So it needs to be compatible with the current thing, or at the very least provide a clearly documented and sensible migration path imho.

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Consolatis commented Apr 5, 2024

So there must never be something in general that does things differently from before, I see.
I guess that is why we are still punching holes in cards.

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probonopd commented Apr 5, 2024

Thing is, Wayland doesn't allow us to do certain things at all (e.g., work properly without the need for additional dependencies like portals and Pipewire, set the absolute position of windows or set custom icons on windows).
If magnet tape wanted to replace punch cards but wouldn't allow you to store certain numbers, maybe people would have kept punching until that issue was resolved.

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If magnet tape wanted to replace punch cards but wouldn't allow you to store certain numbers, maybe people would have kept punching until that issue was resolved.

Right, so just keep punching then?
Or try to improve the magnet tape protocols or implement shiny new compact disks rather than maintaining this gist.

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zarlo commented Apr 5, 2024

Thing is, Wayland doesn't allow us to do certain things at all (e.g., work properly without the need for additional dependencies like portals and Pipewire, set the absolute position of windows or set custom icons on windows). If magnet tape wanted to replace punch cards but wouldn't allow you to store certain numbers, maybe people would have kept punching until that issue was resolved.

that's not the same thing, Wayland just have a more refined scope then X11 does

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

The new thing wants to win over the users of the current thing. So it needs to be compatible with the current thing, or at the very least provide a clearly documented and sensible migration path imho.

Perhaps this is what was intended. To ensure that widget set developers are discouraged and thus impose their own Wayland widget set.

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Consolatis commented Apr 6, 2024

Last I heard is that Qt and GTK are mostly working fine for the absolute majority of applications with their wayland backends.
Also, most wayland compositors still provide the X11 API via xwayland as well so not sure what "impose their own Wayland widget set" refers to.

I am still trying to figure out what the motivation of this whole gist is and what audience it targets. It indeed somewhat sounds like some MS fanboy needing to tell the whole word that a Linux desktop is unusable because there is no explorer.exe and no registry editor.

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

Qt and GTK are not alone in the world. Sorry if you dont understand "impose their own Wayland widget set" and the big regression that this represents for the concept of opensource. But I know, it's very fashionable to follow the herd, like a sheep.

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. It indeed somewhat sounds like some MS fanboy needing to tell the whole word that a Linux desktop is unusable because there is no explorer.exe and no registry editor.

Their argument is "it doesn't work when I use incompatible software"

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

By the way, a good exercise for the “Wonderful AI Revolution”: create a converter from X11 methods to Wayland methods.
I give it code for an application that uses a widgetset using X11 methods and it will convert it to source using Wayland.
From C++, Java and Pascal.
Come on AI, show me your code.

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Sorry if you dont understand "impose their own Wayland widget set" and the big regression that this represents for the concept of opensource. But I know, it's very fashionable to follow the herd, like a sheep.

Now I get it, its like when in the past X11 was being used by more and more people and that caused grep, emacs and vim to die. Thanks for enlightening me, maybe there is a small chance that I can overcome my sheepness some day.

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

For my part, I am absolutely not against Wayland (even if it is not yet fully operational) but am disappointed by its side "Qt and GTK only", which will quickly turn into a war between Qt and GTK.
And it is more than obvious that Wayland does everything (or rather nothing) so that other "competitors" cannot adapt their widgetset for Wayland.

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On a more serious note, I still don't get it. Most wayland compositors support X11 via xwayland and there is also no "Qt and GTK only" requirement. I didn't follow the wayland support for flutter and friends but I'd assume they will add (or already have) wayland backends as well and if not they can simply run via X11. You can also use no toolkit at all (for example the wayland native foot terminal emulator is an example of that).

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fredvs commented Apr 6, 2024

It's not about XWayland which is absolutely essential. It's about widgetsets who use X11 and who would also like to develop an interface for Wayland.
For example this Widgetset attempts to create an interface for Wayland but passion fades little by little due to the lack of clarity.

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zarlo commented Apr 7, 2024

By the way, a good exercise for the “Wonderful AI Revolution”: create a converter from X11 methods to Wayland methods. I give it code for an application that uses a widgetset using X11 methods and it will convert it to source using Wayland. From C++, Java and Pascal. Come on AI, show me your code.

so xwayland?

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fgclue commented Apr 7, 2024

@fgclue: In your presentation:

i use these for designs: Figma GIMP Inkscape Krita

Inkspace does not work (or bad) on XWayland. It does not exist a "pure" Wayland version of Inkspace. Figma does not work (or bad) on XWayland. It does not exist a "pure" Wayland version of Figma. Krita does not work (or bad) on XWayland. It does not exist a "pure" Wayland version of Krita. Gimp has a "pure" Wayland version but the "pure" X11 version works better with XWayland.

But! Xwayland is pure wayland. Wayland is very pure, and Inskape is working on PURE wayland, did you know that? Did you know that? Did you know that? Did you know that? Well. Also It works so much better than your NO MORE X11 VERSION BAD BAD BAD

No MORE X11!!! 😠 😡 😡 😡

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fredvs commented Apr 7, 2024

By the way, a good exercise for the “Wonderful AI Revolution”: create a converter from X11 methods to Wayland methods. I give it code for an application that uses a widgetset using X11 methods and it will convert it to source using Wayland. From C++, Java and Pascal. Come on AI, show me your code.

so xwayland?

XWayland needs X11, I want a converter of X11 methods into Wayland methods (Humans said that it is not possible).

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zarlo commented Apr 7, 2024

By the way, a good exercise for the “Wonderful AI Revolution”: create a converter from X11 methods to Wayland methods. I give it code for an application that uses a widgetset using X11 methods and it will convert it to source using Wayland. From C++, Java and Pascal. Come on AI, show me your code.

so xwayland?

XWayland needs X11, I want a converter of X11 methods into Wayland methods (Humans said that it is not possible).

I want a converter of X11 methods into Wayland methods

xwayland does that

edit: fix typo

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franzos commented Apr 7, 2024

Funny post. A new standard breaks stuff? Cars aren't exactly made for horses either, huh?

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Monsterovich commented Apr 7, 2024


Funny post. A new standard breaks stuff? Cars aren't exactly made for horses either, huh?

That's the most inappropriate comparison I can think of.

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probonopd commented Apr 8, 2024

By the way, a good exercise for the “Wonderful AI Revolution”: create a converter from X11 methods to Wayland methods.

In order to give the AI a chance to succeed, Wayland would need to provide the missing protocols.
But apparently they don't care enough or it would have happened many years ago.

I want a converter of X11 methods into Wayland methods

xwayland does that

I understand that he is looking for a tool that converts an existing code base written for X11 to one that is written for Wayland.
In order for that to work, Wayland would need feature parity, which it doesn't have yet (e.g.,: set random icons on windows, just as one example).

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Just a reminder to everyone, please stay on topic and do NOT post ad-hominem comments.

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Handle windows (not: "surfaces") like in X11 (window ID, etc.) (for now we are assuming that zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 [for non-Wayland applications] and xdg_toplevel [for Wayland applications] is the Wayland equivalent of a window ID)

You are aware of ext-foreign-toplevel-list ?

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fredvs commented Apr 8, 2024

I want a converter of X11 methods into Wayland methods

xwayland does that

I understand that he is looking for a tool that converts an existing code base written for X11 to one that is written for Wayland. In order for that to work, Wayland would need feature parity, which it doesn't have yet (e.g.,: set random icons on windows, just as one example).

I would already be very happy if some workaround or macros are used. For example XWayland can find workaround if some X11 atoms cannot be realized by Wayland.
But I dream, of course, it would be a kind of bridge that converts (with workaround or macros sometime) the methods of using the Wayland methods of and other wayland libraries.

Example, in my code that use XCreateWindow() a bridge will create code using wayland methods and, at compilation, will be used for linking (and not

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dm17 commented Apr 14, 2024

How is this not insanely revealing and the best reason to boycott Wayland ever?
We should stop acting like we're not in the majority here. Not the majority of corporate and political power, but the majority of sane and competent contributors and users. We're catching this quite early on... If you think they won't increase the ideological policing and leveraging their power over you when they're the only game in town, then you've got another thing coming!

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hendrack commented Apr 14, 2024

How is this not insanely revealing and the best reason to boycott Wayland ever? We should stop acting like we're not in the majority here. Not the majority of corporate and political power, but the majority of sane and competent contributors and users. We're catching this quite early on... If you think they won't increase the ideological policing and leveraging their power over you when they're the only game in town, then you've got another thing coming!

What is your point? I am not a wayland fan but this CoC thought police is cancer. Some ppl are butthurt because someone was "toxic" on another platform? Am I missing something?

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lukefromdc commented Apr 14, 2024 via email

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ShayBox commented Apr 14, 2024

I see a future where Wayland has taken over to the point that every day applications rely on it, not Xwayland, and you will essentially be forced to use Wayland, but because there's no common compositor the only two real options are KDE and Gnome, compositors like wlroots exist but are severely lacking because of a lack of funding and a large team. Oh wait, that's already happening.

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I see a future where Wayland has taken over to the point that every day applications rely on it, not Xwayland, and you will essentially be forced to use Wayland, but because there's no common compositor the only two real options are KDE and Gnome, compositors like wlroots exist but are severely lacking because of a lack of funding and a large team. Oh wait, that's already happening.

Get off the drugs. :D

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probonopd commented Apr 14, 2024

Summary of the Red Hat vs. Hyprland drama: Original source documents.

tl;dr: IBM Red Hat employee exercising undue power (apparently politically motivated) using a company email address while insisting that it has nothing to do with IBM Red Hat.

Maybe it's time to avoid projects in which IBM Red Hat employees play a significant role.

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I see a future where Wayland has taken over to the point that every day applications rely on it, not Xwayland, and you will essentially be forced to use Wayland, but because there's no common compositor the only two real options are KDE and Gnome, compositors like wlroots exist but are severely lacking because of a lack of funding and a large team. Oh wait, that's already happening.

The combination of MATE using wayfire (and thus wlroots) and probably the other non-GNOME/non-KDE desktops also using wlroots based compositors should ensure that people who don't like GNOME always have an alternative. It's possible that some proprietary
applications might use GNOME-only or (less likely) use KDE-only compositor features, but there are a lot of linux users who don't use proprietary apps simply to get away from online activation and paid software.

Also note that if KDE rebases to wlroots that's a game changer. The only reason they didn't use it is that wlroots didn't exist yet when they started adding wayland support to KDE.

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Also note that if KDE rebases to wlroots that's a game changer.

Do you think it's planned?

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dm17 commented Apr 14, 2024

What is your point?

Pretty obvious. If they're willing to go to this level of trying to centralize control of the means of production, then it is clear they're planning to overstep even more... And the so-called "conspiracy theory" about trying to lock down the desktop (mobile has already been locked down) so users/engineers barely have access to their own devices should be considered factual. It has happened many times in many scenarios with many cross company and supposed cross ideology strategies. The intelligent thing would be to protect against it by not losing ground. In the context of software, the engineers in this thread should not have a problem parsing what it means to not lose ground against such attacks.

Maybe it's time to avoid projects in which IBM Red Hat employees play a significant role.

Right, so this goes back to a previous point of mine that "a distro" is a skillful level of organization to operate from. Having a lot of devs using the same env (and CI system testing everything within that env) is obvious in a company, but not an open source community trying to protect against attacks from companies & ideologies? Makes no sense. A group of developers with interests in control over their own computing environments would empower themselves to deal with such things. Linux still has the most power and flexibility, so it would be some form of Linux - and I would bet it would converge on the most stable and sane set of defaults and would become a distro the subverters would be begging to gain influence within.

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I've heard speculation that KDE will rebase to use wlroots but having no connection to KDE I really do not know

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BTW, mobile is not entirely locked down. Certain specific Android devices with unlockable bootloaders can be reflashed with alternative operating systems. You decide what OS you want to run, then get a compatable device. Not great, but enough to break out of the locked "customer experience."

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zarlo commented Apr 15, 2024

BTW, mobile is not entirely locked down. Certain specific Android devices with unlockable bootloaders can be reflashed with alternative operating systems. You decide what OS you want to run, then get a compatable device. Not great, but enough to break out of the locked "customer experience."

you might be locked in by an app you use, as google does not allow some of their apis to be used on open systems

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dm17 commented Apr 15, 2024

BTW, mobile is not entirely locked down. Certain specific Android devices with unlockable bootloaders can be reflashed with alternative operating systems. You decide what OS you want to run, then get a compatable device. Not great, but enough to break out of the locked "customer experience."

How can you get a reasonable security/privacy experience with a rooted phone the way it is now setup? OSs like Graphene say letting the user have full filesystem access and root-of-trust "defeats the purpose" of their OS. So there's no straight forwards way to have your cake and eat it anymore like there almost was with phones like the Nokia N900.

you might be locked in by an app you use, as google does not allow some of their apis to be used on open systems

Nothing wrong with getting locked into a specific proprietary app you use, but making it so the only decent way to use these apps you have to give up easy access to your entire device (including updates to some degree) seems to qualify.

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lukefromdc commented Apr 15, 2024

Graphene is the OS of choice for those facing state level or other high capability attackers. For a rooted system to allow arbitrary changes you'd use something else. To have both, you'd need something where you set up the image on your desktop, sign it there if you will be using secure boot with custom keys (as Graphene does) , and then add those keys to the phone over USB and flash your modified image to the phone. You have root when and only when the image is on your desktop, in a controlled environment in this scenario. If you need su, add it while the OS image is mounted on the desktop and before signing it, but be aware this does make attacks on the phone easier. You might need it for say, a system level adblocker that doesn't tie up the VPN interface as Tracker Control does.

As for apps that don't work on open devices, those can be either quarantined to a separate phone tethered to your main phone, or not used at all. For instance, banking apps won't work on anything I own, but I don't trust online banking anyway so that doesn't matter. No banking apps on any device I own. Note that I do not allow Google Play Services (or anything that depends on it) on my phones, which closes 90% of the privacy busting attack surface. I use F-droid, note that the Google Play Store is useless without an account anyway, and I refuse to have a Google account.

A computer (ANY computer) can only be trusted by at most one party. Any application that requires a computer to be trusted by Google, by a bank, by Hollywood etc means that computer can no longer be trusted by you and should not be used to handle sensitive information. When they ban rooted/modded/open phones, they demand you use a device they can trust as opposed to one you can trust. Never can both you and they trust the same device as these businesss regard their users as adversaries.

Banking is a special case due to the severity of damage an attacker can do, for that purpose best practices may be to trust nothing save the bank's own ATMs, for it's a lot easier to make them pay if a skimmer gets put on their ATM (under the nose of their own cameras) than to get your money back if a "banker" worm on your phone or desktop (or a phishing attack) gets your creds and empties your account. In other words, banking may be a case of neither you nor the bank can trust the computer.

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giodueck commented Apr 15, 2024

You might need it for say, a system level adblocker that doesn't tie up the VPN interface as Tracker Control does.

Use DNS level adblocking, it's literally a stock Android feature (Settings > Network > Private DNS) that I don't know why more people don't use.

google does not allow some of their apis to be used on open systems

Specifically Google Pay won't work on GrapheneOS. Anyways, is this thread not about user choice? Why consider subduing oneself to Google when everybody is mad at Wayland for supposedly suppressing user choice? Just use cash if you care about privacy, and a credit card if you don't.

On the topic of Wayland usability and X parity: I've gotten KDE's Wayland to work flawlessly on a laptop with an NVidia card, including gaming and even screensharing via Teams (which uses either Electron or an embedded Chromium browser). If green team laptop hardware and M$ software can cooperate with Wayland well enough for it to become my daily driver, I guess I don't get the vitriol towards Wayland. Granted I am not a GUI developer, but as a user I can't see the issue

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Xorg is my go-to for flexibility. I mean, you can tweak just about everything with it. It's got this UNIX philosophy vibe going on, keeping things simple and modular.

But then there's Wayland. Now, don't get me wrong, it's got some cool stuff, especially for specialized devices. But here's where it starts to lose me: it feels like Wayland's going against the whole UNIX philosophy. It's trying to be this monolithic thing (compositor), kinda like a Windows vibe, which is weird for the UNIX world. The lack of a base library or display server in Wayland means that fixes or improvements made in one compositor won't necessarily translate to others. It's like each compositor is doing its own thing.

The folks behind Wayland are also the ones behind Flatpak, right? It seems they're not too bothered about code duplication, which is a bit concerning. I mean, it reminds me a lot of the Windows ecosystem.

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It's got this UNIX philosophy vibe going on, keeping things simple and modular.

Seems to me that is what Wayland aims to do. But if you search for the "Unix filosophy" Wikipedia page, it states that this means doing one thing and doing it right. Ask actual devs and they will tell you it's the opposite.

I mean, the server initially included a print server, talk about keeping things simple (yes they scrapped that for obvious reasons).

From an engineering (and funding) standpoint, X can't be maintained

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lukefromdc commented Apr 16, 2024 via email

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The folks behind Wayland are also the ones behind Flatpak, right? It seems they're not too bothered about code duplication, which is a bit concerning. I mean, it reminds me a lot of the Windows ecosystem.

That's design by committee for ya.

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The lack of a base library or display server in Wayland means that fixes or improvements made in one compositor won't necessarily translate to others. It's like each compositor is doing its own thing.

That was swiftly rejected:

And now we have three libraries:

  • libweston
  • wlroots
  • Louvre

Two major implementations not using them:

  • Mutter
  • Kwin

And then a ton of minor WMs. Essentially it's a zoo. And God forbid you use anything but KWin/Mutter. Everything else is just woefully incomplete.

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I think its quite funny how some people always scream "but its about choice" and when they then have a choice they scream "but its a zoo".

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I think its quite funny how some people always scream "but its about choice" and when they then have a choice they scream "but its a zoo".

Some things need to just work without multiple implementations. You don't have multiple display servers in Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android or ChromeOS. The choice proponents would instantly say that those OSes don't have multiple desktop environments either, and that's not true, as no one stops you from creating one for Windows and MacOS, Android has a metric ton of "launchers", and ChomeOS is an Internet OS, so it's just irrelevant. And Windows indeed has several third-party desktop environments, only they are relatively unknown. And I have zero clue how multiple inferior Wayland implementations would even help anyone.

The display server is such a core low-level OS thing, it makes zero sense to waste resources reimplementing it over and over again. In Linux somehow we have a single kernel, a single C library (yeah, there's MUSL but it's mostly for embedded devices), a single font rendering library (freetype which still sucks ass vs. ClearType v2), a metric ton of singular implementations and no one has cried foul about that. Complexity is a bitch you have to deal with.

No one also cried foul about a single X11 implementation (for all intents and purposes Linux distros always came with a single Xorg server, be it XFree86 or Xorg later on) until people decided they needed something more modern and yeah, X11 has a number of glaring issues which couldn't have been resolved without breaking compatibility with the protocol.

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That was swiftly rejected:

It's disappointing to see the discussion closed without thorough consideration. Rejection doesn't automatically mean it's the best choice or reflects the community's view.

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IMHO they should have made screen recording a priority, I cannot share my screen in all meeting apps, and I have to constantly defend why I use Linux when it doesn't allow me to share screens, it's almost as if I am using a calculator for development and trying to justify it as ideal for my workflow

It's almost as if we went back twenty years when there was no screen recording and were lucky to get something to even show up on the screen

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Rabcor commented Apr 21, 2024

You can use wl-sunset instead of redshif.

also wf-recorder can do screencapture instead of ffmpeg.

I've been trying wayland, for a couple months, i do not recommend it unless you are a power user with way too much time on your hands. Even then, the time would proabbly be better spent elsewhere.

How is this not insanely revealing and the best reason to boycott Wayland ever? We should stop acting like we're not in the majority here. Not the majority of corporate and political power, but the majority of sane and competent contributors and users. We're catching this quite early on... If you think they won't increase the ideological policing and leveraging their power over you when they're the only game in town, then you've got another thing coming!

It is, they're literally banning developers (and vaxry is imo one of the best ones) from contributing to wayland and wlroots over political nonsense because someone (who is not the developer) said something on discord a few years ago and that is somehow the developers fault and a good reason to ban him from their gitlab.

It's like the wayland devs actually want wayland to suck, it's like they always wanted it to suck, I'm not even surprised to say that the wayland devs want it to suck, i mean look at the bloody thing, it sucks by design! And everyone even knows it.

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That's hyprland, not Wayland. Hyprland is CoC cuckery.

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shakeyourbunny commented Apr 21, 2024

That's hyprland, not Wayland. Hyprland is CoC cuckery.

I find it very interesting that in reality the Freedesktop and by proxy Wayland exactly insist on their "code of conducts", wield that like a weapon and impose these onto other people who have nothing to do with them.

It's also very interesting that the circle of people who so rabidly are defending and promoting Wayland (also trying by force) is overlapping really heavily with the GNOME people. Many of these people also have very strong opinions in other topics which they don't shy away to declare that their way of thinking is the one true way and everyone else is a heretic for not exactly aligning with them and must be purged.

They also like to throw things at other people at their heads they are doing themselves or like doing themselves.

I don't mind Wayland, but it is not usable for me and I really dislike people promote that like a religion.

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lukefromdc commented Apr 21, 2024 via email

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and I really dislike people promote that like a religion.

That I can agree with. And it works both ways:

DO NOT USE A WAYLAND SESSION! Let Wayland not destroy everything and then have other people fix the damage it caused. Or force more Red Hat/Gnome components (glib, Portals, Pipewire) on everyone!

IMHO use whatever floats your boat and contribute to projects that share your vision. Otherwise you just come across as some whiny kid. This is FOSS after all, nobody owes you anything.

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In technical debate the word "cuck" should be avoided: it reeks of Gamergate and the "manosphere" misogynists

What do you mean? Misogynist is a compliment these days.

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lukefromdc commented Apr 21, 2024 via email

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Misogynist is NOT a compliment-and I utterly dispise Gamergate, Qanon, and the rest of that fascist SHIT.

Schizoposting? What do any of the words you just typed mean?

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lukefromdc commented Apr 21, 2024 via email

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and I really dislike people promote that like a religion.

That I can agree with. And it works both ways:

DO NOT USE A WAYLAND SESSION! Let Wayland not destroy everything and then have other people fix the damage it caused. Or force more Red Hat/Gnome components (glib, Portals, Pipewire) on everyone!

IMHO use whatever floats your boat and contribute to projects that share your vision. Otherwise you just come across as some whiny kid. This is FOSS after all, nobody owes you anything.

Why would you criticize someone who is warning people who don't understand such thing? The brave person who highlighted the problem with Wayland serves those who struggle to find there way through problems created by something thought to be good thing. I wish I had been able to read this information a year ago, it would have saved me a months worth of head aches.

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A warning would be something like "Your wayland session may have the following issues, if you can't accept that or are not comfortable investing time to work around them you may want to keep using the X11 session instead.".

Let Wayland not destroy everything and then have other people fix the damage it caused.

Sounds very different.

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zarlo commented Apr 22, 2024

Let me make this crystal clear: hating women is NOT acceptable, not now, not ever.

no one here said that is was okay

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I have been following this thread for over a year and I am still confused as to how we ended up with Wayland. I like analogies so here is one to express my confusion. We had a ship. It was an large old ship. Whether you liked or disliked the ship, you knew how big it was, how to steer it, provision it, sail on it, etc. It was a known quantity. One day, the operators of the ship decided they needed a new ship. They said they did not want a replacement for the old ship, just a new ship. Oh, and by the way the operators were also going to take the old ship out of service. Eventually, the ship builders delivered the new ship. However, what the ship operator received from the ship builders was a diesel engine, a propeller, and a rudder. When the operator asked about the hull and other parts of the ship, they were told by the builders that they had to create those items themselves. Because the operators were not ship builders, this lead to the construction of a very odd ship, full of quirks, missing features, and confusion for passengers who were not accustomed to the novel idiosyncrasies of the new ship.

So please help me understand why, rather than create a full featured replacement for X Window that directly addressed its shortcomings, we ended up with something replacing it that is explicitly not a replacement for it and decentralizes the implementation of key functionality. What I have heard over the year feels like attempts to rationalize the decisions made for Wayland. My interest in this is not just as a developer who relies on X Window features, but as a decades long user and believer in Linux, who is concerned that fragmentation of such core capabilities will hurt the platform.

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Consolatis commented Apr 22, 2024

Your analogy isn't perfect. What is missing is that the old ship can be duplicated many times within seconds and you can put a new crew on each of the duplicated old ships.

Regarding why wayland doesn't offer "all the features" I think it boils down to:

  1. xorg didn't offer all the features from the start either, they were added over a long period of time. Writing a completely fully-featured new system from scratch is just not feasible and even if it were, there are just too many potential use-cases to cover that might even contradict themselves.
  2. The wayland-protocols members have a very strict view on some things and prefer enabling use-cases rather than generic features that can be used in bazillion different ways. Add to that that the whole accepting-a-protocol process is *slooow*.
  3. There is also xwayland support in almost every wayland compositor so running (most) X11 applications should not be an issue. This might remove some incentives to support something in a wayland protocol because there exists this fallback path.

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@Consolatis Thank you for the quick and thoughtful reply.

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Monsterovich commented Apr 23, 2024

xorg didn't offer all the features from the start either, they were added over a long period of time. Writing a completely fully-featured new system from scratch is just not feasible and even if it were, there are just too many potential use-cases to cover that might even contradict themselves.

I'm sick of reading this nonsense. Wayland has been flawed since day one. No amount of time will fix it, because the architecture is just bad.

The wayland-protocols members have a very strict view on some things and prefer enabling use-cases rather than generic features that can be used in bazillion different ways. Add to that that the whole accepting-a-protocol process is slooow.

Okay, everyone's already realized that Wayland-CСP are jerks. Where the fck is the library with all the display server features? Where the fck is it?

There is also xwayland support in almost every wayland compositor so running (most) X11 applications should not be an issue. This might remove some incentives to support something in a wayland protocol because there exists this fallback path.

Stop lying, XWayland won't run half of the applications, and those that it does run, run with limitations.

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xorg didn't offer all the features from the start either, they were added over a long period of time. Writing a completely fully-featured new system from scratch is just not feasible and even if it were, there are just too many potential use-cases to cover that might even contradict themselves.

Yeah, Xorg was made in a different time when tech was way simpler. Hardware and software were way less advanced back then. Also, for something trying to replace Xorg and being the standard for many Linux distros, it can't start off incomplete like that. Wayland should've come out stronger right from the start if it wants to be the go-to choice for everyone.

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Yeah, Xorg was made in a different time when tech was way simpler. Hardware and software were way less advanced back then.

The hardware and software remains exactly the same. All that has changed is mostly hardware performance.

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Yeah, Xorg was made in a different time when tech was way simpler. Hardware and software were way less advanced back then.

The hardware and software remains exactly the same. All that has changed is mostly hardware performance.

Really? Did we have DRI back in the '80s? Over the years, Xorg got a bunch of extensions like Xinerama, RANDR, and more to tackle current issues. Saying Xorg was "incomplete" from the start isn't an excuse for Wayland's limitations. It aims to replace what Xorg does now, not what Xorg did decades ago.

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Monsterovich commented Apr 23, 2024


Really? Did we have DRI back in the '80s? Over the years, Xorg got a bunch of extensions like Xinerama, RANDR, and more to tackle current issues.

These are improvements regarding the graphical stack that followed the development of hardware. Wayland has not invented anything new. It's just some stupid desire to "be different" for the sake of showing off or something like that.

No one back then even seriously thought of making a bunch of incompatible graphical servers with different protocols for each DE. This option has always been unsustainable.

Saying Xorg was "incomplete" from the start isn't an excuse for Wayland's limitations. It aims to replace what Xorg does now, not what Xorg did decades ago.

Absolutely agree, all the developers had to do was make an improved version of X11 and Xserver without reinventing the wheel. Either that or nothing at all.

Wayland, however, is a complete deception. First it was that Wayland was "X12", then Wayland was just a replacement for X11/Xorg. Now its fanatics are giving up and promoting it as "an incompatible modern alternative that must destroy everything before it, because the old must die. Why? Because we can."

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zarlo commented Apr 23, 2024

I'm sick of reading this nonsense. Wayland has been flawed since day one. No amount of time will fix it, because the architecture is just bad.

okay @Monsterovich so you have made this claim are you able to prove it? (this is not a gotcha i would like to know)

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Wayland, however, is a complete deception. First it was that Wayland was "X12", then Wayland was just a replacement for X11/Xorg. Now its fanatics are giving up and promoting it as "an incompatible modern alternative that must destroy everything before it, because the old must die. Why? Because we can."

The more I read about Wayland the more I get the impression what started as a technical issue is now rooted in ideology, almost like a social engineering op.

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birdie-github commented Apr 23, 2024


xorg didn't offer all the features from the start either, they were added over a long period of time. Writing a completely fully-featured new system from scratch is just not feasible and even if it were, there are just too many potential use-cases to cover that might even contradict themselves.


Really? Did we have DRI back in the '80s? Over the years, Xorg got a bunch of extensions like Xinerama, RANDR, and more to tackle current issues. Saying Xorg was "incomplete" from the start isn't an excuse for Wayland's limitations. It aims to replace what Xorg does now, not what Xorg did decades ago.

This is a garbage reply/counter-argument.

The XFree86/Xorg server later on offered the same featureset for all its users. At no time people dealt with different levels of implementation of X11 on Linux.

This is exactly the case with Wayland. Multiple Wayland protocols are not mandatory, and the experience and features that you're getting with compositor X for Wayland could be radically different from compositor Y.

The wayland-protocols members have a very strict view on some things and prefer enabling use-cases rather than generic features that can be used in bazillion different ways. Add to that that the whole accepting-a-protocol process is slooow.

Desktop users need none of this shit. Wayland was promised to be a better X11/Xorg out of the box. It's still not by a long shot. Microsoft replaced the entire graphics stack in Vista (and moved it into user space for good measure) and even low-level Windows XP and earlier applications continued to work just fine. Some very rare applications broke, e.g. those that hooked into low-level Windows features with no public APIs, e.g. WindowBlinds, but those worked against Microsoft's will and guidelines. There's no concept of private APIs in Linux.

There is also xwayland support in almost every wayland compositor so running (most) X11 applications should not be an issue. This might remove some incentives to support something in a wayland protocol because there exists this fallback path.

Another garbage reply. XWayland is good only for running basic single-window applications because everything else is broken.

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Your analogy is almost perfect, except you were talking about this:

However, what the ship operator received from the ship builders was a diesel engine, a propeller, and a rudder.

No, they didn't receive even that. They received blueprints for certain parts of the new ship. And those blueprints were quite vague as to whether you needed to be put them in place or not, thus we now have multiple ships, some of which are missing toilets, others are missing hallways or kitchen, others have no poles, etc. etc. etc.

And now we have multiple ships where only few selected come with all the amenities but it's claimed that they are all better than the old clunky ship.

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zarlo commented Apr 23, 2024

Wayland is just a spec where x11 is a spec and implementation

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I'm sick of reading this nonsense. Wayland has been flawed since day one. No amount of time will fix it, because the architecture is just bad.

okay @Monsterovich so you have made this claim are you able to prove it? (this is not a gotcha i would like to know)

I (and others) in this thread have already written thousands of proofs that Wayland is flawed, and I already post in circles sometimes.

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Wayland is just a spec where x11 is a spec and implementation

The fact that Wayland is just a spec (and every DE has their own) is VERY BAD. The reason for this is fragmentation.

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probonopd commented Apr 23, 2024

Wayland is just a spec where x11 is a spec and implementation

Well. X11 is the spec and Xorg is just one of multiple implementations, but the one practically everyone is using on the *nix desktop.

Contrast this with Wayland where not even Gnome and KDE use the same implementation, and hence are broken in different ways (as in: different features supported, different bugs).

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... not even Gnome and KDE use the same implementation, and hence are broken in different ways (as in: different features supported, different bugs).

I think we'll see the free market take care of what features make it in as things progress. It shouldn't have taken this long, however.

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dm17 commented Apr 26, 2024

Wayland, however, is a complete deception. First it was that Wayland was "X12", then Wayland was just a replacement for X11/Xorg. Now its fanatics are giving up and promoting it as "an incompatible modern alternative that must destroy everything before it, because the old must die. Why? Because we can."

The more I read about Wayland the more I get the impression what started as a technical issue is now rooted in ideology, almost like a social engineering op.


Use DNS level adblocking, it's literally a stock Android feature (Settings > Network > Private DNS) that I don't know why more people don't use.

That isn't a solution when you realize how few adverts it can block versus ublock.

The folks behind Wayland are also the ones behind Flatpak, right?

Don't you want to be part of their wonderful utopia? Wayland + systemD + flatpak + ... secure boot with Google/Intel/AMD/Apple at the root-of-trust. Being able to enforce DRM (amongst other things) onto everyone will give us all a century of the Linux Desktop! Utopia!

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Don't you want to be part of their wonderful utopia? Wayland + systemD + flatpak + ... secure boot with Google/Intel/AMD/Apple at the root-of-trust

I bet if you repeat the same strawman slop 100 more times it'll eventually be funny.

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import gi

gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk

offset_x = 0
offset_y = 0

def press(widget, event):
    global offset_x, offset_y
    offset_x = event.x
    offset_y = event.y

def move(widget, event):
    win.move(event.x_root - offset_x, event.y_root - offset_y)

win = Gtk.Window()
win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
win.connect("button-press-event", press)
win.connect("motion-notify-event", move)

If someone promoted something like libdecor for any X clients decades ago, we wouldn't need window managers for X.Org in the first place.

BTW, found this in Xnest logs:

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bodqhrohro commented Apr 28, 2024

You don't need a ship at all if all you need in reality is a bunch of boats.

But ship lovers keep assuring you need a full-fledged ship to win.

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That is some very weird example for you to pick. Movement of windows should belong to the user (e.g. the compositor) rather than to random applications. Anyway, running it with GDK_BACKEND=x11 (and thus via xwayland) magically makes it work for me.

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That is some very weird example for you to pick

Wayland haters criticize Red Hat, GOOME or whatever for attempting to push libdecor onto everyone and enforce all the Wayland clients to support CSD, instead of accepting that every compositor should support SSD as an option and not mandate simplistic clients to support CSD, regardless of the Wayland spec.

My point is to demonstrate that X clients can in fact support CSD too, and talk to the X server directly instead of relying on some window manager to draw decorations for them and to provide ability to move and resize their windows. So if they massively did, it wouldn't be crucial to also run some window manager along with X.Org.

A decade ago, I already was willing to ditch any window managers and only use pure X.Org and small UNIX-way utilities to manage the windows. But discovered that such tools don't work without any WM at all somehow (and only years later discovered the reason: that they actually talk not to X.Org but to a WM via EWMH, and it does not even work with any WM). I was highly frustrated that if I kill a WM, X clients become totally helpless, I couldn't even change their z-order, not even focus them if I have X-Mouse disabled. Some simpler apps had CLI flags or other means to specify their initial geometry, but more normie things like browsers just launched their windows with some default geometry, not even occupying the whole screen by default as I wished.

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bodqhrohro commented Apr 28, 2024

Oh, I just checked that GTK+3 CSD apps in fact support window manipulations with pure X server and no WM too. So I did not even need to write an artificial example, hehe. Just the maximize button doesn't work (it probably works via EWMH on X11 as well).

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Instead of the quirky conception of struts, I would implement the non-fullscreen maximization in a way where every window advertises its geometry to others, and tells if it allows collisions or not. Something like it happens in game engines (2D or 3D, doesn't matter). X clients would then, when changing their window geometries, query all the other windows and check if there is any room for them. Just like when you join some Minecraft server and look for an unoccupied area for your buildings lol.

How is it better than struts? Panels may occupy not the whole screen side, but only a part. Thus some space around remains, where a wallpaper can be usually seen through. There's no reason non-maximized window cannot occupy this space, but that's exactly how struts work! It would also provide a simple way to avoid physical notches: just put a dummy non-colliding window there.

Oh, and of course, if some non-colliding window appears, or changes its geometry, it should send a «посунься!!!» signal to other windows, just in the case they already occupy some space where it is supposed to appear. It could even query their geometries first and send such a signal only to those who actually occupy some space there, neat? Just make sure to avoid race conditions… somehow… transactions? And to manage conflicts, like what if two non-colliding windows claim overlapping regions the same time, what would happen?

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Sounds like fun to implement in every single application. And if the application doesn't implement it you can't move the window at all as a user. Doesn't sound that great to me. Not even starting to think about features like snap to edge.

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And if the application doesn't implement it you can't move the window at all as a user.

Some think splash screens are in fact a feature.

They always were frustrating to me, and I'm glad that for Word 2007 in Wine I can omit them and switch to other window anyway by putting a splash screen down, unlike for Word 2007 on Windows (but I suspect, even there it's possible to force it down via some 3rd party tools).

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zarlo commented Apr 29, 2024

i hate splash screens like why show some thing just to hide it and like 99% of them dont set a sane _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE so tiling window managers dont know to make them auto flow

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bodqhrohro commented Apr 29, 2024

The point is to discourage the user from doing anything while the app is launched so it is launched as fast as possible and nothing interferes with the process.

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9cg commented Apr 29, 2024

It's all wlroots. Nothing works without wlroots. Wayland is Wayland + wlroots in the same way that X11 is X11 + XOrg.server. Anything usable that doesn't use wlroots pulls a thousand fucking dependencies. Fuck that.

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probonopd commented Apr 29, 2024

It's all wlroots. Nothing works without wlroots.

Except the desktop environment "everyone" is using... it's so sad that many new Linux users get served Gnome by distributions - not only by Fedora (which is to be expected due to IBM Red Hat control), but also Ubuntu. Otherwise we could just not care about it anymore at this point.

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It's all wlroots. Nothing works without wlroots.

Except the desktop environment "everyone" is using... it's so sad that many new Linux users get served Gnome by distributions - not only by Fedora (which is to be expected due to IBM Red Hat control), but also Ubuntu. Otherwise we could just not care about it anymore at this point.

I've never had GNOME work, on X11, or Wayland , it just sucks. Something is always broken even on default settings for GNOME Debian. Never had any issues with Kwin{FT,} on plasma

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zarlo commented May 1, 2024

What the hell is wlroots?

@Espionage724 its a Wayland compositor library that a lot of compositors use, it was a part of sway

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It's all wlroots. Nothing works without wlroots.

Except the desktop environment "everyone" is using... it's so sad that many new Linux users get served Gnome by distributions - not only by Fedora (which is to be expected due to IBM Red Hat control), but also Ubuntu. Otherwise we could just not care about it anymore at this point.

I've never had GNOME work, on X11, or Wayland , it just sucks. Something is always broken even on default settings for GNOME Debian. Never had any issues with Kwin{FT,} on plasma

Oh please, stop using broken hardware or use a mainstream distro. Fedora, Ubuntu, and openSUSE all provide good implementations for GNOME and have for years. I'm using GNOME 46 on Xorg on Fedora 40 right now.

Mainstream distro? You mean the mainstream distros that force me to use Snap? No thanks.

Broken hardware? You mean the ThinkPad X220 and Ryzen 7800X3D systems I have. Yes, very broken!

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lukefromdc commented May 1, 2024 via email

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zarlo commented May 1, 2024

Fedora, Ubuntu, and openSUSE all provide good implementations for GNOME and have for years.

I never heard anyone praise Debian for their GNOME implementation.

implementation feels like the wrong word here configuration or distribution feels more right

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dm17 commented May 1, 2024

It's all wlroots. Nothing works without wlroots.

Except the desktop environment "everyone" is using... it's so sad that many new Linux users get served Gnome by distributions - not only by Fedora (which is to be expected due to IBM Red Hat control), but also Ubuntu. Otherwise we could just not care about it anymore at this point.

It is one of many reasons to stop recommending these "mainstream distributions". Mint if someone is super novice and wants the easiest possible experience. Void or Arch for basically anyone wanting a workstation. Debian/Devuan for servers.

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The ThinkPad I guess can be explained by the distro implementation, and I never heard anyone praise Debian for their GNOME implementation. Can't say I'd rule hardware out with Ryzen.

More likely is that Gnome is just bad, lol.

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They finally woke up, almost according to my prediction, in an attempt to unite the whole GTK+ ecosystem beyond GNOME against GNOME:

Sadly, too late, and not in GTK+2 times, as GTK+3 has an awful rendering performance. This had to be done in times when Audacious and LXDE refused from porting to GTK+3, stayed on GTK+2 and were ported to Qt later.

I really hope the insanity of GNOME developers will finally make it as a marginal thing as Enlightenment is. Decades ego, E16 was much more open to integration with other environments, but further versions turned into a totally isolated and alien thing following crazy guidelines. Just like, well, GNUstep. Modern GNOME Shell is totally something akin to those.

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FernandoIV commented May 3, 2024

Im facing some problems with KDE and Wayland, all the web apps like VS Code or web browsers are flikering on wayland sessions, some times it makes unusable all the apps.
For Brave Browser it function very well moving on brave://flags OzoneWayland to use wayland but the whole webapps are flikering and make it unusable.
And it happens on Fedora 40, Arch Linux and Ubuntu
I have been switch to X11 and the problems gone, but its compatibiliti with Nvidia it not the best like wayland, pros and cons.

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lranixonl commented May 3, 2024

Im facing some problems with KDE and Wayland, all the web apps like VS Code or web browsers are flikering on wayland sessions, some times it makes unusable all the apps. For Brave Browser it function very well moving on brave://flags OzoneWayland to use wayland but the whole webapps are flikering and make it unusable. And it happens on Fedora 40, Arch Linux and Ubuntu I have been switch to X11 and the problems gone, but its compatibiliti with Nvidia it not the best like wayland, pros and cons.

The problems is with the Nvidia drivers and lack of implicit sync and bad GBM support, since Nvidia only want to support explicit sync. Explicit Sync was added recently in the Linux kernel. This should be solved with the driver 555 from Nvidia that will be released this year. I hope that fixes all this.

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Thanks for your answer, and it also fix the zoomed apps? everything looks bigger on waylando, like taskbar on KDE looks bigger compared with XORG

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Thanks for your answer, and it also fix the zoomed apps? everything looks bigger on waylando, like taskbar on KDE looks bigger compared with XORG

I didn't hear about that problem, maybe it's a KDE problem, is everything big or just specific things?

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FernandoIV commented May 6, 2024

I think it's just KDE things, window decorations like the title bars, the taskbar, for example the terminal in wayland by default looks much larger as if the pixels were not well calculated in wayland

first one screenshot its X11 and second one its wayland, as you can see both images have the same scroll on the page but in wayland its bigger compared with X11 yaou can see also the difference on title bars

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probonopd commented May 6, 2024

Thanks for the pointer. Looks like some people are waking up. Some of the points from this gist are discussed there as well. tl;dr:

  • Wayland is Linux centric, leaving the BSDs in a lesser position (my 2 cents: not good)
  • Some people think BSDs are not relevant on the desktop (my 2 cents: I'd like to help change that)
  • People realize that Wayland leads to feature and bug fragmentation (my 2 cents: not good)
  • Some people say "but it works for me on Gnome/KDE" (my 2 cents: that is besides the point)
  • People realize that Wayland does not offer feature parity for all actively used X11 features (my 2 cents: not good)

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Good Wayland v X11 thread

Aside from a large number of insults, maybe. Especially from mrg666 who calls anyone who he disagrees with a troll.

Strangely myownfriend has disappeared. Must be a day off for the dude. He always finds a way to turn Wayland deficiencies into advantages or downplays them as if they are irrelevant.

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10 cents in total. My jar gets heavier.

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I think it's just KDE things, window decorations like the title bars, the taskbar, for example the terminal in wayland by default looks much larger as if the pixels were not well calculated in wayland x11 wayland

first one screenshot its X11 and second one its wayland, as you can see both images have the same scroll on the page but in wayland its bigger compared with X11 yaou can see also the difference on title bars

Your images are broken for some reason. Are you in Plasma 6 of 5?

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FernandoIV commented May 7, 2024

I think it's just KDE things, window decorations like the title bars, the taskbar, for example the terminal in wayland by default looks much larger as if the pixels were not well calculated in wayland x11 wayland
first one screenshot its X11 and second one its wayland, as you can see both images have the same scroll on the page but in wayland its bigger compared with X11 yaou can see also the difference on title bars

Your images are broken for some reason. Are you in Plasma 6 of 5?

I dont know why are broken :( but im on Plasma 6
Will try here
first one its wayland and second X11
both with same settings ej: Taskbar 32 px

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I think it's just KDE things, window decorations like the title bars, the taskbar, for example the terminal in wayland by default looks much larger as if the pixels were not well calculated in wayland x11 wayland
first one screenshot its X11 and second one its wayland, as you can see both images have the same scroll on the page but in wayland its bigger compared with X11 yaou can see also the difference on title bars

Your images are broken for some reason. Are you in Plasma 6 of 5?

I dont know why are broken :( but im on Plasma 6 Will try here wayland x11 first one its wayland and second X11 both with same settings ej: Taskbar 32 px

Looks like even the web pages are bigger, did you try changing the scale in settings?

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:O yup that solved the problem, I'm using Endeavor OS and every time I installed it everything always seemed much bigger apparently by default in Wayland it uses a scale of 125%, or I moved it by accident but it happened every time install it, now we just have to wait for the release of the 555 driver

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I dont know why are broken :( but im on Plasma 6

The Wayland screenshot is blurry as hell.

Make sure you've enabled widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled in about:config or otherwise Firefox under Wayland looks like ass.

Too bad Thunderbird 115, the last stable version, still does not support this option and is basically unusable for me.

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ydrojd commented May 7, 2024

Maybe by 2040 linux will have a display server that matches windows in 2015. If this bad joke that is wayland and gtk 3+ starts to degrade the linux desktop too much, then I will just move back to windows and use my linux tools from wsl.

Im not sure if wayland and gtk devs have considered that they are in competition with windows and mac. They can try to perform a type of coupe and force themselves into dominant position of control over the linux desktop, but you can get access to all the power that headless linux has from other platforms.

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Im not sure if wayland and gtk devs have considered that they are in competition with windows and mac.

There's none.

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lukefromdc commented May 8, 2024 via email

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dm17 commented May 8, 2024

Windows of any version after at least Windows 2000 is known to contain at least one extra governmental signing key.

I would be curious to know if has ameliorated that - which I would assume so... I don't think it is impossible to run modern windows without the nonsense. However, it is impossible to run a modern computer/phone without a "management engine" that is transparent with respect to the OS. This is a bit off topic, but I didn't bring it up :) However, where I suppose the topics intersect is digital rights management control on open source operating systems - and potential funding & strategies for that. Maybe that would be entirely restricted to the GPU drivers - but maybe include the DE/WM as well.

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For my purposes both digital rights management and all files dependent on it are banned from all of my hardware. The only use I have for such things is repurposing them for other purposes. Example: HDCP might be possible to use to encrypt all traffic from your computer to your monitor, so as to scramble the take for anyone sniffing for monitor signals to spy on your screen. While HDCP is broken, all the cracks for it depend on having access to the cable and probably on posession of the monitor in question. Might be unbroken for this use, but I don't know.

Other than that, I operate on a zero subscription model and do not purchase digital media of any type.

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birdie-github commented May 9, 2024

Windows of any version after at least Windows 2000 is known to contain at least one extra
governmental signing key.

We don't need conspiracy crap in this discussion.

and who knows if that's all of the phone-home crap?

Crap is solely in your head. Fire up Wireshark and show what Windows leaks. It literally takes 10 minutes to download it and enable MITM using your own SSL certificate. Considering Windows has been leaking left and right for over a decade now, we now must have had thousands of web pages documenting it. Where are they?


Hide or delete this reply. I don't want "Windows leaking data to MS/government" crap in this discussion.

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Gist comments have no "hide" function, so the only option is to leave it as-is or delete.
So please let's stay on the topic of Wayland deficiencies in this gist and discuss unrelated topics elsewhere.
Posts that stray away from the topic too far may get deleted. Not something I like to do but it seems necessary to have a somewhat focused discussion.

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probonopd commented May 9, 2024

Gnome people acknowledge that "GNOME Wayland" exists:


So it's not fixed for Wayland as a whole, just for "GNOME Wayland"?

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Please read again what that post actually says. There is a new wayland protocol and gnome implements it in its wayland variant. Don't get me wrong, there are issues with wayland but you are actively framing and rewording things that were never said (nor implied).

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Please read again what that post actually says.

It says "GNOME Wayland", literally.

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Yes, Gnome in its wayland variant compared to Gnome in its X11 variant. The post above frames it as if it was meant to say "wayland belongs to gnome and gnome only". Lets please keep being objective here and not maliciously frame things in this way.

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bodqhrohro commented May 9, 2024

Gist comments have no "hide" function, so the only option is to leave it as-is or delete.

Why have you even chosen Gist as the platform? It obviously bites for many reasons for this purpose.

Yes, Gnome in its wayland variant compared to Gnome in its X11 variant. The post above frames it as if it was meant to say "wayland belongs to gnome and gnome only".

It's worse: it somehow implies than X.Org is only a backend for Gnome, rather than gnome-shell being merely an ordinary X client which can be killed at any time in runtime and replaced with some other WM.

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Why have you even chosen Gist as the platform?

Well... I have just used Gist to collect my thoughts, never would have expected more than 5 comments ;-)

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probonopd commented May 9, 2024

Yes, Gnome in its wayland variant compared to Gnome in its X11 variant.

OK, that's one way to read it. I was reading it as "Wayland in its Gnome variant". But that is the thing - you can never know whether something that has been fixed in "Wayland" for one desktop will automatically make it work in all desktops.

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Well... I have just used Gist to collect my thoughts, never would have expected more than 5 comments ;-)

And now you suddenly have a burden of moderating all of this.

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K-L-R-3 commented May 10, 2024

I switched to sway so that I wouldn't have to recreate a workflow without having the fall back of x11. Of course this is under the assumption that x11 won't be an option at some point in the future thanks to the powers that be (so i might as well learn it now). While I have mostly been able to stick with sway/wayland, it has been one sacrifice after another with no gain to speak of for me. So for that reason my stance is that wayland (various implimentations and supporting software included) is an inferior product.

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ydrojd commented May 10, 2024

Hide or delete this reply. I don't want "Windows leaking data to MS/government" crap in this discussion.

lmao just close your eyes

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Consolatis commented May 10, 2024

But that is the thing - you can never know whether something that has been fixed in "Wayland" for one desktop will automatically make it work in all desktops.

Wayland can either refer to a collection of protocols or to a shared library that basically only handles the wire format. Many (but not all) compositors use that shared library so fixing a bug in there could indeed fix something in multiple compositors at once. In the case of the protocols.. they are just a bunch of XML files so any "fixes" there don't do anything at all. If a compositor supports a new version of a given protocol or not is completely up to the compositor. Same for which protocols it supports in the first place.

So to sum up: in most cases, a compositor "fixing" something will only "fix" it in that compositor. Other's might not have had the issue in the first place or decide against supporting some protocol or new version of a protocol (for example due to a lack of manpower or because of disagreement with the goals of the protocol).

There are also libraries like wlroots or smithay, fixes there may obviously impact multiple compositors that use that library.

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I switched to sway so that I wouldn't have to recreate a workflow without having the fall back of x11. Of course this is under the assumption that x11 won't be an option at some point in the future thanks to the powers that be (so i might as well learn it now). While I have mostly been able to stick with sway/wayland, it has been one sacrifice after another with no gain to speak of for me. So for that reason my stance is that wayland (various implimentations and supporting software included) is an inferior product.

What sacrifices have you made? I sacrificed nothing but gained a lot after the i3->sway transition.

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K-L-R-3 commented May 11, 2024

I switched to sway so that I wouldn't have to recreate a workflow without having the fall back of x11. Of course this is under the assumption that x11 won't be an option at some point in the future thanks to the powers that be (so i might as well learn it now). While I have mostly been able to stick with sway/wayland, it has been one sacrifice after another with no gain to speak of for me. So for that reason my stance is that wayland (various implimentations and supporting software included) is an inferior product.

What sacrifices have you made? I sacrificed nothing but gained a lot after the i3->sway transition.

Sway does not support (and devs say will not support) i3 layouts or an equivalent. I can't find anything to replace xrandr's functionality. I couldn't get sunshine to actualy share the screen (eventually figured out the screen sharing is broken on wayland which Seems like something that is important to a lot of people.) For the one xorg application that I use on wayland, xrdb behaves erraticly, and I would randomly have to reload Xresources. Transparency issues that will not be fixed. Other things that I eventualy found work arounds for. etc... I'm glad that you haven't had to make sacrifices but I and may others have had a different experience. Since we're sharing experiences, what have you gained from switching to sway over i3?

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Sway does not support (and devs say will not support) i3 layouts or an equivalent

What are i3 layouts? My config supports a load of different layouts.

I can't find anything to replace xrandr's functionality.

All that is handled by swaymsg.

I couldn't get sunshine to actualy share the screen (eventually figured out the screen sharing is broken on wayland which Seems like something that is important to a lot of people.)

I can't say for sunshine specifically, but if you have xdg-desktop-portal-wlr installed and running then any applications that support the portal protocol can screenshare on sway.

For the one xorg application that I use on wayland, xrdb behaves erraticly, and I would randomly have to reload Xresources. Transparency issues that will not be fixed.

I can't say for these as I've never heard of xrdb and never hears of anyone having transparency issues...

Since we're sharing experiences, what have you gained from switching to sway over i3?

Outside of sway having better configuration, I also noticed considerable performance gains, with marginally less RAM usage and great improvement in draw time and CPU/GPU usage. I later found out this is partially caused by Xorg having a weird obscure bug in their driver for that specific computer (it was an '06 laptop which sold terribly, nobody used it let alone Linux users). In spite of this, I still see marginal to decent improvement in draw time and resource usage even on my balls to the wall overpowered desktop running a 7800X3D and an RX6600. I imagine the compositor being built-in rather than running it separately is partially responsible.

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I sacrificed nothing but gained a lot after the i3->sway transition.


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You need to step up your trolling game. It has potential but is full of errors.
Like the forced vsync example: there is actually a tearing protocol which allows applications to opt-in to render broken frames and waste CPU and GPU resources.

Also the general assumption that wayland compositors are written to gain some popularity and make them famous is pretty ridiculous. There may be compositors out there that are maintained and written for personal use and because its fun to write and work in a team to enhance it. Corporate projects can be different obviously and there are definitely compositors out there that try to tell everybody that they are the best since sliced bread but you really can't generalize it that way.

Posting random links in here rather than writing what you have to say directly is also pretty weak.

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K-L-R-3 commented May 11, 2024

What are i3 layouts? My config supports a load of different layouts.

It is i3's format for saving the current layout to disk so that you could easily script loading that exact layout later. When loading it would capture the programs as they are launched and everything would match the layout you manually created.

I can't find anything to replace xrandr's functionality.

All that is handled by swaymsg.

Much of it but not all of it. Particularly the color shifting. I had a script running in the background to shift yellow at a certain battery percentage while discharging and red for another percentage. Losing that ability sucks since in Sway the notifications don't show up when a window is in full-screen mode. I believe Wayfire is the only one who has implemented it and that was fairly recent.

I can't say for sunshine specifically, but if you have xdg-desktop-portal-wlr installed and running then any applications that support the portal protocol can screenshare on sway.

Well, that looks interesting. Are there any open-source applications that implement this in a low-latency remote desktop application like Sunshine/Moonlight? That would be awesome, and one less sacrifice.

I can't say for these as I've never heard of xrdb and never hears of anyone having transparency issues...

For some xorg applications that don't have their own configs, they can take configuration from an x resources database.
And as far as transparency it just doesn't behave the same way on sway as it did in i3 with picom. Sway community says those were violations of the standards so they have no interest in implementing that behavior. I don't agree with the standards on this. There are some patches that kinda work-ish, I'm not a dev so it would probably take me more time than it's worth to write a solution myself.

Outside of sway having better configuration, I also noticed considerable performance gains, with marginally less RAM usage and great improvement in draw time and CPU/GPU usage. I later found out this is partially caused by Xorg having a weird obscure bug in their driver for that specific computer (it was an '06 laptop which sold terribly, nobody used it let alone Linux users). In spite of this, I still see marginal to decent improvement in draw time and resource usage even on my balls to the wall overpowered desktop running a 7800X3D and an RX6600. I imagine the compositor being built-in rather than running it separately is partially responsible.

What do you consider better about Sway's config? It's pretty similar to i3's. I do prefer that sway has includes built-in but despite me being an amateur, I didn't find it difficult to script around not having includes.
I hear a lot about performance gains but I don't personally notice them. My system felt just as snappy/responsive on i3, If I have to open up benchmarking software to notice a difference then that difference is inconsequential to me. I don't usually do graphicly intense things on my daily driver. I'd much prefer to not lose functionality that impacts my daily workflow/usage. Aside from the screen sharing, for which I briefly switch back to x11 on that box (fortunately I can accomplish that switch over SSH), nothing else is a deal breaker, Just a collection of small sacrifices. But those sacrifices do impact my opinion of Wayland vs Xorg.

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Well, that looks interesting. Are there any open-source applications that implement this in a low-latency remote desktop application like Sunshine/Moonlight? That would be awesome, and one less sacrifice.

A looooong time ago I remember reading about a VNC protocol in the works for Wayland. I have no idea how far it's gotten or if it still exists. I think there is some kind of way to do remote desktop though.

What do you consider better about Sway's config?

It's been so long since I used i3 that I can't recall the specifics, lol. All I really know is that my i3 config was a lot more clunky than sway for whatever reason (skill issue is possible). Also, I like waybar a lot more than polybar.

For performance I do many graphics intensive tasks on my desktop, while my older laptop is just unbelievably underpowered. For my X220 where I don't do many graphically intensive things while its still decently powerful, I don't see much difference. Just a veeery slight increase in snappiness.

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For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

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binex-dsk commented May 11, 2024

For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

This is what I was thinking of. I believe the consensus in that discussion that once KWin used wlroots (now KwinFT), that would be the standard.

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Pushing wayland onto people: it is enabled by default in ubuntu 22.

Breaking stuff: found right after the first reboot when upgrading from 20 on an old machine as I could not access it with x11vnc.
I guess they are ways around (working in some or all cases) but I don't care or have time to get basic things to work again: it's a small server doing a few things, not the project of my life. The linux machines I admin and use for work don't have any display anyways so I don't care.
Linux is not a religion or a hobby for me. It's a tool.

At windows haters: you can still run 20+ years old applications on windows 10. Open 30 years old office files.

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At windows haters: you can still run 20+ years old applications on windows 10. Open 30 years old office files.

Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22 compete to see who has degraded the most. :)

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...and Ubuntu wins easily (thanks to Wayland and Snap). Typing this from Windows 11. So sad.

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For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

So each wayland flavour needs its own vnc implementation?

kwin vnc
wlroots vnc
mutter vnc

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For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

So each wayland flavour needs its own vnc implementation?

kwin vnc wlroots vnc mutter vnc ?

@hendrack Yes.

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fredvs commented May 12, 2024

...and Ubuntu wins easily (thanks to Wayland and Snap). Typing this from Windows 11. So sad.

Fortunately there is still Xubuntu + Xfce which limits the damage.

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For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

So each wayland flavour needs its own vnc implementation?

kwin vnc wlroots vnc mutter vnc ?

Fortunately only one of these actually works, so only one implementation is needed.

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zDEFz commented May 13, 2024

For sway (and other wlroots based compositors):

So each wayland flavour needs its own vnc implementation?
kwin vnc wlroots vnc mutter vnc ?

Fortunately only one of these actually works, so only one implementation is needed.

I've tried the kde vnc client and other than screen, I could not control anything. It recently broke or something, who knows.
Or perhaps its only cause I use Fedora on mac m1 (asahilinux) ...

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dm17 commented May 13, 2024

...and Ubuntu wins easily (thanks to Wayland and Snap). Typing this from Windows 11. So sad.

Wins what? Or this is sarcasm? I don't get why engineers give Ubuntu & RedHat so much free press considering most that have honestly looked into it have better distro preferences (whether for personal workstation or server) with good reasons to cite. Like I described more thoroughly in this thread, an OS/distro is a meaningful and useful unit of abstraction to consider for the purposes of software development - especially regarding the pain-points discussed here.

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Fortunately only one of these actually works, so only one implementation is needed.

You're American, you need only one keyboard layout, no surprise you somehow believe Sway "works".

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env var.


Runtime switching of layout sets means nothing for you, right?

I did even experiment with my own layouts, so I had to reload them often.

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Runtime switching of layout sets means nothing for you, right?


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bodqhrohro commented May 13, 2024

← You ←

 . My point

Runtime switching of sets is

setxkbmap us,ru,ua
setxkbmap us,gr,ua
setxkbmap us,ar,ua
setxkbmap 'us,ru,ua(aesthetic)'
setxkbmap 'us,ru,ua(shavian)'

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K-L-R-3 commented May 13, 2024

...and Ubuntu wins easily (thanks to Wayland and Snap). Typing this from Windows 11. So sad.

Wins what? Or this is sarcasm? I don't get why engineers give Ubuntu & RedHat so much free press considering most that have honestly looked into it have better distro preferences (whether for personal workstation or server) with good reasons to cite. Like I described more thoroughly in this thread, an OS/distro is a meaningful and useful unit of abstraction to consider for the purposes of software development - especially regarding the pain-points discussed here.

@dm17 I think he is replying to the these comments:

At windows haters: you can still run 20+ years old applications on windows 10. Open 30 years old office files.

Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22 compete to see who has degraded the most. :)

So he's saying Ubuntu easily wins the race toward trashing itself.

@probonopd in my opinion Windows took a flying leap into the trash with Windows 8. I think I used Windows 10 breifly and I've been full time linux ever since so I don't know much about anything after. Last time I used ubuntu was with a live usb to do one task so I usually don't have snaps shoved down my throat. But I believe you can use other deb package repos like Debian's and Cinnamon's and stuff mostly works, so at least there is some escape from Ubuntu's crap.

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Fortunately only one of these actually works, so only one implementation is needed.

You're American, you need only one keyboard layout, no surprise you somehow believe Sway "works".

I'd gladly believe you if all three of your points were correct. Also, wlroots is more than sway... I've used other wlroots WMs (KwinFT mostly) and they work just as well. Layout switching has worked well for me through a simple rofi script.

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wlroots is more than sway

That's the point: there is still no generic mechanism. Wayfire has implemented it by reloading its config at runtime. Nice solution, hehe.

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I'm delving through the Pango source code to hunt a bug and discovered there are areas which remain unchanged since 00s:
Hilariously, the only modern change there by modern GOOME developers is for migrating to the new documentation generator. The one which requires JS, unlike the old static HTML one, which still isn't a complete replacement, and which they manage to put down from time to time which already caused butthurt to me and totally not just to me.

I doubt there still is even a single person who remembers how this code works. Still, no one seems to whine that Pango is dying like X.Org, because of bitrot. Think about it.

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Still, no one seems to whine that Pango is dying like X.Org, because of bitrot. Think about it.

You know what else was likely not changed in forever? The yes command. Think about it.

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wlroots is more than sway

That's the point: there is still no generic mechanism. Wayfire has implemented it by reloading its config at runtime. Nice solution, hehe.

wlroots supports it natively and wayfire's solution is stupid.

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wlroots supports it natively

What do you mean exactly? The aforementioned environment variable mechanism is not dynamic.

The yes command

Nice derailing attempt, but Pango is definitely way more complex. And text rendering is not cast in stone since 00s, at least combined emojis appeared since then. BTW, the genmon plugin for xfce4-panel has drastically increased RAM usage several years ago when I upgraded Pango to a version supporting fonts with embedded colourful images.

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The yes command

Nice derailing attempt, but Pango is definitely way more complex. And text rendering is not cast in stone since 00s, at least combined emojis appeared since then. BTW, the genmon plugin for xfce4-panel has drastically increased RAM usage several years ago when I upgraded Pango to a version supporting fonts with embedded colourful images.

Yes, that was exactly my point. You were comparing Pango to X11.

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What do you mean exactly? The aforementioned environment variable mechanism is not dynamic.

Keyboard layout switching is supported in wlroots natively, not through whatever Wayfire does. It supports XKB and can switch at runtime for 7 years now.

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zDEFz commented May 15, 2024

A fellow user just reported running a highly demanding patched game with an old lwjgl version runs pretty poorly on wayland KDE plasma6. Switched to X11 and it was immediately playable.
So much for backwards compatibility.

I knew already, X11 performs better for such an old game, but now I got confirmation.

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Seems like the return of blackouts in Ukraine would finally motivate me to pay more attention to Wayland, huh?
BTW, I wondered if my anti-GUI ideology and the belief (justification, rather) that the text mode is beneficial in terms of power consumption is still relevant on modern video cards which don't support the text mode natively anymore. Back then, one of primary reasons of my migration to GNU/Linux was the deprecation of text mode in Windows: Alt+Enter doesn't work in CMD.EXE with WDDM anymore, and later (in Windows 10?) they replaced it with a fake fullscreen mode. Back in my student years, I had spent a lot of time in the framebuffer console, being one of the few text mode idelogists on L.O.R. (the other one was saahriktu), and installed a lot of tools like fbi/fim/fimgs/fbterm (Vim/elinks work there "for free") to survive there without having to make a sluggish switch to the X.Org VT. (Wayland totally wasn't ready to use in any form on bare hardware that years.)

And you know what? the consumption is also around 9W when in a text TTY, hehe. X.Org (or Compiz?) consumes energy merely by repaints, so having it in a separate inactive VT doesn't matter much.

(I wonder what would happen if I launch that many windows in Wayfire session, hehe. Or replace Compiz with some lighter WM with no compositing. Wait for more tests.)

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The consumption barely changed when I replaced Compiz with Openbox. But it dropped to 9W too when I minimized (almost) all the windows, hehe.

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Yeah, just launched Chromium and it's like this:
Case closed, it's not X11, it's GUI apps who are greedy.

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I have no idea how anyone is continuing to follow this discussion,* so I decided to ask one of those large neural networks for some help.†


I've attached 500 comments on a controversial blog post about Wayland vs Xorg. Summarize both sides of the debate.

Based on the 500 comments, there seem to be two main sides to the debate around Wayland vs Xorg:

Arguments critical of Wayland:

  • Wayland breaks compatibility with many existing Linux applications and tools that were built for Xorg, requiring them to be ported or patched to work with Wayland compositors. This places a burden on application developers.
  • Wayland lacks some features and capabilities that Xorg has, like global hotkeys, controlling mouse cursor position, screen capture/sharing in some cases, color management, etc. Implementing these often requires using additional libraries or Wayland protocol extensions.
  • Wayland compositors lack consistency - things that work on GNOME's Mutter may not work the same way on KDE's Kwin or Sway. More standardization is needed.
  • Some see Wayland as being biased towards or controlled by GNOME/Red Hat/Fedora and not caring about other environments.
  • As a newer, less mature protocol, Wayland may have more undiscovered security issues compared to the battle-tested Xorg.

Arguments in favor of Wayland:

  • Xorg is old, archaic and has accumulated a lot of bloat over the years with its many extensions. It has fundamental architectural limitations that are hard to change. A fresh, modern protocol is needed.
  • Wayland has some technical advantages over Xorg, like better performance, smoother graphics, easier HiDPI and mixed refresh rate support, more secure architecture.
  • Many of the lacking features can be implemented as Wayland protocol extensions without the core protocol getting bloated. Libraries like wlroots make it easier to implement compositors.
  • With toolkits like GTK and Qt supporting Wayland and projects like PipeWire, XDG desktop portals providing key functionality, most applications work fine on Wayland now with a few exceptions. XWayland provides backwards compatibility for X11 apps.
  • As Wayland matures and gains adoption, remaining issues and gaps in functionality will get ironed out. But this is a gradual transition and some breakage is inevitable in the process of replacing something as entrenched as Xorg.

In summary, opponents see Wayland as immature, not respecting existing ecosystem/workflows, and trying to force change for change's sake. Proponents see it as a necessary modernization step for the Linux graphics stack to overcome Xorg's legacy limitations, even if the transition is painful. The debate is often quite heated and emotional on both sides.

Here are the last 100 comments. What issues remain to be resolved among the participants—or is the debate simply running in circles?

Based on the last 100 comments, it seems the debate is largely running in circles at this point, with a few new specific issues being raised but no real progress or consensus being reached.

The main recurring points of contention appear to be:

  1. Wayland's readiness and feature-completeness compared to X11. Critics argue it is still lacking key functionality and consistency across implementations, while proponents say it is usable for most people's needs now.

  2. The fragmentation of Wayland implementations across different desktop environments and the lack of universal standards for certain features. This is seen as a regression from X11's uniformity.

  3. Whether the architectural changes in Wayland are justified improvements or needlessly disruptive changes that burden application developers. There is disagreement on how much of an improvement Wayland actually provides over X11.

  4. The influence/control of GNOME, Red Hat, and other major corporate players over the direction of Wayland and surrounding technologies like systemd, compared to the more decentralized development of X11.

  5. Some debate over the backwards compatibility story - how well Wayland supports legacy X11 applications and workflows.

A few new specific pain points were brought up, like issues with screen sharing, VNC remote access, color management, keyboard layout switching, and performance regressions for some games. But in general, the discussion seems to be rehashing earlier arguments rather than reaching any new understanding or agreement.

Both sides appear quite entrenched in their views at this stage. The Wayland critics see it as an immature, over-hyped and politically driven change that is shattering the X11 ecosystem to serve corporate/GNOME interests. The Wayland advocates argue it is a overdue modernization of the Linux graphics stack that is already usable and will only get better, and that X11 is an unmaintainable legacy system holding back progress.

Some frustration and animosity is evident between the camps, with accusations of shilling, trolling and spreading FUD. But no clear resolution seems in sight, as the debate has deadlocked into restating grievances rather than finding common ground. The intractability of some architectural differences between X11 and Wayland makes compromise challenging.

Code for this

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import github
from github import Github

import json

from util import *

def serialize_datetime(dt):
    return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

def serialize_user(user):
    if hasattr(user, 'login'):
        return {
            'login': user.login,
            'avatar_url': user.avatar_url,
            'html_url': user.html_url
    elif user is not None:
        return {
            'deleted': True,
            'raw_extra_data': dict(user)
        return {
            'deleted': True

class SerializableGistComment:
    def __init__(self, comment):
        self.comment = comment

    def serialize(self):
        return {
            'body': self.comment.body,
            'created_at': serialize_datetime(self.comment.created_at),
            'updated_at': serialize_datetime(self.comment.updated_at),
            'user': serialize_user(self.comment.user)

    def to_json(self):
        return self.serialize()

class Gist:
    def __init__(self, username, gist_id, token=None):
        if token:
            self.g = Github(token)
            self.g = Github()
        self.username = username
        self.gist_id = gist_id
        self.gist = None
        self.comments = None

    def get_gist(self):
        self.gist = self.g.get_gist(self.gist_id)
        eprint('Got gist:', self.gist.description)

    def get_comments(self, max_comments=None):
        self.comments = []
        i = 1
        for comment in self.gist.get_comments():
            comment = SerializableGistComment(comment)
            eprint("Got comment №{}: {}".format(i, comment.comment.body))
            i = i + 1
            if max_comments is not None and max_comments > -1 and i > max_comments:
                eprint('Gist has more than {} comments, stopping'.format(max_comments))
        eprint('Got {} comments'.format(len(self.comments)))

    def get(self):

    def serialize(self):
        return {
            'id': self.gist_id,
            'description': self.gist.description,
            'files': {name: {'language': file.language, 'content': file.content, 'filename': file.filename, 'size': file.size, 'raw_url': file.raw_url}
                      for name, file in self.gist.files.items()},
            'comments': self.comments,
            'created_at': serialize_datetime(self.gist.created_at),
            'updated_at': serialize_datetime(self.gist.updated_at),
            'owner': serialize_user(self.gist.owner),
            'html_url': self.gist.html_url,
            'public': self.gist.public,
            'comments_count': len(self.comments)

    def to_json(self):
        return json.dumps(self.serialize(), indent=4, default=gist_comment_serializer)

def gist_comment_serializer(obj):
    if hasattr(obj, 'serialize'):
        return obj.serialize()
        raise TypeError('Object of type {} is not serializable'.format(type(obj)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import os
    import sys


    assert len(sys.argv) == 3, 'Usage: {} <username> <gist_id>'.format(sys.argv[0])
    username, gist_id = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]

    token = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
    if token is None:
        eprint('Warning: GITHUB_TOKEN is not set, you may encounter rate limit.')

    gist = Gist(username, gist_id, token)

python getgist/ probonopd 9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f2277 > 9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f2277.json
jq -r '.comments[]|[.user.login, .body]|@tsv' < 9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f2277.json > 9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f2277_comments.tsv


* Even loading the whole thing is proving impossible, so I had to use GitHub's API's to put it all in one large Markdown file which I could then attempt to read.
† “Claude AI Opus 3”, it'll probably be out of date by tomorrow so that's not important.

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zarlo commented May 17, 2024

10/10 method name get_github_token_from_env_file_if_exists i hope it does what it says

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Good catch, I forgot to attach, but you'll be glad to know it does:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# getgist utilities

import os
import sys
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)

def get_github_token_from_env_file_if_exists():
    env_file = Path('.env')
    if env_file.exists():
        with as f:
            for line in f:
                key, value = line.strip().split('=', 1)
                if key == 'GITHUB_TOKEN':
                    os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = value
                    warnings.warn('Unknown key in .env file: {}'.format(key))
    return None

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fredvs commented May 17, 2024

Okay, okay, got it, Wayland matters and we widget developers need to adapt.
From our side, a "pure Wayland with wlroots" target is on the way, but moving from Form X11 to Wayland is not "out of the box" and will take time.

So, one of our solutions to become "pure Wayland" would be to use SDL (we already have this target working):

What do you think about SDL-Wayland, does it work well and can it be called a “pure Wayland” application?

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My personal migration plan for when or if the day comes that I buy graphics hardware which is supported in the Linux kernel, but which is not supported by Xorg, due to abandonment of its development on GNU/Linux more broadly, is to just run fullscreen Xwayland with some Xorg supporting window manager.

Is there some reason of which I'm unaware that makes this unworkable? If not, I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about, really. :) !

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Come on, you have to know what's inferior by now :p Why are you typing that from W11 and not W10 LTSC?

Why would you not use Spectre if you're using Windows?

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dm17 commented May 19, 2024

Nice job @ctrlcctrlv! Would you mind asking it what it thinks a reasonable amount of years to catch up would be? Or if there should be a cut off or due date before another option is considered?

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guiodic commented May 20, 2024

My personal migration plan for when or if the day comes that I buy graphics hardware which is supported in the Linux kernel, but which is not supported by Xorg, due to abandonment of its development on GNU/Linux more broadly, is to just run fullscreen Xwayland with some Xorg supporting window manager.

Is there some reason of which I'm unaware that makes this unworkable? If not, I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about, really. :) !

today Xorg uses a generic driver called "modesetting" that works in a similar way to Wayland, using kms/drm kernel infrastructure. So it is unlikely that in the foreseeable future there will be any boards that do not work at all on Xorg. However, it is possible that in the very distant future some proprietary drivers will be discontinued (Nvidia)

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a fun screenshot for people to see something fun.

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probono doesn't update the OP so this is just an image i think is pretty good, I can do this again with a freebsd desktop in a couple years (because freebsd doesn't have good modesetting support for dg2).

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My personal migration plan for when or if the day comes that I buy graphics hardware which is supported in the Linux kernel, but which is not supported by Xorg, due to abandonment of its development on GNU/Linux more broadly, is to just run fullscreen Xwayland with some Xorg supporting window manager.

Is there some reason of which I'm unaware that makes this unworkable? If not, I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about, really. :) !

I think a bigger problem for you at that point is going to be finding X11 windows managers that are still maintained and that work on modern linux.

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probonopd commented May 30, 2024

As long as Linus Torvalds manages Linux, "modern Linux" shall not break userland (source). So existing userland software should continue to run on newer versions of the Linux kernel pretty much indefinitely. Many X11 window managers are mature by now, can be used as-is and are pretty much maintenance-free (read: ideal) nowadays. No need to fix what is not broken.

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TL;DR: IPv6 is like Wayland, just 15 years older. It's 30 years old soon, and half of the planet still ignores it.

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I think a bigger problem for you at that point is going to be finding X11 windows managers that are still maintained and that work on modern linux.

Compiz is long abandoned, yet I'm still using it somehow. How?

Things don't magically break if you don't touch them.

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today Xorg uses a generic driver called "modesetting" that works in a similar way to Wayland, using kms/drm kernel infrastructure. So it is unlikely that in the foreseeable future there will be any boards that do not work at all on Xorg. However, it is possible that in the very distant future some proprietary drivers will be discontinued (Nvidia)

Then why the Macbook video driver in Asahi Linux only supports Wayland?

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My personal migration plan for when or if the day comes that I buy graphics hardware which is supported in the Linux kernel, but which is not supported by Xorg, due to abandonment of its development on GNU/Linux more broadly, is to just run fullscreen Xwayland with some Xorg supporting window manager.
Is there some reason of which I'm unaware that makes this unworkable? If not, I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about, really. :) !

I think a bigger problem for you at that point is going to be finding X11 windows managers that are still maintained and that work on modern linux.

Like IceWM, for example?

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zDEFz commented May 31, 2024

today Xorg uses a generic driver called "modesetting" that works in a similar way to Wayland, using kms/drm kernel infrastructure. So it is unlikely that in the foreseeable future there will be any boards that do not work at all on Xorg. However, it is possible that in the very distant future some proprietary drivers will be discontinued (Nvidia)

Then why the Macbook video driver in Asahi Linux only supports Wayland?

The Software Rendering was faster on Asahi running xorg.
With the GPU driver, they went to use Wayland and found that faster.

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Has this been posted in this thread? Sorry, it if has been:


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Has this been posted in this thread? Sorry, it if has been:

@birdie-github I already posted it, but thanks for saving the picture because the author on reddit deleted it.

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Missing clipboard API over dbus. What is that nonsense?

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As long as Linus Torvalds manages Linux, "modern Linux" shall not break userland (source). So existing userland software should continue to run on newer versions of the Linux kernel pretty much indefinitely. Many X11 window managers are mature by now, can be used as-is and are pretty much maintenance-free (read: ideal) nowadays. No need to fix what is not broken.

Yes, however glibc does not keep that promise. In fact it changes its ABI fairly often.

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fredvs commented May 31, 2024

Yes, however glibc does not keep that promise. In fact it changes its ABI fairly often.

No, it is because some devs use glibc the wrong way. If you use the great feature of symbol versioning for each method called, the compatibility is maintained, even if your code uses the old GLIBC_2.2.5 symbol table.

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dm17 commented May 31, 2024

And just like Wayland, it's technically better in every way, and it is steadily gaining adoption

Not a fair comparison at all. You'd have to find equivalent criticisms of ipv6. I don't see anything technically wrong with it. The fact that it wasn't so quickly and completely replacing ipv4 is not due to issues with ipv6. However, the primary reason Wayland hasn't wiped the floor with xorg is that it isn't so great technically. It is inferior in ways and not superior enough where it counts. We've been over this ad nasueum in this thread, but I wanted to point out the apples to oranges comparison.

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fredvs commented May 31, 2024

Maybe if all the developers here who are crying about Wayland's problems (I'm one of them) decided NOW to target X12 (of course backward compatible with X11), X12 would work before all of Wayland's problems are fixed.
And given the remarkable work of XWayland, I'm sure it would be possible to create a "new X11" with the absolutely necessary new features of Wayland (if there are any).

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Consolatis commented Jun 1, 2024

That sounds like a great idea. Suggest opening a MR over at and Also maybe for GTK, Qt, SDL and other GUI frameworks. Should not take longer than a week to get everything designed, written and merged.

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I don't see anything technically wrong with it

Wayland inventors don't see anything technically wrong with it too. The problem is with adapting it to reality rather than to isolated fantasies of idealists.

From the same thread:

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fredvs commented Jun 1, 2024

That sounds like a great idea. Suggest opening a MR over at and Also maybe for GTK, Qt, SDL and other GUI frameworks. Should not take longer than a week to get everything designed, written and merged.

If you are talking about X12 (with the few absolutely necessary new features of Wayland), the adaptation for GUI widgetsets X11 compatible will be a funny game. Of course if the spirit of X11 is maintained (like atoms, ... etc).

And it would also be good, before asking something from the X11 developers, to discuss here what would be absolutely necessary to add in the new X12 version.

And a fantastic project like wine, which managed to create a Windows emulator that works even better than all official Windows versions (thanks to X11), could retain this status (which it lost with the wayland-wine version).
The same for XQuartz for Mac.

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hendrack commented Jun 1, 2024

You know, there is still Arcan. I bet they would appreciate some manpower and resources.

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fredvs commented Jun 1, 2024

You know, there is still Arcan. I bet they would appreciate some manpower and resources.

Does Arcan have an out of the box solution for GUI widget sets containing code for X11 or do they all need to be rewritten like when using Wayland?
The huge advantage of an X12 version compatible with X11 is that the immense stock of application code using X11 would not be lost.

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And a fantastic project like wine, which managed to create a Windows emulator that works even better than all official Windows versions (thanks to X11), could retain this status (which it lost with the wayland-wine version).

Wine can run ~40% of windows applications I've tried on Wayland. Wine can run the exact same amount of Windows applications, if not a bit less, on X11.

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fredvs commented Jun 1, 2024

Wine can run ~40% of windows applications I've tried on Wayland. Wine can run the exact same amount of Windows applications, if not a bit less, on X11.

By default, Wine runs on Wayland through Xwayland, are you sure you used the native wine-Wayland driver?

And about your ~40%, maybe, but here on X11 100% of the Windows apps that I need are working (an only 10% with wine-Wayland driver) .

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Yes, I was running wine-wayland

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fredvs commented Jun 1, 2024

Now that Wayland is on multiple distributions and tested, what Wayland features should definitely be added for a possible X12?
It might be interesting if we shared our hopes here.

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alfredon996 commented Jun 1, 2024

Has this been posted in this thread? Sorry, it if has been:


This image makes no sense. Why on X11 are all window managers contained in one rectangle, while on Wayland each compositor is placed in a different box? Furthermore, XWayland is only needed for X11 compatibility, if it is present in the Wayland diagram, equivalently something for Wayland compatibility should be present in Xorg

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Sivecano commented Jun 2, 2024

This image makes no sense. Why on X11 are all window managers contained in one rectangle, while on Wayland each compositor is placed in a different box? Furthermore, XWayland is only needed for X11 compatibility, if it is present in the Wayland diagram, equivalently something for Wayland compatibility should be present in Xorg

I also think it's strange that compositors and window managers are not properly distinguished. these are often split and different.
(X11 compositors are also a god-damn terrible thing since they can break rendering in ways which (unlike with wayland where expectations are clear) are not properly communicated (if anyone disagrees then I'd be happy if you could help me set a wallpaper in a way that makes picom render it correctly))

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fredvs commented Jun 2, 2024

This image makes no sense. Why on X11 are all window managers contained in one rectangle, while on Wayland each compositor is placed in a different box? Furthermore, XWayland is only needed for X11 compatibility, if it is present in the Wayland diagram, equivalently something for Wayland compatibility should be present in Xorg

I also think it's strange that compositors and window managers are not properly distinguished. these are often split and different. (X11 compositors are also a god-damn terrible thing since they can break rendering in ways which (unlike with wayland where expectations are clear) are not properly communicated (if anyone disagrees then I'd be happy if you could help me set a wallpaper in a way that makes picom render it correctly))

I admit that all this is still obscure.

If you are creating an X11 GUI application, after compilation you need to link to '' and maybe the most used dependencies '', '', ...
And your application will work regardless of which compositor/window manager you use.

But for Wayland GUI application, you have to write code for Wayland and for the compositor used.

That's what I understood.

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But for Wayland GUI application, you have to write code for Wayland and for the compositor used.

The way I understand it:

You can write a GUI application for Wayland and it should run on all Wayland compositors, but since not all compositors support all features, functionality may be broken in different ways on each of them.

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fredvs commented Jun 2, 2024

But for Wayland GUI application, you have to write code for Wayland and for the compositor used.

The way I understand it:

You can write a GUI application for Wayland and it should run on all Wayland compositors, but since not all compositors support all features, functionality may be broken in different ways on each of them.

So, I haven't yet figured out how to create a compositor-agnostic Wayland GUI app.

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But for Wayland GUI application, you have to write code for Wayland and for the compositor used.

The way I understand it:
You can write a GUI application for Wayland and it should run on all Wayland compositors, but since not all compositors support all features, functionality may be broken in different ways on each of them.

So, I haven't yet figured out how to create a compositor-agnostic Wayland GUI app.

If you are using only stable protocols, it should work in all compositors

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Why on X11 are all window managers contained in one rectangle, while on Wayland each compositor is placed in a different box?

Because an X11 window manager is totally optional software (as I demonstrated above by writing a simple X11 client which is capable of changing its window geometry itself with no running WM).

With Wayland it's totally not the case, you cannot run some ordinary "Wayland" software (if you don't consider Weston as such). You have to run some compositor, and all compositors provide significantly different flavours of "Wayland".

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If you are using only stable protocols, it should work in all compositors

Useless suggestion. In case of tachycardia, cut the heart out and use only stable organs?

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Oh, and I didn't even start the topic of incompatible blood types. How do I write generic blood which works for all blood types and Rh factors, and for minor cases of angitens incompatibility as well, like Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNSs, etc.?

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binex-dsk commented Jun 3, 2024

With Wayland it's totally not the case, you cannot run some ordinary "Wayland" software (if you don't consider Weston as such). You have to run some compositor, and all compositors provide significantly different flavours of "Wayland".

You can run ordinary "wayland" software. The window can composite itself over DRM with minimal LOC.

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You can run ordinary "wayland" software. The window can composite itself over DRM with minimal LOC.

You seriously believe a single Wayland app will ever do that? Why? LMAO, what a joke.

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binex-dsk commented Jun 4, 2024

I don't recall any widespread apps designed to work like that but is so low-overhead that you could probably slap it onto any application you wanted.

I don't recall any X11 apps that were meant to run without a window manager either. In the end, you actually end up with less overhead on Wayland thanks to everything talking client->compositor->DRM, not client->compositor(optional) -> WM -> server -> DRM

Though, this is perhaps an unfair comparison since an X11 compositor and a Wayland compositor are fundamentally dissimilar concepts.

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fredvs commented Jun 4, 2024

I don't recall any X11 apps that were meant to run without a window manager either. In the end, you actually end up with less overhead on Wayland thanks to everything talking client->compositor->DRM, not client->compositor(optional) -> WM -> server -> DRM

The point is that when developing an X11 application, you don't have to worry about which window manager will be used.
But yes, the X11 application will of course work with a window manager (if installed).

To summarize, Wayland certainly has many qualities but, instead of doing everything to attract developers, everything seems to be done to discourage them, obsolete docs and demos, war of compositors, ...

And like it or not, the end developers of the applications that will run on Wayland are the key to Wayland's possible success.

Or perhaps Wayland's policy is "only for applications made by tenors, who of course do not forget to give alms".

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Lets face it though, if you use GTK or Qt your application just magically works fine on wayland. Unless you used X11 specific functions manually instead of via the toolkit wrapper. Also, frameworks have a bunch of X11 WM workarounds in place. Just because you don't see them when writing your application doesn't mean that all WMs behave the same way.

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fredvs commented Jun 4, 2024

Lets face it though, if you use GTK or Qt your application just magically works fine on wayland.

Yes, thank you, I know that.
The problem is that I don't want to use GTK or QT, all my apps use another widgetset that don't have the tons of bugs of those big Tenors.
And making that other widgetset Wayland-compatible is just boring, tedious, unappealing and ultimately only focused on Linux (while destroying its philosophy).

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Consolatis commented Jun 4, 2024

Why is it only focused on Linux? FreeBSD for example works fine (at least for wlroots based compositors). And the philosophy of X11 protos vs wayland protos is really the same. Both have a required core and lots of optional extensions.

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Monsterovich commented Jun 4, 2024


And the philosophy of X11 protos vs wayland protos is really the same. Both have a required core and lots of optional extensions.

No. Wayland doesn't have any "core" because there is no unified server. Nobody cares that there is some "core" specification. This core specification without implementation is nothing. Moreover, this core specification is obviously insufficient.

Wayland's philosophy is very simple - “we'll write an incompatible server for our DE from scratch, now do the same to compete with us, let's see if you have the enough resources”. The architecture based on this philosophy is inherently flawed.

If you want to stay sane, don't play this game.

The Wayland inventors don't care that users and the entire ecosystem will suffer. All for the sake of Wayland cargo cult.

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fredvs commented Jun 4, 2024

Why is it only focused on Linux? FreeBSD for example works fine (at least for wlroots based compositors). And the philosophy of X11 protos vs wayland protos is really the same. Both have a required core and lots of optional extensions.

OK, so I'm going to ask you again because you're a connoisseur of Wayland.
Could you please show the code for a simple, fully functional demo using a wlroots compositor, out-of-the-box, ready to use and not obsolete?

Tip: If you can't find one, here are the working codes for all chapters in the Wayland-book:

Original C++ code (updated and fixed):

Translated Pascal code:

Like in the Wayland-book, the last chapter is how to use the compositor and is on the "TODO" world.

Many thanks.

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The problem is that I don't want to use GTK or QT, all my apps use another widgetset that don't have the tons of bugs of those big Tenors.

The "bugs" you're facing are caused more so by your incompetence, because I've never seen any show-stopping bugs that don't get fixed by a single extra LOC.

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fredvs commented Jun 4, 2024

The problem is that I don't want to use GTK or QT, all my apps use another widgetset that don't have the tons of bugs of those big Tenors.

The "bugs" you're facing are caused more so by your incompetence

Thanks for the interesting tip.

Also note that I switched to another widgetset to avoid the numerous incompatibilities between versions (GTK1 vs GTK2 vs GTK3, Qt4 vs Qt5), the huge need for dependencies, and that, for audio applications, this eats up latency.

But that's another story, let's talk about Wayland and its open doors.

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Consolatis commented Jun 4, 2024

Could you please show the code for a simple, fully functional demo using a wlroots compositor, out-of-the-box, ready to use and not obsolete? could be an example. Took me like 2 minutes to find, compile and test.

Wayland doesn't have any "core" because there is no unified server. Nobody cares that there is some "core" specification. This core specification without implementation is nothing.

Some parts of the core (e.g. what is defined in libwayland via wayland.xml) + xdg-shell (from wayland-protocols) should be enough for a basic application (also used by ^). For sane compositors (e.g. basically everything other than gnome) I would also add the decoration protocol so you have some proper server side decorations.

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Also note that I switched to another widgetset to avoid the numerous incompatibilities between versions (GTK1 vs GTK2 vs GTK3, Qt4 vs Qt5), the huge need for dependencies, and that, for audio applications, this eats up latency.

There are no "incompatibilites" within Qt that can't be solved by 4 lines of Macros.

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zarlo commented Jun 5, 2024


No. Wayland doesn't have any "core" because there is no unified server.

that's like saying there is no core of http as there is no unified server.

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fredvs commented Jun 5, 2024

Also note that I switched to another widgetset to avoid the numerous incompatibilities between versions (GTK1 vs GTK2 vs GTK3, Qt4 vs Qt5), the huge need for dependencies, and that, for audio applications, this eats up latency.

There are no "incompatibilites" within Qt that can't be solved by 4 lines of Macros.

Yes, you already said it, it's because of my incompetence.
And it's because of this that some of my old applications written for Qt4 (what a bad idea I had) force users to tinker with their system because the qt4/libqt4-* dependencies are removed in last distros.
Of course you will tell me that with 4 lines in the console, forcing the user to add the PPA repository, it will work.

With my "other widgetset" this won't happen.

In fact, my view of open source and out-of-the-box applications is inconsistent with the Wayland philosophy.

So, I apologize for the noise and good luck in your closed world of Wayland and friends.

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zDEFz commented Jun 5, 2024

So, I apologize for the noise and good luck in your closed world of Wayland and friends.

I don't like Wayland either. But either way, it seems to be a accumulated issue...

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No. Wayland doesn't have any "core" because there is no unified server.

that's like saying there is no core of http as there is no unified server.

These are incomparable things. A graphical server is many times more complicated than any web server. Isn't that obvious?
Even more so, applications depend on the approach to implementing things in that server.

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Also note that I switched to another widgetset to avoid the numerous incompatibilities between versions (GTK1 vs GTK2 vs GTK3, Qt4 vs Qt5), the huge need for dependencies, and that, for audio applications, this eats up latency.

There are no "incompatibilites" within Qt that can't be solved by 4 lines of Macros.

Yes, you already said it, it's because of my incompetence. And it's because of this that some of my old applications written for Qt4 (what a bad idea I had) force users to tinker with their system because the qt4/libqt4-* dependencies are removed in last distros. Of course you will tell me that with 4 lines in the console, forcing the user to add the PPA repository, it will work.

With my "other widgetset" this won't happen.

In fact, my view of open source and out-of-the-box applications is inconsistent with the Wayland philosophy.

So, I apologize for the noise and good luck in your closed world of Wayland and friends.

Again, you can port a Qt 4 app to Qt 5 with minimal effort, and don't have to rely on some library that 4 other people use and you have to add 4 PPAs or compile 13 6000-file dependencies from the AUR or GURU.

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fredvs commented Jun 5, 2024

Also note that I switched to another widgetset to avoid the numerous incompatibilities between versions (GTK1 vs GTK2 vs GTK3, Qt4 vs Qt5), the huge need for dependencies, and that, for audio applications, this eats up latency.

There are no "incompatibilites" within Qt that can't be solved by 4 lines of Macros.

Yes, you already said it, it's because of my incompetence. And it's because of this that some of my old applications written for Qt4 (what a bad idea I had) force users to tinker with their system because the qt4/libqt4-* dependencies are removed in last distros. Of course you will tell me that with 4 lines in the console, forcing the user to add the PPA repository, it will work.
With my "other widgetset" this won't happen.
In fact, my view of open source and out-of-the-box applications is inconsistent with the Wayland philosophy.
So, I apologize for the noise and good luck in your closed world of Wayland and friends.

Again, you can port a Qt 4 app to Qt 5 with minimal effort, and don't have to rely on some library that 4 other people use and you have to add 4 PPAs or compile 13 6000-file dependencies from the AUR or GURU.

Maybe you didn't understand it.
Once an application is "published", only the application binary is made public.
And if this application, when compiled, was linked to some qt4 libraries, these libraries are necessary to run the release binary.

Of course I can port the application to Qt x, but then I have to provide 2 different binary versions.

To get in the "Linux" mood, Qt and GTK should take a look at how glibc did with its signed symbol table for each method.
This way only one is used with multiple symbol tables to always ensure backward compatibilities.

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Once an application is "published", only the application binary is made public.

I seriously hope you are complying with the respective licences of those libraries.

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fredvs commented Jun 5, 2024

Once an application is "published", only the application binary is made public.

I seriously hope you are complying with the respective licences of those libraries.

Yes, of course, there is always a readme.txt and a license.txt and for open source projects there is a link to the source and contributors in the reame.txt and brush my teeth every morning.

But now that I'm using another widgetset with root code that only needs to link, I'm no longer bothered by forgetting to add a license and being afraid of possible incompatibilities/outdated dependencies on the end-user system.

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...until that widgetset gets an update that introduces incompatibilities. Software evolves. If you don't want to worry about widgetset incompatibilities, you're free to use GTK1 and Qt 1.45. This is a completely invalid complaint, because supporting Qt 5 and Qt 6 at the same time is minimal effort--4 LOC and a flag in your make system.

Maybe you didn't understand it.
Once an application is "published", only the application binary is made public.
And if this application, when compiled, was linked to some qt4 libraries, these libraries are necessary to run the release binary.

Then update it to support Qt 5 or 6. Unless you're releasing proprietary crapware, in which case we have no room to continue this discussion. Distros don't even offer Qt 4 anymore, so forcing users to find some outdated Qt 4 overlay or PPA is anti-user. What's even worse is forcing them to install a widget library that likely doesn't even exist in GURU, honestly.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

...until that widgetset gets an update that introduces incompatibilities.

That widgetset dont need dependencies (apart because his code is compiled with the application.
And one of his priority is to always be compatible with previous version.

f you don't want to worry about widgetset incompatibilities, you're free to use GTK1 and Qt 1.45. This is a completely invalid complaint, because supporting Qt 5 and Qt 6 at the same time is minimal effort--4 LOC and a flag in your make system.
Then update it to support Qt 5 or 6.
Distros don't even offer Qt 4 anymore

I think I've already explained that I don't use GTK or Qt for several reasons, why do you insist that I use them?

Either way, my choice is made for now. I will stop the conversion of the widgetset to Wayland. And continue to use the X11 version which works wonderfully with XWayland (obviously, its only dependency is

And maybe when Wayland has enslaved the planet and killed XWayland, I'll dive again.

By the way, I just tried Gimp, Inkspace and Audacity on Wayland.
Unfortunately, there is no working Wayland version of these essential applications yet.
It is on the todo list with not lot of enthusiasm.
And with XWayland the result is not perfect.
In their forum the advice is: go back to x11.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

And about XWayland.

OK it works more or less but the solution to completely install an X ​​server is from Jurassic IT.

If they were serious, they would create an API compatible Xlib and XCB library that speaks the Wayland protocol underneath rather than X11.
Look at wine, they have done it for Windows to X11.

I'm disappointed, I was hoping for lots of wow in exploring Wayland.
But ultimately I get a lot of meh instead.

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zarlo commented Jun 6, 2024



No. Wayland doesn't have any "core" because there is no unified server.

that's like saying there is no core of http as there is no unified server.

These are incomparable things. A graphical server is many times more complicated than any web server. Isn't that obvious? Even more so, applications depend on the approach to implementing things in that server.

my point was by your definition no spec has a core

there are no unified:

  • js runtime
  • tls
  • smtp
  • bgp
  • sql

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probonopd commented Jun 6, 2024

Again, you can port a Qt 4 app to Qt 5 with minimal effort

Not all applications are still being developed, but need to continue to work.

Then update it to support Qt 5 or 6. Unless you're releasing proprietary crapware, in which case we have no room to continue this discussion.

This mindset is what imho holds back "the year of the Linux desktop". The fact is, there is software out there that needs to continue to run. Not everyone wants to or can afford to invest into updating everything all the time.

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zarlo commented Jun 6, 2024


Not all applications are still being developed, but need to continue to work.

yes but there has a limit, you cant have backwards compatibility with every thing for ever.
i would say there is a point that its on people who are still using it to make it work

This mindset is what imho holds back "the year of the Linux desktop". The fact is, there is software out there that needs to continue to run. Not everyone wants to or can afford to invest into updating everything all the time.

Not everyone wants to or can afford to invest into backwards compatibility everything all the time. this goes 2 ways.

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probonopd commented Jun 6, 2024

you cant have backwards compatibility with every thing for ever.

Well, on Xorg I can still happily run the Mosaic web browser... (have even created an AppImage of it)

Not everyone wants to or can afford to invest into backwards compatibility everything all the time. this goes 2 ways.

Yes, but companies like IBM Red Hat who are pushing Wayland have way more resources than random joe hobby developer working on a little app in his spare time out of passion. And, unlike the developers of some applications, they are still around.

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zarlo commented Jun 6, 2024

And, unlike the developers of some applications, they are still around.

okay at that point its on the user to make it work or move on

Yes, but companies like IBM Red Hat who are pushing Wayland have way more resources than random joe hobby developer working on a little app in his spare time out of passion.

and? in this case there is a good change it will work under xwayland

okay so i have been a i3-wm user since 2012 is x11 only some of the scripts i have made depend on x11 and i use fedora.

have i been whining since i found out they will be dropping x11 at some point no i have looked at my options and have just need dropping x11 only things right now the only thing left is i3 its self i just pick 1 thing every few week tryed out the x11/wayland options it was not hard to do nor did it take a long time

and you are always free to use a distribution that supports x11 i doubt arch would drop it any time soon

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Think of things like GNUstep. Developed a long time ago, few active developers (not much development needed anymore, stable and feature complete since a long time). No resources to cater for work created by external changes in the underlying platform.

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zarlo commented Jun 6, 2024

Think of things like GNUstep. Developed a long time ago, few active developers (not much development needed anymore, stable and feature complete since a long time). No resources to cater for work created by external changes in the underlying platform.

then either

  • it works in xwayland
  • someone updates it
  • you say on x11
  • you stop using it

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Not all applications are still being developed, but need to continue to work.

Updating it so that it's actually usable for people who don't have access to 20-year old abandoned ebuilds is much closer to basic maintenance than development.

That widgetset dont need dependencies (apart because his code is compiled with the application.
And one of his priority is to always be compatible with previous version.

This is a good mindset to have, but ultimately there is going to be some kind of incompatibility someday. It's simply not possible to make 100% of everything 100% backwards compatible. Even Windows, lauded for its backward compatibility, struggles to have applications work on both Windows 7 and 11--though Qt does an excellent job making this happen.

Also, only depending on libX11 is great in theory, but what if you want to support Windows?

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probonopd commented Jun 6, 2024


it works in xwayland

Wayland proponents keep telling me that XWayland is not "proper" and somehow only a temporary "workaround".

someone updates it

I don't think so, no developers are interested in that. No GNUstep developers have asked for Wayland to exist nor to create additional work for them.

you stay on x11

Exactly my point, hence I urge everyone to be careful and not abandon X11 anytime soon.
IBM Red Hat (surprise) has already stated their intent to do the exact opposite, though.

you stop using it

No. Not because someone at IBM Red Hat decided to shove Wayland upon us.

The proper solution imho would be: XWayland becomes an integral first-class citizen and the default way for applications to use Wayland without having to rewrite or even recompile them.

Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the Wayland proponents will ever see it this way. They think the world revolves around them and everyone is keen to rewrite everything to please their moving-target and still feature incomplete protocols.

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Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the Wayland proponents will ever see it this way.

Please don't try to act high and mighty as if you aren't doing the same thing in a different font.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

Also, only depending on libX11 is great in theory, but what if you want to support Windows?

Of course libX11 is mainly for Unix systems.
For Windows the widgetset links to the root gui gdi32.dll.

And luckily, the world isn't just ruled by C and Java.
This widgetset + ide is in Pascal and uses the Free Pascal Compiler.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

but ultimately there is going to be some kind of incompatibility someday.

Maybe not. If the application correctly uses and and its signed symbol table, there is no reason to have an incompatibility. is static now, it won't change anymore and using the signed symbol table ensures compatibility.

I have applications compiled on the latest version of XUbuntu that work perfectly on the first version of Ubuntu.
And the same applications compiled on the first version of Ubuntu which work perfectly on the latest version of XUbuntu.

And this using the same code and the same compiler.

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AndreiSva commented Jun 6, 2024



it works in xwayland

Wayland proponents keep telling me that XWayland is not "proper" and somehow only a temporary "workaround".

someone updates it

I don't think so, no developers are interested in that. No GNUstep developers have asked for Wayland to exist nor to create additional work for them.

you stay on x11

Exactly my point, hence I urge everyone to be careful and not abandon X11 anytime soon. IBM Red Hat (surprise) has already stated their intent to do the exact opposite, though.

you stop using it

No. Not because someone at IBM Red Hat decided to shove Wayland upon us.

The proper solution imho would be: XWayland becomes an integral first-class citizen and the default way for applications to use Wayland without having to rewrite or even recompile them.

Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the Wayland proponents will ever see it this way. They think the world revolves around them and everyone is keen to rewrite everything to please their moving-target and still feature incomplete protocols.

Do you really want to live in a world where nothing, ever breaks backwards compatibility? If that were the case we would still be using unencrypted HTTP, broken and duct-taped init systems like SysVinit, slow and insecure BIOS boot, the list is huge.

You need to understand that we have to do this in order to progress our technology. Real fundamental improvement usually only come with real fundamental changes, which break compatibility. This will have to be done at some point, and it only gets worse the more we put it off.

In 10 years, do you really want to use a 50 year old windowing system? I don't think you understand the implications of what you're calling for here.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

Real fundamental improvement usually only come with real fundamental changes, which break compatibility.

Yes I would accept for fundamental improvement but Wayland is not the case.

Do you really want to live in a world where nothing, ever breaks backwards compatibility?

Yes, I would prefer.

In 10 years, do you really want to use a 50 year old windowing system?

And why not if old interesting apps can run on it and if the new windowing system of 24 year old cannot do what the 50 year old can do?

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Do you really want to live in a world where nothing, ever breaks backwards compatibility?

Yes, I would prefer.

The obvious solution for old applications is to open source them. If they are valuable enough for enough people you'll find people making them work on current software eco systems. There is a reason that Doom for example is still around.

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fredvs commented Jun 6, 2024

Do you really want to live in a world where nothing, ever breaks backwards compatibility?

Yes, I would prefer.

The obvious solution for old applications is to open source them. If they are valuable enough for enough people you'll find people making them work on current software eco systems. There is a reason that Doom for example is still around.

Of course, with the source you can do it. But this requires some expertise and if the root-developer cares about backwards compatibility (and it's possible with x11) it's not even necessary.

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probonopd commented Jun 6, 2024

Yes, I'd prefer to use Windows 2000, Mac OS X 10.4 and Linux with KDE 3 without hesitation over what we have today - if it ran on modern hardware and if "the web" would still work on it. To me it seems like the desktop computing user experience has steadily declined since then. (Everything dumbed down, constant flow of notifications, not designed for offline usage, constant updates for no real reason, n-th reshuffling of the settings, advertising tricking you into subscriptions, mobile UI paradigms bleeding into the desktop, "Secure Boot", lockdown, etc.)

In fact, if I could have the desktop experience from System 7 from 30+ years ago on today's Linux I'd be super happy.

What we are lacking is an appreciation of when a product is mature. At that point, it should best be left alone. I consider a mature product a good thing. No longer a moving target.

Remember when iOS apps were ~3 MB? Today everything seems to require hundreds of megabytes because people mistake JavaScript for "app development". Those 3 MB apps were better than what we have today.

And don't even get me started on things like Windows Recall (which is constantly spying on the user and saving its findings so that malware can easily steal them).

The obvious solution for old applications is to open source them.

That doesn't mean that there are any developers willing to work on them for no reason other than to chase a moving target, Point in case: GNUstep.

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Well.. I think a distro highlighting mature Linux software would be a good thing.

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lukefromdc commented Jun 7, 2024

This in fact is a broader indictment of current society AS A WHOLE. People don't seen when something has been developed to the "just right" point and they must keep moving. On my systems and in my life, I try to roll back changes I see as negative and keep those I see as positive. Systems should change as users and needs change, not for sake of a "refresh."

In my own usage, I use custom GTK and icon themes whose purpose is to roll back most of the visual changes to the GNOME 2 UI since when I first set up an UbuntuStudio machine in 2008 and customized the theme a bit. Thus I have MATE on wayfire looking and acting much like GNOME 2 with Compiz did for me over a decade ago. I added one more customization: the first few versions of GNOME shell used a tranparent black "shell theme" I thought was gorgeous, so I retrofitted it via my GTK theme and some widget naming to mate-panel and applet menus. The origjnal 2008-era UbuntuStudio theme had tried to do something similar with panel menus but could only do a few of them due to GTK2 theming limitations.

My goal with all this is an unchanging or minimally changing front end fitted to the backend of the day over the hardware of the day. I only replace hardware now if it is destroyed, as we have long ago reached the point that most machines can handle editiong 1080p video, which is usually my most demanding task.

Yes, I'd prefer to use Windows 2000, Mac OS X 10.4 and Linux with KDE 3 without hesitation over what we have today - if it ran on modern hardware and if "the web" would still work on it. To me it seems like the desktop computing user experience has steadily declined since then. (Everything dumbed down, constant flow of notifications, not designed for offline usage, constant updates for no real reason, n-th reshuffling of the settings, advertising tricking you into subscriptions, mobile UI paradigms bleeding into the desktop, "Secure Boot", lockdown, etc.)

In fact, if I could have the desktop experience from System 7 from 30+ years ago on today's Linux I'd be super happy.

What we are lacking is an appreciation of when a product is mature. At that point, it should best be left alone. I consider a mature product a good thing. No longer a moving target.

Remember when iOS apps were ~3 MB? Today everything seems to require hundreds of megabytes because people mistake JavaScript for "app development". Those 3 MB apps were better than what we have today.

And don't even get me started on things like Windows Recall (which is constantly spying on the user and saving its findings so that malware can easily steal them).

The obvious solution for old applications is to open source them.

That doesn't mean that there are any developers willing to work on them for no reason other than to chase a moving target, Point in case: GNUstep.

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zarlo commented Jun 7, 2024


it works in xwayland

Wayland proponents keep telling me that XWayland is not "proper" and somehow only a temporary "workaround".

i would just tell them to fuck off as they must not know what they are talking about as there are not such things as "temporary" workaround only workarounds that become features. but i think i get why they are saying this they dont want new work to rely on xwayland to work on wayland

The proper solution imho would be: XWayland becomes an integral first-class citizen and the default way for applications to use Wayland without having to rewrite or even recompile them.

im 100% with you on this as it would fix most of the issues but you would have issues as i doubt it would be a 100% comparable x11 api ever

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zDEFz commented Jun 8, 2024

It would be outrageous to see games and software only running on Wayland, but not on X.

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mattatobin commented Jun 8, 2024

Well some time ago I was here on a misguided mission against my better judgement to correct some what I was TOLD were misconceptions despite knowing otherwise implicitly. That's over. So is a lot of things if you look me up. Linux and the BSDs are out there for anyone to create a system from.

People should bake their own bread and the like. Not necessarily mill the flour but baking the loaf.. Anyone can do that and if we don't watch out and don't take advantage of the digital raw materials around they will eventually vanish or be mutated beyond whatever it was intended to do in the first place with CLOOOOOOUUUUUUDDDD and AAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY-EEEEEEYYYYYEEEEE.

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mattatobin commented Jun 8, 2024

Also, did someone inject some JS into this? Was it that BomberFish? I had to use devtools to get rid of the BSOD overlay..

EDIT: Yeah @BomberFish is abusing some math js thing.. A 9x BSOD would have been far better imo. I am reporting it to our overlords.

EDIT2: Went to the profile.. big ol tiled trollface.jpg for a background. Cool as hell but now he may have to do it all over again with another account.

EDIT3: It's all been resolved by apparently being resolved rolls eyes.. Luckily I had screenshots when I made the reports so in the event he reverted it himself they will still be aware of it.

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Also, did someone inject some JS into this? Was it that BomberFish? I had to use devtools to get rid of the BSOD overlay..

EDIT: Yeah @BomberFish is abusing some math js thing.. A 9x BSOD would have been far better imo. I am reporting it to our overlords.

EDIT2: Went to the profile.. big ol tiled trollface.jpg for a background. Cool as hell but now he may have to do it all over again with another account.

Haha, you got me. Looks like they patched it completely by now... it was fun nonetheless.

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@BomberFish Surprised they didn't ban you outright. It is Microsoft.

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mattatobin commented Jun 9, 2024

Anyway, what was I on about before blue screens of troll? Oh yeah, do these FUCKS (not you BomberFish) not understand you need a stable, working, and predictable surrounding system to properly test and create new stuff that also becomes stable, working, and predictable?

I mean I just got called psychotic by a Linux-from-Scratch user in their IRC channel for not wanting systemd (despite the fact that LFS continues to produce their SysVInit instructions) and not just systemd but systemd-boot instead of my distro-independent grub configuration not managed by anyone but me, manually. Also for keeping my kernel not in /boot or that I put files on my computer in a file structure I want my files to be in.

And accused (when I was disconnected from one client) of never having used systemd and wayland. Thing is, when I started doing my servers I was on a systemd distro because at the time I didn't really mess with much except start stop and do a couple of those ini-like unit files. But the moment I wanted to do more advanced and specific management of my systems it became me fighting the system for who would comply with what. At this point I am good enough with bash scripting to manage in a SysVInit environment which does only the things I tell it to.

As for wayland, I have had my fill since October last year and previous short previews as well as researching into what Wayland is and isn't. It also doesn't work properly on my system regardless of what card I use from graphical glitches to crazy ass infinite mirror effects to complete stalling out. Basically doing everything people bitch about X11 for without any of the advantages of X11 like actually working properly (or at least as expected and advertised).

I seriously do not fully understand why any of this is happening though. Why any of it was needed in the way it has unfolded.

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zarlo commented Jun 10, 2024


Also for keeping my kernel not in /boot

you might be psychotic

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Tell me the technical reason why the kernel needs to live in /boot? When the kernel even being accessible to the booted operating system isn't required. And tell me the technical reason why I can't have files where I want on my own system.

You see, this is the whole thing.. There should not be this kind of crap. There was a time when people took pride in tailoring their system to their needs and sharing the unique setups and solutions. Where a well running and solid system was an accomplishment to be celebrated. Now there are Fedora release parties every six months for the next round of depercaitions, removals, and arbitrary changes. Fedora encourages celebrating mediocrity and then Redhat sells you the after-work fixscription that should have been in it from the start and for free and for the benefit of everyone not just IBM and partners.

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mattatobin commented Jun 10, 2024

aaand now I get it.. Debian the only so-called major distro even with a pretense of being a stable linux foundation is the only one without an enterprise subscription.

I am a fuckin moron. (take note it's rare I say that) Why does linux suck and why are all these fucked over replacement systems being pushed as the only thing? Because Corporate Linux is pushing it. Because they are the vendors and facilitators and arbiters of what their distros ship and anyone looking to make major corperate money from selling Linux Support and Fixes as their core business model has a vested intrest in keeping the recent-buzz-word'd SUPPLY CHAIN in the shitter until they can service their customers first with errata and updates and eventual upstreaming (but only so they don't have to put the work in to patch everything forever like debian).

So it was the same old shit all along.. Just refactored with a perpetual testing initiative for anyone who doesn't pay.

To bring it back down to just X11 vs Wayland.. Well X11 is old as dirt, mature, doesn't take shit from anyone and tends to work if you don't disrespect its fuckin design or expect it to do things it wasn't designed to do unless you are willing to put the care into making it do it. This is a system that once working doesn't TEND to break. Wayland is ripe for enterprise support and deepening strategic business partnerships as a system designed to always need an update.

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Consolatis commented Jun 10, 2024

Tell me the technical reason why the kernel needs to live in /boot?

It doesn't. However it has to be accessible for your boot loader (whatever that may be). So if you end up on some more exotic root-filesystem that isn't supported by your boot loader you basically can't boot your system anymore. I think that was one of the reasons for a /boot partition in the earlier days that then might also have been using a more standard filesystem like ext2 or even some FAT variant.

When the kernel even being accessible to the booted operating system isn't required.

Uh, I don't know about that. Ever tried to update your kernel?

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mattatobin commented Jun 10, 2024

Yes. Because I run a custom grub configuration added into efibootmgr my self and have been experimenting with compiling a kernel in the way I want that can run this pseudo-stableish Fedora 39 userspace well.. If I can do that it should handle anything I want to do. Because I am taking the time and care to manage this manually the only time it needs pissed with is when I, manually want or need to piss with it.

Otherwise, why have it mounted in a running system and why crowd my custom shit right along side what the distro is managing assuming I didn't custom install avoiding their's and using mine or whatever I am doing.

Which if it is redhat-based I can yum --installroot edit my grub.cfg and reboot either selecting the distro kernel and just.. manually clean them up if I care enough and set the config to the version I want or just use my own, initramfs free. Now I don't expect most people to ever wanna have to do this but I expect most people to not shit upon me for my self needing or wanting to. Shame my expectations are rarely met though.

As for filesystems.. XFS all the way.. ext4 if I don't particularly care about the partition like if it is a temporary staging partition or whatnot.

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mattatobin commented Jun 10, 2024


cd "$(dirname "$0")"

echo "This script also doubles as an ad-hoc installer so if you choose the default below it will assume you want to prep the root not merely access it."
echo -e "If you still want to use the default mount point then touch .linuxnt in the target root file system and run this script again.\n"

read -p "Enter Mount Point [/mnt/sysroot]: " TARGET_SYSROOT


if [ "$TARGET_SYSROOT" == "/mnt/sysroot" ]; then
  if [ ! -f "$TARGET_SYSROOT/.linuxnt" ]; then

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

dossetup() {
  read -p "Press enter to prep the virtual filesystems..."
  cp -v /etc/resolv.conf $TARGET_SYSROOT/etc/resolv.conf

dosconfig() {
  echo "Mounting virtual filesystems..."
  mount -v --bind /dev $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev
  mount -vt devpts devpts -o gid=5,mode=0620 $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/pts
  mount -vt proc proc $TARGET_SYSROOT/proc
  mount -vt sysfs sysfs $TARGET_SYSROOT/sys
  mount -vt tmpfs tmpfs $TARGET_SYSROOT/run

  if [ -h $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/shm ]; then
    install -v -d -m 1777 $TARGET_SYSROOT$(realpath /dev/shm)
    mount -vt tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev tmpfs $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/shm

winnt32() {
  read -p "Press enter to begin the installation."

  dnf install --installroot=$TARGET_SYSROOT --releasever=39 --setopt=install_weak_deps=False --setopt=keepcache=True --nodocs --refresh --assumeyes \
    @custom-environment \
    @c-development \
    @development-libs \
    @development-tools \
    @fedora-packager \
    bc \
    dbus-daemon \
    curl \
    htop \
    httpd-tools \
    nano \
    fuse-sshfs \
    ntfsprogs \
    python2* \
    rsyslog \
    traceroute \
    unzip \
    wget \
    zip \
    screen \
    net-tools \
    dos2unix \
    rsync \
    time \
    tree \
    whois \
    git \
    curl \
    wimlib* \
    -x ccache \
    -x plymouth* \
    -x audit \
    -x abrt* \
    -x firewall* \
    -x vim* \
    -x audit \
    -x zram*

  touch $TARGET_SYSROOT/.linuxnt
  read -p "Install either worked or it didn't. Press enter to continue."

ntldr() {
  echo -e "\nEntering $TARGET_SYSROOT..."
  echo -e "\n================================================================================"
  echo -e "\nOpen Source Linux NT [Version $(uname -r)]\n$(uname -v)\n"
  chroot "$TARGET_SYSROOT" /usr/bin/env -i   \
      HOME=/root                  \
      TERM="$TERM"                \
      PS1="(Linux NT) \u:\w \$ "  \
      PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin     \
      MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)"      \
      TESTSUITEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" \
      /bin/bash --login
  echo -e "\n================================================================================\n"

dosexit() {
  echo "Unmounting virtual filesystems..."
  umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/pts
  mountpoint -q $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/shm && umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev/shm
  umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/dev
  umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/run
  umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/proc
  umount -v $TARGET_SYSROOT/sys

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Setup filesystem
if [ -n "$INSTALL_SYSTEM" ]; then

# Mount virtual filesystems

# Install system
if [ -n "$INSTALL_SYSTEM" ]; then

# Chroot to system

# Unmount virtual filesystems

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ArcExp commented Jun 11, 2024

so in short, the person who made this post is upset that xorg specific apps, like xkill don't work on wayland, while operating on out of date information about the level of readiness of other apps, like obs, that now work on wayland just fine

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Monsterovich commented Jun 11, 2024


so in short, the person who made this post is upset that xorg specific apps, like xkill don't work on wayland

The very idea of Wayland is retarded, that's why the architecture sucks, that's why the fragmentation is so big. The rest is just a consequence.

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so in short, the person who made this post is upset that xorg specific apps, like xkill don't work on wayland

The very idea of Wayland is retarded, that's why the architecture sucks, that's why the fragmentation is so high. The rest is just a consequence.

Just think of wlroots as the Xorg server. and all your problems about "fragmentation" go away.

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Just think of wlroots as the Xorg server.

This is not a server, but one of the many Wayland libraries for making graphical servers.

and all your problems about "fragmentation" go away.

That's how wlroots was created:


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so in short, the person who made this post is upset that xorg specific apps, like xkill don't work on wayland

The very idea of Wayland is retarded, that's why the architecture sucks, that's why the fragmentation is so big. The rest is just a consequence.

Why do you feel the need to create tension and division where there isn't any?
If you don't like the wayland architecture, don't use it. Simple as that.

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so in short, the person who made this post is upset that xorg specific apps, like xkill don't work on wayland

The very idea of Wayland is retarded, that's why the architecture sucks, that's why the fragmentation is so big. The rest is just a consequence.

Why do you feel the need to create tension and division where there isn't any? If you don't like the wayland architecture, don't use it. Simple as that.

That's not possible, because then @Monsterovich 's entire existence would be worthless.

For reference, anything that doesn't use wlroots is legitimately unusable and broken, so the point about wlroots being the 15th competing standard doesn't make sense. How can you be a competing standard when every other standard doesn't work?

Here's my list of compositors I've tried.


  • sway - works
  • Hyprland - works
  • Wayfire - works
  • labwc - works
  • KWinFT (Theseus' Ship) - works

Note that all of these have full feature compatibility and work perfectly for every task (sans KWinFT, which is still very incomplete)

Not wlroots-based:

  • Mutter - completely broken
  • KWin - Didn't work up until last year, now suffers from graphical issues & lacks featurea
  • Weston - sort of works? Very intermittent.

Alas, when only one standard works, that is the standard.

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To be fair, there is a number of missing features / issues with wlroots based compositors, 3 from the top of my head:

  • Applications can't tell the compositor to set some app icon (the respective wayland protocol was merged but the wlroots implementation isn't yet merged). One can argue that that is just because the protocol got recently merged and is thus also an issue in the wider wayland ecosystem that will fix itself over time as implementations trickle in.
  • You can't use compositor features like always-on-top or move-window-to-workspace / select-workspace from a panel in a standardized way as the respective wayland protocols required for that are not yet accepted. There exists custom compositor specific IPC to work around it but that is pretty ugly and requires all panels to implement compositor specific support which is obviously a bad thing.
  • Using output scaling with xwayland on any wlroots based compositor other than likely hyprland (as it takes over quite some wlroots functionality itself) is pretty much broken and results in blurry galore. It can be argued that this is an issue with missing viewporter support for Xwayland itself as fractional output scaling works just fine for wayland native applications.

These are not enough to scare me away from using it as a daily driver but issues like this should also not be hidden.

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If you don't like the wayland architecture, don't use it. Simple as that.

Thing is, players like Fedora and IBM Red Hat are trying to shove it down our throat by declaring it "the future" and removing working Xorg.

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Just think of wlroots as the Xorg server. and all your problems about "fragmentation" go away.

Except that Gnome and KDE are not even using it.

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probonopd commented Jun 11, 2024

obs, that now work on wayland just fine

Last time I tried, it didn't. (I was running neither Fedora nor Gnome or KDE.)

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If you don't like the wayland architecture, don't use it. Simple as that.

Thing is, players like Fedora and IBM Red Hat are trying to shove it down our throat by declaring it "the future" and removing working Xorg.

So.. don't use those distros if you don't like that?

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