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Raphaël Améaume raphaelameaume

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slimbuck / webgpu_metal_capture.txt
Created May 13, 2024 08:47
Capturing WebGPU metal trace on MacOS
1) Clone and build WebKit
git clone WebKit
cd WebKit
Tools/Scripts/build-webkit -cmakeargs="-DENABLE_WEBGPU_BY_DEFAULT=1" --debug
2) Run your app
__XPC_METAL_CAPTURE_ENABLED=1 Tools/Scripts/run-minibrowser --debug --url http://localhost:5000/index.html#/loaders/gsplat
martinlaxenaire / TextTexture.js
Last active May 14, 2024 08:48
A class to create multiline text textures easily with curtains.js
Helper class to create text textures easily with curtains.js
- vertical and horizontal text alignements
- lowercase and uppercase
- filled or stroked text
Does not support:
- right to left text (TODO)
- custom letter spacing
//MIT License
//Copyright (c) 2021 Felix Westin
//Ported to GLSL by Marcin Ignac
// -------------------------------------
* Try to fix iOS lock on audio.
* By default, audio on iOS is locked until a sound is played within a user interaction,
* and then it plays normally the rest of the page session.
// Inspired from
export default class IosUnlock {
donmccurdy /
Last active April 16, 2021 05:36
A minimal set of tools for creating a JavaScript or TypeScript library.

These are the build tools I prefer to use when starting a new JavaScript or TypeScript library. Most libraries I write run both in the browser and in node.js. Each project needs to be lightweight, and to minimize maintenance. And I need build chains for those libraries to pretty much "just work". That last part has become more important over time, as I've maintained more libraries and generally had less time to deal with dependencies and build system issues. For web applications, as opposed to libraries consumed in other projects, these choices may or may not make sense. These are opinionated choices, and will probably change over time.

Almost always:

  • microbundle: Zero-config Rollup bundler, with optional TypeScript support
  • tape: Test runner
  • tap-spec: Clean test output


donmccurdy /
Last active January 2, 2023 08:07
Color management in three.js

high res tiled rendering with canvas-sketch

Copy these files in the gist to a new folder. Generate a package.json:

cd folder-with-code
npm init -y

Then install deps:

// by Etienne JACOB
// uses a formula inspired by @ozachou_g (on twitter)
//click on canvas to generate a new one
//press key to save
float x,y,z,t;
float[] A = new float[12];
float[] f = new float[12];
m4n1ok / autoplay.js
Last active January 10, 2023 09:35
Detect autoplay inline video
export const isAutoplaySupported = () => {
// Detect if user can autoplay inline video
// Works when user is on low-battery mode on IOS
// Return promise from
const video = document.createElement('video')
const createLogger = (backgroundColor, color) => {
const logger = (message, ...args) => {
if (logger.enabled === false) {
`background-color: ${backgroundColor}; color: ${color}; padding: 2px 4px;`,