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ronaldtse / ExampleSM2X509Certificate
Created January 9, 2018 17:58
An example of a X.509 certificate using SM2 / SM3
a) the serial number is 64 57 00 b7 00 00 02 f6 (dec is 7230248512745636598);
b) the certificate is signed with SM2 and the SM3 hash algorithm;
c) the issuer's distinguished name is CN=OSCCA SM2 CA, C=CN;
d) and the subject's distinguished name is CN=用户名字, OU=部门名称,O=组织名称,S=省份名称,C=CN;
e) the certificate was issued on March 22, 2011 and expired on March 29,2014;
f) the certificate contains a 256 bit SM2 EC public key;
g) the certificate is an end entity certificate (not a CA certificate);
h) the certificate include an authority key identifier ,subject KeyIdentifier and basic constraints extensions;
i) the certificate includes a critical key usage extension specifying the public is intended for generation of digital signatures;
j) the certificate include a extend key usage extensions;
ronaldtse /
Last active October 24, 2018 10:03
Install PlantUML on Ubuntu
# Install PlantUML
apt-get install -y default-jre
if [ -f "/opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar" ]; then
echo '[plantuml] PlantUML already installed.'
echo '[plantuml] Installing PlantUML...'
apt-get install -y graphviz reduce command output and protect against inactivity


This script is handy for situations that require output but is unable to handle too much output.

A catch-22 situation like on Travis CI:

  • Travis terminates a job on over-logging: when output exceeds 4MB

ronaldtse / macos.yml
Last active January 3, 2020 14:35 — forked from maxwelleite/
Script to install Microsoft Vista TrueType Fonts (TTF) aka Microsoft’s ClearType fonts on Ubuntu distros
name: macos
- master
ronaldtse /
Created July 3, 2020 05:56 — forked from JaimeChavarriaga/
Installing Sparx Enterprise Architect on MacOS

Installing Sparx Enterprise Architect on MacOS


There is not a MacOS-native executable of Enterprise Architect on Mac. In order to run it, it is possible to use Wine, a software to run windows applications on Linux and Mac. Sparx has a webinar and a documentation page explaining how to install EA into Linux using Wine. However, these instructions do not provide a step-by-step guide for MacOS

The following are instructions to install EA on MacOs using Homebrew.

  1. install homebrew
termsdef: 定义
termsdefsymbolsabbrev: 定义
termsdefsymbols: 定义
termsdefabbrev: 定义
termnote: 注 %
normref: 规范性参考文献
symbolsabbrev: 缩略语与缩写
abbrev: 缩略语与缩写
symbols: 缩略语与缩写
conventions: 惯例
ronaldtse / gist:48ece5dc835dd46f0839fc26d9c147eb
Last active January 26, 2021 19:51
scope: 范围
symbolsabbrev: 符号与缩写
abbrev: 缩写
symbols: 符号
table_of_contents: 目录
introduction: 引言
foreword: 前言
abstract: 摘要
acknowledgements: 致谢
scope: مجال التطبيق
symbolsabbrev: الرموز والاختصارات
abbrev: الاختصارات
symbols: الرموز
table_of_contents: جدول المحتويات
introduction: مقدمة
foreword: تمهيد
abstract: ملخص
acknowledgements: شكر
"symmetric": [
"aes": {
"key-length": [
/* anything less will score "unacceptable" */
"predicate": "min",
"levels": [
"level": 2,