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rtrouton / Sequoia-compatible Macs (regex)
Created June 12, 2024 20:58 — forked from talkingmoose/Sequoia-compatible Macs (regex)
Regex looks for all Mac models compatible with macOS Sequoia. May not be up-to-date with newly released models.
Published Date: June 10, 2024
1) Exact regex — Matches major model identifier numbers based on Apple's knowledge base article (more accurate):
2) Current or higher regex — Matches model identifiers based on Apple's knowledge base article and may match higher versions before this regex is updated (more future-proof).
rtrouton /
Created November 14, 2022 22:00
Working with Apple pkgs

Mac Packaging Cheatsheet

Create a component pkg from a DMG

pkgbuild --component /Volumes/ApplicationName/*.app --install-location \
    /Applications ApplicationName-Version.pkg

Install pkg from command line

sysadminctl is a tool Apple introduced in 10.10 for working with system user accounts. In 10.13,
sysadminctl is Apple's recommended tool for working with user accounts in the CLI, replacing functionality
that has long been provided by dscl and adds new features available only in 10.13.
sysadminctl can be used to change user passwords, create new users (including automatically provisioning
the user home folder) or check the status of a new-to-10.13 security feature named SecureToken.
SecureToken is a user attribute like password type or user home location. SecureToken is not publicly
documented by Apple so it is not possible to provide a full technical description, but in practice one
needs only to know if a user has SecureToken or not. Having SecureToken set signifies that a user can
unlock a FileVault-encrypted volume. Without the SecureToken bit on a user account, that user will not

How to Download iOS Simulator (Xcode) in Command Line and Install it

For faster connection speed and more flexibility.


  1. Start Xcode in command line by running this in commandline /Applications/
  2. Start downloading of the simulator
  3. Cancel it. YES CANCEL IT!
  4. You will get a message like this:
rtrouton /
Created September 13, 2016 15:29 — forked from bruienne/
Get OS X version from DMG
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# Retrieves the OS version and build from the InstallESD.dmg contained in
# a typical "Install (Mac) OS X <Name>.app" bundle.
# To run:
rtrouton /
Created August 28, 2016 19:27 — forked from arubdesu/
For running at first boot, to enable both location services and whitelist Maps and AutoTimeZone('based on current location')
"""Enables location services, allows Maps and Timezone"""
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import FoundationPlist
except ImportError as error:
rtrouton /
Created August 26, 2016 16:07 — forked from pudquick/
Forcing automatic timezone discovery with pyobjc on OS X
# Tested on 10.11
# Assumes your network is in a state to actually do the discovery
# (Generally this means wifi enabled on your device and network stack is up)
# Note: When this code exits, it will generate an error message - this is to be expected!
# Error will look like:
# Python[3056:158489] PyObjC: Exception during dealloc of proxy: Cannot remove an observer <TimeZonePref 0x7f846b4b6710>
# for the key path "enabled" from <ATZAdminPrefererences 0x7f846b502a30> because it is not registered as an observer.
# This is because we're cheating with the initialization of a TimeZonePref class to get cheap access to
rtrouton /
Created January 2, 2016 01:15 — forked from pudquick/
Programmatic access to usernames, icons, encryption status, and more for FileVault2 for OS X
# This code must run as root
# We're mixing ObjC and C-style dylibs, so this is really fun
# The only reason we're doing this is that the OS is _really really_ picky about trying to do
# ANYTHING with the CoreStorage Family Properties CFDictionary that's in-memory EXCEPT for
# making a mutable copy of it.
# Once we've done that, we can bring it into pyObjC to play nicely with the data.
import objc
rtrouton / javaJDKextAtty.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from dderusha/javaJDKextAtty.txt
Java JDK Extension Attribute
###Test Code###
### Intention is to figure out what JDK the user has installed.
### our current Ext atty reports the JRE, we need to know they have the JDK
## thanks to elliotjordon
## -00 is just a number to say that JDK is not installed. makes for better smartgroup searches
if JDKver=$(ls "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines" | awk -F "_|.jdk" '/.jdk/{print $2}' | tail -1)
echo "<result>$JDKver</result>"
# else
import plistlib, os.path
# Based off of
def jdk_info_plists():
# Find all the JDK Info.plist files
JDK_ROOT = "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines"
if (os.path.exists(JDK_ROOT) and os.path.isdir(JDK_ROOT)):
# It's present, let's look for installs