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// Provides a device_scale class on iOS devices for scaling user
// interface elements relative to the current zoom factor.
// Copyright (c) 2010 37signals.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
juliamae / gist:753311
Created December 23, 2010 18:01 — forked from luke0x/gist:115795
Deploying a Rails 3 App with EC2 + S3 + Ubuntu + Capistrano + Passenger
Deploying a Rails 3 App with EC2 + S3 + Ubuntu + Capistrano + Passenger
EC2 Setup
1 Launch New ec2 instance - ami-1634de7f
2 Create elastic IP [ELASTIC_IP] and associate it with instance
3 go to domain registrar DNS settings, @ and www to ELASTIC_IP
4 set the `:host` in `config/deploy.rb` to ELASTIC_IP
takeo / campfire_emoji.js
Created January 26, 2011 21:19
all the keys for campfire emoji
Emoji: {
'sunny': '2600',
'zap': '26a1',
'leaves': '1f343',
'lipstick': '1f483',
'cop': '1f46c',
'wheelchair': '267f',
'fish': '1f413',
'hammer': '1f52c',
'moneybag': '1f4b0',
lucasfais / gist:1207002
Created September 9, 2011 18:46
Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌘T go to file
⌘⌃P go to project
⌘R go to methods
⌃G go to line
⌘KB toggle side bar
⌘⇧P command prompt
if (typeof (AC) === "undefined") {
AC = {}
AC.ImageReplacer = Class.create({
_defaultOptions: {
listenToSwapView: true,
filenameRegex: /(.*)(\.[a-z]{3}($|#.*|\?.*))/i,
filenameInsert: "_☃x",
ignoreCheck: /(^http:\/\/movies\.apple\.com\/|\/105\/|\/global\/elements\/quicktime\/|_(([2-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)x|nohires)(\.[a-z]{3})($|#.*|\?.*))/i,
attribute: "data-hires",
jeremy / gist:4211803
Created December 5, 2012 03:05
Template- and asset-aware ETags

Declared ETags, together with Russian Doll caching, can be used to automatically mix your template and asset versions into the ETags set in your controllers. This avoids the need to blow all browser caches on each deploy and neatly contains the scope of "freshness fallout" when you tweak a view.

To include the template's version in the ETag:

  # Incorporate the cache version for this action into our ETag.
  # This allows template changes to bubble up into HTTP cache
  # freshness and bust browser caches when we make changes.
  etag do
SlexAxton / .zshrc
Last active April 25, 2023 03:57
My gif workflow
gifify() {
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
if [[ $2 == '--good' ]]; then
ffmpeg -i $1 -r 10 -vcodec png out-static-%05d.png
time convert -verbose +dither -layers Optimize -resize 600x600\> out-static*.png GIF:- | gifsicle --colors 128 --delay=5 --loop --optimize=3 --multifile - > $1.gif
rm out-static*.png
ffmpeg -i $1 -s 600x400 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=3 > $1.gif
// tests
// returns height of the screen including all toolbars
// requires detection of orientation. (320px for our test)
// window.orientation === 0 ? screen.height : screen.width
// returns height of the visible area
// it decreases if you zoom in
// window.innerHeight
// returns height of screen minus all toolbars
flarik /
Created June 12, 2013 10:25
Pow's .porwrc config file for use with RVM's config files .rvmrc or .ruby-version (+ optional .ruby-gemset)
if [ -f "${rvm_path}/scripts/rvm" ]; then
source "${rvm_path}/scripts/rvm"
if [ -f ".rvmrc" ]; then
source ".rvmrc"
elif [ -f ".ruby-version" ] && [ -f ".ruby-gemset" ]; then
rvm use `cat .ruby-version`@`cat .ruby-gemset`
elif [ -f ".ruby-version" ]; then
rvm use `cat .ruby-version`