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yewtudotbe /
Last active May 9, 2024 18:12
Why was down? (July 2023)

On the 30th of June, my cloud provider, Oracle Cloud, decided to shutdown all my servers hosted on two Oracle Cloud accounts.
It is known that this provider will randomly ban accounts without any reason.

Why doesn't accept new registrations nor logging into an account?

Unfortunately and this is 100% my fault for forgetting that, I only had data duplication between servers located in the two Oracle Cloud accounts and no backups.
I thought that I wouldn't get all my accounts in trouble at the same time and able to recover the data from one of the two accounts but unfortunately this turned out otherwise.

Implementing some backup was something I had in my notes for a long time but I think I forgot about it, maybe due to the huge amount of work I spend on the open source projects.
I'm deeply sorry if you have lost your subscriptions list or playlists or watch history. I did try to contact Oracle Cloud for recovering the data, I'm waiting for their answer but you should be certain that they

Narretz / bh_core.sublime-settings
Last active September 18, 2022 05:25
Sublime Text BracketHighlighter settings for Vue Component
// Rule definitions for finding and matching brackets.
// Brackets are found by using regex and can use scope
// qualifiers exclude certain matches.
// Once all matches are found, the closest pair surrounding
// the cursor are selected.
"brackets": [
// Basic brackets
"name": "curly",
enricofoltran / main.go
Last active April 1, 2024 00:17
A simple golang web server with basic logging, tracing, health check, graceful shutdown and zero dependencies
package main
import (
alekseykulikov /
Last active April 14, 2024 00:32
Principles we use to write CSS for modern browsers

Recently CSS has got a lot of negativity. But I would like to defend it and show, that with good naming convention CSS works pretty well.

My 3 developers team has just developed React.js application with 7668 lines of CSS (and just 2 !important). During one year of development we had 0 issues with CSS. No refactoring typos, no style leaks, no performance problems, possibly, it is the most stable part of our application.

Here are main principles we use to write CSS for modern (IE11+) browsers:

<noscript id="textNS">
| |
| a w r i t e u p r e l e a s e b y r o l |
| ________ ___ ________ ________ |
| <_ __ \/ \/ \/ ____ \ |
| T T<___/\___/\_ /\ _/\ \__j _/ |
| | | T T T / \ T__\____ T |
| | | | | | \ / |T T T | |
| l__j_____l___j_l__><__j| | | | |
spaze /
Last active April 20, 2024 02:14
Opera VPN behind the curtains is just a proxy, here's how it works

2023 update

ℹ️ Please note this research is from 2016 when Opera has first added their browser "VPN", even before the "Chinese deal" was closed. They have since introduced some real VPN apps but this below is not about them.

🕵️ Some folks also like to use this article to show a proof that the Opera browser is a spyware or that Opera sells all your data to 3rd parties or something like that. This article here doesn't say anything like that.

When setting up (that's immediately when user enables it in settings) Opera VPN sends few API requests to to obtain credentials and proxy IPs, see below, also see The Oprah Proxy.

The browser then talks to a proxy (when VPN location is set to Germany), it's IP address can only be resolved from within Opera when VPN is on, it's (or similar, see below). It's an HTTP/S proxy which requires auth.

rauchg /
Last active January 6, 2024 07:19
jonathantneal /
Last active October 9, 2017 07:43
Switching to an SVG Icon System from IcoMoon Fonts

Switching to an SVG Icon System from IcoMoon Fonts

  1. Goto to the [IcoMoon App] and click “[Selection]” at the bottom. Screenshot of Selection page

  2. Open the menu list for your icon set and choose “Select All”. Screenshot of Selection page with open menu list

  3. Click “[Generate SVG & More]” at the bottom. Screenshot of SVG page

jonathantneal /
Last active March 8, 2016 16:20 — forked from daneden/
Remap right ALT key to Emoji on Mac

Remapping the right ALT key to open the emoji selector on Mac

  1. Install Karabiner
  2. Open Karabiner and go to Misc & Uninstall -> Open private.xml
  3. Use the contents of private.xml and save
  4. In Karabiner, go to Change Keys -> Reload XML
  5. Enable “Option_R to Emoji”
  6. 🎉
irace /
Created October 29, 2015 21:16
iOS development checklist


Already had

  • Accessibility
  • Handoff
  • Safari Shared Credentials
  • iCloud Keychain
  • iPad Multitasking
  • State Restoration