Each of these commands will run an ad hoc http static server in your current (or specified) directory, available at http://localhost:8000. Use this power wisely.
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
$ python -m http.server 8000
$ twistd -n web -p 8000 --path .
$ python -c 'from twisted.web.server import Site; from twisted.web.static import File; from twisted.internet import reactor; reactor.listenTCP(8000, Site(File("."))); reactor.run()'
Depends on Twisted.
$ ruby -rwebrick -e'WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => 8000, :DocumentRoot => Dir.pwd).start'
Credit: Barking Iguana
$ ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000
Credit: nobu
$ gem install adsf # install dependency
$ adsf -p 8000
Credit: twome
No directory listings.
$ gem install sinatra # install dependency
$ ruby -rsinatra -e'set :public_folder, "."; set :port, 8000'
No directory listings.
$ cpan HTTP::Server::Brick # install dependency
$ perl -MHTTP::Server::Brick -e '$s=HTTP::Server::Brick->new(port=>8000); $s->mount("/"=>{path=>"."}); $s->start'
Credit: Anonymous Monk
$ cpan Plack # install dependency
$ plackup -MPlack::App::Directory -e 'Plack::App::Directory->new(root=>".");' -p 8000
Credit: miyagawa
$ cpan Mojolicious::Lite # install dependency
$ perl -MMojolicious::Lite -MCwd -e 'app->static->paths->[0]=getcwd; app->start' daemon -l http://*:8000
No directory listings.
$ npm install -g http-server # install dependency
$ http-server -p 8000
Note: This server does funky things with relative paths. For example, if you have a file /tests/index.html
, it will load index.html
if you go to /test
, but will treat relative paths as if they were coming from /
$ npm install -g node-static # install dependency
$ static -p 8000
No directory listings.
$ php -S
Credit: /u/prawnsalad and MattLicense
No directory listings.
$ erl -s inets -eval 'inets:start(httpd,[{server_name,"NAME"},{document_root, "."},{server_root, "."},{port, 8000},{mime_types,[{"html","text/html"},{"htm","text/html"},{"js","text/javascript"},{"css","text/css"},{"gif","image/gif"},{"jpg","image/jpeg"},{"jpeg","image/jpeg"},{"png","image/png"}]}]).'
Credit: nivertech (with the addition of some basic mime types)
No directory listings.
$ busybox httpd -f -p 8000
Credit: lvm
$ webfsd -F -p 8000
Depends on webfs.
C:\> "C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /path:C:\MyWeb /port:8000
Depends on IIS Express.
Credit: /u/fjantomen
No directory listings. /path
must be an absolute path.
If you have any suggestions, drop them in the comments below or on the reddit discussion. To get on this list, a solution must:
- serve static files using your current directory (or a specified directory) as the server root,
- be able to be run with a single, one line command (dependencies are fine if they're a one-time thing),
- serve basic file types (html, css, js, images) with proper mime types,
- require no configuration (from files or otherwise) beyond the command itself (no framework-specific servers, etc)
- must run, or have a mode where it can run, in the foreground (i.e. no daemons)
Submitted for your approval, a NodeJS solution in 123 chars. ⛳
Run it in bash to serve files relative to that directory, and also any file on your computer if given an absolute path. 😱
node -e 'r=require;r("http").createServer((i,o)=>r("stream").pipeline(r("fs").createReadStream(i.url.slice(1)),o,e=>console.log(i.url,e))).listen(8080)'
I prefer the 153-char version that logs out each file request and doesn't serve outside the command's directory. 🪵
Here's that one-liner unobfuscated, deminimized, and explained. 🧑🏫
(Source: https://gist.github.com/mLuby/6cecf50649c543b6c89f3976cf203058)