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processing unit

David W wulymammoth

processing unit
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Some useful custom text objects for vim

Collection of my custom text objects I use quite often.

97975602 6e90ee00 1dda 11eb 9286 6894300457e3


Put it into your .vimrc:

goofansu / app.js
Last active August 5, 2023 04:05
LiveView upload directly to AWS China S3
let Uploaders = {}
Uploaders.S3 = function (entries, onViewError) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
onViewError(() => xhr.abort())
xhr.onload = () => (xhr.status === 200 ? entry.done() : entry.error())
xhr.onerror = () => entry.error()
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", event => {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
I was drawn to programming, science, technology and science fiction
ever since I was a little kid. I can't say it's because I wanted to
make the world a better place. Not really. I was simply drawn to it
because I was drawn to it. Writing programs was fun. Figuring out how
nature works was fascinating. Science fiction felt like a grand
Then I started a software company and poured every ounce of energy
into it. It failed. That hurt, but that part is ok. I made a lot of
mistakes and learned from them. This experience made me much, much
antony /
Last active February 8, 2022 01:36
Auth0 SSR Compatible Integration with Sapper
npm install --save express express-openid-connect
seanh /
Last active June 25, 2024 06:05
vimgrep cheatsheet


  • Vimcasts on vimgrep

  • Uses native vim regexes (which are slightly different from the regexes used by grep, ack, ag, etc) so the patterns are the same as with vim's within-file search patterns.

You can do a normal within-file search first, then re-use the same pattern to

gkaemmer /
Last active December 18, 2023 14:37
Quick guide to creating Elixir supervision trees from scratch

Elixir Supervision Trees Made Easy

I started with Elixir just a couple weeks after the switch from 1.4 to 1.5, so the bulk of online resources were out of date (or at least resulted in deprecation warnings). This guide is for defining Elixir 1.5 supervised modules.

It's not actually terribly complicated. It's just sometimes unclear from examples what's implemented by the language and what you actually have to implement yourself.

Say we want a supervision tree like this (where each atom is a process):


/ \

teamon / box.ex
Created August 25, 2017 23:09
Define elixir structs with typespec with single line of code
defmodule Box do
defmacro __using__(_env) do
quote do
import Box
@doc """
Define module with struct and typespec, in single line
#! /bin/zsh
tmux \
new-session -d -s $sessionName -n emacs 'emacs .' \;\
new-window -n 'app' "bin/run" \;\
new-window -n 'build' "bin/build" \;\
new-window -n 'tests' "bin/test" \;\
new-window -n git \;\
selectw -t emacs
KronicDeth /
Created May 22, 2017 20:39
HowTo make deprecation warnings in Elixir

TIL how to make deprecation warnings:

Compiling 2 files (.ex)
warning: `Retort.Resources.timeout/2` is deprecated; call `Retort.Resources.Timeout.get_or_default/2` instead.
  lib/retort/resources.ex:197: Retort.Resources.timeout/2

Replace function