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dwilliamson / gist:e9b1ba3c684162c5a931
Last active December 20, 2021 19:38
Workflow for using git subtree on Windows
To include a library as a subtree, follow these steps:
1. Add the project as a remote
git remote add <remote-name> <source-repo>
2. Fetch the remote
git fetch <remote-name>
3. Add the project
git subtree add --prefix "path/to/project" <remote-name> <remote-branch-name> --squash

Screen Quick Reference


Description Command
Start a new session with session name screen -S <session_name>
List running sessions / screens screen -ls
Attach to a running session screen -x
Attach to a running session with name screen -r
harding /
Last active May 7, 2024 06:25
Working With Multiple Repositories On GitHub

Working With Multiple Repositories On GitHub

Most projects on GitHub have a main repository that's the focal point of activity. For example, the Example organization has the repository:

Developers of typically call this the 'upstream' repository. We'll come back to it in a moment.

aaossa /
Created October 1, 2017 19:28
Cómo trabajar con git branches

Workflow con git

Para este proyecto seguiremos la metodología de tener una branch principal master (equivalente a release en otros proyectos), una branch dev (o development) para comprobar que todo funcione antes de enviar los cambios a master y múltiples "feature branches" para que cada colaborador pueda enacrgarse de una tarea definida, trabajarla y probarla a gusto antes de reunir los cambios en dev. Para más detalle y ejemplos pueden usar de esta lectura la sección Feature Branch Workflow.


Pasos para empezar a trabajar en una feature

MeFoDy /
Last active September 11, 2023 12:48
Daily CSS Images: full list of tasks

Daily CSS Images

Week 1

Day 1. Bear Cub

The challenge begins! Don't overthink it. A cub can be made in only a few shapes.

Day 2. Elephant

blackcater /
Created July 6, 2018 16:45
Markdown Diagrams


Markdown Preview Enhanced supports rendering flow charts, sequence diagrams, mermaid, PlantUML, WaveDrom, GraphViz, Vega & Vega-lite, Ditaa diagrams. You can also render TikZ, Python Matplotlib, Plotly and all sorts of other graphs and diagrams by using Code Chunk.

Please note that some diagrams don't work well with file exports such as PDF, pandoc, etc.

Flow Charts

This feature is powered by flowchart.js.

me2beats /
Last active April 21, 2022 15:16
godot get custom classes
func get_custom_classes():
#gets list of "custom" classes (defined using class_name keyword)
var find_this = "_global_script_classes="
var custom_classes_lines = PoolStringArray()
var f ="res://project.godot", File.READ)
var add_lines = false
cenullum / circle.shader
Created October 18, 2020 16:30
Godot Engine Circle with Outline Color Shader
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 outline_color:hint_color = vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);
uniform float inner_circle=0.45;
uniform float outer_circle=0.5;
const vec4 alpha_color= vec4(0,0,0,0);
uniform float smoothness=0.01;
me2beats /
Created July 5, 2021 18:33
Toggle expand bottom panel from plugin (hacky)
extends EditorPlugin
func _enter_tree():
var base = get_editor_interface().get_base_control()
var expand_button:ToolButton = get_expand_bottom_panel_button(base)
expand_button.pressed = not expand_button.pressed
YuriSizov /
Last active April 15, 2024 10:29
Busting Godot resource cache
extends Object
class_name ResourceUtils
# ResourceLoader is unreliable when it comes to cache.
# Sub-resources get cached regardless of the argument passed to load function.
# This is a workaround that generates a new file on a fly,
# while making sure that there is no cache record for it.
# This file is then used to load the resource, after which
# the resource takes over the original path.
static func load_fresh(resource_path : String) -> Resource: