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Anshul Singhvi asinghvi17

  • Columbia University
  • New York, NY
View GitHub Profile
jkrumbiegel / distance_grid.jl
Created January 31, 2020 17:34
get a grid of distances and durations between one location and a grid of locations
using HTTP
using Dates
using Printf
using JSON
using DataFrames
using CSV
hbf_location = "53.5527704,10.0065856"
AMDGPUnative => ["ROCArrays"]
AbstractAlgebra => ["Ccluster", "IntegerTriangles"]
AbstractMCMC => ["Turing"]
AbstractTrees => ["PDFIO", "PhysOcean"]
ApproxFun => ["EffectiveWaves", "PDSampler"]
ApproxFunBase => ["ApproxFunRational", "Poltergeist", "RiemannHilbert"]
ApproxFunFourier => ["ApproxFunRational"]
ApproxFunOrthogonalPolynomials => ["ApproxFunRational"]
ArgCheck => ["ANOVA", "AltDistributions", "BAT", "ContinuousTransformations", "DarkSky", "FunctionalTables", "GoogleMaps", "HMMBase", "MultistartOptimization", "PolynomialBases", "SimpleIntegrals", "SortedVectors", "SpectralKit", "StataDTAFiles", "TransformVariables"]
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting
scene = Scene()
scene = mesh(Sphere(Point3f0(0), 0.9f0), transparency=true, alpha=0.05)
function cosine_weighted_sample_hemisphere()
r1 = rand()
using Makie
using AbstractPlotting
using FileIO, Colors
# Load World Ocean Atlas 2D fields for PO₄, Si(OH)₄, and NO₄
using WorldOceanAtlasTools
lat, lon, PO₄_2D = WorldOceanAtlasTools.WOA13_surface_map("p", 0, "1°")
lat, lon, NO₄_2D = WorldOceanAtlasTools.WOA13_surface_map("n", 0, "1°")
lat, lon, SiOH₄_2D = WorldOceanAtlasTools.WOA13_surface_map("i", 0, "1°")
# Add the image layer to each plot
mrkpatchaa /
Last active December 12, 2024 16:25
Bulk delete github repos

Use this trick to bulk delete your old repos or old forks

(Inspired by

  1. Open in a new tab all to-be-deleted github repositores (Use the mouse’s middle click or Ctrl + Click)

  2. Use one tab to shorten them to a list.

  3. Save that list to some path

  4. The list should be in the form of “ur_username\repo_name” per line. Use regex search (Sublime text could help). Search for ' |.*' and replace by empty.

mie00 /
Created July 1, 2014 13:30
pdf free books
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import urllib
from multiprocessing import Pool
import requests
import progressbar
CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # 1MB
def download(i):
jbenet / tikz2svg
Last active November 30, 2022 04:34
tikz2svg - convert tikz input into svg
#!/usr/bin/env python
# author:
# license: MIT
# tikz2svg: convert tikz input into svg
# depends on:
# - pdflatex: comes with your tex dist
# - pdf2svg: brew install pdf2svg
MikeInnes / startup.jl
Last active February 5, 2023 12:54
Some useful macros for Julia
# Repeat an operation n times, e.g.
# @dotimes 100 println("hi")
macro dotimes(n, body)
for i = 1:$(esc(n))
endolith /
Last active October 26, 2024 20:10
Frequency estimation methods in Python
from __future__ import division
from numpy.fft import rfft
from numpy import argmax, mean, diff, log, nonzero
from scipy.signal import blackmanharris, correlate
from time import time
import sys
import soundfile as sf
except ImportError:
from scikits.audiolab import flacread