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Raphaël Duchaîne duchainer

  • École de Technologie Superieure
  • M o n t r é a l, Q u é b e c
View GitHub Profile
Phate6660 / rust recommendations and
Last active May 29, 2024 12:35
My growing list of Rust programs to use.
Azeirah /
Last active September 5, 2024 21:16
Setting up magit forge for gitlab in Doom Emacs

Magit forge for Gitlab in Doom Emacs

This guide assumes you're working on a Unix-like environment. I'm using Linux Mint (Ubuntu). It should work on Macs, and might on Windows.

These are the four steps you can use as a checklist, see the headings below for the details on each step.

  • Enable forge support
  • Create a Gitlab API key
  • Add your gitlab credentials to ~/.authinfo.gpg
  • Set-up forge in emacs

Guix on WSL2

(updated versions of this document, plus more, live here)

This will show you how to get Guix running on WSL2.
We're going to go as "minimal" as possible, without starting off one of the readily available WSL2 distros.
Parts of this guide should help with understanding how to set up any custom distro on WSL, not just Guix.

Disclaimer: I'm a Guix nOOb! (hence going through the trouble of installing it on WSL2)

somazx / scraper.js
Last active April 15, 2023 16:45
Humble Bundle Unredeemed Keys Scraper
Purpose: easily obtain a list of your humble bundle games that haven't been redeemed.
1) Log into Humble Bundle as usual.
2) Navigate to
3) Open browser console and run the following script in the console
Script will dump to console the scraped list of all your unredeemed game keys.
kakaroto / humble-bundle-extract.js
Last active May 29, 2024 13:07
Script to extract list of games in Humble Bundle Library
* Taken from
* Modified by KaKaRoTo
//if you're not on the first page navigate to the first page
if($('.js-jump-to-page:first').text() != "1"){
// Find how many pages of games you have by getting the text inside the last page button
jatcwang / gist:ae3b7019f219b8cdc6798329108c9aee
Created February 2, 2017 23:44
List of all setxkbmap configuration options (including models/layout/etc)
! model
pc101 Generic 101-key PC
pc102 Generic 102-key (Intl) PC
pc104 Generic 104-key PC
pc105 Generic 105-key (Intl) PC
dell101 Dell 101-key PC
latitude Dell Latitude series laptop
dellm65 Dell Precision M65
everex Everex STEPnote
flexpro Keytronic FlexPro
itod /
Last active November 25, 2024 21:08
Every "split" mechanical keyboard currently being sold that I know of
LeCoupa / nodejs-cheatsheet.js
Last active November 23, 2024 08:05
Complete Node.js CheatSheet --> UPDATED VERSION -->
/* *******************************************************************************************
* ******************************************************************************************* */
// 0. Synopsis.
gosukiwi / .vimrc
Last active February 24, 2020 06:01
" ---------------------- USABILITY CONFIGURATION ----------------------
" Basic and pretty much needed settings to provide a solid base for
" source code editting
" don't make vim compatible with vi
set nocompatible
" turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
" and show line numbers