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Ok adding on to what I have learned from fooling around a bit.
My AX88U shipped with "DE" country. This limited transmission power to 12, i.e.:
After copying the example script and rebooting the router:
So the Tx power has increased by a bit over double. I can also see from numerous WiFi apps and also the Asus Site Survey/WiFi Radar that my transmission power has increased massively. Note that I have not copied any of the "Risky" transmission lines into my start script. All I have in my start script is what I have in the reply above.
I am pretty satisfied with this. It would have been nice to use Channel 14, but I can concur and confirm with others. Setting the channel to 14 will generally reset my router to "DE" region again and put the Tx power back to 12 from 26. This is generally good enough for me.
Hopefully there's no health risks from setting the Tx power so high. I sit about 1.2m from my router. Though I plan to move it into another room when I move my study area. Hence part of the reason why I started investigating this in the first place.