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Forked from kylemanna/price.txt
Last active October 26, 2024 16:36
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Server Price Breakdown: DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS LightSail, Vultr, Linode, OVH, Hetzner, Scaleway/

Server Price Breakdown: DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS LightSail, Vultr, Linode, OVH, Hetzner, Scaleway/



Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network Price
LightSail vps 512MB 1 20GB SSD 1TB 1000M 5.00$
VULTR vps 512MB 1 25GB SSD 1TB 1000M 2.50$
DO vps 1GB 1 25GB SSD 1TB 1000M 5.00$
Linode vps 1GB 1 20GB SSD 1TB 1000M 5.00$
Hetzner vps 1GB 1 25GB SSD 2TB 1000M 5.19$
OVH vps 2GB 1 10GB SSD 10TB 100M 3.80$
Scaleway vps 2GB 2 50GB SSD ∞TB 200M 3.26$
Scaleway (ARM) vps 2GB 2 50GB SSD ∞TB 200M 3.26$
Scaleway dedi 2GB 4 50GB SSD ∞TB 200M 3.26$


Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network
LightSail vps 1GB 1 30GB SSD 2TB 1000M
DO vps 2GB 1 50GB SSD 2TB 1000M
VULTR vps 2GB 1 40GB SSD 2TB 1000M
Linode vps 2GB 1 30GB SSD 2TB 1000M
Hetzner vps 2GB 2 50GB SSD 5TB 1000M
OVH vps 4GB 1 20GB SSD 10TB 100M
Kimsufi dedi 2GB 2 500GB HDD ∞TB 100M
Scaleway vps 8GB 8 200GB SSD ∞TB 300M dedi 4GB 2 120GB SSD ∞TB 1000M


Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network
LightSail vps 2GB 1 40GB SSD 3TB 1000M
DO vps 4GB 2 80GB SSD 3TB 1000M
VULTR vps 4GB 2 60GB SSD 3TB 1000M
Linode vps 4GB 2 48GB SSD 3TB 1000M
Hetzner vps 4GB 2 100GB SSD 8TB 1000M
OVH vps 8GB 2 40GB SSD 10TB 100M
Kimsufi dedi 4GB 2 1TB HDD ∞TB 100M
Scaleway dedi 16GB 8 50GB SSD ∞TB 500M dedi 16GB 8 250GB SSD ∞TB 1000M


Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network
LightSail vps 4GB 2 60GB SSD 4TB 1000M
DO vps 8GB 4 160GB SSD 4TB 1000M
VULTR vps 8GB 4 100GB SSD 4TB 1000M
Linode vps 8GB 4 96GB SSD 4TB 1000M
OVH vps 30GB 2 100GB SSD 10TB 100M
Hetzner vps 16GB 4 400GB SSD 20TB 1000M
Kimsufi dedi 16GB 8 2TB HDD ∞TB 100M
Scaleway dedi 32GB 8 50GB SSD ∞TB 800M dedi 32GB 8 750GB SSD ∞TB 1000M


Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network
LightSail vps 8GB 2 80GB SSD 5TB 1000M
DO vps 16GB 6 320GB SSD 5TB 1000M
VULTR vps 16GB 6 200GB SSD 5TB 1000M
Linode vps 12GB 6 192GB SSD 8TB 1000M
OVH vps 60GB 4 200GB SSD 10TB 100M
Hetzner vps 32GB 8 600GB SSD 30TB 1000M
Hetzner dedi 64GB 8 1024GB SSD 30TB 1000M
SoYouStart dedi 64GB 6 3TB HDD ∞TB 250M
Scaleway dedi 32GB 8 50GB SSD ∞TB 800M dedi 64GB 8 1500GB SSD ∞TB 1000M
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Thanks, @else. Should be fixed now.

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Hey @justjanne! Thanks for compiling all this in one place. I just wanted to let you know about some big updates we've made to our plans over at DigitalOcean. You can check out all the details here:

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jpinnix commented Jan 18, 2018

@justjanne Thoughts on moving this into a repo instead of just a Gist? If you did, then people could submit pull requests 😄

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@jpinnix: I’ve thought about that, but as all the links lead here, that’d be suboptimal. Luckily, gist is just backed by a git repo anyway, so if you fork it, I can merge your commits back into here.

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@andrewsomething All the details are now updated, according to your list. Thanks.

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Came here from your hn comment, the prices for hetzner aren't updated yet?

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Hetzner prices are outdated.

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Do these companies use KVM or container (LXC)?
Also which is your choice?

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pbreit commented Mar 25, 2018

Thank you, great list. The one thing for me that’s a dealbreaker is if there’s a US data center.

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Nice list here. Thanks!

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ghost commented Jun 7, 2018

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mkurz commented Jul 23, 2018

Would be nice to also add to that list.

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I forked it to make an update to serveral plans and add the $160/m section, and realized I can't make a pull request for a Gist, so I have made my changes available as an Awesome list in a normal github repository:

Everyone is welcome to fork and submit pull requests to keep the list updated. I made the proper attributions at the footer of the repository.

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Avamander commented Nov 19, 2018

@justjanne The OVH 10$/mo offer now has 40GB of storage.

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hmmm... can't find that hetzner for 40$

there is one for 40Euro (which is more) hand has lower specs

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twf-nikhila commented Apr 6, 2021

I made a website that compares different VPS hosting,

also you can filter by storage/ram/CPU

and sort by pricing

Check it here

Feel free to suggest anything.

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Zhortz commented Oct 26, 2024

I think it needs to be updated for Scaleway, can't find the same price

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