javascript: Promise.all([import('https://unpkg.com/turndown@6.0.0?module'), import('https://unpkg.com/@tehshrike/readability@0.2.0'), ]).then(async ([{ |
default: Turndown |
}, { |
default: Readability |
}]) => { |
/* Optional vault name */ |
const vault = ""; |
/* Optional folder name such as "Clippings/" */ |
const folder = "Clippings/"; |
/* Optional tags */ |
let tags = "clippings"; |
/* Parse the site's meta keywords content into tags, if present */ |
if (document.querySelector('meta[name="keywords" i]')) { |
var keywords = document.querySelector('meta[name="keywords" i]').getAttribute('content').split(','); |
keywords.forEach(function(keyword) { |
let tag = ' ' + keyword.split(' ').join(''); |
tags += tag; |
}); |
} |
function getSelectionHtml() { |
var html = ""; |
if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") { |
var sel = window.getSelection(); |
if (sel.rangeCount) { |
var container = document.createElement("div"); |
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { |
container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); |
} |
html = container.innerHTML; |
} |
} else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") { |
if (document.selection.type == "Text") { |
html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; |
} |
} |
return html; |
} |
const selection = getSelectionHtml(); |
const { |
title, |
byline, |
content |
} = new Readability(document.cloneNode(true)).parse(); |
function getFileName(fileName) { |
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, |
platform = window.navigator.platform, |
windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE']; |
if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) { |
fileName = fileName.replace(':', '').replace(/[/\\?%*|"<>]/g, '-'); |
} else { |
fileName = fileName.replace(':', '').replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/\\/g, '-'); |
} |
return fileName; |
} |
const fileName = getFileName(title); |
if (selection) { |
var markdownify = selection; |
} else { |
var markdownify = content; |
} |
if (vault) { |
var vaultName = '&vault=' + encodeURIComponent(`${vault}`); |
} else { |
var vaultName = ''; |
} |
const markdownBody = new Turndown({ |
headingStyle: 'atx', |
hr: '---', |
bulletListMarker: '-', |
codeBlockStyle: 'fenced', |
emDelimiter: '*', |
}).turndown(markdownify); |
var date = new Date(); |
function convertDate(date) { |
var yyyy = date.getFullYear().toString(); |
var mm = (date.getMonth()+1).toString(); |
var dd = date.getDate().toString(); |
var mmChars = mm.split(''); |
var ddChars = dd.split(''); |
return yyyy + '-' + (mmChars[1]?mm:"0"+mmChars[0]) + '-' + (ddChars[1]?dd:"0"+ddChars[0]); |
} |
const today = convertDate(date); |
// Utility function to get meta content by name or property |
function getMetaContent(attr, value) { |
var element = document.querySelector(`meta[${attr}='${value}']`); |
return element ? element.getAttribute("content").trim() : ""; |
} |
// Fetch byline, meta author, property author, or site name |
var author = byline || getMetaContent("name", "author") || getMetaContent("property", "author") || getMetaContent("property", "og:site_name"); |
// Check if there's an author and add brackets |
var authorBrackets = author ? `"[[${author}]]"` : ""; |
/* Try to get published date */ |
var timeElement = document.querySelector("time"); |
var publishedDate = timeElement ? timeElement.getAttribute("datetime") : ""; |
if (publishedDate && publishedDate.trim() !== "") { |
var date = new Date(publishedDate); |
var year = date.getFullYear(); |
var month = date.getMonth() + 1; // Months are 0-based in JavaScript |
var day = date.getDate(); |
// Pad month and day with leading zeros if necessary |
month = month < 10 ? '0' + month : month; |
day = day < 10 ? '0' + day : day; |
var published = year + '-' + month + '-' + day; |
} else { |
var published = '' |
} |
/* YAML front matter as tags render cleaner with special chars */ |
const fileContent = |
'---\n' |
+ 'category: "[[Clippings]]"\n' |
+ 'author: ' + authorBrackets + '\n' |
+ 'title: "' + title + '"\n' |
+ 'source: ' + document.URL + '\n' |
+ 'clipped: ' + today + '\n' |
+ 'published: ' + published + '\n' |
+ 'topics: \n' |
+ 'tags: [' + tags + ']\n' |
+ '---\n\n' |
+ markdownBody ; |
document.location.href = "obsidian://new?" |
+ "file=" + encodeURIComponent(folder + fileName) |
+ "&content=" + encodeURIComponent(fileContent) |
+ vaultName ; |
}) |
@skelly-larry just FYI, with my variation the XKCD URL techincally works, but wrong portion of the page is extracted by Readability, thus resulting content is not meaningful (you can try it by https://downmark.herokuapp.com/obsidian?u=https://xkcd.com/327/). The second URL AFAIK doesn't work because the generated
is too long to be handled by the browser; this could happen when you're clipping a URL with very long content. One example symptom I collected:Since my variation has a server-side component, I can report - for curiosity sake - that the server is correctly producing the URL, but the client (
or the browser) is not able to handle it.Cheers