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Created September 12, 2020 07:28
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We need your help to translate the widget into more languages! If you know a language, please help by posting a translation for these strings in a comment below.
const en = {
titles: {
default: `What's on your mind?`,
idea: `Share an idea`,
issue: `Report an issue`,
other: `Tell us anything!`,
categories: {
idea: `Idea`,
issue: `Issue`,
other: `Other`,
placeholders: {
idea: `I would love...`,
issue: `I noticed that...`,
other: `What do you want us to know?`,
buttons: {
send: `Send feedback`,
more: `Submit more feedback`,
thanks: `Thanks! We received your feedback.`,
footer: `Widget by`,
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naco55 commented Sep 12, 2020

Chinese (Simplified):

const zh_CN = {
  titles: {
    default: `您有什么想法?`,
    idea: `分享想法`,
    issue: `反映问题`,
    other: `请告诉我们任何事情!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `想法`,
    issue: `问题`,
    other: `其它`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `我希望...`,
    issue: `我发现...`,
    other: `您想让我们知道什么?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `提交反馈`,
    more: `提交更多反馈`,
  thanks: `谢谢!我们收到了您的反馈。`,
  footer: `Widget 来自`,

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naco55 commented Sep 12, 2020

Chinese (Traditional):

const zh_TW = {
  titles: {
    default: `您有什麼想法?`,
    idea: `分享想法`,
    issue: `反映問題`,
    other: `請告訴我們任何事情!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `想法`,
    issue: `問題`,
    other: `其它`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `我希望...`,
    issue: `我發現...`,
    other: `您想讓我們知道什麼?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `提交反饋`,
    more: `提交更多反饋`,
  thanks: `謝謝!我們收到了您的反饋。`,
  footer: `Widget 來自`,

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const urdu = {
titles: {
default: آپ کے زہن میں کیا ہے,
idea: کوئ بات کرے ,
issue: کسی مسئلہ کی اطلاع دیں,
other: !کچھ بھی بتاے,
categories: {
idea: خیال,
issue: مسئلہ,
other: کچھ اور,
placeholders: {
idea: ...مجھے اچھا لگے گا,
issue: ...میں نے دیکھاکہ,
other: آپ ہمیں کچھ بتانا چاہتے ہیں؟ ,
buttons: {
send: رائے بھیجیں,
more: مزید تاثرات پیش کریں,
thanks: شکریہ! ہمیں آپ کی رائے موصول ہوئی ہے۔,
footer: ویجیٹ بذریعہ,

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const fil = {
  titles: {
    default: `Ano ang nasa isip mo?`,
    idea: `Magbahagi ng ideya`,
    issue: `Mag-ulat ng isyu`,
    other: `Sabihin mo sa amin kahit ano!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `Ideya`,
    issue: `Isyu`,
    other: `Iba`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `Gusto ko sana...`,
    issue: `Napansin ko na...`,
    other: `Ano ang gusto mong malaman namin?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `Magpadala ng tugon`,
    more: `Magpadala pa ng tugon`,
  thanks: `Salamat! Natanggap na namin ang inyong tugon.`,
  footer: `Widget ni`,

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franciscop commented Sep 12, 2020


buttons: {
send: Enviar opinión,
more: Someter más opiniones,

I would change the Spanish translation of buttons.more. "Someter" is a literal translation for submit that makes makes no sense for this specific action.

  buttons: {
    more: `Enviar más opiniones`,

Absolutely! Done.

Iba a sugerir escribir "Añadir más opiniones", ya que en el otro botón se utiliza "Enviar" para ejecutar la acción mientras que aquí parece que se refiere a escribir otras opiniones, así se diferencia como dos acciones diferentes. Y qué pensáis de "sugerencias" como traducción de "feedback" en lugar de "opinión"?

(en) I was about to suggest writing "Añadir más opiniones" because the other button already uses "Enviar" as the primary action. So in here you are not executing the same action, but writing new feedback, hence I'd use a different verb. Also what do you think about "sugerencias" as a translation for "feedback", instead of "opinión"?

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@DeMoorJasper Awesome! Nice work 👍

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const sk = {
  titles: {
    default: `Na čo myslíte?`,
    idea: `Zdielať nápad`,
    issue: `Nahlásiť chybu`,
    other: `Povedz nám čokolvek!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `Nápad`,
    issue: `Chyba`,
    other: `Iné`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `Rád by som...`,
    issue: `Všimol som si, že...`,
    other: `Čo by sme mali vedieť?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `Odoslať spätnú väzbu`,
    more: `Získať viac spätnej väzby`,
  thanks: `Ďakujeme! Získali sme vašu spätnú väzbu.`,
  footer: `Widget od`,

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const br = {
titles: {
default: E petra emaoc'h o soñjal?,
idea: Rannit ur mennozh ganimp,
issue: Danevelliñ ur gudenn,
other: Lârit deomp un dra bennak!,
categories: {
idea: Mennozh,
issue: Kudenn,
other: All,
placeholders: {
idea: C'hoant em befe...,
issue: Merzet em eus...,
other: Petra eo ret deomp gouzout?,
buttons: {
send: Kasit evezhiadennoù,
more: Kasit muioc'h a evezhiadennoù,
thanks: Mersi! Resevet hon eus hoc'h evezhiadennoù.,
footer: Widjet gant,

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kristoferma commented Nov 30, 2020


const is = {
  titles: {
    default: `Hvað ertu að spá?`,
    idea: `Deila hugmynd`,
    issue: `Tilkynna vandamál`,
    other: `Segðu okkur frá hverju sem er!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `Hugmynd`,
    issue: `Vandamál`,
    other: `Annað`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `Mér þætti frábært ef...`,
    issue: `Ég tók eftir að...`,
    other: `Hvað viltu segja okkur?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `Senda ábendingu`,
    more: `Senda fleiri ábendingar`,
  thanks: `Takk! Við höfum móttekið ábendinguna.`,
  footer: `Þjónusta eftir`,

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