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**Previously, on Elona DW!
20:11 Lok Clarice narrows her eyes. "...Rey."
20:11 Lok This is the name of the woman who holds the hearts of both Locke /and/ Hawk...
20:12 Lok Dove smiles, "Good luck with that sweetheart, he takes alot of convincing where business is concerned. I doubt an innocent lil thing like you can manage."
20:12 Lok Clarice grins. She actually expected this answer from Dove. "...All the more reason you /teach/ me how to /be/ more convincing...wouldn't you say?"
20:13 Lok Dove stares at you as though you are completely missing the point, "Keeping him interested is the /easy/ part! As long as you accept him and put up with his nightmares he's as loyal as a blind mutt. He's proper too in his own just be improper together and you should be fine eventually."
20:13 Lok Would Hawk really put up with a proper girl like Clarice?
20:14 Lok Perhaps it would be best if they just remained improper...together.
20:14 Lok Clarice curtsies. "Thank you for all your help...I truly ap
**Previously, on Elona DW!
00:40 Lok Hawk wasn't that intimidating...was he?
00:40 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Hawk
00:40 Lok Dove watched the tortured look on his face pass, "Are you done with this stupid interrogation Hawk?"
00:41 Lok Hawk stares coldly at Dove, "I've only just begun. Now...tell me the /real/ reason you came back here..or I may have to ask Owl Eye to pay you a visit." That doesn't sound like an empty threat.
00:41 Lok Hawk expression is stoic, his voice harsh, "I'd do /anything/ to protect my family...but you are no longer a part of it."
00:41 Lok Dove knew that dark look in her old-lover's eyes...that of a man ready to destroy anything in the way of those he loved...
00:41 Lok Those perfect green killer's eyes.
00:41 Lok She started telling him everything...knowing it almost certainly meant her demise.
00:41 Lok ----
**Previously, on Elona DW!
20:54 Clarice Clarice is too tired to think now. Slowly but surely, her consciousness fades away...
20:55 Clarice Hawk smiles, she's so sweet whens she's drifting to sleep, his voice is a whisper, "I /loved/ it...and I hope I fixed you enough tonight.." He knows she can't hear him..but it felt right to say.
20:55 Clarice Hawk knows he'll soon join her in slumber, his eyelids are already oh so was /strange/ he muses. He doesn't know what to make of it still.
20:55 Clarice But in this moment he's almost... happy, after all he gets to wake up to such a lovely view.
20:55 Clarice ----
20:58 Hawk wakes up in a cold sweat from a horrific dream and begins immediately coughing up blood. He tries to muffle the sound so not to wake his bedmate..
20:59 Clarice starts moving around a bit. "Mmmmmmrgh..."
21:00 Hawk tries is vain to stop his hacking, he covers his mouth with his hand.
21:00 Clarice sniffs, and slowly opens her eyes. "Mmmm...Hawk...?"
KriegsaffeNo9 It is a cold night, and you meet in dreams--in the Dark Place. It is redolent with the sent of smoke and fine liquor, the light is dim--like starlight--and somewhere a band plays.
17:39 KriegsaffeNo9 You are each arrayed at a low table. There are drinks to your liking before you. You don't recall a meeting being scheduled for tonight...
17:40 KriegsaffeNo9 Your fellows share this table with you. Even Seseth is seated amongst you, a rarity. What do you do, O dreamers?
17:40 Alex 's teeth are chattering, and his leather armor's useless for keeping the cold out. The young warrior's rubbing his arms for warmth, and trying to sneeze silently.
17:40 Alex "Abyone hab tissue?"
17:41 Desmond looks around to make sure his dog is here as well. He'd be lost without Miruna...
17:41 Yuni stands up, and respectfully bows. "H-Hello everyone! I apologize for asking, but does anyone know what we're doing here?"
17:42 Josef shakes his head at her, fishing a handkerchief out of this breast pocket an
**Previously, on Elona DW!
21:13 Lok Deshal does not hide his surprise, "Wimble, I know that name. By any chance are you related to Sebastian Wimble?" Oddly Deshal doesn't seem as creepy now, instead you feel quite at ease with him, as though you could tell him anything. Huh.
21:14 *** Lok is now known as Clarice
21:14 Clarice "Yes...Sebastian is my...late father."
21:14 Clarice Deshal gives her a pitying look, "I knew him, he was a good man, and a very talented mage..he could have made Magus himself if not for...." He grows quiet, "I am very sorry for your loss, you poor dear. If you ever want to know more about him you should join me for tea sometime."
21:15 Clarice Clarice forces a smile. "W-Well...actually...I'd love to hear about my father. But ...I think I'd be more comfortable if Hawk could join us. After all, my father is somewhat of a...sore topic for me."
21:16 Clarice Deshal chuckles merrily, "Oh but Devin has work to do, don't you son? That leaves you and me plenty of time to chat in pr