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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"nodes": [
"pub_key": "0200000000727d3b67513c916f16975e3bf8f3304cf3fcf0ed855e2ae41888f461",
"alias": "",
"color": "#ff5000"
"pub_key": "0200000000a3eff613189ca6c4070c89206ad658e286751eca1f29262948247a5f",
"alias": "",
let f = () => fetch(`${Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)+1}`).then(r => r.json()).catch(e => console.log(e))
<style>*{font-family: "Comic Sans MS";color: magenta;}</style>
{#await f()}
{:then c}
<p>{} | gender: {c.gender}</p>
talvasconcelos / BNBUSDT_1h.json
Created February 22, 2019 12:48
Crypto dataset 1h
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"openTime": 1514620800000,
"open": "8.20100000",
"high": "8.20100000",
"low": "7.93130000",
"close": "7.98000000",
"volume": "34361.81000000",
"closeTime": 1514624399999,
"quoteAssetVolume": "276546.30384000",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"openTime": 1511528400000,
"open": "430.07000000",
"high": "446.00000000",
"low": "427.07000000",
"close": "441.70000000",
"volume": "3510.08392000",
"closeTime": 1511531999999,
"quoteAssetVolume": "1542670.48889980",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"openTime": 1511528400000,
"open": "0.06804900",
"high": "0.06804900",
"low": "0.06726200",
"close": "0.06726200",
"volume": "841.13500000",
"closeTime": 1511531999999,
"quoteAssetVolume": "56.79564797",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"openTime": 1529042400000,
"open": "0.00003589",
"high": "0.00003601",
"low": "0.00003570",
"close": "0.00003585",
"volume": "2336058.00000000",
"closeTime": 1529045999999,
"quoteAssetVolume": "83.87797952",
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