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temojin temojin

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robertkowalski / npm-registry-licenses.txt
Created November 23, 2013 22:31
The licenses in the npm-registry from their package.json, from the latest version of each module 23.11.2013
The licenses in the npm-registry from their package.json, from the latest version of each module
[ { key: 'undefined', value: 27785 },
{ key: 'MIT', value: 20811 },
{ key: 'BSD', value: 5240 },
{ key: 'BSD-2-Clause', value: 621 },
{ key: 'Apache 2.0', value: 263 },
{ key: 'GPL', value: 233 },
sevastos / aws-multipartUpload.js
Last active May 28, 2024 15:02
Example AWS S3 Multipart Upload with aws-sdk for Node.js - Retries to upload failing parts
// Based on Glacier's example:
var fs = require('fs');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var s3 = new AWS.S3();
// File
var fileName = '5.pdf';
var filePath = './' + fileName;
var fileKey = fileName;
wavded / promise.js
Last active May 6, 2021 13:25
Promise A+ Implementation
"use strict"
var Promise = function () {
this.state = 'pending'
this.thenables = []
Promise.prototype.resolve = function (value) {
if (this.state != 'pending') return
this.state = 'fulfilled'
leommoore / node_child_processes.markdown
Last active May 30, 2023 08:22
Node - Child Processes

#Node - Processes To launch an external shell command or executable file you can use the child_process. Apart from command line arguments and environment variables you cannot communicate with the process using child_process.exec. However you can use child_process.spawn to create a more integrated processes.

##Executing Child Processes

###To launch an external shell command

var child_process = require('child_process');
var exec = child_process.exec;
aaronblohowiak / gist:3933451
Created October 22, 2012 19:10
RedisConf Notes Part II
Dr Josiah Carlson
- Redis user for 2 1/2 years. Extremely active on redis mailing list, #3 poster to the list (applause from PN)
- Author of Redis In Action (available electronically)
- What is search? scan text, use BM/BMG/KMP or regex or recursive-descent.. or suffix tries.. or you can search through the zip-format (BWT)
- Inverted index: words to documents, instead of crawling documents for words.
- SET per word with items for each docid, using redis' intersection for AND, union for OR
- "Simplest example that will be useful..[but it wont be that useful... buy the book!]"
- Demo of his editor.. its on sourceforge.
- Tokenization, stop words in some python code.. "with this stuff, we're going to implement search" already has failing tests written.. live coding, so not many notes... buy his book.
- "I have 5 minutes? I thought this was a 45-minute talk".. "Nope!"..."Shoot!"
jboner / latency.txt
Last active June 18, 2024 20:22
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
Latency Comparison Numbers (~2012)
L1 cache reference 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict 5 ns
L2 cache reference 7 ns 14x L1 cache
Mutex lock/unlock 25 ns
Main memory reference 100 ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy 3,000 ns 3 us
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network 10,000 ns 10 us
Read 4K randomly from SSD* 150,000 ns 150 us ~1GB/sec SSD
creationix / glmatrix.js
Created August 30, 2011 21:17
Spinning cube and pyramid in node webgl
// glMatrix v0.9.5
glMatrixArrayType=typeof Float32Array!="undefined"?Float32Array:typeof WebGLFloatArray!="undefined"?WebGLFloatArray:Array;vec3={};vec3.create=function(a){var b=new glMatrixArrayType(3);if(a){b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2]}return b};vec3.set=function(a,b){b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];return b};vec3.add=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a==c){a[0]+=b[0];a[1]+=b[1];a[2]+=b[2];return a}c[0]=a[0]+b[0];c[1]=a[1]+b[1];c[2]=a[2]+b[2];return c};
vec3.subtract=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a==c){a[0]-=b[0];a[1]-=b[1];a[2]-=b[2];return a}c[0]=a[0]-b[0];c[1]=a[1]-b[1];c[2]=a[2]-b[2];return c};vec3.negate=function(a,b){b||(b=a);b[0]=-a[0];b[1]=-a[1];b[2]=-a[2];return b};vec3.scale=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a==c){a[0]*=b;a[1]*=b;a[2]*=b;return a}c[0]=a[0]*b;c[1]=a[1]*b;c[2]=a[2]*b;return c};
vec3.normalize=function(a,b){b||(b=a);var c=a[0],d=a[1],e=a[2],g=Math.sqrt(c*c+d*d+e*e);if(g){if(g==1){b[0]=c;b[1]=d;b[2]=e;return b}}else{b[0]=0;b[1]=0;b[2]=0;return b}g=1/g;b[0]=c*g;b[1]=d*g;b[2]=e*g;return b};vec3.cross=function(a,b,c