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This doesn't seem to work for my original AX88U (non pro). Which is originally set to "DE" (Germany) region.
Trying nvram command
I followed all the steps above and uncommented:
nvram set wl0_sel_channel=14/80 # force 2.4GHz channel
To try and set the 2.4Ghz channel to 14. After rebooting the router, it is still set to 13.
Trying Web GUI
I can see 14 as an option the "Wireless" tab in the router control panel.
If I try to set it to 14 in the Web GUI it reboots and sets it to 5 (Auto)...
If I go to Wireless > Professional > Right Click "Inspect" > CTRL+F "Country" > It shows "#a" like it should in the hidden setting.
Any other suggestions? I am just trying to get channel 14 because in the capital city every single other channel is completely saturated...
Here is my script. Do I need to replace the country code
with something else? Is that why it's not working?Seems there's nothing I can do to actually use Channel 14 for 2.4Ghz.