#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import io |
import os |
import sys |
import stat |
import json |
import shutil |
import hashlib |
import zipfile |
import tempfile |
import argparse |
import subprocess |
import urllib.error |
import urllib.request |
from pathlib import Path |
OUTPUT = Path("msvc") # output folder |
DOWNLOADS = Path("downloads") # temporary download files |
# NOTE: not all host & target architecture combinations are supported |
DEFAULT_HOST = "x64" |
ALL_HOSTS = "x64 x86 arm64".split() |
ALL_TARGETS = "x64 x86 arm arm64".split() |
MANIFEST_URL = "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel" |
MANIFEST_PREVIEW_URL = "https://aka.ms/vs/17/pre/channel" |
ssl_context = None |
def download(url): |
with urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ssl_context) as res: |
return res.read() |
total_download = 0 |
def download_progress(url, check, filename): |
fpath = DOWNLOADS / filename |
if fpath.exists(): |
data = fpath.read_bytes() |
if hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() == check.lower(): |
print(f"\r{filename} ... OK") |
return data |
global total_download |
with fpath.open("wb") as f: |
data = io.BytesIO() |
with urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ssl_context) as res: |
total = int(res.headers["Content-Length"]) |
size = 0 |
while True: |
block = res.read(1<<20) |
if not block: |
break |
f.write(block) |
data.write(block) |
size += len(block) |
perc = size * 100 // total |
print(f"\r{filename} ... {perc}%", end="") |
print() |
data = data.getvalue() |
digest = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() |
if check.lower() != digest: |
exit(f"Hash mismatch for f{pkg}") |
total_download += len(data) |
return data |
# super crappy msi format parser just to find required .cab files |
def get_msi_cabs(msi): |
index = 0 |
while True: |
index = msi.find(b".cab", index+4) |
if index < 0: |
return |
yield msi[index-32:index+4].decode("ascii") |
def first(items, cond = lambda x: True): |
return next((item for item in items if cond(item)), None) |
### parse command-line arguments |
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
ap.add_argument("--show-versions", action="store_true", help="Show available MSVC and Windows SDK versions") |
ap.add_argument("--accept-license", action="store_true", help="Automatically accept license") |
ap.add_argument("--msvc-version", help="Get specific MSVC version") |
ap.add_argument("--sdk-version", help="Get specific Windows SDK version") |
ap.add_argument("--preview", action="store_true", help="Use preview channel for Preview versions") |
ap.add_argument("--target", default=DEFAULT_TARGET, help=f"Target architectures, comma separated ({','.join(ALL_TARGETS)})") |
ap.add_argument("--host", default=DEFAULT_HOST, help=f"Host architecture", choices=ALL_HOSTS) |
args = ap.parse_args() |
host = args.host |
targets = args.target.split(',') |
for target in targets: |
if target not in ALL_TARGETS: |
exit(f"Unknown {target} target architecture!") |
### get main manifest |
try: |
manifest = json.loads(download(URL)) |
except urllib.error.URLError as err: |
import ssl |
if isinstance(err.args[0], ssl.SSLCertVerificationError): |
# for more info about Python & issues with Windows certificates see https://stackoverflow.com/a/52074591 |
print("ERROR: ssl certificate verification error") |
try: |
import certifi |
except ModuleNotFoundError: |
print("ERROR: please install 'certifi' package to use Mozilla certificates") |
print("ERROR: or update your Windows certs, see instructions here: https://woshub.com/updating-trusted-root-certificates-in-windows-10/#h2_3") |
exit() |
print("NOTE: retrying with certifi certificates") |
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) |
manifest = json.loads(download(URL)) |
else: |
raise |
### download VS manifest |
ITEM_NAME = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Manifests.VisualStudioPreview" if args.preview else "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Manifests.VisualStudio" |
vs = first(manifest["channelItems"], lambda x: x["id"] == ITEM_NAME) |
payload = vs["payloads"][0]["url"] |
vsmanifest = json.loads(download(payload)) |
### find MSVC & WinSDK versions |
packages = {} |
for p in vsmanifest["packages"]: |
packages.setdefault(p["id"].lower(), []).append(p) |
msvc = {} |
sdk = {} |
for pid,p in packages.items(): |
if pid.startswith("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.".lower()) and pid.endswith(".x86.x64".lower()): |
pver = ".".join(pid.split(".")[4:6]) |
if pver[0].isnumeric(): |
msvc[pver] = pid |
elif pid.startswith("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.".lower()) or \ |
pid.startswith("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows11SDK.".lower()): |
pver = pid.split(".")[-1] |
if pver.isnumeric(): |
sdk[pver] = pid |
if args.show_versions: |
print("MSVC versions:", " ".join(sorted(msvc.keys()))) |
print("Windows SDK versions:", " ".join(sorted(sdk.keys()))) |
exit(0) |
msvc_ver = args.msvc_version or max(sorted(msvc.keys())) |
sdk_ver = args.sdk_version or max(sorted(sdk.keys())) |
if msvc_ver in msvc: |
msvc_pid = msvc[msvc_ver] |
msvc_ver = ".".join(msvc_pid.split(".")[4:-2]) |
else: |
exit(f"Unknown MSVC version: f{args.msvc_version}") |
if sdk_ver in sdk: |
sdk_pid = sdk[sdk_ver] |
else: |
exit(f"Unknown Windows SDK version: f{args.sdk_version}") |
print(f"Downloading MSVC v{msvc_ver} and Windows SDK v{sdk_ver}") |
### agree to license |
tools = first(manifest["channelItems"], lambda x: x["id"] == "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools") |
resource = first(tools["localizedResources"], lambda x: x["language"] == "en-us") |
license = resource["license"] |
if not args.accept_license: |
accept = input(f"Do you accept Visual Studio license at {license} [Y/N] ? ") |
if not accept or accept[0].lower() != "y": |
exit(0) |
OUTPUT.mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
DOWNLOADS.mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
### download MSVC |
msvc_packages = [ |
f"microsoft.visualcpp.dia.sdk", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.crt.headers.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.crt.source.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.asan.headers.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.pgo.headers.base", |
] |
for target in targets: |
msvc_packages += [ |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.tools.host{host}.target{target}.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.tools.host{host}.target{target}.res.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.crt.{target}.desktop.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.crt.{target}.store.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.premium.tools.host{host}.target{target}.base", |
f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.pgo.{target}.base", |
] |
if target in ["x86", "x64"]: |
msvc_packages += [f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.asan.{target}.base"] |
redist_suffix = ".onecore.desktop" if target == "arm" else "" |
redist_pkg = f"microsoft.vc.{msvc_ver}.crt.redist.{target}{redist_suffix}.base" |
if redist_pkg not in packages: |
redist_name = f"microsoft.visualcpp.crt.redist.{target}{redist_suffix}" |
redist = first(packages[redist_name]) |
redist_pkg = first(redist["dependencies"], lambda dep: dep.endswith(".base")).lower() |
msvc_packages += [redist_pkg] |
for pkg in sorted(msvc_packages): |
if pkg not in packages: |
print(f"\r{pkg} ... !!! MISSING !!!") |
continue |
p = first(packages[pkg], lambda p: p.get("language") in (None, "en-US")) |
for payload in p["payloads"]: |
filename = payload["fileName"] |
download_progress(payload["url"], payload["sha256"], filename) |
with zipfile.ZipFile(DOWNLOADS / filename) as z: |
for name in z.namelist(): |
if name.startswith("Contents/"): |
out = OUTPUT / Path(name).relative_to("Contents") |
out.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
out.write_bytes(z.read(name)) |
### download Windows SDK |
sdk_packages = [ |
f"Windows SDK for Windows Store Apps Tools-x86_en-us.msi", |
f"Windows SDK for Windows Store Apps Headers-x86_en-us.msi", |
f"Windows SDK for Windows Store Apps Headers OnecoreUap-x86_en-us.msi", |
f"Windows SDK for Windows Store Apps Libs-x86_en-us.msi", |
f"Universal CRT Headers Libraries and Sources-x86_en-us.msi", |
] |
for target in ALL_TARGETS: |
sdk_packages += [ |
f"Windows SDK Desktop Headers {target}-x86_en-us.msi", |
f"Windows SDK OnecoreUap Headers {target}-x86_en-us.msi", |
] |
for target in targets: |
sdk_packages += [f"Windows SDK Desktop Libs {target}-x86_en-us.msi"] |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=DOWNLOADS) as d: |
dst = Path(d) |
sdk_pkg = packages[sdk_pid][0] |
sdk_pkg = packages[first(sdk_pkg["dependencies"]).lower()][0] |
msi = [] |
cabs = [] |
# download msi files |
for pkg in sorted(sdk_packages): |
payload = first(sdk_pkg["payloads"], lambda p: p["fileName"] == f"Installers\\{pkg}") |
if payload is None: |
continue |
msi.append(DOWNLOADS / pkg) |
data = download_progress(payload["url"], payload["sha256"], pkg) |
cabs += list(get_msi_cabs(data)) |
# download .cab files |
for pkg in cabs: |
payload = first(sdk_pkg["payloads"], lambda p: p["fileName"] == f"Installers\\{pkg}") |
download_progress(payload["url"], payload["sha256"], pkg) |
print("Unpacking msi files...") |
# run msi installers |
for m in msi: |
subprocess.check_call(f'msiexec.exe /a "{m}" /quiet /qn TARGETDIR="{OUTPUT.resolve()}"') |
(OUTPUT / m.name).unlink() |
### versions |
msvcv = first((OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC").glob("*")).name |
sdkv = first((OUTPUT / "Windows Kits/10/bin").glob("*")).name |
# place debug CRT runtime files into MSVC bin folder (not what real Visual Studio installer does... but is reasonable) |
# NOTE: these are Target architecture, not Host architecture binaries |
redist = OUTPUT / "VC/Redist" |
if redist.exists(): |
redistv = first((redist / "MSVC").glob("*")).name |
src = redist / "MSVC" / redistv / "debug_nonredist" |
for target in targets: |
for f in (src / target).glob("**/*.dll"): |
dst = OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / f"bin/Host{host}" / target |
f.replace(dst / f.name) |
shutil.rmtree(redist) |
# copy msdia140.dll file into MSVC bin folder |
# NOTE: this is meant only for development - always Host architecture, even when placed into all Target architecture folders |
msdia140dll = { |
"x86": "msdia140.dll", |
"x64": "amd64/msdia140.dll", |
"arm": "arm/msdia140.dll", |
"arm64": "arm64/msdia140.dll", |
} |
dst = OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / f"bin/Host{host}" |
src = OUTPUT / "DIA%20SDK/bin" / msdia140dll[host] |
for target in targets: |
shutil.copyfile(src, dst / target / src.name) |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "DIA%20SDK") |
### cleanup |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "Common7", ignore_errors=True) |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / "Auxiliary") |
for target in targets: |
for f in [f"store", "uwp", "enclave", "onecore"]: |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / "lib" / target / f, ignore_errors=True) |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / f"bin/Host{host}" / target / "onecore", ignore_errors=True) |
for f in ["Catalogs", "DesignTime", f"bin/{sdkv}/chpe", f"Lib/{sdkv}/ucrt_enclave"]: |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "Windows Kits/10" / f, ignore_errors=True) |
for arch in ["x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64"]: |
if arch not in targets: |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "Windows Kits/10/Lib" / sdkv / "ucrt" / arch, ignore_errors=True) |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "Windows Kits/10/Lib" / sdkv / "um" / arch, ignore_errors=True) |
if arch != host: |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / f"bin/Host{arch}", ignore_errors=True) |
shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT / "Windows Kits/10/bin" / sdkv / arch, ignore_errors=True) |
# executable that is collecting & sending telemetry every time cl/link runs |
for target in targets: |
(OUTPUT / "VC/Tools/MSVC" / msvcv / f"bin/Host{host}/{target}/vctip.exe").unlink(missing_ok=True) |
# extra files for nvcc |
build = OUTPUT / "VC/Auxiliary/Build" |
build.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
(build / "vcvarsall.bat").write_text("rem both bat files are here only for nvcc, do not call them manually") |
(build / "vcvars64.bat").touch() |
### setup.bat |
for target in targets: |
SETUP = fr"""@echo off |
set VSCMD_ARG_HOST_ARCH={host} |
set VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH={target} |
set VCToolsVersion={msvcv} |
set WindowsSDKVersion={sdkv}\ |
set VCToolsInstallDir=%~dp0VC\Tools\MSVC\{msvcv}\ |
set WindowsSdkBinPath=%~dp0Windows Kits\10\bin\ |
set PATH=%~dp0VC\Tools\MSVC\{msvcv}\bin\Host{host}\{target};%~dp0Windows Kits\10\bin\{sdkv}\{host};%~dp0Windows Kits\10\bin\{sdkv}\{host}\ucrt;%PATH% |
set INCLUDE=%~dp0VC\Tools\MSVC\{msvcv}\include;%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Include\{sdkv}\ucrt;%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Include\{sdkv}\shared;%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Include\{sdkv}\um;%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Include\{sdkv}\winrt;%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Include\{sdkv}\cppwinrt |
set LIB=%~dp0VC\Tools\MSVC\{msvcv}\lib\{target};%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Lib\{sdkv}\ucrt\{target};%~dp0Windows Kits\10\Lib\{sdkv}\um\{target} |
""" |
(OUTPUT / f"setup_{target}.bat").write_text(SETUP) |
print(f"Total downloaded: {total_download>>20} MB") |
print("Done!") |
There's no issue on MS side. I just never really tested other hosts/targets than x64. I've fixed the script so it now works for x64 host & x86 target. arm/arm64 may still be not properly done, have not tested it.
Not sure why you see error with
- it is perfectly valid to call, even in Python 3.12: https://docs.python.org/3/library/constants.html#exitOnly issue I could see is that your Python installation is done in a strange way that does not have default site module.
You can just rename msvc folder after script runs. It's not like this code keeps track of this folder and keeps it up to date or tracks what is installed. This tool is not supposed to be fancy installer. Just a quick "run once and forget" kind of tool.