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Margo Schaedel mschae16

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  • Portland, OR
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mschae16 /
Last active April 29, 2017 02:18
Turing front-end development prework

Pre-work Day 1:

  1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?
    HTML code is responsible for the structure of a website, in how content is displayed on the page.

  2. What is the difference between an element and a tag?
    HTML elements inform the browser of certain meanings or characteristics of the information displayed within the element's opening and closing tags, as represented by left and right-angle brackets, and a forward-facing slash for the closing bracket.

  3. Why do we use attributes in HTML elements?
    Attributes provide additional information about the content contained within an element. They are situated on the opening tag of the element and consist of two parts: a name and a value, separated by an equals sign.

mschae16 /
Last active April 21, 2017 04:31
Margo Schaedel - Professional Development Prework
  1. After reading the article, "29 Behaviors That Will Make You an Unstoppable Programmer," I believe the behaviors that most resonated with me are number 2, number 16, and number 29. Number 2 states "Maintain an obnoxious amount of stick-to-itiveness" and I think this is a general rule of life, that there will always be new things to learn, we will always have to start at square 1 somewhere. Possessing the confidence and self-motivation to pursue new technologies persistently will be key to success in development. Number 16 covers the ability to accept massive criticism with ease, which is significant in all industries, not just programming. This is an area I definitely want to work on. Number 29 declares, "Move fast and break things" which extols the need to really learn from mistakes and accept that failure can leads to growth and improvement if the individual recognizes and learns from his or her mistakes.

  2. Atul Gawande, author of the Checklist Manifesto, speaks of the use of checklists in medical sur

mschae16 /
Last active May 14, 2017 16:09
CSS Layout Challenge - Margo Schaedel


Challenge 1

After defining the three divs, and setting their heights and widths to 200px, and floating all to the left so they would be in-line, I contained div2 and div3 within another div. This container div, I floated to the right.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2
mschae16 /
Last active May 19, 2017 23:18
Project IdeaBox

Project: IdeaBox

Group Member Names: Margo Schaedel, David Becker

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

Margo wants to become a better paired project partner, as well as improve her awareness of visual/verbal cues from partner to ensure that both people in project are satisfied and understanding all phases of the project conceptually.

Goals and expectations:

mschae16 /
Last active June 3, 2017 18:21

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

The learner and adaptability themes definitely resonated with me. If I'm not consistently learning new things and engaging in new challenges, I feel I tend to get bored and thus am unsatisfied on some level. To define the five themes in my own words, I define the first - input - in that I am naturally a curious person and I do like to amass things (knowledge, items, books, etc.) in preparation for later on when it may prove useful (or it may not). For the second - adaptability - I think of this in terms of flexibility, but only to a certain point. I am a strong supporter of change, and I don't mind when things do change, but I don't think I am so flexible that I won't put myself and my wellbeing first. For the third theme - relator - I do tend to gravitate towards people I already know, and socially, I prefer to have a

mschae16 /
Last active June 3, 2017 20:44
Strengths and Storytelling Reflection

Strengths and Storytelling Reflection

Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?

After looking over my initial StrengthsFinder reflection from week 1, I believe that the way I define each of my five themes has not really changed over the course of these weeks, but I think the way in which each of the five strengths resonate with me has changed.

How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?

After five weeks at Turing, I feel now that I can definitely espouse more of a growth mindset in times of difficulty (which occur daily) here at Turing. This leads me to believe that I have become a much stronger person now in the face of adversity. I think I have always had this capability, but it is definitely more apparent now after these few weeks. I also think I have played on my 'relator' strength to

mschae16 /
Created June 3, 2017 18:02
DTR Memo for Project IdeaBox

DTR Memo

Project IdeaBox

Group Members: Margo Schaedel, David Becker

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

Margo hopes to become a better paired-project partner, as well as improve her awareness of visual/verbal cues from her partner to ensure that both people in the project are satisfied and comprehending of all phases of the project conceptually. David hopes to also become a better paired-project partner, in addition to solidifying his knowledge of CSS.

Goals and expectations:

The team would like to finish all phases of the project and also complete the extensions phase of the project, at least in part. They would also like to improve their pairing relationship, make sure they are aware of each other's needs. Avoid steamrolling as much as possible (something both partners need to work on).

mschae16 /
Created July 23, 2017 17:01
Pulse Check Feedback III

Pulse Check of Feedback

I love feedback - 4

I recognize when I have feedback triggers - 3

I separate how I'm feeling from the feedback - 4

I view tough situations as learning opportunities - 4

mschae16 /
Created July 29, 2017 03:38
Mentor Outreach Deliverable

Mentor/Cold Outreach Deliverable:

  • Name of contact

    • Through a good friend of mine, I reached out to a senior developer at Autodesk, Mark Perrott, and asked him to be my mentor.
  • Date of contact

    • July 16, 2017
  • Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?)

mschae16 /
Last active July 29, 2017 04:04
Feedback II Reflection

Feedback II Reflection

  • Date of feedback conversation: July 18, 2017

  • How did you prepare for the conversation?

    • During my time working with Laura Caroselli on our Game-time project, I consistently made an effort to note down any feedback I had for our time pairing together and later compiled my notes into a written paragraph, which I then brought with me to our conversation as documented evidence. Having the notes to refer to made the conversation very easy in that I had very clear and specific instances to allude to. I also made sure to schedule our conversation for a time and date that was convenient to both of us, and also to make sure we were both in a good head space to have this dialogue.
  • How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?