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Roberto Rodriguez robertorodriguez12

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Beginners Guide to Git

Written by Roberto Rodriguez

Honestly, at first glance there wasn't much or anything that I knew about GIT. In order to familiarize myself with GIT, I followed the steps below.

  1. The first thing I did was to visit Google


Beginners Guide to Data Types

In this Gist, we will have a quick overview of different data types and what they are used for.

What are the different data types?

  1. String: String data type is utilized to represent text in code, it must be placed between "" and can include the following
  • Alphabet characters

What is the value of a checklist?

There are several reasons why a checklist is a valuable tool to have and use. One of these reasons is that it allows you to keep a detailed list of what items need to be completed and depending on how you make your checklist, the order in which they need to be done as well. Checklists can be used for pretty much any aspect of your life, from grocery shopping to completing a project. In addition, checklists help keep yourself accountable throughout the entirety of them. Checklists ensure that your tasks are done on time, it helps you keep track of your tasks and keeps you organized.

What do you plan to improve upon while at turing?

There are a few things that I plan on imrproving during my time at Turing. One of the things I plan on improving on is my attention to detail, after leaving the military, my attention to detail has degraded a bit and I believe that in order to do well at Turing, one needs to have great attention to detail. Additionally, I also plan on i

Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers

Reflection to Why is Empathy Essential and Can you teach people to have empathy.

  • Empathy plays a sizeable role in my life, as a father and a husband, empathy is often times required to better understand what is going on in the lives of my children and spouse. Being empathetic not only in my family life but also in my work, has helped me build better connections with those around me. Empathy, is helpful when creating anything, including software. In the article Why is Empathy Essential they mention that if you think about the end user and empathyze with them, the product you design in this case software will be of better quality and more successful. Empathy is also helpful when working as a member of a team, empathy facilitates the building of connections between individuals. It is easier to work in a team when the members understand and respect eachother. A situation in which my ability to empathize was helpful... when I was in the military,

Reflection to Reading and Video

  • What efforts do you make to manage your learning process? Are those efforts successful? What challenges have inhibited your ability to manage your learning process effectively? The efforts that I make to manage my learning process are to maximize my exposure to a topic that I am trying to learn and then break that topic down in to smaller more manageable pieces. I then take those smaller pieces and try to gain an understanding of them by conducting research and practicing the techniques that are shown. The challenges I run in to, especially when learning something new, is trusting the credibility of the sources that I find online, Teaching myself something new is not my preffered method of learning, I prefer to learn from someone that is a subject matter expert in a face to face setting.
  • How do Sierra's and Coate's material relate to your current process for learning? *Both Sierra and Coate bring up very important points. Sierra states that one of the best ways t

B2 Intermission Work

Answer these Check for Understanding questions as you work through the assignments.


  1. What is HTML?
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It also describes the structure of a web page.
  1. What is an HTML element?
  • An HTML element is defined by a start tag, content and then the end tag. For example My First Heading

Mod 2 Week 1

Reflect on your habits from last module:

  1. Reflect on your habits from last module. What behaviors and activities were helpful for you? What activities and behaviors could be more effective for you? What processes would you like to try differently this module to become more effective at your work and as a software developer?:
    • The habits from last module that worked well for me were time management, was able to successfully manage my project work time, the area I could improve in or be more effective in, is creating time for my family.
    • Another habit that I need to improve on, is forcing myself to take breaks, One thing I will be doing differently this module is incorporating one fo the timers that has been reccomended and following the requirements for breaks.

Setting intentions for this module:

  1. Who do I want to be this module? What specific habits would help me get there? How are those habits tied to the identity of a software developer?
  • This module I want to be
robertorodriguez12 /
Last active September 4, 2020 19:53
Mod 2 week 2 responses

Assess your habits from week 1: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

  • How did you spend your time this week? This week I began incorporating my new habits, I was able to increase family time and going to the gym. However, my work/break ratio needs work still. 1. Habit 1: Start going to the gym again:
    • What was effective?
      • I began going to the gym every morning this week. It is helping me clear my mind before attending class.
    • What could be more effective?
      • I could possibly wake up earlier to have more time at the gym. (Currently 1 hour)
    • What steps will I take to make that happen?
      • Go to sleep earlier so that I am able to wake up earlier.
  1. Habit 2: Increase amount of family time:

Week 1 Understanding your strengths

  1. Describe one of your strengths
    • Something that I have learned to do well is to type at a decent speed without having too many mistakes.
  • What is something you know about (list some/knowledge/expertise you have)?
    • Something that I know about is analytical thinking, I'm not sure if this counts but here we go, during my time in the military I worked as an All Source Intelligence Analyst, part of the training I attended centered around critical thinking.
  • What is something you have a natural ability to do well (list a talent)?
    • I have a natural ability to run well.
  • How do those combine to create a specific strength? I tend to be a fast learner, when this is not the case, I know to put my pride aside and reach out for help.