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Carlos Aguilar wh0am1-dev

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moyix /
Created February 5, 2022 22:51
Script to inject an exit(0) syscall into a running process. NB: only x86_64 for now!
gdb -p "$1" -batch -ex 'set {short}$rip = 0x050f' -ex 'set $rax=231' -ex 'set $rdi=0' -ex 'cont'
gullyn / flappy.html
Last active May 4, 2024 15:35
Flappy bird in 205 bytes (improved!)
<body onload=z=c.getContext`2d`,setInterval(`c.width=W=150,Y<W&&P<Y&Y<P+E|9<p?z.fillText(S++${Y=`,9,9|z.fillRect(p`}*0,Y-=--M${Y+Y},P+E,9,W),P))):p=M=Y=S=6,p=p-6||(P=S%E,W)`,E=49) onclick=M=9><canvas id=c>
queengooborg / essentials-worth.yml
Last active July 15, 2024 14:10
A balanced worth.yml file for Bukkit/Spigot servers running 1.13.x+ with EssentialsX
# Minecraft Essentials worth.yml - optimized for an ideal balanced Economy!
# Compatible MC Version: 1.13.x+
# Latest MC Version: 1.21.x
# Maintained by Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu []
# Generated by
# Initialy created by X00LA:
tomhicks / plink-plonk.js
Last active July 26, 2024 01:10
Listen to your web pages
wh0am1-dev /
Created July 15, 2019 08:28


Single page progressive web application on Internet Information Services.

  1. Download and install the URL Rewrite module
  2. Add this web.config to your application root directory
  3. Profit 🎉
davialexandre / gruvbox_dark.json
Created June 23, 2019 18:09
Gruvbox Dark color scheme for the new Windows Terminal
"background" : "#282828",
"black" : "#282828",
"blue" : "#458588",
"brightBlack" : "#928374",
"brightBlue" : "#83A598",
"brightCyan" : "#8EC07C",
"brightGreen" : "#B8BB26",
"brightPurple" : "#D3869B",
"brightRed" : "#FB4934",
Bleuje / boxzoom4.pde
Last active February 21, 2024 08:44
// Processing code by Etienne JACOB
// motion blur template by beesandbombs
// opensimplexnoise code in another tab might be necessary
// --> code here :
int[][] result;
float t, c;
float ease(float p) {
JoeyBurzynski /
Last active July 20, 2024 05:29
58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere

58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere

When making this website, i wanted a simple, reasonable way to make it look good on most displays. Not counting any minimization techniques, the following 58 bytes worked well for me:

main {
  max-width: 38rem;
  padding: 2rem;
  margin: auto;
gaearon /
Last active July 7, 2024 18:47
useLayoutEffect and server rendering

If you use server rendering, keep in mind that neither useLayoutEffect nor useEffect can run until the JavaScript is downloaded.

You might see a warning if you try to useLayoutEffect on the server. Here's two common ways to fix it.

Option 1: Convert to useEffect

If this effect isn't important for first render (i.e. if the UI still looks valid before it runs), then useEffect instead.

function MyComponent() {
munificent / generate.c
Last active May 14, 2024 05:30
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u